using UnityEngine.Perception.Content; |
using MenuItem = UnityEditor.MenuItem; |
using UnityEngine; |
using static UnityEngine.Perception.Content.CharacterValidation; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
static string[] toolbarNames = null; |
static string[] s_ToolbarNames = null; |
CharacterTooling m_contentTests = new CharacterTooling(); |
UnityEngine.Object keypointTemplate; |
CharacterTooling m_ContentTests = new CharacterTooling(); |
UnityEngine.Object m_KeypointTemplate; |
GameObject selection = null; |
int toolbarSelection = 0; |
bool drawFaceRays = false; |
bool apiResult = false; |
bool checkJoints = false; |
bool vaildCharacter = false; |
string savePath = "Assets/"; |
string status = "Unknown"; |
GameObject m_Selection = null; |
int m_ToolbarSelection = 0; |
bool m_DrawFaceRays = false; |
bool m_ApiResult = false; |
bool m_CheckJoints = false; |
bool m_VaildCharacter = false; |
string m_SavePath = "Assets/"; |
string m_Status = "Unknown"; |
selection = Selection.activeGameObject; |
m_Selection = Selection.activeGameObject; |
if(selection != null) |
if(m_Selection != null) |
var head = FindBodyPart("head", selection.transform); |
var leftEye = FindBodyPart("leftEye", selection.transform); |
var rightEye = FindBodyPart("rightEye", selection.transform); |
var head = CharacterValidation.FindBodyPart("head", m_Selection.transform); |
var leftEye = CharacterValidation.FindBodyPart("leftEye", m_Selection.transform); |
var rightEye = CharacterValidation.FindBodyPart("rightEye", m_Selection.transform); |
status = "Character ready to add joints"; |
vaildCharacter = true; |
checkJoints = m_contentTests.ValidateNoseAndEars(selection); |
m_Status = "Character ready to add joints"; |
m_VaildCharacter = true; |
m_CheckJoints = m_ContentTests.ValidateNoseAndEars(m_Selection); |
status = "Missing either the head/left or right eye joint transforms!"; |
vaildCharacter = false; |
m_Status = "Missing either the head/left or right eye joint transforms!"; |
m_VaildCharacter = false; |
} |
} |
} |
Repaint(); |
selection = Selection.activeGameObject; |
m_Selection = Selection.activeGameObject; |
toolbarNames = new string[] { "Keypoints", "Validation" }; |
s_ToolbarNames = new string[] { "Keypoints", "Validation" }; |
CharacterToolingUI window = (CharacterToolingUI)GetWindow(typeof(CharacterToolingUI)); |
window.autoRepaintOnSceneChange = true; |
window.Show(); |
{ |
if (selection != null && selection.GetType() == typeof(GameObject)) |
if (m_Selection != null && m_Selection.GetType() == typeof(GameObject)) |
EditorGUILayout.TextField("Selected Character : ", selection.name); |
savePath = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Prefab Save Location : ", savePath); |
EditorGUILayout.TextField("Selected GameObject : ", m_Selection.name); |
m_SavePath = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Prefab Save Location : ", m_SavePath); |
keypointTemplate = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(keypointTemplate, typeof(KeypointTemplate), true, GUILayout.MaxWidth(500)); |
m_KeypointTemplate = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_KeypointTemplate, typeof(KeypointTemplate), true, GUILayout.MaxWidth(500)); |
toolbarSelection = GUILayout.Toolbar(toolbarSelection, toolbarNames); |
m_ToolbarSelection = GUILayout.Toolbar(m_ToolbarSelection, s_ToolbarNames); |
switch (toolbarSelection) |
switch (m_ToolbarSelection) |
{ |
case 0: |
GUILayout.Label("Character Tools", EditorStyles.whiteLargeLabel); |
var failedPose = new List<GameObject>(); |
GameObject newModel; |
drawFaceRays = GUILayout.Toggle(drawFaceRays, "Draw Face Rays"); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Create Ears and Nose: {0}", apiResult), EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Ears and Nose status: {0}", status), EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
m_DrawFaceRays = GUILayout.Toggle(m_DrawFaceRays, "Draw Face Rays"); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Create Ears and Nose: {0}", m_ApiResult), EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Ears and Nose status: {0}", m_Status), EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
if (checkJoints) |
if (m_CheckJoints) |
status = "Joints already exist"; |
m_Status = "Joints already exist"; |
else if (!checkJoints && vaildCharacter) |
else if (!m_CheckJoints && m_VaildCharacter) |
status = "Joints don't exist"; |
m_Status = "Joints don't exist"; |
if (savePath == "Assets/") |
apiResult = m_contentTests.CharacterCreateNose(selection, out newModel, keypointTemplate, drawFaceRays); |
if (m_SavePath == "Assets/") |
m_ApiResult = m_ContentTests.CharacterCreateNose(m_Selection, out newModel, m_KeypointTemplate, m_DrawFaceRays); |
apiResult = m_contentTests.CharacterCreateNose(selection, out newModel, keypointTemplate, drawFaceRays, savePath); |
m_ApiResult = m_ContentTests.CharacterCreateNose(m_Selection, out newModel, m_KeypointTemplate, m_DrawFaceRays, m_SavePath); |
var modelValidate = m_contentTests.ValidateNoseAndEars(newModel); |
var modelValidate = m_ContentTests.ValidateNoseAndEars(newModel); |
status = "Ear and Nose joints created"; |
m_Status = "Ear and Nose joints created"; |
status = "Failed to create the Ear and Nose joints"; |
m_Status = "Failed to create the Ear and Nose joints"; |
} |
} |
GUILayout.Label("Character Validation", EditorStyles.whiteLargeLabel); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Validation for Character : {0}", apiResult), EditorStyles.whiteLabel); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Validation for Character : {0}", m_ApiResult), EditorStyles.whiteLabel); |
var animator = selection.GetComponentInChildren<Animator>(); |
var animator = m_Selection.GetComponentInChildren<Animator>(); |
if (animator != null) |
{ |
if (GUILayout.Button("Validate Bones", GUILayout.Width(160))) |
{ |
apiResult = m_contentTests.CharacterRequiredBones(selection, out failedBones); |
m_ApiResult = m_ContentTests.CharacterRequiredBones(m_Selection, out failedBones); |
for (int i = 0; i < RequiredBones.Length; i++) |
for (int i = 0; i < CharacterValidation.s_RequiredBones.Length; i++) |
{ |
for (int b = 0; b < failedBones.Count; b++) |
{ |
if (RequiredBones[i] == boneKey.humanName) |
if (CharacterValidation.s_RequiredBones[i] == boneKey.humanName) |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Bone {0}: {1}", RequiredBones[i], "Missing"), EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Bone {0}: {1}", CharacterValidation.s_RequiredBones[i], "Missing"), EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
} |
} |
} |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Required Bones Present : {0}", apiResult), EditorStyles.whiteLabel); |
GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Required Bones Present : {0}", m_ApiResult), EditorStyles.whiteLabel); |
} |
} |
apiResult = m_contentTests.CharacterPoseData(selection, out failedPose); |
m_ApiResult = m_ContentTests.CharacterPoseData(m_Selection, out failedPose); |
} |
break; |
{ |
GUILayout.Label("The selected assets is invalid, please select a different Game Object.", EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
GUILayout.Label("The selected asset(s) is invalid, please select a Game Object.", EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
} |
} |
} |