using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; |
InformationCollector informationCollector = null |
) { |
D.assert(() => { |
bool hasErrors = false; |
StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder("\n"); |
var information = new StringBuilder(); |
if (informationCollector != null) { |
informationCollector(information); |
} |
throw new UIWidgetsError( |
$"{GetType()} is not valid: {message}\n{information}The offending constraints were: \n {this}"); |
hasErrors = true; |
errorMessage.AppendLine($" {message}"); |
}); |
verify(scrollOffset >= 0.0f, "The \"scrollOffset\" is negative."); |
verify(remainingCacheExtent >= 0.0f, "The \"remainingCacheExtent\" is negative."); |
verify(cacheOrigin <= 0.0f, "The \"cacheOrigin\" is positive."); |
verify(isNormalized, "The constraints are not normalized."); |
if (hasErrors) { |
List<DiagnosticsNode> diagnosticInfo = new List<DiagnosticsNode>(); |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new ErrorSummary($"{GetType()} is not valid: {errorMessage}")); |
if (informationCollector != null) { |
diagnosticInfo.AddRange(informationCollector.Invoke()); |
} |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SliverConstraints>("The offending constraints were", this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty)); |
throw new UIWidgetsError( |
diagnosticInfo); |
} |
return true; |
}); |
public readonly float cacheExtent; |
public const float precisionErrorTolerance = 1e-10f; |
internal static string _debugCompareFloats(string labelA, float valueA, string labelB, float valueB) { |
internal static List<DiagnosticsNode> _debugCompareFloats(string labelA, float valueA, string labelB, float valueB) { |
List<DiagnosticsNode> diagnosticInfo = new List<DiagnosticsNode>(); |
return $"The {labelA} is {valueA:F1}, but the {labelB} is {valueB:F1}. "; |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new ErrorDescription($"The {labelA} is {valueA:F1}, but the {labelB} is {valueB:F1}. ")); |
} |
else { |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new ErrorDescription($"The {labelA} is {valueA}, but the {labelB} is {valueB}.")); |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new ErrorHint("Maybe you have fallen prey to floating point rounding errors, and should explicitly " + |
$"apply the min() or max() functions, or the clamp() method, to the {labelB}? ")); |
return string.Format( |
"The {0} is {1}, but the {2} is {3}. " + |
"Maybe you have fallen prey to floating point rounding errors, and should explicitly " + |
"apply the min() or max() functions, or the clamp() method, to the {2}? ", |
labelA, valueA, labelB, valueB); |
return diagnosticInfo; |
var verify = new Action<bool, string>((bool check, string message) => { |
void verify(bool check, string summary, List<DiagnosticsNode> details = null) { |
List<DiagnosticsNode> diagnosticInfo = new List<DiagnosticsNode>(); |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new ErrorSummary($"{GetType()} is not valid: {summary}")); |
if (details != null) { |
diagnosticInfo.AddRange(details); |
} |
var information = new StringBuilder(); |
informationCollector(information); |
diagnosticInfo.AddRange(informationCollector.Invoke()); |
throw new UIWidgetsError($"{GetType()} is not valid: {message}\n{information}"); |
}); |
throw new UIWidgetsError(diagnosticInfo); |
}; |
verify(scrollExtent >= 0.0f, "The \"scrollExtent\" is negative."); |
verify(paintExtent >= 0.0f, "The \"paintExtent\" is negative."); |
verify(false, |
"The \"layoutExtent\" exceeds the \"paintExtent\".\n" + |
_debugCompareFloats("paintExtent", paintExtent, "layoutExtent", |
"The \"layoutExtent\" exceeds the \"paintExtent\".", |
details: _debugCompareFloats("paintExtent", paintExtent, "layoutExtent", |
var details = _debugCompareFloats("maxPaintExtent", maxPaintExtent, "paintExtent", |
paintExtent); |
details.Add(new ErrorDescription("By definition, a sliver can\"t paint more than the maximum that it can paint!")); |
"The \"maxPaintExtent\" is less than the \"paintExtent\".\n" + |
_debugCompareFloats("maxPaintExtent", maxPaintExtent, "paintExtent", |
paintExtent) + |
"By definition, a sliver can\"t paint more than the maximum that it can paint!" |
"The \"maxPaintExtent\" is less than the \"paintExtent\".", |
details: details |
); |
} |
} |
protected override void debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() { |
D.assert(geometry.debugAssertIsValid( |
informationCollector: (information) => { |
information.AppendLine("The RenderSliver that returned the offending geometry was:"); |
information.AppendLine(" " + toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ")); |
})); |
D.assert( |
() => { |
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() { |
yield return describeForError("The RenderSliver that returned the offending geometry was"); |
} |
return geometry.debugAssertIsValid( |
informationCollector: infoCollector); |
}); |
List<DiagnosticsNode> diagnosticInfo = new List<DiagnosticsNode>(); |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new ErrorSummary("SliverGeometry has a paintOffset that exceeds the remainingPaintExtent from the constraints.")); |
diagnosticInfo.Add(describeForError("The render object whose geometry violates the constraints is the following:")); |
diagnosticInfo.AddRange(SliverGeometry._debugCompareFloats("remainingPaintExtent", constraints.remainingPaintExtent, |
"paintExtent", geometry.paintExtent)); |
diagnosticInfo.Add(new ErrorDescription("The paintExtent must cause the child sliver to paint within the viewport, and so " + |
"cannot exceed the remainingPaintExtent.")); |
"SliverGeometry has a paintOffset that exceeds the remainingPaintExtent from the constraints.\n" + |
"The render object whose geometry violates the constraints is the following:\n" + |
" " + toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ") + "\n" + |
SliverGeometry._debugCompareFloats( |
"remainingPaintExtent", constraints.remainingPaintExtent, |
"paintExtent", geometry.paintExtent) + |
"The paintExtent must cause the child sliver to paint within the viewport, and so " + |
"cannot exceed the remainingPaintExtent." |
diagnosticInfo |
); |
} |