
Merge pull request #231 from UnityTech/emoji_new

Support Emoji Display and Edit
GitHub 5 年前
共有 18 个文件被更改,包括 918 次插入114 次删除
  1. 6
  2. 9
  3. 18
  4. 22
  5. 57
  6. 4
  7. 34
  8. 185
  9. 66
  10. 91
  11. 4
  12. 18
  13. 52
  14. 52
  15. 313
  16. 11
  17. 90


在UIWidgets中使用图片时,记得将这一特性关闭,以免图片被意外放缩,方法如下:在Project面板中选中图片,在"Inspector"面板中将"Non Power of 2"(在"Advanced"中)设置为"None"。
#### 十、更新表情(Emoji)
## 调试UIWidgets应用程序
#### 定义UIWidgets_DEBUG


Unity, by default, resizes the width and height of an imported image to the nearest integer that is a power of 2.
In UIWidgets, you should almost always disable this by selecting the image in the "Project" panel, then in the "Inspector" panel set the "Non Power of 2" option (in "Advanced") to "None", to prevent your image from being resized unexpectedly.
#### Update Emoji
UIWidgets supports rendering emoji in (editable) texts. The emoji images comes from the free
resources provided by [https://www.joypixels.com](https://www.joypixels.com/). If you would
like to use your own images for emoji, please update the texture image `Tests/Resources/Emoji.png`,
and the unicode-index table in `Runtime/ui/txt/emoji.cs` which maps unicodes to specific locations
in the texture. Specifically, remember to update the Dictionary `emojiLookupTable`, number of rows
in the texture `rowCount`, and number of columns `colCount`.
## Debug UIWidgets Application
#### Define UIWidgets_DEBUG


if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL) {
int selStart = Selection.getSelectionStart(mEditable);
int selEnd = Selection.getSelectionEnd(mEditable);
String text = mEditable.toString();
if(selStart >= 0 && selStart < text.length() && isTrailSurrogate(text.charAt(selStart))) {
if(selEnd >= 0 && selEnd < text.length() && isTrailSurrogate(text.charAt(selEnd))) {
if (selEnd > selStart) {
// Delete the selection.
Selection.setSelection(mEditable, selStart);

} else if (selStart > 0) {
// Delete to the left of the cursor.
int newSel = Math.max(selStart - 1, 0);
if(selStart >= 2 && isTrailSurrogate(text.charAt(selStart-1)))
newSel = selStart - 2;
Selection.setSelection(mEditable, newSel);
mEditable.delete(newSel, selStart);

return true;
private boolean isLeadSurrogate(int c) {
return (c & 0xfffffc00) == 0xd800;
private boolean isTrailSurrogate(int c) {
return (c & 0xfffffc00) == 0xdc00;


public readonly TextStyle style;
public readonly string text;
public List<string> splitedText;
public readonly List<TextSpan> children;
public readonly GestureRecognizer recognizer;
public readonly HoverRecognizer hoverRecognizer;

this.text = text;
this.splitedText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? EmojiUtils.splitByEmoji(text) : null;
this.style = style;
this.children = children;
this.recognizer = recognizer;

public void build(ParagraphBuilder builder, float textScaleFactor = 1.0f) {
var hasStyle = this.style != null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.text)) {
if (this.splitedText != null) {
if (this.splitedText.Count == 1 && !char.IsHighSurrogate(this.splitedText[0][0]) &&
!EmojiUtils.isSingleCharEmoji(this.splitedText[0][0])) {
else {
TextStyle style = this.style ?? new TextStyle();
for (int i = 0; i < this.splitedText.Count; i++) {
builder.pushStyle(style, textScaleFactor);
if (this.children != null) {
foreach (var child in this.children) {

need = true;
return false;
return true;
return need;

if (!Equals(this.hoverRecognizer, other.hoverRecognizer)) {
result = RenderComparison.function > result ? RenderComparison.function : result;
if (this.style != null) {
var candidate = this.style.compareTo(other.style);
if (candidate > result) {


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;

int _handleHorizontalArrows(bool rightArrow, bool leftArrow, bool shift, int newOffset) {
if (rightArrow && this._extentOffset < this.text.text.Length) {
newOffset += 1;
if (shift) {
this._previousCursorLocation += 1;
if (newOffset < this.text.text.Length - 1 && char.IsHighSurrogate(this.text.text[newOffset])) {
// handle emoji, which takes 2 bytes
newOffset += 2;
if (shift) {
this._previousCursorLocation += 2;
else {
newOffset += 1;
if (shift) {
this._previousCursorLocation += 1;
newOffset -= 1;
if (shift) {
this._previousCursorLocation -= 1;
if (newOffset > 1 && char.IsLowSurrogate(this.text.text[newOffset - 1])) {
// handle emoji, which takes 2 bytes
newOffset -= 2;
if (shift) {
this._previousCursorLocation -= 2;
else {
newOffset -= 1;
if (shift) {
this._previousCursorLocation -= 1;

void _handleDelete() {
var selection = this.selection;
if (selection.textAfter(this.text.text).isNotEmpty()) {
this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue(
text: selection.textBefore(this.text.text)
+ selection.textAfter(this.text.text).Substring(1),
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selection.start)
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(this.text.text[selection.end])) {
this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue(
text: selection.textBefore(this.text.text)
+ selection.textAfter(this.text.text).Substring(2),
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selection.start)
else {
this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue(
text: selection.textBefore(this.text.text)
+ selection.textAfter(this.text.text).Substring(1),
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selection.start)
else {
this.textSelectionDelegate.textEditingValue = new TextEditingValue(

public TextPosition getParagraphBackward(TextPosition position, TextAffinity? affinity = null) {
var lineCount = this._textPainter.getLineCount();
Paragraph.LineRange line = null;
for (int i = lineCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
line = this._textPainter.getLineRange(i);

public void setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState? state, Offset boundedOffset, TextPosition lastTextPosition,
public void setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState? state, Offset boundedOffset,
TextPosition lastTextPosition,
float? resetLerpValue = null) {
D.assert(boundedOffset != null);
D.assert(lastTextPosition != null);


if (this._value != oldValue) {
if (this._value != oldValue) {
public void Dispose() {


public TextEditingValue(string text = "", TextSelection selection = null, TextRange composing = null) {
this.text = text;
this.selection = selection ?? TextSelection.collapsed(-1);
if (selection != null && selection.start >= 0 && selection.end >= 0) {
// handle surrogate pair emoji, which takes 2 utf16 chars
// if selection cuts in the middle of the emoji, move it to the end
int start = selection.start, end = selection.end;
if (start < text.Length && char.IsLowSurrogate(text[start])) {
if (end < text.Length && char.IsLowSurrogate(text[end])) {
this.selection = selection.copyWith(start, end);
else {
this.selection = TextSelection.collapsed(-1);
public static TextEditingValue fromJson(JSONObject json) {

if (backDelete) {
if (this.selection.start == 0) {
return this;
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(this.text[this.selection.start - 1])) {
return this.copyWith(
text: this.text.Substring(0, this.selection.start - 1) +
this.text.Substring(this.selection.start + 1),
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(this.selection.start - 1),
composing: TextRange.empty);
if (char.IsLowSurrogate(this.text[this.selection.start - 1])) {
D.assert(this.selection.start > 1);
return this.copyWith(
text: this.text.Substring(0, this.selection.start - 2) +
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(this.selection.start - 2),
composing: TextRange.empty);
return this.copyWith(


