2. After openning a UIWidgets 2.0 project I receive an error **DllNotFoundException: libUIWidgets**.
Please make sure that the native libraries are correctly downloaded to your project. You can find them under *UIWidgetsPackageRoot*/Runtime/Plugins. For example, the libUIWidgets.dll under the sub folder */X86_64* is the native library for Windows and the libUIWidgets.dylib under *osx* is for Mac.
Please make sure that the native libraries are correctly downloaded to your project. You can find them under *UIWidgetsPackageRoot*/Runtime/Plugins. For example, the libUIWidgets.dll under the sub folder *X86_64* is the native library for Windows and the libUIWidgets.dylib under *osx* is for Mac.
If the libraries are not there or their sizes are small (<1MB),pleaseensurethatyouhaveinstalled**Git Large File Storage**inyourcomputerandthentrythefollowingcommandlineinsidetheUIWidgetsrepository.