
Merge pull request #158 from Unity-Technologies/keypoints

Keypoints (Human Pose Estimate)
GitHub 4 年前
共有 35 个文件被更改,包括 3165 次插入40 次删除
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### Added
Added keypoint ground truth labeling
Added animation randomization
Added ScenarioConstants base class for all scenario constants objects
Added ScenarioBase.SerializeToConfigFile()


The RenderedObjectInfoLabeler records a list of all objects visible in the Camera image, including its instance ID, resolved label ID and visible pixels. If Unity cannot resolve objects to a label in the IdLabelConfig, it does not record these objects.
### KeypointLabeler
The keypoint labeler captures keypoints of a labeled gameobject. The typical use of this labeler is capturing human pose
estimation data. The labeler uses a [keypoint template](#KeypointTemplate) which defines the keypoints to capture for the
model and the skeletal connections between those keypoints. The positions of the keypoints are recorded in pixel coordinates
and saved to the captures json file.
keypoints {
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
template_guid: <str> -- UUID of the keypoint template
pose: <str> -- Pose ground truth information
keypoints [ -- Array of keypoint data, one entry for each keypoint defined in associated template file.
index: <int> -- Index of keypoint in template
x: <float> -- X pixel coordinate of keypoint
y: <float> -- Y pixel coordinate of keypoint
state: <int> -- 0: keypoint does not exist, 1 keypoint exists
}, ...
#### Keypoint Template
keypoint templates are used to define the keypoints and skeletal connections captured by the KeypointLabeler. The keypoint
template takes advantage of Unity's humanoid animation rig, and allows the user to automatically associate template keypoints
to animation rig joints. Additionally, the user can choose to ignore the rigged points, or add points not defined in the rig.
A Coco keypoint template is included in the perception package.
##### Editor
The keypoint template editor allows the user to create/modify a keypoint template. The editor consists of the header information,
the keypoint array, and the skeleton array.
![Header section of the keypoint template](images/keypoint_template_header.png)
<br/>_Header section of the keypoint template_
In the header section, a user can change the name of the template and supply textures that they would like to use for the keypoint
![The keypoint section of the keypoint template](images/keypoint_template_keypoints.png)
<br/>_Keypoint section of the keypoint template_
The keypoint section allows the user to create/edit keypoints and associate them with Unity animation rig points. Each keypoint record
has 4 fields: label (the name of the keypoint), Associate to Rig (a boolean value which, if true, automatically maps the keypoint to
the gameobject defined by the rig), Rig Label (only needed if Associate To Rig is true, defines which rig component to associate with
the keypoint), and Color (RGB color value of the keypoint in the visualization).
![Skeleton section of the keypoint template](images/keypoint_template_skeleton.png)
<br/>_Skeleton section of the keypoint template_
The skeleton section allows the user to create connections between joints, basically defining the skeleton of a labeled object.
##### Format
annotation_definition.spec {
template_id: <str> -- The UUID of the template
template_name: <str> -- Human readable name of the template
key_points [ -- Array of joints defined in this template
label: <str> -- The label of the joint
index: <int> -- The index of the joint
}, ...
skeleton [ -- Array of skeletal connections (which joints have connections between one another) defined in this template
joint1: <int> -- The first joint of the connection
joint2: <int> -- The second joint of the connection
}, ...
#### Animation Pose Label
This file is used to define timestamps in an animation to a pose label.
## Limitations
Ground truth is not compatible with all rendering features, especially those that modify the visibility or shape of objects in the frame.


#### capture.annotation.values
<!-- Not yet implemented annotations
##### instance segmentation - polygon
##### instance segmentation - color image
A json object that stores collections of polygons. Each polygon record maps a tuple of (instance, label) to a list of
K pixel coordinates that forms a polygon. This object can be directly stored in annotation.values
A color png file that stores instance ids as a color value per pixel. The png files are located in the "filename" location.
semantic_segmentation_polygon {
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
polygon: [<int, int>,...] -- List of points in pixel coordinates of the outer edge. Connecting these points in order should create a polygon that identifies the object.
instance_segmentation {
instance_id: <int> -- The instance ID of the labeled object
color { -- The pixel color that correlates with the instance ID
r: <int> -- The red value of the pixel between 0 and 255
g: <int> -- The green value of the pixel between 0 and 255
b: <int> -- The blue value of the pixel between 0 and 255
a: <int> -- The alpha value of the pixel between 0 and 255
##### 2D bounding box

bounding_box_2d {
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
x: <float> -- x coordinate of the upper left corner.
y: <float> -- y coordinate of the upper left corner.
width: <float> -- number of pixels in the x direction

