共有 15 个文件被更改,包括 589 次插入 和 164 次删除
5Assets/Scripts/GameLobby/Tests/LobbyRelay HostClient TestScene.unity
0/Assets/Scripts/GameLobby/Tests/LobbyRelay HostClient TestScene.unity
0/Assets/Scripts/GameLobby/Tests/LobbyRelay HostClient TestScene.unity.meta
using System; |
using Unity.Services.Authentication; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Diagnostics; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Threading; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using Unity.Netcode; |
using Unity.Netcode.Transports.UTP; |
using Unity.Services.Core; |
using Unity.Services.Lobbies; |
using Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models; |
using Unity.Services.Relay; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; |
public class LobbyAndRelayTester : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
string m_JoinCode; |
[SerializeField] |
string m_RelayCode; |
[SerializeField] |
bool m_Host; |
Guid m_RelayAllocationId; |
bool m_InLobby; |
string m_WorkingLobbyId; |
string m_PlayerId; |
Timer m_Time; |
Lobby m_CurrentLobby; |
// This is handled in the LobbyAsyncRequest calls normally, but we need to supply this for the dir
Dictionary<string, PlayerDataObject> m_MockUserData; |
UnityTransport m_UnityTransport; |
NetworkManager m_NetworkManager; |
CancellationTokenSource m_CancellationTokenSource; |
Stopwatch m_timer; |
// Start is called before the first frame update
public async void Start() |
{ |
var profileName = m_Host ? "host" : "client"; |
var initOptions = new InitializationOptions().SetProfile(profileName); |
await UnityServices.InitializeAsync(initOptions); |
await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync(); |
m_NetworkManager = NetworkManager.Singleton; |
m_timer = new Stopwatch(); |
m_timer.Start(); |
m_UnityTransport = m_NetworkManager.GetComponent<UnityTransport>(); |
m_PlayerId = AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId; |
m_CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); |
var cancellationToken = m_CancellationTokenSource.Token; |
Debug.Log($"Starting as: {profileName} - {m_PlayerId}"); |
if (m_Host) |
{ |
var hostLobby = await Host_Relay_Lobby(); |
if (hostLobby == null) |
return; |
m_JoinCode = hostLobby.LobbyCode; |
#pragma warning disable 4014
KeepLobbyAlive(hostLobby, cancellationToken); |
#pragma warning restore 4014
} |
else |
{ |
await Join_Disconnect_Test(); |
} |
await PollLobby(cancellationToken); |
} |
async Task KeepLobbyAlive(Lobby lobby, CancellationToken cancel) |
{ |
m_InLobby = true; |
var kickedPlayer = false; |
while (m_InLobby && !cancel.IsCancellationRequested) |
{ |
await Task.Delay(9000); |
await LobbyService.Instance.SendHeartbeatPingAsync(lobby.Id); |
Debug.Log("HeartBeat."); |
} |
} |
async Task PollLobby(CancellationToken cancel) |
{ |
m_InLobby = true; |
while (m_InLobby && !cancel.IsCancellationRequested) |
{ |
await Task.Delay(3000); |
m_CurrentLobby = await LobbyService.Instance.GetLobbyAsync(m_CurrentLobby.Id); |
Debug.Log( |
$"Polled Lobby @ {m_timer.Elapsed.Minutes} : {m_timer.Elapsed.Seconds}.\nID:{m_CurrentLobby.Id} HostID:{m_CurrentLobby.HostId} " + |
$"- Code: {m_CurrentLobby.LobbyCode} - Players: {m_CurrentLobby.Players.Count} - Private: {m_CurrentLobby.IsPrivate}"); |
} |
} |
async Task<Lobby> Host_Relay_Lobby() |
{ |
var allocation = await Relay.Instance.CreateAllocationAsync(3, null); |
m_RelayAllocationId = allocation.AllocationId; |
Debug.Log($"RelayAllocation : {m_RelayAllocationId} " + |
$"- {allocation.RelayServer.IpV4} : {allocation.RelayServer.Port}"); |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Endpoints: \n"); |
foreach (var endpoint in allocation.ServerEndpoints) |
{ |
sb.AppendLine($"Host: {endpoint.Host} - ConnectionType: {endpoint.ConnectionType} " + |
