It is now time to spawn and randomize our foreground objects. We are getting close to generating our first set of synthetic data!
* **Action**: Add `ForegroundObjectPlacementRandomizer` to your list of Randomizers. Click _**Add Folder**_ and select `Assets/Samples/Perception/0.5.0-preview.1/Tutorial Files/Foreground Objects/Phase 1/Prefabs`.
* **Action**: Set these values for the above Randomizer: `Depth = 3, Separation Distance = 1.5, Placement Area = (5,5)`.
* **Action**: Set these values for the above Randomizer: `Depth = -3, Separation Distance = 1.5, Placement Area = (5,5)`.
This Randomizer uses the same algorithm as the one we used for backgrounds; however, it is defined in a separate C# class because you can only have **one of each type of Randomizer added to your Scenario**. Therefore, this is our way of differentiating between how background and foreground objects are treated.