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using Unity.UIWidgets.material;
using Material = UnityEngine.Material;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
public class PictureFlusher {

readonly MeshPool _meshPool;
public PictureFlusher(RenderTexture renderTexture, float devicePixelRatio, MeshPool meshPool) {
D.assert(devicePixelRatio > 0);

this._devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;
this._meshPool = meshPool;
RenderLayer firstLayer;
if (this._layers.Count == 0) {
var width = this._renderTexture.width;

height = height,
layerBounds = bounds,
} else {
else {
D.assert(this._layers.Count > 0);
firstLayer = this._layers[0];
firstLayer = new RenderLayer {

var blurMesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh(null, Rect.one, bounds);
layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.texRT(layer, paint, blurMesh, blurLayer));
} else if (paint.backdrop is _MatrixImageFilter) {
else if (paint.backdrop is _MatrixImageFilter) {
var points = new[] {bounds.topLeft, bounds.bottomLeft, bounds.bottomRight, bounds.topRight};

var matrix = Matrix3.makeTrans(-bounds.left, -bounds.top);
matrix.postTranslate(bounds.left, bounds.top);
var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageMesh(
points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3],

void _restore() {
var layer = this._currentLayer;
D.assert(layer.states.Count > 0);

var renderDraw = CanvasShader.texRT(currentLayer, layer.layerPaint, mesh, layer);
void _translate(float dx, float dy) {
var state = this._currentLayer.currentState;
var matrix = Matrix3.makeTrans(dx, dy);

var matrix = Matrix3.makeRotate(radians);
state.matrix = matrix;
} else {
else {
var matrix = Matrix3.makeRotate(radians, offset.dx, offset.dy);
state.matrix = matrix;

void _skew(float sx, float sy) {
var state = this._currentLayer.currentState;
var matrix = Matrix3.makeSkew( sx, sy);
var matrix = Matrix3.makeSkew(sx, sy);
state.matrix = matrix;

var state = layer.currentState;
layer.clipStack.clipPath(path, state.matrix, state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio);
void _tryAddScissor(RenderLayer layer, Rect scissor) {
if (scissor == this._lastScissor) {

this._lastScissor = scissor;
bool _applyClip(Rect queryBounds) {
if (queryBounds == null || queryBounds.isEmpty) {
return false;

if (scissor == layerBounds) {
this._tryAddScissor(layer, null);
} else {
else {
var deviceScissor = Rect.fromLTRB(
scissor.left - layerBounds.left, layerBounds.bottom - scissor.bottom,
scissor.right - layerBounds.left, layerBounds.bottom - scissor.top

if (deviceScissor.isEmpty) {
return false;
this._tryAddScissor(layer, deviceScissor);

layer.ignoreClip = true;
} else {
else {
layer.ignoreClip = false;
// need to inflate a bit to make sure all area is cleared.

return true;
void _setLastClipGenId(uint clipGenId, Rect clipBounds) {
var layer = this._currentLayer;
layer.lastClipGenId = clipGenId;

return layer.lastClipGenId != clipGenId || layer.lastClipBounds != clipBounds;
RenderLayer _createMaskLayer(RenderLayer parentLayer, Rect maskBounds, Action<Paint> drawCallback, Paint paint) {
RenderLayer _createMaskLayer(RenderLayer parentLayer, Rect maskBounds, Action<Paint> drawCallback,
Paint paint) {
var textureWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt(maskBounds.width * this._devicePixelRatio);
if (textureWidth < 1) {
textureWidth = 1;

if (textureWidth < 1) {
textureWidth = 1;
var textureHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float) maskLayer.height / scaleFactorY);
if (textureHeight < 1) {
textureHeight = 1;

void _drawPath(Path path, Paint paint) {
D.assert(path != null);
D.assert(paint != null);
if (paint.style == PaintingStyle.fill) {
var state = this._currentLayer.currentState;
var cache = path.flatten(state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio);

Action<Paint> drawMesh = p => {
if (!this._applyClip(mesh.bounds)) {

this._drawWithMaskFilter(mesh.bounds, drawMesh, paint, paint.maskFilter);
else {

var layer = this._currentLayer;

if (src == null) {
src = Rect.one;
} else {
else {
src = src.scale(1f / image.width, 1f / image.height);

var scaleY = 1f / image.height;
if (src == null) {
src = Rect.one;
} else {
src = src.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
else {
src = src.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
center = center.scale(scaleX, scaleY);

var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageNineMesh(state.matrix, src, center, image.width, image.height, dst);
var mesh = ImageMeshGenerator.imageNineMesh(state.matrix, src, center, image.width, image.height, dst);
if (!this._applyClip(mesh.bounds)) {

this._saveLayer(cmd.rect, cmd.paint);
case DrawRestore _: {
if (saveCount < 0) {

case DrawResetMatrix _:

throw new Exception("unknown drawCmd: " + drawCmd);

var state = this._currentLayer.currentState;
var scale = state.scale * this._devicePixelRatio;
font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(subText, fontSizeToLoad, style.UnityFontStyle);
var tex = font.material.mainTexture;
Texture tex = null;
bool notEmoji = !char.IsHighSurrogate(subText[0]) && !EmojiUtils.isSingleCharEmoji(subText[0]);
if (notEmoji) {
font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(subText, fontSizeToLoad, style.UnityFontStyle);
tex = font.material.mainTexture;
Action<Paint> drawMesh = (Paint p) => {
if (!this._applyClip(textBlobBounds)) {

var layer = this._currentLayer;
layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.texAlpha(layer, p, mesh, tex));
if (notEmoji) {
layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.texAlpha(layer, p, mesh, tex));
else {
Paint paintWithWhite = new Paint(p) {color = Colors.white};
if (EmojiUtils.image == null) return;
layer.draws.Add(CanvasShader.tex(layer, paintWithWhite, mesh.resolveMesh(), EmojiUtils.image));
if (paint.maskFilter != null && paint.maskFilter.sigma != 0) {

this._lastRtID = rtID;
} else {
else {
void _drawLayer(RenderLayer layer, CommandBuffer cmdBuf) {
bool toClear = true;

case CmdDraw cmd:
this._setRenderTarget(cmdBuf, layer.rtID, ref toClear);
} else {
else {
cmdBuf.SetGlobalTexture(CmdDraw.texId, cmd.layer.rtID);

MeshMesh mesh = cmd.mesh;
if (cmd.textMesh != null) {
mesh = cmd.textMesh.resovleMesh();
mesh = cmd.textMesh.resolveMesh();
if (mesh == null) {

if (mesh.matrix == null) {
cmd.properties.SetFloatArray(CmdDraw.matId, CmdDraw.idMat3.fMat);
} else {
else {
cmd.properties.SetFloatArray(CmdDraw.matId, mesh.matrix.fMat);

} else {
else {
foreach (var subLayer in layer.layers) {

cmd.meshObj = null;
cmd.meshObjCreated = false;

return this._viewport.Value;

internal class State {
static readonly Matrix3 _id = Matrix3.I();
Matrix3 _matrix;
float? _scale;
Matrix3 _invMatrix;

this._scale = scale;
this._invMatrix = invMatrix;
public Matrix3 matrix {
get { return this._matrix; }
set {

if (this._scale == null) {
this._scale = XformUtils.getScale(this._matrix);
public Matrix3 invMatrix {
get {
if (this._invMatrix == null) {

return this._invMatrix;

internal class CmdDraw {
public MeshMesh mesh;
public TextBlobMesh textMesh;

public class CommandBufferCanvas : RecorderCanvas {
readonly PictureFlusher _flusher;
public CommandBufferCanvas(RenderTexture renderTexture, float devicePixelRatio, MeshPool meshPool)
public CommandBufferCanvas(RenderTexture renderTexture, float devicePixelRatio, MeshPool meshPool)
: base(new PictureRecorder()) {
this._flusher = new PictureFlusher(renderTexture, devicePixelRatio, meshPool);

public override void flush() {
var picture = this._recorder.endRecording();
static class XformUtils {
public static float getAverageScale(Matrix3 matrix) {
return (getScaleX(matrix) + getScaleY(matrix)) * 0.5f;

if (matrix.getSkewY() == 0) {
return matrix.getScaleX();
return Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);

// geometric mean of len0 and len1.
return Mathf.Sqrt(scaleX * scaleY);
public static float mapRadius(Matrix3 matrix, float radius) {
return getScale(matrix) * radius;

return new MeshMesh(matrix, vertices, _imageTriangles, uv);
public static MeshMesh imageMesh(Matrix3 matrix, Rect src, Rect dst) {
var vertices = new List<Vector3>(4);
var uv = new List<Vector2>(4);

return new MeshMesh(matrix, vertices, _imageTriangles, uv);
public static MeshMesh imageNineMesh(Matrix3 matrix, Rect src, Rect center, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Rect dst) {
public static MeshMesh imageNineMesh(Matrix3 matrix, Rect src, Rect center, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
Rect dst) {
float x0 = dst.left;
float x3 = dst.right;
float x1 = x0 + ((center.left - src.left) * srcWidth);

uv.Add(new Vector2(tx2, ty3));
vertices.Add(new Vector2(x3, y3));
uv.Add(new Vector2(tx3, ty3));


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {

public MeshMesh resovleMesh() {
public MeshMesh resolveMesh() {
if (this._resolved) {
return this._mesh;

var style = this.textBlob.style;
var text = this.textBlob.text;
var key = new MeshKey(this.textBlob.instanceId, this.scale);
var key = new MeshKey(this.textBlob.instanceId, this.scale);
var font = fontInfo.font;
// Handling Emoji
char startingChar = text[this.textBlob.textOffset];
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(startingChar) || EmojiUtils.isSingleCharEmoji(startingChar)) {
var vert = new List<Vector3>();
var tri = new List<int>();
var uvCoord = new List<Vector2>();
var metrics = FontMetrics.fromFont(font, style.UnityFontSize);
var minMaxRect = EmojiUtils.getMinMaxRect(style.fontSize, metrics.ascent, metrics.descent);
var minX = minMaxRect.left;
var maxX = minMaxRect.right;
var minY = minMaxRect.top;
var maxY = minMaxRect.bottom;
for (int i = 0; i < this.textBlob.textSize; i++) {
char a = text[this.textBlob.textOffset + i];
int code = a;
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(a)) {
D.assert(i+1 < this.textBlob.textSize);
D.assert(this.textBlob.textOffset+i+1 < this.textBlob.text.Length);
char b = text[this.textBlob.textOffset+i+1];
code = char.ConvertToUtf32(a, b);
} else if (char.IsLowSurrogate(a) || EmojiUtils.isEmptyEmoji(a)) {
var uvRect = EmojiUtils.getUVRect(code);
var pos = this.textBlob.positions[i];
int baseIndex = vert.Count;
vert.Add(new Vector3(pos.x + minX, pos.y + minY, 0));
vert.Add(new Vector3(pos.x + maxX, pos.y + minY, 0));
vert.Add(new Vector3(pos.x + maxX, pos.y + maxY, 0));
vert.Add(new Vector3(pos.x + minX, pos.y + maxY, 0));
tri.Add(baseIndex + 1);
tri.Add(baseIndex + 2);
tri.Add(baseIndex + 2);
tri.Add(baseIndex + 3);
if(char.IsHighSurrogate(a)) i++;
MeshMesh meshMesh = new MeshMesh(null, vert, tri, uvCoord);
_meshes[key] = new MeshInfo(key, meshMesh, 0);
this._mesh = meshMesh.transform(this.matrix);
return this._mesh;
_meshes.TryGetValue(key, out var meshInfo);
if (meshInfo != null && meshInfo.textureVersion == fontInfo.textureVersion) {

var font = fontInfo.font;
var text = this.textBlob.text;
var fontSizeToLoad = Mathf.CeilToInt(style.UnityFontSize * this.scale);
var vertices = new List<Vector3>(length * 4);


this._advance = 0;
this._bounds = default;
var font = FontManager.instance.getOrCreate(style.fontFamily, style.fontWeight, style.fontStyle).font;
font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(buff.text, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle);
Font font = FontManager.instance.getOrCreate(style.fontFamily, style.fontWeight, style.fontStyle).font;
char startingChar = buff.text[buff.offset + start];
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(startingChar) || EmojiUtils.isSingleCharEmoji(startingChar)) {
this.layoutEmoji(buff.text.Substring(buff.offset + start, count), style, font, start, count);
else {
font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(buff.text, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle);
int wordstart = start == buff.size
? start
: LayoutUtils.getPrevWordBreakForCache(buff, start + 1);
int wordend;
for (int iter = start; iter < start + count; iter = wordend) {
wordend = LayoutUtils.getNextWordBreakForCache(buff, iter);
int wordCount = Mathf.Min(start + count, wordend) - iter;
this.layoutWord(offset, iter - start, buff.subBuff(wordstart, wordend - wordstart),
iter - wordstart, wordCount, style, font);
wordstart = wordend;
int wordstart = start == buff.size
? start
: LayoutUtils.getPrevWordBreakForCache(buff, start + 1);
int wordend;
for (int iter = start; iter < start + count; iter = wordend) {
wordend = LayoutUtils.getNextWordBreakForCache(buff, iter);
int wordCount = Mathf.Min(start + count, wordend) - iter;
this.layoutWord(offset, iter - start, buff.subBuff(wordstart, wordend - wordstart),
iter - wordstart, wordCount, style, font);
wordstart = wordend;
this._count = count;

this._advance = x;
void layoutEmoji(string text, TextStyle style, Font font, int start, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
char c = text[i];
float x = this._advance;
if (EmojiUtils.isSingleCharNonEmptyEmoji(c) || char.IsHighSurrogate(c)) {
float letterSpace = style.letterSpacing;
float letterSpaceHalfLeft = letterSpace * 0.5f;
float letterSpaceHalfRight = letterSpace - letterSpaceHalfLeft;
x += letterSpaceHalfLeft;
this._advances[i] += letterSpaceHalfLeft;
var metrics = FontMetrics.fromFont(font, style.UnityFontSize);
var minX = x;
var maxX = metrics.descent - metrics.ascent + x;
var minY = metrics.ascent;
var maxY = metrics.descent;
if (this._bounds.width <= 0 || this._bounds.height <= 0) {
this._bounds = UnityEngine.Rect.MinMaxRect(
minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
else {
if (minX < this._bounds.x) {
this._bounds.x = minX;
if (minY < this._bounds.y) {
this._bounds.y = minY;
if (maxX > this._bounds.xMax) {
this._bounds.xMax = maxX;
if (maxY > this._bounds.yMax) {
this._bounds.yMax = maxY;
this._positions[i] = x;
float advance = style.fontSize;
x += advance;
this._advances[i] += advance;
this._advances[i] += letterSpaceHalfRight;
x += letterSpaceHalfRight;
else {
this._advances[i] = 0;
this._positions[i] = x;
this._advance = x;
public void setTabStops(TabStops tabStops) {


this._current = 0;
this._scanOffset = 0;
this._inEmailOrUrl = false;
// this.nextUntilCodePoint();
public int current() {

for (; this._current < this._text.size; ++this._current) {
// this.nextUntilCodePoint();
if (this._current >= this._text.size) {


"This is FontStyle.italic And 发撒放豆腐sad 发生的 Bold Text This is FontStyle.italic And Bold Text\n\n"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
text: "FontSize 18: Get a named matrix value from the shader."),
text: "FontSize 18: Get a named matrix value from the shader.\n\n"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 24),
text: "Emoji \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude00"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 14),
text: "Emoji \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude00 Emoji"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
text: "Emoji \ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 24),
text: "Emoji \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude1C\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude2D\ud83d\ude0C\ud83d\ude1E\n\n"),
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 14),
text: "FontSize 14"),