$"- Port: {endpoint.Port} - Secure?:{endpoint.Secure}"); |
} |
Debug.Log(sb); |
m_UnityTransport.SetHostRelayData(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port, |
allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.Key, allocation.ConnectionData); |
// Start Host
m_NetworkManager.StartHost(); |
// Generate Join_Relay_Lobby Code
m_RelayCode = await Relay.Instance.GetJoinCodeAsync(m_RelayAllocationId); |
// Create Lobby
var options = new CreateLobbyOptions |
{ |
Data = new Dictionary<string, DataObject> |
{ |
{ "relayJoinCode", new DataObject(DataObject.VisibilityOptions.Public, m_RelayCode) }, |
}, |
Player = new Player(m_PlayerId, allocationId: m_RelayAllocationId.ToString()) |
}; |
m_CurrentLobby = await LobbyService.Instance.CreateLobbyAsync("testLobby", 3, options); |
return m_CurrentLobby; |
} |
async Task<Lobby> Join_Relay_Lobby(string lobbyId, string password = "") |
{ |
var player = new Player(m_PlayerId); |
var options = new JoinLobbyByCodeOptions |
{ |
Player = player, |
}; |
m_CurrentLobby = await LobbyService.Instance.JoinLobbyByCodeAsync(lobbyId, options); |
Debug.Log($"Joined Lobby: {m_CurrentLobby.Id} - {m_CurrentLobby.Players.Count}"); |
m_RelayCode = m_CurrentLobby.Data["relayJoinCode"].Value; |
Debug.Log($"Joined Lobby: {m_CurrentLobby.Id} - {m_CurrentLobby.Players.Count} - RelayCode:{m_RelayCode}"); |
var joinAllocation = await Relay.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(m_RelayCode); |
await Lobbies.Instance.UpdatePlayerAsync(m_CurrentLobby.Id, player.Id, |
new UpdatePlayerOptions |
{ |
AllocationId = joinAllocation.AllocationId.ToString() |
}); |
Debug.Log($"Joined Lobby: {m_CurrentLobby.Id} - {m_CurrentLobby.Players.Count} - RelayCode:{m_RelayCode}"); |
m_UnityTransport.SetClientRelayData(joinAllocation.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)joinAllocation.RelayServer.Port, |
joinAllocation.AllocationIdBytes, joinAllocation.Key, joinAllocation.ConnectionData, |
joinAllocation.HostConnectionData, false); |
if (!m_NetworkManager.StartClient()) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Could not start client?"); |
} |
return m_CurrentLobby; |
} |
async Task Host_Disconnect_Test() |
{ |
var lobby = await Host_Relay_Lobby(); |
Debug.Log($"Created Lobby {lobby.Players.Count}"); |
var kicked = false; |
var callbacks = new LobbyEventCallbacks(); |
callbacks.KickedFromLobby += () => |
{ |
Debug.Log("GOT KICKED!"); |
kicked = true; |
}; |
await LobbyService.Instance.SubscribeToLobbyEventsAsync(lobby.Id, callbacks); |
await Task.Delay(5000); // Give it a moment
//Local Disconnect
NetworkManager.Singleton.Shutdown(); |
//Wait for either the Lobby to signal that we were kicked, or for the time to run out. (Tested with up to 30s, still
await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(10000), WaitForKicked()); |
async Task WaitForKicked() |
{ |
while (!kicked) |
await Task.Delay(50); |
} |
var getPostKickLobbyData = await LobbyService.Instance.GetLobbyAsync(lobby.Id); |
var getRelay = await Relay.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(getPostKickLobbyData.Data["relayJoinCode"].Value); |
Debug.Log( |
$"RelayAllocation : {getRelay.AllocationId} - {getRelay.RelayServer.IpV4} : {getRelay.RelayServer.Port}"); |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Endpoints: \n"); |
foreach (var endpoint in getRelay.ServerEndpoints) |
{ |
sb.AppendLine( |
$"Host: {endpoint.Host} - ConnectionType: {endpoint.ConnectionType} -Port: {endpoint.Port} - Secure?:{endpoint.Secure}"); |
} |
Debug.Log($"Was {m_PlayerId} kicked? Lobby has {getPostKickLobbyData.Players.Count} player(s)"); |
foreach (var player in getPostKickLobbyData.Players) |
{ |
Debug.Log($"Player: {player.Id}"); |
} |
} |
//need to start the lobby host in one instance and join from another
