
Merge from current staging.

nathaniel.buck@unity3d.com 3 年前
共有 16 个文件被更改,包括 1048 次插入534 次删除
  1. 8
  2. 958
  3. 85
  4. 178
  5. 4
  6. 30
  7. 124
  8. 8
  9. 26
  10. 2
  11. 43
  12. 3
  13. 2
  14. 2
  15. 98
  16. 11


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propertyPath: m_AnchorMax.x
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_AnchorMax.y
value: 1
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propertyPath: m_AnchorMin.x
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_AnchorMin.y
value: 1
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propertyPath: m_SizeDelta.x
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value: 40
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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x

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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: 0
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
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value: -0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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value: -1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x


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MsgType msgType = (MsgType)msgContents[0];
int idLength = msgContents[1];
if (msgContents.Count < idLength + 2)
{ UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($"Relay client processed message of length {idLength}, but contents were of length {msgContents.Count}.");
string id = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msgContents.GetRange(2, idLength).ToArray());
if (id == m_localUser.ID || !m_localLobby.LobbyUsers.ContainsKey(id)) // We don't need to hold onto messages if the ID is absent; users are initialized before they send events.


protected abstract void JoinRelay();
/// Shared behavior for binding UTP to the Relay Allocation, which is required for use.
/// Determine the server endpoint for connecting to the Relay server, for either an Allocation or a JoinAllocation.
/// If DTLS encryption is available, and there's a secure server endpoint available, use that as a secure connection. Otherwise, just connect to the Relay IP unsecured.
/// </summary>
protected NetworkEndPoint GetEndpointForAllocation(List<RelayServerEndpoint> endpoints, string ip, int port, out bool isSecure)
foreach (RelayServerEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
if (endpoint.Secure && endpoint.Network == RelayServerEndpoint.NetworkOptions.Udp)
isSecure = true;
return NetworkEndPoint.Parse(endpoint.Host, (ushort)endpoint.Port);
isSecure = false;
return NetworkEndPoint.Parse(ip, (ushort)port);
/// <summary>
/// Shared behavior for binding to the Relay allocation, which is required for use.
protected void BindToAllocation(string ip, int port, byte[] allocationIdBytes, byte[] connectionDataBytes, byte[] hostConnectionDataBytes, byte[] hmacKeyBytes, int connectionCapacity)
protected void BindToAllocation(NetworkEndPoint serverEndpoint, byte[] allocationIdBytes, byte[] connectionDataBytes, byte[] hostConnectionDataBytes, byte[] hmacKeyBytes, int connectionCapacity, bool isSecure)
NetworkEndPoint serverEndpoint = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(ip, (ushort)port);
m_endpointForServer = serverEndpoint;
//TODO Implement DTLS
bool isSecure = false;
relayServerData.ComputeNewNonce(); // For security, the nonce value sent when authenticating the allocation must be increased.
var relayNetworkParameter = new RelayNetworkParameter { ServerData = relayServerData };
m_networkDriver = NetworkDriver.Create(new INetworkParameter[] { relayNetworkParameter });

m_allocation = allocation;
RelayAPIInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId, OnRelayCode);
BindToAllocation(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, allocation.RelayServer.Port, allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.Key, 16);
bool isSecure = false;
m_endpointForServer = GetEndpointForAllocation(allocation.ServerEndpoints, allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, allocation.RelayServer.Port, out isSecure);
BindToAllocation(m_endpointForServer, allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.Key, 16, isSecure);
m_localLobby.RelayServer = new ServerAddress(m_allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, m_allocation.RelayServer.Port);
m_localLobby.RelayServer = new ServerAddress(m_endpointForServer.Address.Split(':')[0], m_endpointForServer.Port);
m_joinState |= JoinState.Joined;

