
Merge pull request #65 from Unity-Technologies/changelog-updates

Changelog updates
GitHub 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 18 次插入0 次删除
  1. 18


## [Unreleased]
### Added
Added new randomization tools
Changed the way realtime visualizers rendered to avoid rendering conflicts
Changed default labeler ids to be lower-case to be consistent with the ids in the dataset.
### Deprecated

Fixed a categorical parameter UI error in which deleting an individual option would successfully remove the option from the UI but only serialize the option to null during serialization instead of removing it
Fixed the "Application Frequency" parameter UI field not initializing to a default value
Fixed the IterateSeed() method where certain combinations of indices and random seeds would produce a random state value of zero, causing Unity.Mathematics.Random to throw an exception
Fixed labeler editor to allow for editing multiple labelers at a time
Fixed labeler editor to ensure that when duplicating prefabs all labeler entries are also duplicated
Fixed colors in semantic segmentation images being darker than those specified in the label config
Fixed objects being incorrectly labeled when they do not match any entries in the label config
### Security
