* [Step 8: Verify Data Using Dataset Insights](#step-8)
### <aname="step-1">Step 1: Download Unity Editor and Create a New Project</a>
* **:green_circle: Action**: Navigate to [this](https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive) page to download and install the latest version of **Unity Editor 2019.4.x**. (The tutorial has not yet been fully tested on newer versions.)
* **:green_circle: Action**: Navigate to [this](https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive) page to download and install the latest version of **Unity Editor 2020.2.x**. (The tutorial has not yet been fully tested on newer versions.)
An alternative approach is to first install [_**Unity Hub**_](https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download), which will allow you to have multiple versions of Unity on your computer, and make it easier to manage your Unity projects and the versions of Unity they will use.