
Partial progress. Consolidating a little more, should be able to start breaking things out from here.

nathaniel.buck@unity3d.com 3 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 183 次插入316 次删除
  1. 499


using LobbyRelaySample;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;

/// </summary>
public abstract class RelayUTPSetup : MonoBehaviour
// TODO: Eh, don't need to live here.
unsafe protected static RelayAllocationId ConvertFromAllocationIdBytes(byte[] allocationIdBytes)
protected bool m_isRelayConnected = false;
protected NetworkDriver m_networkDriver;
protected NativeList<NetworkConnection> m_connections;
protected NetworkEndPoint m_endpointForServer;
protected JobHandle m_currentUpdateHandle;
protected void BindToAllocation(string ip, int port, byte[] allocationIdBytes, byte[] connectionDataBytes, byte[] hostConnectionDataBytes, byte[] hmacKeyBytes, int connectionCapacity)
NetworkEndPoint serverEndpoint = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(ip, (ushort)port);
RelayAllocationId allocationId = ConvertAllocationIdBytes(allocationIdBytes);
RelayConnectionData connectionData = ConvertConnectionDataBytes(connectionDataBytes);
RelayConnectionData hostConnectionData = ConvertConnectionDataBytes(hostConnectionDataBytes);
RelayHMACKey key = ConvertHMACKeyBytes(hmacKeyBytes);
m_endpointForServer = serverEndpoint;
var relayServerData = new RelayServerData(ref serverEndpoint, 0, ref allocationId, ref connectionData, ref hostConnectionData, ref key);
var relayNetworkParameter = new RelayNetworkParameter { ServerData = relayServerData };
m_networkDriver = NetworkDriver.Create(new INetworkParameter[] { relayNetworkParameter });
m_connections = new NativeList<NetworkConnection>(connectionCapacity, Allocator.Persistent);
if (m_networkDriver.Bind(NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4) != 0)
Debug.LogError("Failed to bind to Relay allocation.");
StartCoroutine(WaitForBindComplete()); // TODO: This is the only reason for being a MonoBehaviour?
private IEnumerator WaitForBindComplete()
while (!m_networkDriver.Bound)
yield return null; // TODO: Does this not proceed until a client connects as well?
protected abstract void OnBindingComplete();
#region UTP uses pointers instead of managed arrays for performance reasons, so we use these helper functions to convert them.
unsafe private static RelayAllocationId ConvertAllocationIdBytes(byte[] allocationIdBytes)
fixed (byte* ptr = allocationIdBytes)

unsafe protected static RelayConnectionData ConvertConnectionData(byte[] connectionData)
unsafe private static RelayConnectionData ConvertConnectionDataBytes(byte[] connectionData)
fixed (byte* ptr = connectionData)

unsafe protected static RelayHMACKey ConvertFromHMAC(byte[] hmac)
unsafe private static RelayHMACKey ConvertHMACKeyBytes(byte[] hmac)
fixed (byte* ptr = hmac)

private void LateUpdate()
if (m_networkDriver.IsCreated && m_isRelayConnected)
m_currentUpdateHandle.Complete(); // This prevents warnings about a job allocation longer than 4 frames if FixedUpdate is very fast.
private Allocation m_allocation;
private bool m_isRelayConnected = false;
public NetworkDriver m_ServerDriver;
private NativeList<NetworkConnection> m_connections;
private JobHandle m_updateHandle;
public void DoRelaySetup(LocalLobby localLobby)

