global visual_studio_path |
global platform |
options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'r:p:m:v:e') |
if len(sys.argv) < 2: |
show_help() |
sys.exit() |
options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'r:p:m:v:eh',["help"]) |
for opt, arg in options: |
if opt == '-r': |
engine_path = arg # set engine_path, depot_tools and flutter engine folder will be put into this path |
elif opt == '-e': |
bitcode="-bitcode_bundle -bitcode_verify" |
gn_params = gn_params + " --bitcode" # enable-bitcode switch |
elif opt in ("-h","--help"): |
show_help() |
sys.exit() |
def engine_path_check(): |
global engine_path |
os.system("mono bee.exe " + platform +"_release") |
copy_file(Path(work_path + "/../build_release/"), Path(work_path + "/../../com.unity.uiwidgets/Runtime/Plugins/" + dest_folder)) |
if platform == "android": |
tundra_file=Path(work_path + "/../artifacts/tundra.dag.json") |
rsp = get_rsp(tundra_file, runtime_mode) |
copy_file(Path(work_path + "/../artifacts/rsp/14590475716575637239.rsp"), Path(work_path + "/../artifacts/rsp/backup/14590475716575637239.rsp")) |
copy_file(Path(work_path + "/../" + rsp), Path(work_path + "/../artifacts/rsp/backup")) |
os.system("artifacts/Stevedore/android-ndk-mac/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang++ " "@\"artifacts/rsp/14590475716575637239.rsp\"") |
os.system(flutter_root_path + "/buildtools/mac-x64/clang/bin/clang++ " + "@\"artifacts/rsp/14590475716575637239.rsp\"") |
os.system("artifacts/Stevedore/android-ndk-mac/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang++ " + "@\"" + rsp + "\"") |
os.system(flutter_root_path + "/buildtools/mac-x64/clang/bin/clang++ " + "@\"" + rsp + "\"") |
copy_file(Path(work_path + "/../artifacts/libUIWidgets/release_Android_arm32/libUIWidgets.so"), Path(work_path + "/../../com.unity.uiwidgets/Runtime/Plugins/Android")) |
elif platform == "ios": |
print("\nStarting prlink library...") |
os.system('\"' + xcode_path + '/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool" -arch_only arm64 -static "libUIWidgets.o" -o "libUIWidgets.a"') |
os.system('\"' + xcode_path + '/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/strip" -x "libUIWidgets.a"') |
copy_file(Path(work_path + "/../libUIWidgets.a"), Path(work_path + "/../../com.unity.uiwidgets/Runtime/Plugins/ios/libUIWidgets.a")) |
def get_rsp(tundra_file, runtime_mode): |
if not os.path.exists(tundra_file): |
print('tundra.dag.json file not found') |
return None |
with open(tundra_file, 'r') as f: |
temp = json.loads(f.read()) |
json_list = temp['Nodes'] |
target_files='' |
for item in json_list: |
if item['Annotation'].startswith('Link_Android_arm32') and item['Annotation'].find(runtime_mode) != -1: |
action_list = item['Inputs'] |
for o in action_list: |
if o.endswith('.rsp'): |
return o |
def show_help(): |
help_note = ''' |
usage: |
python3 lib_build.py <-p <android|ios|windows|mac>> <-r <engine_path>> <-m <debug|release>> [-v [visual_studio_path]] [-e] [-h] [--help] |
optional arguments: |
-h, --help show this help message and exit. |
-e enable bitcode for ios targets. On debug runtime modes, this will be a marker only. |
-v show the visual studio path, flutter could find some SDKs by this path. |
''' |
print(help_note) |
def main(): |
get_opts() |