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 759295bbc368246a0877963ba053ed5d
fileIDToRecycleName: {}
internalIDToNameTable: []
serializedVersion: 9
serializedVersion: 10
mipMapMode: 0
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
public class EmojiUtils {
static Image _image;
public static Image image {
get {
if (_image == null || _image.texture == null) {
try {
_image = new Image(
catch (Exception e) {
_image = null;
return _image;
public static readonly Dictionary<int, int> emojiLookupTable = new Dictionary<int, int> {
{0x1f004, 0}, {0x1f0cf, 1}, {0x1f170, 2}, {0x1f171, 3}, {0x1f17e, 4}, {0x1f17f, 5},
{0x1f18e, 6}, {0x1f191, 7}, {0x1f192, 8}, {0x1f193, 9}, {0x1f194, 10}, {0x1f195, 11},
{0x1f196, 12}, {0x1f197, 13}, {0x1f198, 14}, {0x1f199, 15}, {0x1f19a, 16}, {0x1f1e6, 17},
{0x1f1e7, 18}, {0x1f1e8, 19}, {0x1f1e9, 20}, {0x1f1ea, 21}, {0x1f1eb, 22}, {0x1f1ec, 23},
{0x1f1ed, 24}, {0x1f1ee, 25}, {0x1f1ef, 26}, {0x1f1f0, 27}, {0x1f1f1, 28}, {0x1f1f2, 29},
{0x1f1f3, 30}, {0x1f1f4, 31}, {0x1f1f5, 32}, {0x1f1f6, 33}, {0x1f1f7, 34}, {0x1f1f8, 35},
{0x1f1f9, 36}, {0x1f1fa, 37}, {0x1f1fb, 38}, {0x1f1fc, 39}, {0x1f1fd, 40}, {0x1f1fe, 41},
{0x1f1ff, 42}, {0x1f201, 43}, {0x1f202, 44}, {0x1f21a, 45}, {0x1f22f, 46}, {0x1f232, 47},
{0x1f233, 48}, {0x1f234, 49}, {0x1f235, 50}, {0x1f236, 51}, {0x1f237, 52}, {0x1f238, 53},
{0x1f239, 54}, {0x1f23a, 55}, {0x1f250, 56}, {0x1f251, 57}, {0x1f300, 58}, {0x1f301, 59},
{0x1f302, 60}, {0x1f303, 61}, {0x1f304, 62}, {0x1f305, 63}, {0x1f306, 64}, {0x1f307, 65},
{0x1f308, 66}, {0x1f309, 67}, {0x1f30a, 68}, {0x1f30b, 69}, {0x1f30c, 70}, {0x1f30d, 71},
{0x1f30e, 72}, {0x1f30f, 73}, {0x1f310, 74}, {0x1f311, 75}, {0x1f312, 76}, {0x1f313, 77},
{0x1f314, 78}, {0x1f315, 79}, {0x1f316, 80}, {0x1f317, 81}, {0x1f318, 82}, {0x1f319, 83},
{0x1f31a, 84}, {0x1f31b, 85}, {0x1f31c, 86}, {0x1f31d, 87}, {0x1f31e, 88}, {0x1f31f, 89},
{0x1f320, 90}, {0x1f321, 91}, {0x1f324, 92}, {0x1f325, 93}, {0x1f326, 94}, {0x1f327, 95},
{0x1f328, 96}, {0x1f329, 97}, {0x1f32a, 98}, {0x1f32b, 99}, {0x1f32c, 100}, {0x1f32d, 101},
{0x1f32e, 102}, {0x1f32f, 103}, {0x1f330, 104}, {0x1f331, 105}, {0x1f332, 106}, {0x1f333, 107},
{0x1f334, 108}, {0x1f335, 109}, {0x1f336, 110}, {0x1f337, 111}, {0x1f338, 112}, {0x1f339, 113},
{0x1f33a, 114}, {0x1f33b, 115}, {0x1f33c, 116}, {0x1f33d, 117}, {0x1f33e, 118}, {0x1f33f, 119},
{0x1f340, 120}, {0x1f341, 121}, {0x1f342, 122}, {0x1f343, 123}, {0x1f344, 124}, {0x1f345, 125},
{0x1f346, 126}, {0x1f347, 127}, {0x1f348, 128}, {0x1f349, 129}, {0x1f34a, 130}, {0x1f34b, 131},
{0x1f34c, 132}, {0x1f34d, 133}, {0x1f34e, 134}, {0x1f34f, 135}, {0x1f350, 136}, {0x1f351, 137},
{0x1f352, 138}, {0x1f353, 139}, {0x1f354, 140}, {0x1f355, 141}, {0x1f356, 142}, {0x1f357, 143},
{0x1f358, 144}, {0x1f359, 145}, {0x1f35a, 146}, {0x1f35b, 147}, {0x1f35c, 148}, {0x1f35d, 149},
{0x1f35e, 150}, {0x1f35f, 151}, {0x1f360, 152}, {0x1f361, 153}, {0x1f362, 154}, {0x1f363, 155},
{0x1f364, 156}, {0x1f365, 157}, {0x1f366, 158}, {0x1f367, 159}, {0x1f368, 160}, {0x1f369, 161},
{0x1f36a, 162}, {0x1f36b, 163}, {0x1f36c, 164}, {0x1f36d, 165}, {0x1f36e, 166}, {0x1f36f, 167},
{0x1f370, 168}, {0x1f371, 169}, {0x1f372, 170}, {0x1f373, 171}, {0x1f374, 172}, {0x1f375, 173},
{0x1f376, 174}, {0x1f377, 175}, {0x1f378, 176}, {0x1f379, 177}, {0x1f37a, 178}, {0x1f37b, 179},
{0x1f37c, 180}, {0x1f37d, 181}, {0x1f37e, 182}, {0x1f37f, 183}, {0x1f380, 184}, {0x1f381, 185},
{0x1f382, 186}, {0x1f383, 187}, {0x1f384, 188}, {0x1f385, 189}, {0x1f386, 190}, {0x1f387, 191},
{0x1f388, 192}, {0x1f389, 193}, {0x1f38a, 194}, {0x1f38b, 195}, {0x1f38c, 196}, {0x1f38d, 197},
{0x1f38e, 198}, {0x1f38f, 199}, {0x1f390, 200}, {0x1f391, 201}, {0x1f392, 202}, {0x1f393, 203},
{0x1f396, 204}, {0x1f397, 205}, {0x1f399, 206}, {0x1f39a, 207}, {0x1f39b, 208}, {0x1f39e, 209},
{0x1f39f, 210}, {0x1f3a0, 211}, {0x1f3a1, 212}, {0x1f3a2, 213}, {0x1f3a3, 214}, {0x1f3a4, 215},
{0x1f3a5, 216}, {0x1f3a6, 217}, {0x1f3a7, 218}, {0x1f3a8, 219}, {0x1f3a9, 220}, {0x1f3aa, 221},
{0x1f3ab, 222}, {0x1f3ac, 223}, {0x1f3ad, 224}, {0x1f3ae, 225}, {0x1f3af, 226}, {0x1f3b0, 227},
{0x1f3b1, 228}, {0x1f3b2, 229}, {0x1f3b3, 230}, {0x1f3b4, 231}, {0x1f3b5, 232}, {0x1f3b6, 233},
{0x1f3b7, 234}, {0x1f3b8, 235}, {0x1f3b9, 236}, {0x1f3ba, 237}, {0x1f3bb, 238}, {0x1f3bc, 239},
{0x1f3bd, 240}, {0x1f3be, 241}, {0x1f3bf, 242}, {0x1f3c0, 243}, {0x1f3c1, 244}, {0x1f3c2, 245},