public void OnAllocation(Allocation allocation)
m_allocation = allocation;
// RelayInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId, OnRelayCode);
//public void OnRelayCode(string relayCode)
// m_localLobby.RelayCode = relayCode;
// RelayInterface.JoinAsync(m_localLobby.RelayCode, OnJoin);
//private void OnJoin(JoinAllocation allocation)
// // TODO: Use the ServerAddress?
// m_localLobby.RelayServer = new ServerAddress(m_allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, m_allocation.RelayServer.Port);
NetworkEndPoint serverEndpoint = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(m_allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)m_allocation.RelayServer.Port);
// UTP uses pointers instead of managed arrays for performance reasons, so we use these helper functions to convert them
RelayAllocationId allocationId = ConvertFromAllocationIdBytes(m_allocation.AllocationIdBytes);
RelayConnectionData connectionData = ConvertConnectionData(m_allocation.ConnectionData);
RelayHMACKey key = ConvertFromHMAC(m_allocation.Key);
var relayServerData = new RelayServerData(ref serverEndpoint, 0, ref allocationId, ref connectionData, ref connectionData, ref key);
var relayNetworkParameter = new RelayNetworkParameter { ServerData = relayServerData };
StartCoroutine(ServerBindAndListen(relayNetworkParameter, serverEndpoint));
private IEnumerator ServerBindAndListen(RelayNetworkParameter relayNetworkParameter, NetworkEndPoint serverEndpoint)
// Create the NetworkDriver using the Relay parameters
m_ServerDriver = NetworkDriver.Create(new INetworkParameter[] { relayNetworkParameter });
m_connections = new NativeList<NetworkConnection>(16, Allocator.Persistent);
// Bind the NetworkDriver to the local endpoint
if (m_ServerDriver.Bind(NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4) != 0)
Debug.LogError("Server failed to bind");
// The binding process is an async operation; wait until bound
while (!m_ServerDriver.Bound)
yield return null; // TODO: Does this not proceed until a client connects as well?
// Once the driver is bound you can start listening for connection requests
if (m_ServerDriver.Listen() != 0)
Debug.LogError("Server failed to listen");
yield break;
Debug.LogWarning("Server is now listening!");
m_isRelayConnected = true;
//var serverConnection = driver.Connect(serverEndpoint);
//while (driver.GetConnectionState(serverConnection) == NetworkConnection.State.Connecting)
// driver.ScheduleUpdate().Complete();
// yield return null;
//Debug.LogWarning("Should be good now?");
//// This successfully sends data, it seems, though it's just to other clients and not actually to the Relay service.
//while (true)
// yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// DataStreamWriter writer = default;
// if (driver.BeginSend(serverConnection, out writer) == 0)
// {
// writer.WriteByte(0);
// driver.EndSend(writer);
// Debug.LogWarning("Sent a byte");
// }
RelayInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(m_allocation.AllocationId, OnRelayCode);
RelayInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId, OnRelayCode);
//RelayInterface.JoinAsync(m_localLobby.RelayCode, OnRelayJoined);
RelayInterface.JoinAsync(m_localLobby.RelayCode, OnJoin);
private void OnRelayJoined(JoinAllocation allocation)
private void OnJoin(JoinAllocation joinAllocation)
m_localLobby.RelayServer = new ServerAddress(joinAllocation.RelayServer.IpV4, joinAllocation.RelayServer.Port);
private IEnumerator DoRelayConnect(JoinAllocation allocation)
private void BindToAllocation(Allocation allocation)
NetworkEndPoint serverEndpoint = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port);
// UTP uses pointers instead of managed arrays for performance reasons, so we use these helper functions to convert them
RelayAllocationId allocationId = ConvertFromAllocationIdBytes(allocation.AllocationIdBytes);
RelayConnectionData connectionData = ConvertConnectionData(allocation.ConnectionData);
RelayHMACKey key = ConvertFromHMAC(allocation.Key);
var relayServerData = new RelayServerData(ref serverEndpoint, 0, ref allocationId, ref connectionData, ref connectionData, ref key);
var relayNetworkParameter = new RelayNetworkParameter { ServerData = relayServerData };
var driver = NetworkDriver.Create(new INetworkParameter[] { relayNetworkParameter });
BindToAllocation(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, allocation.RelayServer.Port, allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.Key, 16);
var serverConnection = driver.Connect(serverEndpoint);
Debug.LogWarning("Trying the relay connection now.");
while (driver.GetConnectionState(serverConnection) == NetworkConnection.State.Connecting)
protected override void OnBindingComplete()
if (m_networkDriver.Listen() != 0)
yield return null;
Debug.LogError("Server failed to listen");
Debug.LogWarning("Should be good now?");
// This successfully sends data, it seems, though it's just to other clients and not actually to the Relay service.
while (true)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
DataStreamWriter writer = default;
if (driver.BeginSend(serverConnection, out writer) == 0)
Debug.LogWarning("Sent a byte");
Debug.LogWarning("Server is now listening!");
m_isRelayConnected = true;
struct DriverUpdateJob : IJob
public NetworkDriver driver;
public NativeList<NetworkConnection> connections;
struct DriverUpdateJob : IJob
public NetworkDriver driver;
public NativeList<NetworkConnection> connections;
public void Execute()
// Remove connections which have been destroyed from the list of active connections
for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; ++i)
public void Execute()
if (!connections[i].IsCreated)
// Remove connections which have been destroyed from the list of active connections
for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; ++i)
// Index i is a new connection since we did a swap back, check it again
if (!connections[i].IsCreated)
// Index i is a new connection since we did a swap back, check it again
// Accept all new connections
while (true)