<!-- Not yet implemented annotations
A json file that stored collections of 3D bounding boxes.
Each bounding box record maps a tuple of (instance, label) to translation, size and rotation that draws a 3D bounding box, as well as velocity and acceleration (optional) of the 3D bounding box.
All location data is given with respect to the **sensor coordinate system**.
3D bounding box information. Unlike the 2D bounding box, 3D bounding boxes coordinates are captured in **sensor coordinate system**.
Each bounding box record maps a tuple of (instance, label) to translation, size and rotation that draws a 3D bounding box, as well as velocity and acceleration (optional) of the 3D bounding box.
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
translation: <float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box's center location in meters as center_x, center_y, center_z with respect to global coordinate system.
size: <float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box size in meters as width, length, height.
rotation: <float, float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box orientation as quaternion: w, x, y, z.
velocity: <float, float, float> -- 3d bounding box velocity in meters per second as v_x, v_y, v_z.
acceleration: <float, float, float> [optional] -- 3d bounding box acceleration in meters per second^2 as a_x, a_y, a_z.
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
translation { -- 3d bounding box's center location in meters with respect to global coordinate system.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
size { -- 3d bounding box size in meters
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
rotation { -- 3d bounding box orientation as quaternion: w, x, y, z.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
w: <float> -- The w coordinate
velocity { -- [Optional] 3d bounding box velocity in meters per second.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
acceleration { -- [Optional] 3d bounding box acceleration in meters per second^2.
x: <float> -- The x coordinate
y: <float> -- The y coordinate
z: <float> -- The z coordinate
##### Keypoints
Keypoint data, commonly used for human pose estimation. A keypoint capture is associated to a template that defines the keypoints (see annotation.definition file).
Each keypoint record maps a tuple of (instance, label) to template, pose, and an array of keypoints. A keypoint will exist in this record for each keypoint defined in the template file.
If a given keypoint doesn't exist in the labeled gameobject, then that keypoint will have a state value of 0; if it does exist then it will have a keypoint value of 2.
keypoints {
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
instance_id: <str> -- UUID of the instance.
template_guid: <str> -- UUID of the keypoint template
pose: <str> -- Pose ground truth information
keypoints [ -- Array of keypoint data, one entry for each keypoint defined in associated template file.
index: <int> -- Index of keypoint in template
x: <float> -- X pixel coordinate of keypoint
y: <float> -- Y pixel coordinate of keypoint
state: <int> -- 0: keypoint does not exist, 2 keypoint exists
}, ...
<!-- Not yet implemented annotations
#### instances (V2, WIP)

Typically, the `spec` key describes all labels_id and label_name used by the annotation.
Some special cases like semantic segmentation might assign additional values (e.g. pixel value) to record the mapping between label_id/label_name and pixel color in the annotated PNG files.
##### annotation definition header
id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the annotation definition.
name: <str> -- Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)
description: <str, optional> -- Description of this annotation specifications.
format: <str> -- The format of the annotation files. (e.g. png, json, etc.)
spec: [<obj>...] -- Format-specific specification for the annotation values (ex. label-value mappings for semantic segmentation images)
id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the annotation definition.
name: <str> -- Human readable annotation spec name (e.g. sementic_segmentation, instance_segmentation, etc.)
description: <str> -- [Optional] Description of this annotation specifications.
format: <str> -- The format of the annotation files. (e.g. png, json, etc.)
spec: [<obj>...] -- Format-specific specification for the annotation values (ex. label-value mappings for semantic segmentation images)
# semantic segmentation
##### semantic segmentation
Annotation spec for semantic [segmentation labeler](#semantic-segmentation---grayscale-image)
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
pixel_value: <int> -- Grayscale pixel value
color_pixel_value: <int, int, int> [optional] -- Color pixel value
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
pixel_value: <int> -- Grayscale pixel value
color_pixel_value: <int, int, int> -- [Optional] Color pixel value
##### label enumeration spec
This spec is used for annotations like [bounding box 2d](#2d-bounding-box). This might be a subset of all labels used in simulation.
annotation_definition.spec {
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
# label enumeration spec, used for annotations like bounding box 2d. This might be a subset of all labels used in simulation.
##### keypoint template
keypoint templates are used to define the keypoints and skeletal connections captured by the [keypoint labeler](#keypoints).
label_id: <int> -- Integer identifier of the label
label_name: <str> -- String identifier of the label
template_id: <str> -- The UUID of the template
template_name: <str> -- Human readable name of the template
key_points [ -- Array of joints defined in this template
label: <str> -- The label of the joint
index: <int> -- The index of the joint
}, ...
skeleton [ -- Array of skeletal connections (which joints have connections between one another) defined in this template
joint1: <int> -- The first joint of the connection
joint2: <int> -- The second joint of the connection
}, ...


public sealed override Type sampleType => typeof(T);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of stored categories
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The number of stored categories</returns>
public int GetCategoryCount() => m_Categories.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the category stored at the specified index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the category to lookup</param>


之前 之后
宽度: 320  |  高度: 155  |  大小: 30 KiB


之前 之后
宽度: 902  |  高度: 484  |  大小: 50 KiB


之前 之后
宽度: 878  |  高度: 242  |  大小: 22 KiB


using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.UIElements;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Randomizers;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Editor
[CustomEditor(typeof(RandomizerTag), true)]
public class RandomizerTagEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI()
var rootElement = new VisualElement();
return rootElement;
void CreatePropertyFields(VisualElement rootElement)
var iterator = serializedObject.GetIterator();
if (iterator.name == "m_Script")
var propertyField = new PropertyField(iterator.Copy());
} while (iterator.NextVisible(false));