{0x1f3c3, 246}, {0x1f3c4, 247}, {0x1f3c5, 248}, {0x1f3c6, 249}, {0x1f3c7, 250}, {0x1f3c8, 251},
{0x1f3c9, 252}, {0x1f3ca, 253}, {0x1f3cb, 254}, {0x1f3cc, 255}, {0x1f3cd, 256}, {0x1f3ce, 257},
{0x1f3cf, 258}, {0x1f3d0, 259}, {0x1f3d1, 260}, {0x1f3d2, 261}, {0x1f3d3, 262}, {0x1f3d4, 263},
{0x1f3d5, 264}, {0x1f3d6, 265}, {0x1f3d7, 266}, {0x1f3d8, 267}, {0x1f3d9, 268}, {0x1f3da, 269},
{0x1f3db, 270}, {0x1f3dc, 271}, {0x1f3dd, 272}, {0x1f3de, 273}, {0x1f3df, 274}, {0x1f3e0, 275},
{0x1f3e1, 276}, {0x1f3e2, 277}, {0x1f3e3, 278}, {0x1f3e4, 279}, {0x1f3e5, 280}, {0x1f3e6, 281},
{0x1f3e7, 282}, {0x1f3e8, 283}, {0x1f3e9, 284}, {0x1f3ea, 285}, {0x1f3eb, 286}, {0x1f3ec, 287},
{0x1f3ed, 288}, {0x1f3ee, 289}, {0x1f3ef, 290}, {0x1f3f0, 291}, {0x1f3f3, 292}, {0x1f3f4, 293},
{0x1f3f5, 294}, {0x1f3f7, 295}, {0x1f3f8, 296}, {0x1f3f9, 297}, {0x1f3fa, 298}, {0x1f3fb, 299},
{0x1f3fc, 300}, {0x1f3fd, 301}, {0x1f3fe, 302}, {0x1f3ff, 303}, {0x1f400, 304}, {0x1f401, 305},
{0x1f402, 306}, {0x1f403, 307}, {0x1f404, 308}, {0x1f405, 309}, {0x1f406, 310}, {0x1f407, 311},
{0x1f408, 312}, {0x1f409, 313}, {0x1f40a, 314}, {0x1f40b, 315}, {0x1f40c, 316}, {0x1f40d, 317},
{0x1f40e, 318}, {0x1f40f, 319}, {0x1f410, 320}, {0x1f411, 321}, {0x1f412, 322}, {0x1f413, 323},
{0x1f414, 324}, {0x1f415, 325}, {0x1f416, 326}, {0x1f417, 327}, {0x1f418, 328}, {0x1f419, 329},
{0x1f41a, 330}, {0x1f41b, 331}, {0x1f41c, 332}, {0x1f41d, 333}, {0x1f41e, 334}, {0x1f41f, 335},
{0x1f420, 336}, {0x1f421, 337}, {0x1f422, 338}, {0x1f423, 339}, {0x1f424, 340}, {0x1f425, 341},
{0x1f426, 342}, {0x1f427, 343}, {0x1f428, 344}, {0x1f429, 345}, {0x1f42a, 346}, {0x1f42b, 347},
{0x1f42c, 348}, {0x1f42d, 349}, {0x1f42e, 350}, {0x1f42f, 351}, {0x1f430, 352}, {0x1f431, 353},
{0x1f432, 354}, {0x1f433, 355}, {0x1f434, 356}, {0x1f435, 357}, {0x1f436, 358}, {0x1f437, 359},
{0x1f438, 360}, {0x1f439, 361}, {0x1f43a, 362}, {0x1f43b, 363}, {0x1f43c, 364}, {0x1f43d, 365},
{0x1f43e, 366}, {0x1f43f, 367}, {0x1f440, 368}, {0x1f441, 369}, {0x1f442, 370}, {0x1f443, 371},
{0x1f444, 372}, {0x1f445, 373}, {0x1f446, 374}, {0x1f447, 375}, {0x1f448, 376}, {0x1f449, 377},
{0x1f44a, 378}, {0x1f44b, 379}, {0x1f44c, 380}, {0x1f44d, 381}, {0x1f44e, 382}, {0x1f44f, 383},
{0x1f450, 384}, {0x1f451, 385}, {0x1f452, 386}, {0x1f453, 387}, {0x1f454, 388}, {0x1f455, 389},
{0x1f456, 390}, {0x1f457, 391}, {0x1f458, 392}, {0x1f459, 393}, {0x1f45a, 394}, {0x1f45b, 395},
{0x1f45c, 396}, {0x1f45d, 397}, {0x1f45e, 398}, {0x1f45f, 399}, {0x1f460, 400}, {0x1f461, 401},
{0x1f462, 402}, {0x1f463, 403}, {0x1f464, 404}, {0x1f465, 405}, {0x1f466, 406}, {0x1f467, 407},
{0x1f468, 408}, {0x1f469, 409}, {0x1f46a, 410}, {0x1f46b, 411}, {0x1f46c, 412}, {0x1f46d, 413},
{0x1f46e, 414}, {0x1f46f, 415}, {0x1f470, 416}, {0x1f471, 417}, {0x1f472, 418}, {0x1f473, 419},
{0x1f474, 420}, {0x1f475, 421}, {0x1f476, 422}, {0x1f477, 423}, {0x1f478, 424}, {0x1f479, 425},
{0x1f47a, 426}, {0x1f47b, 427}, {0x1f47c, 428}, {0x1f47d, 429}, {0x1f47e, 430}, {0x1f47f, 431},
{0x1f480, 432}, {0x1f481, 433}, {0x1f482, 434}, {0x1f483, 435}, {0x1f484, 436}, {0x1f485, 437},
{0x1f486, 438}, {0x1f487, 439}, {0x1f488, 440}, {0x1f489, 441}, {0x1f48a, 442}, {0x1f48b, 443},
{0x1f48c, 444}, {0x1f48d, 445}, {0x1f48e, 446}, {0x1f48f, 447}, {0x1f490, 448}, {0x1f491, 449},
{0x1f492, 450}, {0x1f493, 451}, {0x1f494, 452}, {0x1f495, 453}, {0x1f496, 454}, {0x1f497, 455},
{0x1f498, 456}, {0x1f499, 457}, {0x1f49a, 458}, {0x1f49b, 459}, {0x1f49c, 460}, {0x1f49d, 461},
{0x1f49e, 462}, {0x1f49f, 463}, {0x1f4a0, 464}, {0x1f4a1, 465}, {0x1f4a2, 466}, {0x1f4a3, 467},
{0x1f4a4, 468}, {0x1f4a5, 469}, {0x1f4a6, 470}, {0x1f4a7, 471}, {0x1f4a8, 472}, {0x1f4a9, 473},
{0x1f4aa, 474}, {0x1f4ab, 475}, {0x1f4ac, 476}, {0x1f4ad, 477}, {0x1f4ae, 478}, {0x1f4af, 479},
{0x1f4b0, 480}, {0x1f4b1, 481}, {0x1f4b2, 482}, {0x1f4b3, 483}, {0x1f4b4, 484}, {0x1f4b5, 485},
{0x1f4b6, 486}, {0x1f4b7, 487}, {0x1f4b8, 488}, {0x1f4b9, 489}, {0x1f4ba, 490}, {0x1f4bb, 491},
{0x1f4bc, 492}, {0x1f4bd, 493}, {0x1f4be, 494}, {0x1f4bf, 495}, {0x1f4c0, 496}, {0x1f4c1, 497},
{0x1f4c2, 498}, {0x1f4c3, 499}, {0x1f4c4, 500}, {0x1f4c5, 501}, {0x1f4c6, 502}, {0x1f4c7, 503},
{0x1f4c8, 504}, {0x1f4c9, 505}, {0x1f4ca, 506}, {0x1f4cb, 507}, {0x1f4cc, 508}, {0x1f4cd, 509},
{0x1f4ce, 510}, {0x1f4cf, 511}, {0x1f4d0, 512}, {0x1f4d1, 513}, {0x1f4d2, 514}, {0x1f4d3, 515},
{0x1f4d4, 516}, {0x1f4d5, 517}, {0x1f4d6, 518}, {0x1f4d7, 519}, {0x1f4d8, 520}, {0x1f4d9, 521},
