
API additions, license year ++

Mohsen Kamalzadeh 4 年前
共有 3 个文件被更改,包括 19 次插入7 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 9
  3. 15


com.unity.perception copyright © 2020 Unity Technologies ApS
com.unity.perception copyright © 2021 Unity Technologies ApS
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004


/// <param name="modality">The kind of the sensor (ex. "camera", "lidar")</param>
/// <param name="description">A human-readable description of the sensor (ex. "front-left rgb camera")</param>
/// <param name="firstCaptureFrame">The time, in seconds, from the start of the sequence on which this sensor should first be scheduled.</param>
/// <param name="captureTriggerMode"></param>
/// <param name="simulationDeltaTime"></param>
/// <param name="framesBetweenCaptures"></param>
/// <param name="captureTriggerMode">The method of triggering captures for this sensor.</param>
/// <param name="simulationDeltaTime">The simulation frame time (seconds) requested by this sensor.</param>
/// <param name="framesBetweenCaptures">The number of frames to simulate and render between the camera's scheduled captures. Setting this to 0 makes the camera capture every frame.</param>
/// <param name="manualSensorAffectSimulationTiming"></param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="SensorHandle"/>, which should be used to check <see cref="SensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame"/> each frame to determine whether to capture (or render) that frame.
/// It is also used to report captures, annotations, and metrics on the sensor.</returns>

/// </summary>
public bool ShouldCaptureThisFrame => DatasetCapture.SimulationState.ShouldCaptureThisFrame(this);
/// <summary>
/// Requests a capture from this sensor on the next rendered frame. Can only be used with manual capture mode (<see cref="PerceptionCamera.CaptureTriggerMode.Manual"/>).
/// </summary>
public void CaptureOnNextUpdate()


public int firstCaptureFrame = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The method of triggering captures for this camera. In <see cref="PerceptionCamera.CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled"/> mode, captures happen automatically based on a start time/frame and time/frame interval. In <see cref="PerceptionCamera.CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled"/> mode, captures should be triggered manually through calling the <see cref="PerceptionCamera.CaptureOnNextUpdate"/> method of <see cref="PerceptionCamera"/>."
/// Capture trigger modes for <see cref="PerceptionCamera"/>.
/// <summary>
/// Captures happen automatically based on a start frame and frame delta time.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Captures should be triggered manually through calling the <see cref="PerceptionCamera.CaptureOnNextUpdate"/> method of <see cref="PerceptionCamera"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The method of triggering captures for this camera.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Have this unscheduled (manual capture) camera affect simulation timings (similar to a scheduled camera) by requesting a specific frame delta time

public float simulationDeltaTime = 0.0166f;
/// <summary>
/// "The number of frames to simulate and render between the camera's scheduled captures. Setting this to 0 makes the camera capture frame.
/// The number of frames to simulate and render between the camera's scheduled captures. Setting this to 0 makes the camera capture every frame.
/// </summary>
public int framesBetweenCaptures = 0;