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 364d57cb71da4535b77257c294c850f7
timeCreated: 1611697363


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// <summary>
/// Record that maps a pose to a timestamp
/// </summary>
public class PoseTimestampRecord
/// <summary>
/// The percentage within the clip that the pose starts, a value from 0 (beginning) to 1 (end)
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The percentage within the clip that the pose starts, a value from 0 (beginning) to 1 (end)")]
public float startOffsetPercent;
/// <summary>
/// The label to use for any captures inside of this time period
/// </summary>
public string poseLabel;
/// <summary>
/// The animation pose label is a mapping that file that maps a time range in an animation clip to a ground truth
/// pose. The timestamp record is defined by a pose label and a duration. The timestamp records are order dependent
/// and build on the previous entries. This means that if the first record has a duration of 5, then it will be the label
/// for all points in the clip from 0 (the beginning) to the five second mark. The next record will then go from the end
/// of the previous clip to its duration. If there is time left over in the flip, the final entry will be used.
/// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "AnimationPoseTimestamp", menuName = "Perception/Animation Pose Timestamps")]
public class AnimationPoseLabel : ScriptableObject
/// <summary>
/// The animation clip used for all of the timestamps
/// </summary>
public AnimationClip animationClip;
/// <summary>
/// The list of timestamps, order dependent
/// </summary>
public List<PoseTimestampRecord> timestamps;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the pose for the clip at the current time.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="time">The time in question</param>
/// <returns>The pose for the passed in time</returns>
public string GetPoseAtTime(float time)
if (time < 0 || time > 1) return "unset";
var i = 1;
for (i = 1; i < timestamps.Count; i++)
if (timestamps[i].startOffsetPercent > time) break;
return timestamps[i - 1].poseLabel;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 4c69656f5dd14516a3a18e42b3b43a4e
timeCreated: 1611270313


%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011:
--- !u!114 &11400000
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 0}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 37a7d6f1a40c45a2981a6291f0d03337, type: 3}
m_Name: CocoKeypointTemplate
templateName: Coco
jointTexture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: e381cbaaf29614168bafc8f7ec5dbfe9, type: 3}
skeletonTexture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: e381cbaaf29614168bafc8f7ec5dbfe9, type: 3}
- label: nose
associateToRig: 0
rigLabel: 0
color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: neck
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 9
color: {r: 1, g: 0.3397382, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: right_shoulder
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 14
color: {r: 1, g: 0.5694697, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: right_elbow
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 16
color: {r: 1, g: 0.8258381, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: right_wrist
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 18
color: {r: 0.6454141, g: 1, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: left_shoulder
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 13
color: {r: 0.33125544, g: 1, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: left_elbow
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 15
color: {r: 0.04907012, g: 1, b: 0, a: 1}
- label: left_wrist
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 17
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.16702724, a: 1}
- label: right_hip
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 2
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.36656523, a: 1}
- label: right_knee
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 4
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.58708096, a: 1}
- label: right_ankle
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 6
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.7695224, a: 1}
- label: left_hip
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 1
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
- label: left_knee
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 3
color: {r: 0, g: 0.63836884, b: 1, a: 1}
- label: left_ankle
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 5
color: {r: 0, g: 0.29786587, b: 1, a: 1}
- label: right_eye
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 22
color: {r: 0.45002556, g: 0, b: 1, a: 1}
- label: left_eye
associateToRig: 1
rigLabel: 21
color: {r: 0.9471822, g: 0, b: 1, a: 1}
- label: right_ear
associateToRig: 0
rigLabel: 22
color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0.6039734, a: 1}
- label: left_ear
associateToRig: 0
rigLabel: 21
color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0.11927748, a: 1}
- joint1: 0
joint2: 1
color: {r: 0.014684939, g: 0.05894964, b: 0.6226415, a: 1}
- joint1: 1
joint2: 2
color: {r: 0.5283019, g: 0, b: 0.074745394, a: 1}
- joint1: 2
joint2: 3
color: {r: 0.7830189, g: 0.32108742, b: 0.07756319, a: 1}
- joint1: 3
joint2: 4
color: {r: 0.9622642, g: 0.85543716, b: 0, a: 1}
- joint1: 1
joint2: 5
color: {r: 0.7019608, g: 0.20392157, b: 0.11461401, a: 1}
- joint1: 5
joint2: 6
color: {r: 0.3374826, g: 0.9056604, b: 0.26059094, a: 1}
- joint1: 6
joint2: 7
color: {r: 0.04214221, g: 0.4811321, b: 0.03404236, a: 1}
- joint1: 1
joint2: 8
color: {r: 0, g: 0.764151, b: 0.22962166, a: 1}
- joint1: 8
joint2: 9
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.3301921, a: 1}
- joint1: 9
joint2: 10
color: {r: 0, g: 0.9433962, b: 0.71313965, a: 1}
- joint1: 1
joint2: 11
color: {r: 0, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
- joint1: 11
joint2: 12
color: {r: 0, g: 0.38122815, b: 0.9433962, a: 1}
- joint1: 12
joint2: 13
color: {r: 0.20773989, g: 0, b: 0.7169812, a: 1}
- joint1: 0
joint2: 14
color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0.88550186, a: 1}
- joint1: 0
joint2: 15
color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0.81438303, a: 1}
- joint1: 16
joint2: 14
color: {r: 0.5743165, g: 0, b: 1, a: 1}
- joint1: 17
joint2: 15
color: {r: 0.8962264, g: 0, b: 0.12766689, a: 1}


