
Updated schema file

Steven Borkman 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 85 次插入26 次删除
  1. 111


bounding_box_2d {
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
x: <float> -- x coordinate of the upper left corner.
y: <float> -- y coordinate of the upper left corner.
width: <float> -- number of pixels in the x direction

<!-- Not yet implemented annotations
A json file that stored collections of 3D bounding boxes.
Each bounding box record maps a tuple of (instance, label) to translation, size and rotation that draws a 3D bounding box, as well as velocity and acceleration (optional) of the 3D bounding box.
All location data is given with respect to the **sensor coordinate system**.
3D bounding box information. Unlike the 2D bounding box, 3D bounding boxes coordinates are captured in **sensor coordinate system**.
Each bounding box record maps a tuple of (instance, label) to translation, size and rotation that draws a 3D bounding box, as well as velocity and acceleration (optional) of the 3D bounding box.
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
translation: <float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box's center location in meters as center_x, center_y, center_z with respect to global coordinate system.
size: <float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box size in meters as width, length, height.
rotation: <float, float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box orientation as quaternion: w, x, y, z.
velocity: <float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box velocity in meters per second as v_x, v_y, v_z.
acceleration: <float, float, float> [optional] -- 3d bounding box acceleration in meters per second^2 as a_x, a_y, a_z.
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
translation { -- 3d bounding box's center location in meters with respect to global coordinate system.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
size { -- 3d bounding box size in meters
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
rotation { -- 3d bounding box orientation as quaternion: w, x, y, z.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
w: <float> -- The w coordinate
velocity { -- [Optional] 3d bounding box velocity in meters per second.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
acceleration { -- 3d bounding box acceleration in meters per second^2.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
##### Keypoints
Keypoints data (commonly used for human pose estimation). A keypoint capture is associated to a template that defines the keypoints (see annotation.definition file).
Each keypoint record maps a tuple of (instance, label) to template, pose, and an array of keypoints. A keypoint will exist in this record for each keypoint defined in the template file.
If a given keypoint doesn't exist in the labeled gameobject, then that keypoint will have a state value of 0; if it does exist then it will have a keypoint value of 1.
keypoints {
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
template_guid: <str> -- UUID of the keypoint template
pose: <str> -- Pose ground truth information
keypoints [ -- Array of keypoint data, one entry for each keypoint defined in associated template file.
index: <int> -- Index of keypoint in template
x: <float> -- X pixel coordinate of keypoint
y: <float> -- Y pixel coordinate of keypoint
state: <int> -- 0: keypoint does not exist, 1 keypoint exists
}, ...
<!-- Not yet implemented annotations
#### instances (V2, WIP)

annotation_definition {
id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the annotation definition.
name: <str> -- Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)
description: <str, optional> -- Description of this annotation specifications.
format: <str> -- The format of the annotation files. (e.g. png, json, etc.)
spec: [<obj>...] -- Format-specific specification for the annotation values (ex. label-value mappings for semantic segmentation images)
id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the annotation definition.
name: <str> -- Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)
description: <str> -- [Optional] Description of this annotation specifications.
format: <str> -- The format of the annotation files. (e.g. png, json, etc.)
spec: [<obj>...] -- Format-specific specification for the annotation values (ex. label-value mappings for semantic segmentation images)
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
pixel_value: <int> -- Grayscale pixel value
color_pixel_value: <int, int, int> [optional] -- Color pixel value
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
pixel_value: <int> -- Grayscale pixel value
color_pixel_value: <int, int, int> -- [Optional] Color pixel value
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
# keypoint template used to define the keypoints and skeletal connections captured by the keypoint labeler.
annotation_definition.spec {
template_id: <str> -- The UUID of the template
template_name: <str> -- Human readable name of the template
key_points [ -- Array of joints defined in this template
label: <str> -- The label of the joint
index: <int> -- The index of the joint
}, ...
skeleton [ -- Array of skeletal connections (which joints have connections between one another) defined in this template
joint1: <int> -- The first joint of the connection
joint2: <int> -- The second joint of the connection
}, ...
