
Mergin in github readme changes.

共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 3 次插入3 次删除
  1. 6


#### **Lobby Join Menu**
![alt_text](~Documents/1_lobby_list.PNG "Lobby List")
![alt_text](~Documentation/Images/1_lobby_list.PNG "Lobby List")
The Lobby Join menu contains the lobby list UI, which acts as a hub for players to connect to each other using the public lobby list or lobby code.

#### **Lobby View**
![alt_text](~Documents/2_lobby.PNG "Lobby")
![alt_text](~Documentation/Images/2_lobby.PNG "Lobby")
The Lobby View UI displays information from Lobby and Relay for all players in a lobby. When a new player joins, they immediately begin connecting to the host, after which they synchronize emotes and state changes with the other lobby members.

* Create a duplicate project with Symbolic Links to the original **Assets **and **Packages**, so that it uses the same assets. Copy the **ProjectSettings** as well, but do not link them to the original. Note that the process for creating Symbolic Links will depend on your operating system.
* Open this project in a second Editor.
* Under **Edit **>** Project Settings **>** Player**, modify the **Product Name**. This causes the duplicate project to have a new registry entry, so Auth will assign new credentials.
* Verify that running the sample in either Play mode or a standalone build assigns a different default player name than the original. This indicates different Auth credentials, preventing the 409 errors.
* Verify that running the sample in either Play mode or a standalone build assigns a different default player name than the original. This indicates different Auth credentials, preventing the 409 errors.