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: a29b79d8ce98945a0855b1addec08d86
externalObjects: {}
mainObjectFileID: 11400000


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// <summary>
/// Label to designate a custom joint/keypoint. These are needed to add body
/// parts to a humanoid model that are not contained in its <see cref="Animator"/> <see cref="Avatar"/>
/// </summary>
public class JointLabel : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Maps this joint to a joint in a <see cref="KeyPointTemplate"/>
/// </summary>
public class TemplateData
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="KeyPointTemplate"/> that defines this joint.
/// </summary>
public KeyPointTemplate template;
/// <summary>
/// The name of the joint.
/// </summary>
public string label;
/// <summary>
/// List of all of the templates that this joint can be mapped to.
/// </summary>
public List<TemplateData> templateInformation;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 8cf4fa374b134b1680755f8280ae8e7d
timeCreated: 1610577744


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// <summary>
/// Produces keypoint annotations for a humanoid model. This labeler supports generic
/// <see cref="KeyPointTemplate"/>. Template values are mapped to rigged
/// <see cref="Animator"/> <seealso cref="Avatar"/>. Custom joints can be
/// created by applying <see cref="JointLabel"/> to empty game objects at a body
/// part's location.
/// </summary>
public sealed class KeyPointLabeler : CameraLabeler
/// <summary>
/// The active keypoint template. Required to annotate keypoint data.
/// </summary>
public KeyPointTemplate activeTemplate;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override string description
get => "Produces keypoint annotations for all visible labeled objects that have a humanoid animation avatar component.";
protected set { }
protected override bool supportsVisualization => true;
// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global
/// <summary>
/// The GUID id to associate with the annotations produced by this labeler.
/// </summary>
public string annotationId = "8b3ef246-daa7-4dd5-a0e8-a943f6e7f8c2";
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="IdLabelConfig"/> which associates objects with labels.
/// </summary>
public IdLabelConfig idLabelConfig;
// ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Global
AnnotationDefinition m_AnnotationDefinition;
EntityQuery m_EntityQuery;
Texture2D m_MissingTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Action that gets triggered when a new frame of key points are computed.
/// </summary>
public event Action<List<KeyPointEntry>> KeyPointsComputed;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new key point labeler. This constructor creates a labeler that
/// is not valid until a <see cref="IdLabelConfig"/> and <see cref="KeyPointTemplate"/>
/// are assigned.
/// </summary>
public KeyPointLabeler() { }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new key point labeler.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="config">The Id label config for the labeler</param>
/// <param name="template">The active keypoint template</param>
public KeyPointLabeler(IdLabelConfig config, KeyPointTemplate template)
this.idLabelConfig = config;
this.activeTemplate = template;
/// <summary>
/// Array of animation pose labels which map animation clip times to ground truth pose labels.
/// </summary>
public AnimationPoseLabel[] poseStateConfigs;
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void Setup()
if (idLabelConfig == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("KeyPointLabeler's idLabelConfig field must be assigned");
m_AnnotationDefinition = DatasetCapture.RegisterAnnotationDefinition("keypoints", new []{TemplateToJson(activeTemplate)},
"pixel coordinates of keypoints in a model, along with skeletal connectivity data", id: new Guid(annotationId));
m_EntityQuery = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(typeof(Labeling), typeof(GroundTruthInfo));
m_KeyPointEntries = new List<KeyPointEntry>();
// Texture to use in case the template does not contain a texture for the joints or the skeletal connections
m_MissingTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
m_KnownStatus = new Dictionary<uint, CachedData>();
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnBeginRendering()
var reporter = perceptionCamera.SensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync(m_AnnotationDefinition);
var entities = m_EntityQuery.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
var entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
foreach (var entity in entities)
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Global
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local
/// <summary>
/// Record storing all of the keypoint data of a labeled gameobject.
/// </summary>
public class KeyPointEntry
/// <summary>
/// The label id of the entity
/// </summary>
public int label_id;
/// <summary>
/// The instance id of the entity
/// </summary>
public uint instance_id;
/// <summary>
/// The template that the points are based on
/// </summary>
public string template_guid;
/// <summary>
/// Pose ground truth for the current set of keypoints
/// </summary>
public string pose = "unset";
/// <summary>
/// Array of all of the keypoints
/// </summary>
public KeyPoint[] keypoints;
/// <summary>
/// The values of a specific keypoint
/// </summary>
public class KeyPoint
/// <summary>
/// The index of the keypoint in the template file
/// </summary>
public int index;
/// <summary>
/// The keypoint's x-coordinate pixel location
/// </summary>
public float x;
/// <summary>
/// The keypoint's y-coordinate pixel location
/// </summary>
public float y;
/// <summary>
/// The state of the point, 0 = not present, 1 = keypoint is present
/// </summary>
public int state;
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Global
// ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Local
// Converts a coordinate from world space into pixel space
Vector3 ConvertToScreenSpace(Vector3 worldLocation)
var pt = perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldLocation);
pt.y = Screen.height - pt.y;
return pt;
List<KeyPointEntry> m_KeyPointEntries;
struct CachedData
public bool status;
public Animator animator;
public KeyPointEntry keyPoints;
public List<(JointLabel, int)> overrides;
Dictionary<uint, CachedData> m_KnownStatus;
bool TryToGetTemplateIndexForJoint(KeyPointTemplate template, JointLabel joint, out int index)
index = -1;
foreach (var jointTemplate in joint.templateInformation.Where(jointTemplate => jointTemplate.template == template))
for (var i = 0; i < template.keyPoints.Length; i++)
if (template.keyPoints[i].label == jointTemplate.label)
index = i;
return true;
return false;
bool DoesTemplateContainJoint(JointLabel jointLabel)
foreach (var template in jointLabel.templateInformation)
if (template.template == activeTemplate)
if (activeTemplate.keyPoints.Any(i => i.label == template.label))
return true;
return false;
void ProcessEntity(Labeling labeledEntity)
// Cache out the data of a labeled game object the first time we see it, this will
// save performance each frame. Also checks to see if a labeled game object can be annotated.
if (!m_KnownStatus.ContainsKey(labeledEntity.instanceId))
var cached = new CachedData()
status = false,
animator = null,
keyPoints = new KeyPointEntry(),
overrides = new List<(JointLabel, int)>()
if (idLabelConfig.TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(labeledEntity.instanceId, out var labelEntry))
var entityGameObject = labeledEntity.gameObject;
cached.keyPoints.instance_id = labeledEntity.instanceId;
cached.keyPoints.label_id = labelEntry.id;
cached.keyPoints.template_guid = activeTemplate.templateID.ToString();
cached.keyPoints.keypoints = new KeyPoint[activeTemplate.keyPoints.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < cached.keyPoints.keypoints.Length; i++)
cached.keyPoints.keypoints[i] = new KeyPoint { index = i, state = 0 };
var animator = entityGameObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();
if (animator != null)
cached.animator = animator;
cached.status = true;
foreach (var joint in entityGameObject.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<JointLabel>())
if (TryToGetTemplateIndexForJoint(activeTemplate, joint, out var idx))
cached.overrides.Add((joint, idx));
cached.status = true;
m_KnownStatus[labeledEntity.instanceId] = cached;
var cachedData = m_KnownStatus[labeledEntity.instanceId];
if (cachedData.status)
var animator = cachedData.animator;
var keyPoints = cachedData.keyPoints.keypoints;
// Go through all of the rig keypoints and get their location
for (var i = 0; i < activeTemplate.keyPoints.Length; i++)
var pt = activeTemplate.keyPoints[i];
if (pt.associateToRig)
var bone = animator.GetBoneTransform(pt.rigLabel);
if (bone != null)
var loc = ConvertToScreenSpace(bone.position);
keyPoints[i].index = i;
keyPoints[i].x = loc.x;
keyPoints[i].y = loc.y;
keyPoints[i].state = 2;
// Go through all of the additional or override points defined by joint labels and get
// their locations
foreach (var (joint, idx) in cachedData.overrides)
var loc = ConvertToScreenSpace(joint.transform.position);
keyPoints[idx].index = idx;
keyPoints[idx].x = loc.x;
keyPoints[idx].y = loc.y;
keyPoints[idx].state = 1;
cachedData.keyPoints.pose = "unset";
if (cachedData.animator != null)
cachedData.keyPoints.pose = GetPose(cachedData.animator);
string GetPose(Animator animator)
var info = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0);
if (info != null && info.Length > 0)
var clip = info[0].clip;
var timeOffset = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime;
if (poseStateConfigs != null)
foreach (var p in poseStateConfigs)
if (p.animationClip == clip)
var time = timeOffset;
var label = p.GetPoseAtTime(time);
return label;
return "unset";
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnVisualize()
var jointTexture = activeTemplate.jointTexture;
if (jointTexture == null) jointTexture = m_MissingTexture;
var skeletonTexture = activeTemplate.skeletonTexture;
if (skeletonTexture == null) skeletonTexture = m_MissingTexture;
foreach (var entry in m_KeyPointEntries)
foreach (var bone in activeTemplate.skeleton)
var joint1 = entry.keypoints[bone.joint1];
var joint2 = entry.keypoints[bone.joint2];
if (joint1.state != 0 && joint2.state != 0)
VisualizationHelper.DrawLine(joint1.x, joint1.y, joint2.x, joint2.y, bone.color, 8, skeletonTexture);
foreach (var keypoint in entry.keypoints)
if (keypoint.state != 0)
VisualizationHelper.DrawPoint(keypoint.x, keypoint.y, activeTemplate.keyPoints[keypoint.index].color, 8, jointTexture);
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper disable NotAccessedField.Local
struct JointJson
public string label;
public int index;
struct SkeletonJson
public int joint1;
public int joint2;
struct KeyPointJson
public string template_id;
public string template_name;
public JointJson[] key_points;
public SkeletonJson[] skeleton;
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper restore NotAccessedField.Local
KeyPointJson TemplateToJson(KeyPointTemplate input)
var json = new KeyPointJson();
json.template_id = input.templateID.ToString();
json.template_name = input.templateName;
json.key_points = new JointJson[input.keyPoints.Length];
json.skeleton = new SkeletonJson[input.skeleton.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < input.keyPoints.Length; i++)
json.key_points[i] = new JointJson
label = input.keyPoints[i].label,
index = i
for (var i = 0; i < input.skeleton.Length; i++)
json.skeleton[i] = new SkeletonJson()
joint1 = input.skeleton[i].joint1,
joint2 = input.skeleton[i].joint2
return json;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 377d37b913b843b6985fa57c13cb732c
timeCreated: 1610383503