async Task Join_Disconnect_Test() |
{ |
var lobby = await Join_Relay_Lobby(m_JoinCode); |
Debug.Log($"Created Lobby {lobby.Players.Count}"); |
var kicked = false; |
var callbacks = new LobbyEventCallbacks(); |
callbacks.KickedFromLobby += () => |
{ |
Debug.Log($"GOT KICKED! @ {m_timer.Elapsed.Minutes} : {m_timer.Elapsed.Seconds}"); |
kicked = true; |
}; |
await LobbyService.Instance.SubscribeToLobbyEventsAsync(lobby.Id, callbacks); |
await Task.Delay(3000); |
//Local Disconnect
NetworkManager.Singleton.Shutdown(); |
//Wait for either the Lobby to signal that we were kicked, or for the time to run out. (Tested with up to 30s, still
await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(10000), WaitForKicked()); |
async Task WaitForKicked() |
{ |
while (!kicked) |
{ |
await Task.Delay(50); |
} |
} |
if (!kicked) |
{ |
Debug.LogError($"Player was not kicked"); |
} |
var getPostKickLobbyData = await LobbyService.Instance.GetLobbyAsync(lobby.Id); |
var getRelay = await Relay.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(getPostKickLobbyData.Data["relayJoinCode"].Value); |
Debug.Log( |
$"RelayAllocation : {getRelay.AllocationId} - {getRelay.RelayServer.IpV4} : {getRelay.RelayServer.Port}"); |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Endpoints: \n"); |
foreach (var endpoint in getRelay.ServerEndpoints) |
{ |
sb.AppendLine( |
$"Host: {endpoint.Host} - ConnectionType: {endpoint.ConnectionType} -Port: {endpoint.Port} - Secure?:{endpoint.Secure}"); |
} |
Debug.Log($"Lobby has {getPostKickLobbyData.Players.Count} player(s)"); |
foreach (var player in getPostKickLobbyData.Players) |
{ |
Debug.Log($"Player: {player.Id}"); |
} |
} |
public void OnDestroy() |
{ |
m_CancellationTokenSource?.Cancel(); |
Lobbies.Instance?.DeleteLobbyAsync(m_CurrentLobby.Id); |
} |
} |
using System; |
using Unity.Netcode; |
using UnityEngine; |
public class NetworkRotator : NetworkBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
float m_moveSpeed = 2; |
[SerializeField] |
float m_RotateSpeed = 10; |
bool m_CanRotate; |
public override void OnNetworkSpawn() |
{ |
m_CanRotate = IsHost || IsServer; |
} |
void Update() |
{ |
if (!m_CanRotate) |
return; |
transform.Translate(0, 0, m_moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime); |
transform.Rotate(0, m_RotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0); |
} |
} |
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using System; |
using Unity.Services.Authentication; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using Unity.Netcode; |
using Unity.Netcode.Transports.UTP; |
using Unity.Services.Core; |
using Unity.Services.Lobbies; |
using Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models; |
using Unity.Services.Relay; |
using UnityEngine; |
public class TestMono : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
string m_WorkingLobbyId; |
string playerID; |
bool m_DidSigninComplete = false; |
// This is handled in the LobbyAsyncRequest calls normally, but we need to supply this for the dir
Dictionary<string, PlayerDataObject> m_MockUserData; |
UnityTransport m_UnityTransport; |
NetworkManager m_NetworkManager; |
// Start is called before the first frame update
public async void Start() |
{ |
await UnityServices.InitializeAsync(); |
await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync(); |
m_NetworkManager = NetworkManager.Singleton; |
m_UnityTransport = m_NetworkManager.GetComponent<UnityTransport>(); |
playerID = AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId; |
await Lobby_Relay_Disconnect_Async_Test(); |
} |
async Task Lobby_Relay_Disconnect_Async_Test() |
{ |
var lobby = await Create_Relay_And_Lobby(); |
Debug.Log($"Created Lobby {lobby.Players.Count}"); |
var kicked = false; |
var callbacks = new LobbyEventCallbacks(); |
