
try fix format

Xingwei Zhu 3 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 4 次插入5 次删除
  1. 9


#### FAQ
* The editor crashes when openning a UIWidgets 2.0 project, e.g., the Sample projects.
1. The editor crashes when openning a UIWidgets 2.0 project, e.g., the Sample projects.
* After openning a UIWidgets 2.0 project I receive an error **DllNotFoundException: libUIWidgets**.
2. After openning a UIWidgets 2.0 project I receive an error **DllNotFoundException: libUIWidgets**.
Please make sure that the native libraries are correctly downloaded to your project. You can find them under *UIWidgetsPackageRoot*/
Runtime/Plugins. For example, the libUIWidgets.dll under the sub folder */X86_64* is the native library for Windows and the libUIWidgets.dylib under *osx* is for Mac.
Please make sure that the native libraries are correctly downloaded to your project. You can find them under *UIWidgetsPackageRoot*/Runtime/Plugins. For example, the libUIWidgets.dll under the sub folder */X86_64* is the native library for Windows and the libUIWidgets.dylib under *osx* is for Mac.
If the libraries are not there or their sizes are small (<1MB), please ensure that you have installed **Git Large File Storage** in your computer and then try the following command line inside the UIWidgets repository.

* What the difference between UIWidgets 2.0 and UIWidgets 1.0 ?
3. What the difference between UIWidgets 2.0 and UIWidgets 1.0 ?
In UIWidgets 1.0 we used Unity [Graphics API](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Graphics.html) for the rendering and all rendering codes are writen in C#. Therefore it is able to run freely on all platforms that Unity supports but relatively slow. The rendering result is also not exactly the same as in flutter due to the difference between the Unity rendering engine and flutter engine.