var con = driver.Accept();
// "Nothing more to accept" is signaled by returning an invalid connection from accept
if (!con.IsCreated)
// Accept all new connections
while (true)
var con = driver.Accept();
// "Nothing more to accept" is signaled by returning an invalid connection from accept
if (!con.IsCreated)
static NetworkConnection ProcessSingleConnection(NetworkDriver.Concurrent driver, NetworkConnection connection)
DataStreamReader strm;
NetworkEvent.Type cmd;
// Pop all events for the connection
while ((cmd = driver.PopEventForConnection(connection, out strm)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)
private struct PongJob : Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForDefer
if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Data)
public NetworkDriver.Concurrent driver;
public NativeArray<NetworkConnection> connections;
public void Execute(int i)
// For ping requests we reply with a pong message
int id = strm.ReadInt();
DataStreamReader strm;
NetworkEvent.Type cmd;
// Pop all events for the connection
while ((cmd = driver.PopEventForConnection(connections[i], out strm)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)
if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Data)
// For ping requests we reply with a pong message
int id = strm.ReadInt();
Debug.LogWarning("Received int: " + id);
Debug.LogWarning("Received int: " + id);
// Create a temporary DataStreamWriter to keep our serialized pong message
if (driver.BeginSend(connection, out var pongData) == 0)
// Send the pong message with the same id as the ping
// Create a temporary DataStreamWriter to keep our serialized pong message
if (driver.BeginSend(connections[i], out var pongData) == 0)
// Send the pong message with the same id as the ping
else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect)
// When disconnected we make sure the connection return false to IsCreated so the next frames
// DriverUpdateJob will remove it
connections[i] = default(NetworkConnection);
else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect)
// When disconnected we make sure the connection return false to IsCreated so the next frames
// DriverUpdateJob will remove it
return default(NetworkConnection);
return connection;
struct PongJob : Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForDefer
public NetworkDriver.Concurrent driver;
public NativeArray<NetworkConnection> connections;
public void Execute(int i)
private void Update()
connections[i] = ProcessSingleConnection(driver, connections[i]);
// When connecting to the relay we need to this?
if (m_networkDriver.IsCreated && !m_isRelayConnected)
var updateJob = new DriverUpdateJob {driver = m_networkDriver, connections = m_connections};
private void Update()
// When connecting to the relay we need to this?
if (m_ServerDriver.IsCreated && !m_isRelayConnected)
void FixedUpdate()
var updateJob = new DriverUpdateJob {driver = m_ServerDriver, connections = m_connections};
if (m_networkDriver.IsCreated && m_isRelayConnected) {
// Wait for the previous frames ping to complete before starting a new one, the Complete in LateUpdate is not
// enough since we can get multiple FixedUpdate per frame on slow clients
var updateJob = new DriverUpdateJob {driver = m_networkDriver, connections = m_connections};
var pongJob = new PongJob
// PongJob is a ParallelFor job, it must use the concurrent NetworkDriver
driver = m_networkDriver.ToConcurrent(),
// PongJob uses IJobParallelForDeferExtensions, we *must* use AsDeferredJobArray in order to access the
// list from the job
connections = m_connections.AsDeferredJobArray()
// Update the driver should be the first job in the chain
m_currentUpdateHandle = m_networkDriver.ScheduleUpdate();
// The DriverUpdateJob which accepts new connections should be the second job in the chain, it needs to depend
// on the driver update job
m_currentUpdateHandle = updateJob.Schedule(m_currentUpdateHandle);
// PongJob uses IJobParallelForDeferExtensions, we *must* schedule with a list as first parameter rather than
// an int since the job needs to pick up new connections from DriverUpdateJob
// The PongJob is the last job in the chain and it must depends on the DriverUpdateJob
m_currentUpdateHandle = pongJob.Schedule(m_connections, 1, m_currentUpdateHandle);
void LateUpdate()
// On fast clients we can get more than 4 frames per fixed update, this call prevents warnings about TempJob
// allocation longer than 4 frames in those cases
if (m_ServerDriver.IsCreated && m_isRelayConnected)
void FixedUpdate()
if (m_ServerDriver.IsCreated && m_isRelayConnected) {
// Wait for the previous frames ping to complete before starting a new one, the Complete in LateUpdate is not
// enough since we can get multiple FixedUpdate per frame on slow clients
var updateJob = new DriverUpdateJob {driver = m_ServerDriver, connections = m_connections};
var pongJob = new PongJob
// PongJob is a ParallelFor job, it must use the concurrent NetworkDriver
driver = m_ServerDriver.ToConcurrent(),
// PongJob uses IJobParallelForDeferExtensions, we *must* use AsDeferredJobArray in order to access the
// list from the job
connections = m_connections.AsDeferredJobArray()
// Update the driver should be the first job in the chain
m_updateHandle = m_ServerDriver.ScheduleUpdate();
// The DriverUpdateJob which accepts new connections should be the second job in the chain, it needs to depend
// on the driver update job
m_updateHandle = updateJob.Schedule(m_updateHandle);
// PongJob uses IJobParallelForDeferExtensions, we *must* schedule with a list as first parameter rather than
// an int since the job needs to pick up new connections from DriverUpdateJob
// The PongJob is the last job in the chain and it must depends on the DriverUpdateJob
m_updateHandle = pongJob.Schedule(m_connections, 1, m_updateHandle);
private NetworkDriver m_ClientDriver;
private NativeArray<NetworkConnection> m_clientToServerConnection;
private bool m_isRelayConnected = false;
private JobHandle m_activeUpdateJobHandle;
public void JoinRelay(LocalLobby localLobby)

private void OnJoin(JoinAllocation allocation)
if (allocation == null)
// TODO: Error messaging.
// Collect and convert the Relay data from the join response
var serverEndpoint = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port);
var allocationId = ConvertFromAllocationIdBytes(allocation.AllocationIdBytes);
var connectionData = ConvertConnectionData(allocation.ConnectionData);
var hostConnectionData = ConvertConnectionData(allocation.HostConnectionData);
var key = ConvertFromHMAC(allocation.Key);
// Prepare the RelayNetworkParameter
var relayServerData = new RelayServerData(ref serverEndpoint, 0, ref allocationId, ref connectionData, ref hostConnectionData, ref key);
return; // TODO: Error messaging.
var relayNetworkParameter = new RelayNetworkParameter { ServerData = relayServerData };
StartCoroutine(ServerBindAndListen(relayNetworkParameter, serverEndpoint));
BindToAllocation(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, allocation.RelayServer.Port, allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.HostConnectionData, allocation.Key, 1);
private IEnumerator ServerBindAndListen(RelayNetworkParameter relayNetworkParameter, NetworkEndPoint serverEndpoint)
protected override void OnBindingComplete()
m_ClientDriver = NetworkDriver.Create(new INetworkParameter[] { relayNetworkParameter });
m_clientToServerConnection = new NativeArray<NetworkConnection>(1, Allocator.Persistent);
// Bind the NetworkDriver to the available local endpoint.
// This will send the bind request to the Relay server
if (m_ClientDriver.Bind(NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4) != 0)
private IEnumerator ConnectToServer()
// Once the client is bound to the Relay server, you can send a connection request
while (m_networkDriver.GetConnectionState(m_connections[0]) == NetworkConnection.State.Connecting)
Debug.LogError("Client failed to bind");
while (!m_ClientDriver.Bound)
yield return null;
// Once the client is bound to the Relay server, you can send a connection request
m_clientToServerConnection[0] = m_ClientDriver.Connect(serverEndpoint);
while (m_ClientDriver.GetConnectionState(m_clientToServerConnection[0]) == NetworkConnection.State.Connecting)
yield return null;
if (m_ClientDriver.GetConnectionState(m_clientToServerConnection[0]) != NetworkConnection.State.Connected)
Debug.LogError("Client failed to connect to server");
//while (true)
// yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// DataStreamWriter writer = default;
// if (m_ClientDriver.BeginSend(serverConnection, out writer) == 0)
// {
// writer.WriteByte(123);
// m_ClientDriver.EndSend(writer);
// Debug.LogError("Sent a byte");
// }
yield return null;
if (m_networkDriver.GetConnectionState(m_connections[0]) != NetworkConnection.State.Connected)
Debug.LogError("Client failed to connect to server");
struct PingJob : IJob
private struct PingJob : IJob
public NativeArray<NetworkConnection> connection;
public NativeArray<NetworkConnection> connection; // TODO: I think we were using NativeArray to merely contain one entry, since we'd be unable to pass just that via jobs?
public float fixedTime;
public void Execute()