callbacks.KickedFromLobby += () => |
{ |
Debug.Log("GOT KICKED!"); |
kicked = true; |
}; |
await LobbyService.Instance.SubscribeToLobbyEventsAsync(lobby.Id, callbacks); |
await Task.Delay(5000); // Give it a moment
//Local Disconnect
NetworkManager.Singleton.Shutdown(); |
//Wait for either the Lobby to signal that we were kicked, or for the time to run out. (Tested with up to 30s, still
await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(10000), WaitForKicked()); |
async Task WaitForKicked() |
{ |
while (!kicked) |
{ |
await Task.Delay(50); |
} |
} |
var getPostKickLobbyData = await LobbyService.Instance.GetLobbyAsync(lobby.Id); |
try |
{ |
var getRelay = await Relay.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(getPostKickLobbyData.Data["joinCode"].Value); |
Debug.Log($"RelayAllocation : {getRelay.AllocationId} - {getRelay.RelayServer.IpV4} : {getRelay.RelayServer.Port}"); |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Endpoints: \n"); |
foreach (var endpoint in getRelay.ServerEndpoints) |
{ |
sb.AppendLine($"Host: {endpoint.Host} - ConnectionType: {endpoint.ConnectionType} -Port: {endpoint.Port} - Secure?:{endpoint.Secure}"); |
} |
} |
catch(Exception ex) |
{ |
Debug.Log($"Error getting Relay after disconnect: {ex}."); |
} |
Debug.Log($"Was {playerID} kicked? Lobby has {getPostKickLobbyData.Players.Count} player(s)"); |
foreach (var player in getPostKickLobbyData.Players) |
{ |
Debug.Log($"Player: {player.Id}"); |
} |
} |
public async Task<Lobby> Create_Relay_And_Lobby() |
{ |
// Allocate Relay
var allocation = await Relay.Instance.CreateAllocationAsync(2, null); |
try |
{ |
Debug.Log($"RelayAllocation : {allocation.AllocationId} - {allocation.RelayServer.IpV4} : {allocation.RelayServer.Port}"); |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Endpoints: \n"); |
foreach (var endpoint in allocation.ServerEndpoints) |
{ |
sb.AppendLine($"Host: {endpoint.Host} - ConnectionType: {endpoint.ConnectionType} -Port: {endpoint.Port} - Secure?:{endpoint.Secure}"); |
} |
} |
catch(Exception ex) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Error getting Relay after disconnect: {ex}."); |
} |
// Generate Join Code
var joinCode = await Relay.Instance.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId); |
// Create Lobby
var options = new CreateLobbyOptions |
{ |
Data = new Dictionary<string, DataObject> |
{ |
{ "joinCode", new DataObject(DataObject.VisibilityOptions.Public, joinCode) }, |
}, |
Player = new Player(playerID, allocationId: allocation.AllocationId.ToString()) |
}; |
var lobby = await LobbyService.Instance.CreateLobbyAsync("testLobby", 2, options); |
m_UnityTransport.SetHostRelayData(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)allocation.RelayServer.Port, |
allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.Key, allocation.ConnectionData, true); |
// Start Host
m_NetworkManager.StartHost(); |
return lobby; |
} |
public async Task<Lobby> Join(string lobbyId, string password = "") |
{ |
var player = new Player(playerID); |
var options = new JoinLobbyByIdOptions() |
{ |
Player = player, |
}; |
var lobby = await LobbyService.Instance.JoinLobbyByIdAsync(lobbyId, options); |
// Join Relay
var joinCode = lobby.Data["joinCode"].Value; |
var join = await Relay.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(joinCode); |
await Lobbies.Instance.UpdatePlayerAsync(lobby.Id, player.Id, new UpdatePlayerOptions |
{ |
AllocationId = join.AllocationId.ToString(), |
ConnectionInfo = joinCode |
}); |
m_UnityTransport.SetClientRelayData(join.RelayServer.IpV4, (ushort)join.RelayServer.Port, |
join.AllocationIdBytes, join.Key, join.ConnectionData, join.HostConnectionData, true); |
m_NetworkManager.StartClient(); |
return lobby; |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue