
Commit of working keypoint labeler

Steven Borkman 4 年前
共有 10 个文件被更改,包括 678 次插入0 次删除
  1. 142
  2. 8
  3. 17
  4. 3
  5. 356
  6. 3
  7. 32
  8. 3
  9. 6
  10. 108


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- label: nose
associateToRig: 0
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- label: neck
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 9
color: {r: 1, g: 0.3397382, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: right_shoulder
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 14
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- label: right_elbow
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 16
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- label: right_wrist
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 18
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- label: left_shoulder
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 13
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rigLabel: 15
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- label: left_wrist
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rigLabel: 17
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associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 2
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- label: right_knee
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rigLabel: 4
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- label: right_ankle
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 6
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rigLabel: 1
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- label: left_knee
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 3
color: {r: 0, g: 0.63836884, b: 1, a: 1}
- label: left_ankle
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 5
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rigLabel: 22
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rigLabel: 21
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rigLabel: 22
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rigLabel: 21
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joint2: 1
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joint2: 6
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joint2: 7
color: {r: 0.04214221, g: 0.4811321, b: 0.03404236, a: 1}
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joint2: 8
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joint2: 9
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.3301921, a: 1}
- joint1: 9
joint2: 10
color: {r: 0, g: 0.9433962, b: 0.71313965, a: 1}
- joint1: 1
joint2: 11
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
- joint1: 11
joint2: 12
color: {r: 0, g: 0.38122815, b: 0.9433962, a: 1}
- joint1: 12
joint2: 13
color: {r: 0.20773989, g: 0, b: 0.7169812, a: 1}
- joint1: 0
joint2: 14
color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0.88550186, a: 1}
- joint1: 0
joint2: 15
color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0.81438303, a: 1}
- joint1: 16
joint2: 14
color: {r: 0.5743165, g: 0, b: 1, a: 1}
- joint1: 17
joint2: 15
color: {r: 0.8962264, g: 0, b: 0.12766689, a: 1}


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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
public class JointLabel : MonoBehaviour
public class TemplateData
public KeyPointTemplate template;
public string label;
public List<TemplateData> templateInformation;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 8cf4fa374b134b1680755f8280ae8e7d
timeCreated: 1610577744


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
public sealed class KeyPointLabeler : CameraLabeler
public KeyPointTemplate activeTemplate;
public override string description
get => "Produces keypoint annotations for all visible labeled objects that have a humanoid animation avatar component.";
protected set { }
protected override bool supportsVisualization => true;
// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global
public string annotationId = "8b3ef246-daa7-4dd5-a0e8-a943f6e7f8c2";
public IdLabelConfig idLabelConfig;
// ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Global
AnnotationDefinition m_AnnotationDefinition;
EntityQuery m_EntityQuery;
Texture2D m_MissingTexture;
protected override void Setup()
if (idLabelConfig == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("KeyPointLabeler's idLabelConfig field must be assigned");
m_AnnotationDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition("keypoints", new []{TemplateToJson(activeTemplate)},
"pixel coordinates of keypoints in a model, along with skeletal connectivity data", id: new Guid(annotationId));
m_EntityQuery = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(typeof(Labeling), typeof(GroundTruthInfo));
m_KeyPointEntries = new List<KeyPointEntry>();
m_MissingTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
m_KnownStatus = new Dictionary<uint, CachedData>();
protected override void OnBeginRendering()
var reporter = perceptionCamera.SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync(m_AnnotationDefinition);
var entities = m_EntityQuery.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
foreach (var entity in entities)
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Global
public struct KeyPointEntry
public int label_id;
public uint instance_id;
public string template_guid;
public KeyPoint[] keypoints;
public struct KeyPoint
public int index;
public float x;
public float y;
public int state;
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Global
Vector3 ConvertToScreenSpace(Vector3 worldLocation)
var pt = perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldLocation);
pt.y = Screen.height - pt.y;
return pt;
List<KeyPointEntry> m_KeyPointEntries;
struct CachedData
public bool status;
public Animator animator;
public KeyPointEntry keyPoints;
public List<(JointLabel, int)> overrides;
Dictionary<uint, CachedData> m_KnownStatus;
bool TryToGetTemplateIndexForJoint(KeyPointTemplate template, JointLabel joint, out int index)
index = -1;
foreach (var jointTemplate in joint.templateInformation.Where(jointTemplate => jointTemplate.template == template))
for (var i = 0; i < template.keyPoints.Length; i++)
if (template.keyPoints[i].label == jointTemplate.label)
index = i;
return true;
return false;
bool DoesTemplateContainJoint(JointLabel jointLabel)
foreach (var template in jointLabel.templateInformation)
if (template.template == activeTemplate)
if (activeTemplate.keyPoints.Any(i => i.label == template.label))
return true;
return false;
void ProcessEntity(Labeling labeledEntity)
if (!m_KnownStatus.ContainsKey(labeledEntity.instanceId))
var cached = new CachedData()
status = false,
animator = null,
keyPoints = new KeyPointEntry()
if (idLabelConfig.TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(labeledEntity.instanceId, out var labelEntry))
var entityGameObject = labeledEntity.gameObject;
var animator = entityGameObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();
if (animator != null)
var avatar = animator.avatar;
if (avatar.isValid && avatar.isHuman)
cached.animator = animator;
cached.keyPoints.instance_id = labeledEntity.instanceId;
cached.keyPoints.label_id = labelEntry.id;
cached.keyPoints.template_guid = activeTemplate.templateID.ToString();
cached.keyPoints.keypoints = new KeyPoint[activeTemplate.keyPoints.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < cached.keyPoints.keypoints.Length; i++)
cached.keyPoints.keypoints[i].index = i;
cached.keyPoints.keypoints[i].state = 0;
cached.overrides = new List<(JointLabel, int)>();
cached.status = true;
foreach (var joint in entityGameObject.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<JointLabel>())
if (TryToGetTemplateIndexForJoint(activeTemplate, joint, out var idx))
cached.overrides.Add((joint, idx));
m_KnownStatus[labeledEntity.instanceId] = cached;
var cachedData = m_KnownStatus[labeledEntity.instanceId];
if (cachedData.status)
var animator = cachedData.animator;
var keyPoints = cachedData.keyPoints.keypoints;
// Go through all of the rig keypoints and get their location
for (var i = 0; i < activeTemplate.keyPoints.Length; i++)
var pt = activeTemplate.keyPoints[i];
if (pt.associateToRig)
var loc = ConvertToScreenSpace(animator.GetBoneTransform(pt.rigLabel).position);
keyPoints[i].index = i;
keyPoints[i].x = loc.x;
keyPoints[i].y = loc.y;
keyPoints[i].state = 1;
// Go through all of the additional or override points defined by joint labels and get
// their locations
foreach (var (joint, idx) in cachedData.overrides)
var loc = ConvertToScreenSpace(joint.transform.position);
keyPoints[idx].index = idx;
keyPoints[idx].x = loc.x;
keyPoints[idx].y = loc.y;
keyPoints[idx].state = 1;
Rect ToBoxRect(float x, float y, float halfSize = 3.0f)
return new Rect(x - halfSize, y - halfSize, halfSize * 2, halfSize * 2);
void DrawPoint(float x, float y, Color color, Texture2D texture)
var oldColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = color;
GUI.DrawTexture(ToBoxRect(x, y, 4), texture);
GUI.color = oldColor;
float Magnitude(float p1X, float p1Y, float p2X, float p2Y)
var x = p2X - p1X;
var y = p2Y - p1Y;
return Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
void DrawLine (float p1X, float p1Y, float p2X, float p2Y, Color color, Texture texture)
var oldColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = color;
var matrixBackup = GUI.matrix;
const float width = 8.0f;
var angle = Mathf.Atan2 (p2Y - p1Y, p2X - p1X) * 180f / Mathf.PI;
var length = Magnitude(p1X, p1Y, p2X, p2Y);
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot (angle, new Vector2(p1X, p1Y));
const float halfWidth = width * 0.5f;
GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect (p1X - halfWidth, p1Y - halfWidth, length, width), texture);
GUI.matrix = matrixBackup;
GUI.color = oldColor;
protected override void OnVisualize()
var jointTexture = activeTemplate.jointTexture;
if (jointTexture == null) jointTexture = m_MissingTexture;
var skeletonTexture = activeTemplate.skeletonTexture;
if (skeletonTexture == null) skeletonTexture = m_MissingTexture;
foreach (var entry in m_KeyPointEntries)
foreach (var bone in activeTemplate.skeleton)
var joint1 = entry.keypoints[bone.joint1];
var joint2 = entry.keypoints[bone.joint2];
if (joint1.state != 0 && joint2.state != 0)
DrawLine(joint1.x, joint1.y, joint2.x, joint2.y, bone.color, skeletonTexture);
foreach (var keypoint in entry.keypoints)
if (keypoint.state != 0)
DrawPoint(keypoint.x, keypoint.y, activeTemplate.keyPoints[keypoint.index].color, jointTexture);
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local
struct JointJson
public string label;
public int index;
struct SkeletonJson
public int joint1;
public int joint2;
struct KeyPointJson
public string template_id;
public string template_name;
public JointJson[] key_points;
public SkeletonJson[] skeleton;
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Local
KeyPointJson TemplateToJson(KeyPointTemplate input)
var json = new KeyPointJson();
json.template_id = input.templateID.ToString();
json.template_name = input.templateName;
json.key_points = new JointJson[input.keyPoints.Length];
json.skeleton = new SkeletonJson[input.skeleton.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < input.keyPoints.Length; i++)
json.key_points[i] = new JointJson
label = input.keyPoints[i].label,
index = i
for (var i = 0; i < input.skeleton.Length; i++)
json.skeleton[i] = new SkeletonJson()
joint1 = input.skeleton[i].joint1,
joint2 = input.skeleton[i].joint2
return json;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 377d37b913b843b6985fa57c13cb732c
timeCreated: 1610383503


using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
public class KeyPointDefinition
public string label;
public bool associateToRig = true;
public HumanBodyBones rigLabel = HumanBodyBones.Head;
public Color color;
public class SkeletonDefinition
public int joint1;
public int joint2;
public Color color;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "KeypointTemplate", menuName = "Perception/Keypoint Template", order = 2)]
public class KeyPointTemplate : ScriptableObject
public Guid templateID;
public string templateName;
public Texture2D jointTexture;
public Texture2D skeletonTexture;
public KeyPointDefinition[] keyPoints;
public SkeletonDefinition[] skeleton;


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