if (joinAllocation == null || this == null) // The returned JoinAllocation is null if allocation failed. this would be destroyed already if you quit the lobby while Relay is connecting.
m_allocation = joinAllocation;
BindToAllocation(joinAllocation.RelayServer.IpV4, joinAllocation.RelayServer.Port, joinAllocation.AllocationIdBytes, joinAllocation.ConnectionData, joinAllocation.HostConnectionData, joinAllocation.Key, 1);
m_localLobby.RelayServer = new ServerAddress(joinAllocation.RelayServer.IpV4, joinAllocation.RelayServer.Port);
bool isSecure = false;
m_endpointForServer = GetEndpointForAllocation(joinAllocation.ServerEndpoints, joinAllocation.RelayServer.IpV4, joinAllocation.RelayServer.Port, out isSecure);
BindToAllocation(m_endpointForServer, joinAllocation.AllocationIdBytes, joinAllocation.ConnectionData, joinAllocation.HostConnectionData, joinAllocation.Key, 1, isSecure);
m_localLobby.RelayServer = new ServerAddress(m_endpointForServer.Address.Split(':')[0], m_endpointForServer.Port);
protected override void OnBindingComplete()


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"excludePlatforms": [],


"com.unity.test-framework": "1.1.27",
"com.unity.textmeshpro": "3.0.6",
"com.unity.toolchain.win-x86_64-linux-x86_64": "0.1.20-preview",
"com.unity.transport": "1.0.0-pre.3",
"com.unity.transport": "1.0.0-pre.5",
"com.unity.ugui": "1.0.0",
"com.unity.modules.ai": "1.0.0",
"com.unity.modules.androidjni": "1.0.0",


"url": "https://packages.unity.com"
"com.unity.transport": {
"version": "1.0.0-pre.3",
"version": "1.0.0-pre.5",
"depth": 0,
"source": "registry",
"dependencies": {


using System;
using System.Collections;
using LobbyRelaySample.relay;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Unity.Networking.Transport;
using Unity.Services.Relay.Models;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
namespace Test
public class UtpTests
private class RelayUtpTest : RelayUtpSetupHost
public Action<NetworkEndPoint, bool> OnGetEndpoint { private get; set; }
public void JoinRelayPublic()
protected override void JoinRelay()
RelayAPIInterface.AllocateAsync(1, OnAllocation);
void OnAllocation(Allocation allocation)
bool isSecure = false;
NetworkEndPoint endpoint = GetEndpointForAllocation(allocation.ServerEndpoints, allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, allocation.RelayServer.Port, out isSecure);
OnGetEndpoint?.Invoke(endpoint, isSecure);
// The allocation will be cleaned up automatically, since we won't be pinging it regularly.
private LobbyRelaySample.Auth.SubIdentity_Authentication m_auth;
private bool m_didSigninComplete = false;
GameObject m_dummy;
public void Setup()
m_dummy = new GameObject();
m_auth = new LobbyRelaySample.Auth.SubIdentity_Authentication(() => { m_didSigninComplete = true; });
public void Teardown()
public IEnumerator DTLSCheck()
if (!m_didSigninComplete)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
if (!m_didSigninComplete)
Assert.Fail("Did not sign in.");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); // To prevent a possible 429 after a previous test.
RelayUtpTest relaySetup = m_dummy.AddComponent<RelayUtpTest>();
relaySetup.OnGetEndpoint = OnGetEndpoint;
bool? isSecure = null;
NetworkEndPoint endpoint = default;
float timeout = 5;
while (!isSecure.HasValue && timeout > 0)
timeout -= 0.25f;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
Assert.IsTrue(timeout > 0, "Timeout check.");
Assert.IsTrue(isSecure, "Should have a secure server endpoint.");
Assert.IsTrue(endpoint.IsValid, "Endpoint should be valid.");
void OnGetEndpoint(NetworkEndPoint resultEndpoint, bool resultIsSecure)
endpoint = resultEndpoint;
isSecure = resultIsSecure;
Assert.Ignore("DTLS encryption for Relay is not currently available for this version of Unity.");
yield break;


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