
Revising flow of Getting Started

Jon Hogins 5 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 6 次插入5 次删除
  1. 9
  2. 2


# Getting Started with Perception
This walkthrough will provide creating a new scene for generating perception datasets including segmentation data and image captures.
If you have not already done the setup steps for the project, click [here](Documentation~/SetupSteps.md) to start project setup.
## Step 1: Create a project and install Perception
First, follow [this guide](SetupSteps.md) to install Perception in your project.
## Step 1: Create a new scene and camera
## Step 2: Create a new scene and camera
1. Create a new scene using File -> New Scene
2. `ctrl+s` to save the scene and give it a name
3. Select the Main Camera and reset the Position transform to 0

<img src="images/MainCameraConfig.PNG" align="middle"/>
## Step 2: Create labeled objects
## Step 3: Create labeled objects
1. Create a cube by right-clicking in the Hierarchy window, select 3D Object -> Cube
1. Create 2 more cubes this way
1. Change the names of the cubes to Cube, Box, and Crate

1. In the Perception Camera script in the Labeling Configuration field add the Labeling Configuration script created in previous step
<img src="images/MainCameraConfig.PNG" align="middle"/>
## Step 3: Checking local files
## Step 4: Checking local files
1. Press play in the editor, allow the scene to run for a few seconds, and then exit playmode
2. In the console log you will see a Shutdown in Progress message that will show a file path to the location of the generated dataset.
>Example file path on a Windows PC : `C:/Users/<User Name>/AppData/LocalLow/DefaultCompany/UnityTestFramework\2e10ec21-9d97-4cee-b5a2-7e95e299afa4\RGB18f61842-ef8d-4b31-acb5-cb1da36fb7b1`


# Using Perception in your project
# Installing Perception in your project
You can also set up a new or existing project to use Perception.
*The following instructions reference the Unity doc's page on [installing a local package](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-local.html)*
