If the compilation fails because "no available Mac SDK is found" (in flutter-1.17 the build tool will only try to find Mac 10.XX SDKs), please modify the file "/src/build/Mac/find_sdk.py" under flutter root by setting "sdks" as your current sdk, e.g., ['11.0'].
add this line to the end of out/host_debug_unopt/args.gn:
### Prepare icu data (TODO: try to build it into the library directly!)
move the built icu data file from $FLUTTER_ROOT/out/host_debug_unopt/icudtl.dat to the StreamingAssets path
If the compilation fails because "no available Mac SDK is found" (in flutter-1.17 the build tool will only try to find Mac 10.XX SDKs), please modify the file "/src/build/Mac/find_sdk.py" under flutter root by setting "sdks" as your current sdk, e.g., ['11.0'].