using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// <summary>
/// A definition of a keypoint (joint).
/// </summary>
public class KeyPointDefinition
/// <summary>
/// The name of the keypoint
/// </summary>
public string label;
/// <summary>
/// Does this keypoint map directly to a <see cref="Animator"/> <see cref="Avatar"/> <see cref="HumanBodyBones"/>
/// </summary>
public bool associateToRig = true;
/// <summary>
/// The associated <see cref="HumanBodyBones"/> of the rig
/// </summary>
public HumanBodyBones rigLabel = HumanBodyBones.Head;
/// <summary>
/// The color of the keypoint in the visualization
/// </summary>
public Color color;
/// <summary>
/// A skeletal connection between two joints.
/// </summary>
public class SkeletonDefinition
/// <summary>
/// The first joint
/// </summary>
public int joint1;
/// <summary>
/// The second joint
/// </summary>
public int joint2;
/// <summary>
/// The color of the skeleton in the visualization
/// </summary>
public Color color;
/// <summary>
/// Template used to define the keypoints of a humanoid asset.
/// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "KeypointTemplate", menuName = "Perception/Keypoint Template", order = 2)]
public class KeyPointTemplate : ScriptableObject
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="Guid"/> of the template
/// </summary>
public string templateID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
/// <summary>
/// The name of the template
/// </summary>
public string templateName;
/// <summary>
/// Texture to use for the visualization of the joint.
/// </summary>
public Texture2D jointTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Texture to use for the visualization of the skeletal connection.
/// </summary>
public Texture2D skeletonTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Array of <see cref="KeyPointDefinition"/> for the template.
/// </summary>
public KeyPointDefinition[] keyPoints;
/// <summary>
/// Array of the <see cref="SkeletonDefinition"/> for the template.
/// </summary>
public SkeletonDefinition[] skeleton;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 37a7d6f1a40c45a2981a6291f0d03337
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namespace UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth
/// <summary>
/// Helper class that contains common visualization methods useful to ground truth labelers.
/// </summary>
public static class VisualizationHelper
static Texture2D s_OnePixel = new Texture2D(1, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Converts a 3D world space coordinate to image pixel space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="camera">The rendering camera</param>
/// <param name="worldLocation">The 3D world location to convert</param>
/// <returns>The coordinate in pixel space</returns>
public static Vector3 ConvertToScreenSpace(Camera camera, Vector3 worldLocation)
var pt = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldLocation);
pt.y = Screen.height - pt.y;
return pt;
static Rect ToBoxRect(float x, float y, float halfSize = 3.0f)
return new Rect(x - halfSize, y - halfSize, halfSize * 2, halfSize * 2);
/// <summary>
/// Draw a point (in pixel space) on the screen
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pt">The point location, in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="color">The color of the point</param>
/// <param name="width">The width of the point</param>
/// <param name="texture">The texture to use for the point, defaults to a solid pixel</param>
public static void DrawPoint(Vector3 pt, Color color, float width = 4.0f, Texture texture = null)
DrawPoint(pt.x, pt.y, color, width, texture);
/// <summary>
/// Draw a point (in pixel space) on the screen
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The point's x value, in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="y">The point's y value, in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="color">The color of the point</param>
/// <param name="width">The width of the point</param>
/// <param name="texture">The texture to use for the point, defaults to a solid pixel</param>
public static void DrawPoint(float x, float y, Color color, float width = 4, Texture texture = null)
if (texture == null) texture = s_OnePixel;
var oldColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = color;
GUI.DrawTexture(ToBoxRect(x, y, width * 0.5f), texture);
GUI.color = oldColor;
static float Magnitude(float p1X, float p1Y, float p2X, float p2Y)
var x = p2X - p1X;
var y = p2Y - p1Y;
return Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
/// <summary>
/// Draw's a texture between two locations of a passed in width.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p1">The start point in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="p2">The end point in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="color">The color of the line</param>
/// <param name="width">The width of the line</param>
/// <param name="texture">The texture to use, if null, will draw a solid line of passed in color</param>
public static void DrawLine(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Color color, float width = 3.0f, Texture texture = null)
DrawLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, color, width, texture);
/// <summary>
/// Draw's a texture between two locations of a passed in width.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p1X">The start point's x coordinate in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="p1Y">The start point's y coordinate in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="p2X">The end point's x coordinate in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="p2Y">The end point's y coordinate in pixel space</param>
/// <param name="color">The color of the line</param>
/// <param name="width">The width of the line</param>
/// <param name="texture">The texture to use, if null, will draw a solid line of passed in color</param>
public static void DrawLine (float p1X, float p1Y, float p2X, float p2Y, Color color, float width = 3.0f, Texture texture = null)
if (texture == null) texture = s_OnePixel;
var oldColor = GUI.color;
GUI.color = color;
var matrixBackup = GUI.matrix;
var angle = Mathf.Atan2 (p2Y - p1Y, p2X - p1X) * 180f / Mathf.PI;
var length = Magnitude(p1X, p1Y, p2X, p2Y);
GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot (angle, new Vector2(p1X, p1Y));
var halfWidth = width * 0.5f;
GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect (p1X - halfWidth, p1Y - halfWidth, length, width), texture);
GUI.matrix = matrixBackup;
GUI.color = oldColor;