// Process all events on the connection. If the connection is invalid it will return Empty immediately
while ((cmd = connection[0].PopEvent(driver, out strm)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)
while (connection.Length > 0 && (cmd = connection[0].PopEvent(driver, out strm)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)
if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Connect)

//pingStats[1] = (int)((fixedTime - pendingPings[0].time) * 1000);
//connection[0] = default(NetworkConnection);
if (driver.BeginSend(connection[0], out var pingData) == 0)
else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect)

private void Update()
// When connecting to the relay we need to this?
if (m_ClientDriver.IsCreated && !m_isRelayConnected)
if (m_networkDriver.IsCreated && !m_isRelayConnected)
driver = m_ClientDriver,
connection = m_clientToServerConnection,
driver = m_networkDriver,
connection = m_connections.AsArray(),
fixedTime = Time.fixedTime

void LateUpdate()
// On fast clients we can get more than 4 frames per fixed update, this call prevents warnings about TempJob
// allocation longer than 4 frames in those cases
if (m_ClientDriver.IsCreated && m_isRelayConnected)
if (m_ClientDriver.IsCreated && m_isRelayConnected)
if (m_networkDriver.IsCreated && m_isRelayConnected)
// Wait for the previous frames ping to complete before starting a new one, the Complete in LateUpdate is not

var pingJob = new PingJob
driver = m_ClientDriver,
connection = m_clientToServerConnection,
driver = m_networkDriver,
connection = m_connections,
m_activeUpdateJobHandle = m_ClientDriver.ScheduleUpdate();
m_activeUpdateJobHandle = m_networkDriver.ScheduleUpdate();
m_activeUpdateJobHandle = pingJob.Schedule(m_activeUpdateJobHandle);