
Remove totalUnitCounts from glyphline.

Yuncong Zhang 6 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 20 次插入18 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 36


// bounds relative to first character
bounds.x -= positions[0];
return advance;


struct GlyphLine {
public readonly int start;
public readonly int count;
public readonly int totalCountUnits;
public GlyphLine(int start, int count, int totalCountUnits) {
public GlyphLine(int start, int count) {
this.totalCountUnits = totalCountUnits;
public GlyphPosition get(int i, GlyphPosition[] glyphPositions) {

List<float> _lineWidths = new List<float>();
// float[] _lineBaseLines;
GlyphLine[] _glyphLines;
GlyphPosition[] _glyphPositions;
PaintRecord[] _paintRecords;

if (this._glyphLines == null || this._glyphLines.Length < this._lineRangeCount) {
this._glyphLines = new GlyphLine[LayoutUtils.minPowerOfTwo(this._lineRangeCount)];
// if (this._lineBaseLines == null || this._lineBaseLines.Length < this._lineRangeCount) {
// this._lineBaseLines = new float[this._lineRangeCount];
// }
if (this._lineHeights == null || this._lineHeights.Length < this._lineRangeCount) {
this._lineHeights = new float[LayoutUtils.minPowerOfTwo(this._lineRangeCount)];

int truncateCount = Layout.computeTruncateCount(runXOffset, text, textStart,
textCount, style, this._width - ellipsisWidth, this._tabStops);
// If all the positions have not changed, use the cached ellipsized text
// else update the cache
if (!(this._ellipsizedLength == textStart + textCount - truncateCount &&
this._ellipsizedText.Length == this._ellipsizedLength + ellipsis.Length &&
this._ellipsizedText.EndsWith(ellipsis))) {

_advancesBuffer, _positionsBuffer, this._tabStops, out var bounds);
builder.allocRunPos(style, text, textStart, textCount);
// bounds relative to first character
bounds.x -= _positionsBuffer[0];
// Update the max width of the words

this._lineHeights[lineNumber] = ((lineNumber == 0 ? 0 : this._lineHeights[lineNumber - 1])
+ Mathf.Round(maxLineSpacing + maxDescent));
// this._lineBaseLines[lineNumber] = this._lineHeights[lineNumber] - maxDescent;
yOffset += Mathf.Round(maxLineSpacing + preMaxDescent);
preMaxDescent = maxDescent;
float lineXOffset = this.getLineXOffset(runXOffset);

int lineStart = lineRange.start;
int nextLineStart = lineNumber < this._lineRangeCount - 1
? this._lineRanges[lineNumber + 1].start
: this._text.Length;
this._glyphLines[lineNumber] =
new GlyphLine(glyphPositionLineStart, count, nextLineStart - lineStart);
this._glyphLines[lineNumber] = new GlyphLine(glyphPositionLineStart, count);
for (int i = 0; i < lineStyleRunCount; i++) {
var paintRecord = this._paintRecords[this._paintRecordsCount - 1 - i];
paintRecord.shift(lineXOffset, yOffset);

this._lineCount = lineLimit;
// Compute max intrinsic width and min intrinsic width
// max intrinsic width := maximum width this paragraph could possibly expand, without any constraints,
// which equals the length of the maximum hard-break line
this._maxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
float lineBlockWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this._lineWidthCount; ++i) {

// min intrinsic width := minimum width this paragraph has to take, which equals the maximum word width
this._maxIntrinsicWidth = Mathf.Max(lineBlockWidth, this._maxIntrinsicWidth);
if (this._paragraphStyle.maxLines == 1 || (this._paragraphStyle.maxLines == null &&

return lineStyleRunCount;
internal int totalCodeUnitsInLine(int lineNumber) {
int lineStart = this._lineRanges[lineNumber].start;
int nextLineStart = lineNumber < this._lineRangeCount - 1
? this._lineRanges[lineNumber + 1].start
: this._text.Length;
return nextLineStart - lineStart;
internal void setText(string text, StyledRuns runs) {

if (glyphLine.count == 0) {
int lineStartIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < yIndex; i++) {
lineStartIndex += this._glyphLines[i].totalCountUnits;
lineStartIndex += this.totalCodeUnitsInLine(i);
return new PositionWithAffinity(lineStartIndex, TextAffinity.downstream);