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using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Parameters
/// <summary>
/// A categorical parameter for animation clips
/// </summary>
public class AnimationClipParameter : CategoricalParameter<AnimationClip> { }


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 6af6ee532f5e4e4b83353f2f32105665
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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Parameters;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Randomizers.SampleRandomizers.Tags;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Samplers;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Randomizers.SampleRandomizers
/// <summary>
/// Chooses a random of frame of a random clip for a game object
/// </summary>
[AddRandomizerMenu("Perception/Animation Randomizer")]
public class AnimationRandomizer : Randomizer
FloatParameter m_FloatParameter = new FloatParameter{ value = new UniformSampler(0, 1) };
const string k_ClipName = "PlayerIdle";
const string k_StateName = "Base Layer.RandomState";
void RandomizeAnimation(AnimationRandomizerTag tag)
var animator = tag.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
animator.applyRootMotion = tag.applyRootMotion;
var overrider = tag.animatorOverrideController;
if (overrider != null && tag.animationClips.GetCategoryCount() > 0)
overrider[k_ClipName] = tag.animationClips.Sample();
animator.Play(k_StateName, 0, m_FloatParameter.Sample());
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnIterationStart()
if (m_FloatParameter == null) m_FloatParameter = new FloatParameter{ value = new UniformSampler(0, 1) };
var taggedObjects = tagManager.Query<AnimationRandomizerTag>();
foreach (var taggedObject in taggedObjects)


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 8b57910cfd4a4dec90d6aa4a8ef824da
timeCreated: 1610802187


using UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Parameters;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Perception.Randomization.Randomizers.SampleRandomizers.Tags
/// <summary>
/// Used in conjunction with a <see cref="AnimationRandomizer"/> to select a random animation frame for
/// the tagged game object
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Perception/RandomizerTags/Animation Randomizer Tag")]
public class AnimationRandomizerTag : RandomizerTag
/// <summary>
/// A list of animation clips from which to choose
/// </summary>
public AnimationClipParameter animationClips;
/// <summary>
/// Apply the root motion to the animator. If true, if an animation has a rotation translation and/or rotation
/// that will be applied to the labeled model, which means that the model maybe move to a new position.
/// If false, then the model will stay at its current position/rotation.
/// </summary>
public bool applyRootMotion = false;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the animation override controller for an animation randomization. The controller is loaded from
/// resources.
/// </summary>
public AnimatorOverrideController animatorOverrideController
if (m_Controller == null)
var animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
var runtimeAnimatorController = Resources.Load<RuntimeAnimatorController>("AnimationRandomizerController");
m_Controller = new AnimatorOverrideController(runtimeAnimatorController);
animator.runtimeAnimatorController = m_Controller;
return m_Controller;
AnimatorOverrideController m_Controller;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: f8943e41c7c34facb177a5decc1b2aef
timeCreated: 1610802367