{0x1f4da, 522}, {0x1f4db, 523}, {0x1f4dc, 524}, {0x1f4dd, 525}, {0x1f4de, 526}, {0x1f4df, 527},
{0x1f4e0, 528}, {0x1f4e1, 529}, {0x1f4e2, 530}, {0x1f4e3, 531}, {0x1f4e4, 532}, {0x1f4e5, 533},
{0x1f4e6, 534}, {0x1f4e7, 535}, {0x1f4e8, 536}, {0x1f4e9, 537}, {0x1f4ea, 538}, {0x1f4eb, 539},
{0x1f4ec, 540}, {0x1f4ed, 541}, {0x1f4ee, 542}, {0x1f4ef, 543}, {0x1f4f0, 544}, {0x1f4f1, 545},
{0x1f4f2, 546}, {0x1f4f3, 547}, {0x1f4f4, 548}, {0x1f4f5, 549}, {0x1f4f6, 550}, {0x1f4f7, 551},
{0x1f4f8, 552}, {0x1f4f9, 553}, {0x1f4fa, 554}, {0x1f4fb, 555}, {0x1f4fc, 556}, {0x1f4fd, 557},
{0x1f4ff, 558}, {0x1f500, 559}, {0x1f501, 560}, {0x1f502, 561}, {0x1f503, 562}, {0x1f504, 563},
{0x1f505, 564}, {0x1f506, 565}, {0x1f507, 566}, {0x1f508, 567}, {0x1f509, 568}, {0x1f50a, 569},
{0x1f50b, 570}, {0x1f50c, 571}, {0x1f50d, 572}, {0x1f50e, 573}, {0x1f50f, 574}, {0x1f510, 575},
{0x1f511, 576}, {0x1f512, 577}, {0x1f513, 578}, {0x1f514, 579}, {0x1f515, 580}, {0x1f516, 581},
{0x1f517, 582}, {0x1f518, 583}, {0x1f519, 584}, {0x1f51a, 585}, {0x1f51b, 586}, {0x1f51c, 587},
{0x1f51d, 588}, {0x1f51e, 589}, {0x1f51f, 590}, {0x1f520, 591}, {0x1f521, 592}, {0x1f522, 593},
{0x1f523, 594}, {0x1f524, 595}, {0x1f525, 596}, {0x1f526, 597}, {0x1f527, 598}, {0x1f528, 599},
{0x1f529, 600}, {0x1f52a, 601}, {0x1f52b, 602}, {0x1f52c, 603}, {0x1f52d, 604}, {0x1f52e, 605},
{0x1f52f, 606}, {0x1f530, 607}, {0x1f531, 608}, {0x1f532, 609}, {0x1f533, 610}, {0x1f534, 611},
{0x1f535, 612}, {0x1f536, 613}, {0x1f537, 614}, {0x1f538, 615}, {0x1f539, 616}, {0x1f53a, 617},
{0x1f53b, 618}, {0x1f53c, 619}, {0x1f53d, 620}, {0x1f549, 621}, {0x1f54a, 622}, {0x1f54b, 623},
{0x1f54c, 624}, {0x1f54d, 625}, {0x1f54e, 626}, {0x1f550, 627}, {0x1f551, 628}, {0x1f552, 629},
{0x1f553, 630}, {0x1f554, 631}, {0x1f555, 632}, {0x1f556, 633}, {0x1f557, 634}, {0x1f558, 635},
{0x1f559, 636}, {0x1f55a, 637}, {0x1f55b, 638}, {0x1f55c, 639}, {0x1f55d, 640}, {0x1f55e, 641},
{0x1f55f, 642}, {0x1f560, 643}, {0x1f561, 644}, {0x1f562, 645}, {0x1f563, 646}, {0x1f564, 647},
{0x1f565, 648}, {0x1f566, 649}, {0x1f567, 650}, {0x1f56f, 651}, {0x1f570, 652}, {0x1f573, 653},
{0x1f574, 654}, {0x1f575, 655}, {0x1f576, 656}, {0x1f577, 657}, {0x1f578, 658}, {0x1f579, 659},
{0x1f57a, 660}, {0x1f587, 661}, {0x1f58a, 662}, {0x1f58b, 663}, {0x1f58c, 664}, {0x1f58d, 665},
{0x1f590, 666}, {0x1f595, 667}, {0x1f596, 668}, {0x1f5a4, 669}, {0x1f5a5, 670}, {0x1f5a8, 671},
{0x1f5b1, 672}, {0x1f5b2, 673}, {0x1f5bc, 674}, {0x1f5c2, 675}, {0x1f5c3, 676}, {0x1f5c4, 677},
{0x1f5d1, 678}, {0x1f5d2, 679}, {0x1f5d3, 680}, {0x1f5dc, 681}, {0x1f5dd, 682}, {0x1f5de, 683},
{0x1f5e1, 684}, {0x1f5e3, 685}, {0x1f5e8, 686}, {0x1f5ef, 687}, {0x1f5f3, 688}, {0x1f5fa, 689},
{0x1f5fb, 690}, {0x1f5fc, 691}, {0x1f5fd, 692}, {0x1f5fe, 693}, {0x1f5ff, 694}, {0x1f600, 695},
{0x1f601, 696}, {0x1f602, 697}, {0x1f603, 698}, {0x1f604, 699}, {0x1f605, 700}, {0x1f606, 701},
{0x1f607, 702}, {0x1f608, 703}, {0x1f609, 704}, {0x1f60a, 705}, {0x1f60b, 706}, {0x1f60c, 707},
{0x1f60d, 708}, {0x1f60e, 709}, {0x1f60f, 710}, {0x1f610, 711}, {0x1f611, 712}, {0x1f612, 713},
{0x1f613, 714}, {0x1f614, 715}, {0x1f615, 716}, {0x1f616, 717}, {0x1f617, 718}, {0x1f618, 719},
{0x1f619, 720}, {0x1f61a, 721}, {0x1f61b, 722}, {0x1f61c, 723}, {0x1f61d, 724}, {0x1f61e, 725},
{0x1f61f, 726}, {0x1f620, 727}, {0x1f621, 728}, {0x1f622, 729}, {0x1f623, 730}, {0x1f624, 731},
{0x1f625, 732}, {0x1f626, 733}, {0x1f627, 734}, {0x1f628, 735}, {0x1f629, 736}, {0x1f62a, 737},
{0x1f62b, 738}, {0x1f62c, 739}, {0x1f62d, 740}, {0x1f62e, 741}, {0x1f62f, 742}, {0x1f630, 743},
{0x1f631, 744}, {0x1f632, 745}, {0x1f633, 746}, {0x1f634, 747}, {0x1f635, 748}, {0x1f636, 749},
{0x1f637, 750}, {0x1f638, 751}, {0x1f639, 752}, {0x1f63a, 753}, {0x1f63b, 754}, {0x1f63c, 755},
{0x1f63d, 756}, {0x1f63e, 757}, {0x1f63f, 758}, {0x1f640, 759}, {0x1f641, 760}, {0x1f642, 761},
{0x1f643, 762}, {0x1f644, 763}, {0x1f645, 764}, {0x1f646, 765}, {0x1f647, 766}, {0x1f648, 767},
{0x1f649, 768}, {0x1f64a, 769}, {0x1f64b, 770}, {0x1f64c, 771}, {0x1f64d, 772}, {0x1f64e, 773},
{0x1f64f, 774}, {0x1f680, 775}, {0x1f681, 776}, {0x1f682, 777}, {0x1f683, 778}, {0x1f684, 779},
{0x1f685, 780}, {0x1f686, 781}, {0x1f687, 782}, {0x1f688, 783}, {0x1f689, 784}, {0x1f68a, 785},
{0x1f68b, 786}, {0x1f68c, 787}, {0x1f68d, 788}, {0x1f68e, 789}, {0x1f68f, 790}, {0x1f690, 791},
