
Make GlyphPosition.codeUnits int. Remove CodeUnitRuns._positions.

Yuncong Zhang 6 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 25 次插入29 次删除
  1. 54


public readonly int start;
public readonly int count;
readonly GlyphPosition[] _positions;
public CodeUnitRun(GlyphPosition[] positions, Range<int> cu, Range<float> xPos, int line,
public CodeUnitRun(Range<int> cu, Range<float> xPos, int line,
this._positions = positions;
public GlyphPosition get(int i) {
public GlyphPosition get(int i, GlyphPosition[] glyphPositions) {
return this._positions[this.start + i];
return glyphPositions[this.start + i];

struct GlyphPosition {
public Range<float> xPos;
public readonly Range<int> codeUnits;
public readonly int codeUnit;
public GlyphPosition(float start, float advance, Range<int> codeUnits) {
public GlyphPosition(float start, float advance, int codeUnit) {
this.codeUnits = codeUnits;
this.codeUnit = codeUnit;
public void shiftSelf(float shift) {

List<float> _lineWidths = new List<float>();
// float[] _lineBaseLines;
GlyphLine[] _glyphLines;
GlyphPosition[] glyphPositions;
GlyphPosition[] _glyphPositions;
PaintRecord[] _paintRecords;
CodeUnitRun[] _codeUnitRuns;
float[] _lineHeights;

// this._glyphLines and this._codeUnitRuns will refer to this array for glyph positions
if (this.glyphPositions == null || this.glyphPositions.Length < ellipsizedLength) {
this.glyphPositions = new GlyphPosition[ellipsizedLength];
if (this._glyphPositions == null || this._glyphPositions.Length < ellipsizedLength) {
this._glyphPositions = new GlyphPosition[ellipsizedLength];
// Pointer to the glyphPositions array, to keep track of where the next glyph is stored
// Pointer to the _glyphPositions array, to keep track of where the next glyph is stored
int pGlyphPositions = 0;
// Compute max(NumberOfWords(line) for line in lines), to determine the size of word buffers

_positionsBuffer = new float[maxTextCount];
// Keep of the position in glyphPositions before evaluating this line
// Keep of the position in _glyphPositions before evaluating this line
int glyphPositionLineStart = pGlyphPositions;
if (lineStyleRunCount != 0) {

int textStart = start;
int textEnd = end;
int textCount = textEnd - textStart;
// Keep track of the pointer to glyphPositions in the start of this run
// Keep track of the pointer to _glyphPositions in the start of this run
int glyphPositionStyleRunStart = pGlyphPositions;
// Ellipsize the text if ellipsis string is set, and this is the last lineStyleRun of

float glyphXOffset = _positionsBuffer[glyphIndex] + justifyXOffset;
float glyphAdvance = _advancesBuffer[glyphIndex];
builder.setPosition(glyphIndex, glyphXOffset);
this.glyphPositions[pGlyphPositions++] = new GlyphPosition(runXOffset + glyphXOffset,
glyphAdvance, new Range<int>(textStart + glyphIndex, textStart + glyphIndex + 1));
this._glyphPositions[pGlyphPositions++] = new GlyphPosition(runXOffset + glyphXOffset,
glyphAdvance, textStart + glyphIndex);
if (wordIndex < wordCount) {
Range<int> word = _wordsBuffer[wordIndex];
// Run into the start of current word, record the start position of this word

// width of this word, and update the entire word
if (!float.IsNaN(wordStartPosition)) {
maxWordWidth = Mathf.Max(maxWordWidth,
this.glyphPositions[pGlyphPositions - 1].xPos.end - wordStartPosition);
this._glyphPositions[pGlyphPositions - 1].xPos.end - wordStartPosition);
wordStartPosition = float.NaN;

// Create code unit run
this._codeUnitRuns[this._codeUnitRunsCount++] = new CodeUnitRun(
new Range<float>(this.glyphPositions[0].xPos.start, this.glyphPositions.last().xPos.end),
new Range<float>(this._glyphPositions[0].xPos.start, this._glyphPositions.last().xPos.end),
lineNumber, TextDirection.ltr, glyphPositionStyleRunStart, textCount);

preMaxDescent = maxDescent;
float lineXOffset = this.getLineXOffset(runXOffset);
int count = pGlyphPositions - glyphPositionLineStart;
if (lineXOffset != 0 && this.glyphPositions != null) {
if (lineXOffset != 0 && this._glyphPositions != null) {
this.glyphPositions[this.glyphPositions.Length - i - 1].shiftSelf(lineXOffset);
this._glyphPositions[this._glyphPositions.Length - i - 1].shiftSelf(lineXOffset);

: this._text.Length;
this._glyphLines[lineNumber] =
new GlyphLine(this.glyphPositions, glyphPositionLineStart, count, nextLineStart - lineStart);
new GlyphLine(this._glyphPositions, glyphPositionLineStart, count, nextLineStart - lineStart);
for (int i = 0; i < lineStyleRunCount; i++) {
var paintRecord = this._paintRecords[this._paintRecordsCount - 1 - i];
paintRecord.shift(lineXOffset, yOffset);

left = float.MaxValue;
right = float.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < run.count; i++) {
var gp = run.get(i);
if (gp.codeUnits.start >= start && gp.codeUnits.end <= end) {
var gp = run.get(i, this._glyphPositions);
if (gp.codeUnit >= start && gp.codeUnit + 1 <= end) {
left = Mathf.Min(left, gp.xPos.start);
right = Mathf.Max(right, gp.xPos.end);

if (!gpSet) {
GlyphPosition lastGlyph = glyphLine.last();
return new PositionWithAffinity(lastGlyph.codeUnits.end, TextAffinity.upstream);
return new PositionWithAffinity(lastGlyph.codeUnit + 1, TextAffinity.upstream);
if (gp.codeUnits.start >= run.codeUnits.start && gp.codeUnits.end <= run.codeUnits.end) {
if (gp.codeUnit >= run.codeUnits.start && gp.codeUnit + 1 <= run.codeUnits.end) {
direction = run.direction;

if ((direction == TextDirection.ltr && dx < glyphCenter) ||
(direction == TextDirection.rtl && dx >= glyphCenter)) {
return new PositionWithAffinity(gp.codeUnits.start, TextAffinity.downstream);
return new PositionWithAffinity(gp.codeUnit, TextAffinity.downstream);
return new PositionWithAffinity(gp.codeUnits.end, TextAffinity.upstream);
return new PositionWithAffinity(gp.codeUnit + 1, TextAffinity.upstream);
public int getLine(TextPosition position) {
