
updated scenarios doc with constants configuration instructions

Steven Leal 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 5 次插入0 次删除
  1. 5


2. Make sure to include the [Serializable] attribute on a constant class. This will ensure that the constants can be manipulated from the Unity inspector.
3. By default, UnityEngine.Object class references cannot be serialized to JSON in a meaningful way. This includes Monobehaviors and SerializedObjects. For more information on what can and can't be serialized, take a look at the [Unity JsonUtility manual](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/JsonUtility.html).
4. A scenario class's Serialize() and Deserialized() methods can be overriden to implement custom serialization strategies.
Follow the instructions below to generate a constants configuration file to modify your scenario constants in a built player:
1. Click the serialize constants button in the scenario's inspector window. This will generate a constants.json file and place it in the project's Assets/StreamingAssets folder.
2. Build your player. The new player will have a [ProjectName]_Data/StreamingAssets folder. A copy of the constants.json file previously constructed in the editor will be found in this folder.
3. Change the contents of the constants file. Any running player thereafter will utilize the newly authored constants values.