{0x1f691, 792}, {0x1f692, 793}, {0x1f693, 794}, {0x1f694, 795}, {0x1f695, 796}, {0x1f696, 797},
{0x1f697, 798}, {0x1f698, 799}, {0x1f699, 800}, {0x1f69a, 801}, {0x1f69b, 802}, {0x1f69c, 803},
{0x1f69d, 804}, {0x1f69e, 805}, {0x1f69f, 806}, {0x1f6a0, 807}, {0x1f6a1, 808}, {0x1f6a2, 809},
{0x1f6a3, 810}, {0x1f6a4, 811}, {0x1f6a5, 812}, {0x1f6a6, 813}, {0x1f6a7, 814}, {0x1f6a8, 815},
{0x1f6a9, 816}, {0x1f6aa, 817}, {0x1f6ab, 818}, {0x1f6ac, 819}, {0x1f6ad, 820}, {0x1f6ae, 821},
{0x1f6af, 822}, {0x1f6b0, 823}, {0x1f6b1, 824}, {0x1f6b2, 825}, {0x1f6b3, 826}, {0x1f6b4, 827},
{0x1f6b5, 828}, {0x1f6b6, 829}, {0x1f6b7, 830}, {0x1f6b8, 831}, {0x1f6b9, 832}, {0x1f6ba, 833},
{0x1f6bb, 834}, {0x1f6bc, 835}, {0x1f6bd, 836}, {0x1f6be, 837}, {0x1f6bf, 838}, {0x1f6c0, 839},
{0x1f6c1, 840}, {0x1f6c2, 841}, {0x1f6c3, 842}, {0x1f6c4, 843}, {0x1f6c5, 844}, {0x1f6cb, 845},
{0x1f6cc, 846}, {0x1f6cd, 847}, {0x1f6ce, 848}, {0x1f6cf, 849}, {0x1f6d0, 850}, {0x1f6d1, 851},
{0x1f6d2, 852}, {0x1f6e0, 853}, {0x1f6e1, 854}, {0x1f6e2, 855}, {0x1f6e3, 856}, {0x1f6e4, 857},
{0x1f6e5, 858}, {0x1f6e9, 859}, {0x1f6eb, 860}, {0x1f6ec, 861}, {0x1f6f0, 862}, {0x1f6f3, 863},
{0x1f6f4, 864}, {0x1f6f5, 865}, {0x1f6f6, 866}, {0x1f6f7, 867}, {0x1f6f8, 868}, {0x1f6f9, 869},
{0x1f910, 870}, {0x1f911, 871}, {0x1f912, 872}, {0x1f913, 873}, {0x1f914, 874}, {0x1f915, 875},
{0x1f916, 876}, {0x1f917, 877}, {0x1f918, 878}, {0x1f919, 879}, {0x1f91a, 880}, {0x1f91b, 881},
{0x1f91c, 882}, {0x1f91d, 883}, {0x1f91e, 884}, {0x1f91f, 885}, {0x1f920, 886}, {0x1f921, 887},
{0x1f922, 888}, {0x1f923, 889}, {0x1f924, 890}, {0x1f925, 891}, {0x1f926, 892}, {0x1f927, 893},
{0x1f928, 894}, {0x1f929, 895}, {0x1f92a, 896}, {0x1f92b, 897}, {0x1f92c, 898}, {0x1f92d, 899},
{0x1f92e, 900}, {0x1f92f, 901}, {0x1f930, 902}, {0x1f931, 903}, {0x1f932, 904}, {0x1f933, 905},
{0x1f934, 906}, {0x1f935, 907}, {0x1f936, 908}, {0x1f937, 909}, {0x1f938, 910}, {0x1f939, 911},
{0x1f93a, 912}, {0x1f93c, 913}, {0x1f93d, 914}, {0x1f93e, 915}, {0x1f940, 916}, {0x1f941, 917},
{0x1f942, 918}, {0x1f943, 919}, {0x1f944, 920}, {0x1f945, 921}, {0x1f947, 922}, {0x1f948, 923},
{0x1f949, 924}, {0x1f94a, 925}, {0x1f94b, 926}, {0x1f94c, 927}, {0x1f94d, 928}, {0x1f94e, 929},
{0x1f94f, 930}, {0x1f950, 931}, {0x1f951, 932}, {0x1f952, 933}, {0x1f953, 934}, {0x1f954, 935},
{0x1f955, 936}, {0x1f956, 937}, {0x1f957, 938}, {0x1f958, 939}, {0x1f959, 940}, {0x1f95a, 941},
{0x1f95b, 942}, {0x1f95c, 943}, {0x1f95d, 944}, {0x1f95e, 945}, {0x1f95f, 946}, {0x1f960, 947},
{0x1f961, 948}, {0x1f962, 949}, {0x1f963, 950}, {0x1f964, 951}, {0x1f965, 952}, {0x1f966, 953},
{0x1f967, 954}, {0x1f968, 955}, {0x1f969, 956}, {0x1f96a, 957}, {0x1f96b, 958}, {0x1f96c, 959},
{0x1f96d, 960}, {0x1f96e, 961}, {0x1f96f, 962}, {0x1f970, 963}, {0x1f973, 964}, {0x1f974, 965},
{0x1f975, 966}, {0x1f976, 967}, {0x1f97a, 968}, {0x1f97c, 969}, {0x1f97d, 970}, {0x1f97e, 971},
{0x1f97f, 972}, {0x1f980, 973}, {0x1f981, 974}, {0x1f982, 975}, {0x1f983, 976}, {0x1f984, 977},
{0x1f985, 978}, {0x1f986, 979}, {0x1f987, 980}, {0x1f988, 981}, {0x1f989, 982}, {0x1f98a, 983},
{0x1f98b, 984}, {0x1f98c, 985}, {0x1f98d, 986}, {0x1f98e, 987}, {0x1f98f, 988}, {0x1f990, 989},
{0x1f991, 990}, {0x1f992, 991}, {0x1f993, 992}, {0x1f994, 993}, {0x1f995, 994}, {0x1f996, 995},
{0x1f997, 996}, {0x1f998, 997}, {0x1f999, 998}, {0x1f99a, 999}, {0x1f99b, 1000}, {0x1f99c, 1001},
{0x1f99d, 1002}, {0x1f99e, 1003}, {0x1f99f, 1004}, {0x1f9a0, 1005}, {0x1f9a1, 1006}, {0x1f9a2, 1007},
{0x1f9b0, 1008}, {0x1f9b1, 1009}, {0x1f9b2, 1010}, {0x1f9b3, 1011}, {0x1f9b4, 1012}, {0x1f9b5, 1013},
{0x1f9b6, 1014}, {0x1f9b7, 1015}, {0x1f9b8, 1016}, {0x1f9b9, 1017}, {0x1f9c0, 1018}, {0x1f9c1, 1019},
{0x1f9c2, 1020}, {0x1f9d0, 1021}, {0x1f9d1, 1022}, {0x1f9d2, 1023}, {0x1f9d3, 1024}, {0x1f9d4, 1025},
{0x1f9d5, 1026}, {0x1f9d6, 1027}, {0x1f9d7, 1028}, {0x1f9d8, 1029}, {0x1f9d9, 1030}, {0x1f9da, 1031},
{0x1f9db, 1032}, {0x1f9dc, 1033}, {0x1f9dd, 1034}, {0x1f9de, 1035}, {0x1f9df, 1036}, {0x1f9e0, 1037},
{0x1f9e1, 1038}, {0x1f9e2, 1039}, {0x1f9e3, 1040}, {0x1f9e4, 1041}, {0x1f9e5, 1042}, {0x1f9e6, 1043},
{0x1f9e7, 1044}, {0x1f9e8, 1045}, {0x1f9e9, 1046}, {0x1f9ea, 1047}, {0x1f9eb, 1048}, {0x1f9ec, 1049},
{0x1f9ed, 1050}, {0x1f9ee, 1051}, {0x1f9ef, 1052}, {0x1f9f0, 1053}, {0x1f9f1, 1054}, {0x1f9f2, 1055},
{0x1f9f3, 1056}, {0x1f9f4, 1057}, {0x1f9f5, 1058}, {0x1f9f6, 1059}, {0x1f9f7, 1060}, {0x1f9f8, 1061},