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
namespace GroundTruthTests
public class KeyPointGroundTruthTests : GroundTruthTestBase
static GameObject SetupCamera(IdLabelConfig config, KeyPointTemplate template, Action<List<KeyPointLabeler.KeyPointEntry>> computeListener)
var cameraObject = new GameObject();
var camera = cameraObject.AddComponent<Camera>();
camera.orthographic = false;
camera.fieldOfView = 60;
camera.nearClipPlane = 0.3f;
camera.farClipPlane = 1000;
camera.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, -10);
var perceptionCamera = cameraObject.AddComponent<PerceptionCamera>();
perceptionCamera.captureRgbImages = false;
var keyPointLabeler = new KeyPointLabeler(config, template);
if (computeListener != null)
keyPointLabeler.KeyPointsComputed += computeListener;
return cameraObject;
static KeyPointTemplate CreateTestTemplate(Guid guid, string label)
var keyPoints = new[]
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "FrontLowerLeft",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "FrontUpperLeft",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "FrontUpperRight",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "FrontLowerRight",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "BackLowerLeft",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "BackUpperLeft",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "BackUpperRight",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "BackLowerRight",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
new KeyPointDefinition
label = "Center",
associateToRig = false,
color = Color.black
var skeleton = new[]
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 0,
joint2 = 1,
color = Color.magenta
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 1,
joint2 = 2,
color = Color.magenta
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 2,
joint2 = 3,
color = Color.magenta
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 3,
joint2 = 0,
color = Color.magenta
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 4,
joint2 = 5,
color = Color.blue
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 5,
joint2 = 6,
color = Color.blue
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 6,
joint2 = 7,
color = Color.blue
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 7,
joint2 = 4,
color = Color.blue
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 0,
joint2 = 4,
color = Color.green
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 1,
joint2 = 5,
color = Color.green
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 2,
joint2 = 6,
color = Color.green
new SkeletonDefinition
joint1 = 3,
joint2 = 7,
color = Color.green
var template = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<KeyPointTemplate>();
template.templateID = guid.ToString();
template.templateName = label;
template.jointTexture = null;
template.skeletonTexture = null;
template.keyPoints = keyPoints;
template.skeleton = skeleton;
return template;
public void KeypointTemplate_CreateTemplateTest()
var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
const string label = "TestTemplate";
var template = CreateTestTemplate(guid, label);
Assert.AreEqual(template.templateID, guid.ToString());
Assert.AreEqual(template.templateName, label);
Assert.AreEqual(template.keyPoints.Length, 9);
Assert.AreEqual(template.skeleton.Length, 12);
var k0 = template.keyPoints[0];
Assert.AreEqual(k0.label, "FrontLowerLeft");
Assert.AreEqual(k0.color, Color.black);
var s0 = template.skeleton[0];
Assert.AreEqual(s0.joint1, 0);
Assert.AreEqual(s0.joint2, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(s0.color, Color.magenta);
static IdLabelConfig SetUpLabelConfig()
var cfg = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<IdLabelConfig>();
cfg.Init(new List<IdLabelEntry>()
new IdLabelEntry
id = 1,
label = "label"
return cfg;
static void SetupCubeJoint(GameObject cube, KeyPointTemplate template, string label, float x, float y, float z)
var joint = new GameObject();
joint.transform.parent = cube.transform;
joint.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);
var jointLabel = joint.AddComponent<JointLabel>();
jointLabel.templateInformation = new List<JointLabel.TemplateData>();
var templateData = new JointLabel.TemplateData
template = template,
label = label
static void SetupCubeJoints(GameObject cube, KeyPointTemplate template)
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontLowerLeft", -0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontUpperLeft", -0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontUpperRight", 0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontLowerRight", 0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackLowerLeft", -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackUpperLeft", -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackUpperRight", 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackLowerRight", 0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
public IEnumerator Keypoint_TestStaticLabeledCube()
var incoming = new List<List<KeyPointLabeler.KeyPointEntry>>();
var template = CreateTestTemplate(Guid.NewGuid(), "TestTemplate");
var cam = SetupCamera(SetUpLabelConfig(), template, (data) =>
var cube = TestHelper.CreateLabeledCube(scale: 6, z: 8);
SetupCubeJoints(cube, template);
yield return null;
yield return null;
var testCase = incoming.Last();
Assert.AreEqual(1, testCase.Count);
var t = testCase.First();
Assert.AreEqual(1, t.instance_id);
Assert.AreEqual(1, t.label_id);
Assert.AreEqual(template.templateID.ToString(), t.template_guid);
Assert.AreEqual(9, t.keypoints.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[0].x, t.keypoints[1].x);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[2].x, t.keypoints[3].x);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[4].x, t.keypoints[5].x);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[6].x, t.keypoints[7].x);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[0].y, t.keypoints[3].y);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[1].y, t.keypoints[2].y);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[4].y, t.keypoints[7].y);
Assert.AreEqual(t.keypoints[5].y, t.keypoints[6].y);
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) Assert.AreEqual(i, t.keypoints[i].index);
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) Assert.AreEqual(1, t.keypoints[i].state);


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guid: c62092ba10e4e4a80a0ec03e6e92593a
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}