{0x1f9f9, 1062}, {0x1f9fa, 1063}, {0x1f9fb, 1064}, {0x1f9fc, 1065}, {0x1f9fd, 1066}, {0x1f9fe, 1067},
{0x1f9ff, 1068}, {0x203c, 1069}, {0x2049, 1070}, {0x2122, 1071}, {0x2139, 1072}, {0x2194, 1073},
{0x2195, 1074}, {0x2196, 1075}, {0x2197, 1076}, {0x2198, 1077}, {0x2199, 1078}, {0x21a9, 1079},
{0x21aa, 1080}, {0x231a, 1081}, {0x231b, 1082}, {0x2328, 1083}, {0x23cf, 1084}, {0x23e9, 1085},
{0x23ea, 1086}, {0x23eb, 1087}, {0x23ec, 1088}, {0x23ed, 1089}, {0x23ee, 1090}, {0x23ef, 1091},
{0x23f0, 1092}, {0x23f1, 1093}, {0x23f2, 1094}, {0x23f3, 1095}, {0x23f8, 1096}, {0x23f9, 1097},
{0x23fa, 1098}, {0x24c2, 1099}, {0x25aa, 1100}, {0x25ab, 1101}, {0x25b6, 1102}, {0x25c0, 1103},
{0x25fb, 1104}, {0x25fc, 1105}, {0x25fd, 1106}, {0x25fe, 1107}, {0x2600, 1108}, {0x2601, 1109},
{0x2602, 1110}, {0x2603, 1111}, {0x2604, 1112}, {0x260e, 1113}, {0x2611, 1114}, {0x2614, 1115},
{0x2615, 1116}, {0x2618, 1117}, {0x261d, 1118}, {0x2620, 1119}, {0x2622, 1120}, {0x2623, 1121},
{0x2626, 1122}, {0x262a, 1123}, {0x262e, 1124}, {0x262f, 1125}, {0x2638, 1126}, {0x2639, 1127},
{0x263a, 1128}, {0x2640, 1129}, {0x2642, 1130}, {0x2648, 1131}, {0x2649, 1132}, {0x264a, 1133},
{0x264b, 1134}, {0x264c, 1135}, {0x264d, 1136}, {0x264e, 1137}, {0x264f, 1138}, {0x2650, 1139},
{0x2651, 1140}, {0x2652, 1141}, {0x2653, 1142}, {0x265f, 1143}, {0x2660, 1144}, {0x2663, 1145},
{0x2665, 1146}, {0x2666, 1147}, {0x2668, 1148}, {0x267b, 1149}, {0x267e, 1150}, {0x267f, 1151},
{0x2692, 1152}, {0x2693, 1153}, {0x2694, 1154}, {0x2695, 1155}, {0x2696, 1156}, {0x2697, 1157},
{0x2699, 1158}, {0x269b, 1159}, {0x269c, 1160}, {0x26a0, 1161}, {0x26a1, 1162}, {0x26aa, 1163},
{0x26ab, 1164}, {0x26b0, 1165}, {0x26b1, 1166}, {0x26bd, 1167}, {0x26be, 1168}, {0x26c4, 1169},
{0x26c5, 1170}, {0x26c8, 1171}, {0x26ce, 1172}, {0x26cf, 1173}, {0x26d1, 1174}, {0x26d3, 1175},
{0x26d4, 1176}, {0x26e9, 1177}, {0x26ea, 1178}, {0x26f0, 1179}, {0x26f1, 1180}, {0x26f2, 1181},
{0x26f3, 1182}, {0x26f4, 1183}, {0x26f5, 1184}, {0x26f7, 1185}, {0x26f8, 1186}, {0x26f9, 1187},
{0x26fa, 1188}, {0x26fd, 1189}, {0x2702, 1190}, {0x2705, 1191}, {0x2708, 1192}, {0x2709, 1193},
{0x270a, 1194}, {0x270b, 1195}, {0x270c, 1196}, {0x270d, 1197}, {0x270f, 1198}, {0x2712, 1199},
{0x2714, 1200}, {0x2716, 1201}, {0x271d, 1202}, {0x2721, 1203}, {0x2728, 1204}, {0x2733, 1205},
{0x2734, 1206}, {0x2744, 1207}, {0x2747, 1208}, {0x274c, 1209}, {0x274e, 1210}, {0x2753, 1211},
{0x2754, 1212}, {0x2755, 1213}, {0x2757, 1214}, {0x2763, 1215}, {0x2764, 1216}, {0x2795, 1217},
{0x2796, 1218}, {0x2797, 1219}, {0x27a1, 1220}, {0x27b0, 1221}, {0x27bf, 1222}, {0x2934, 1223},
{0x2935, 1224}, {0x2b05, 1225}, {0x2b06, 1226}, {0x2b07, 1227}, {0x2b1b, 1228}, {0x2b1c, 1229},
{0x2b50, 1230}, {0x2b55, 1231}, {0x3030, 1232}, {0x303d, 1233}, {0x3297, 1234}, {0x3299, 1235},
public const int rowCount = 35;
public const int colCount = 36;
public static Rect getMinMaxRect(float fontSize, float ascent, float descent) {
return Rect.fromLTWH(fontSize * 0.05f, descent - fontSize, fontSize * 0.9f, fontSize * 0.9f);
public static Rect getUVRect(int code) {
bool exist = emojiLookupTable.TryGetValue(code, out int index);
if (exist) {
return Rect.fromLTWH(
(index % colCount) * (1.0f / colCount),
(rowCount - 1 - (index / colCount)) * (1.0f / rowCount),
1.0f / colCount, 1.0f / rowCount);
Debug.LogWarning($"Unrecognized unicode for emoji {code:x}");
return Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 0, 0);
public static bool isSingleCharEmoji(int c) {
return (0x2100 <= c && c < 0x3300) || isEmptyEmoji(c);
public static bool isSingleCharNonEmptyEmoji(int c) {
return 0x2100 <= c && c < 0x3300;
public static bool isEmptyEmoji(int c) {
return c == 0xFE0F;
public static List<string> splitByEmoji(string text) {
int start = 0;
bool? currentEmoji = null;
List<string> list = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) {
if (i < text.Length - 1 && char.IsHighSurrogate(text[i]) && char.IsLowSurrogate(text[i + 1])) {
if (currentEmoji != true) {
if (i > start) {
list.Add(text.Substring(start, i - start));
start = i;
currentEmoji = true;
else if (isSingleCharEmoji(text[i])) {
if (currentEmoji != true) {
if (i > start) {
list.Add(text.Substring(start, i - start));
start = i;
else {
if (currentEmoji != false) {
if (i > start) {
list.Add(text.Substring(start, i - start));
start = i;
currentEmoji = false;
if (start < text.Length) {
return list;


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