
Merge pull request #109 from Unity-Technologies/mkamalza-patch-1

A few other typos
GitHub 4 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 6 次插入6 次删除
  1. 4
  2. 8


<img src="Images/idlabelconfig.png" width="400"/>
These are the names of the 10 grocery items that we will work with in this tutorial. Wonder were the actual objects are? They were imported into your project when you imported the tutorial files from the _**Package Manager**_, and are located in the folder `Assets/Samples/Perception/0.5.0-preview.1/Tutorial Files/Foreground Objects/Phase 1/Prefabs`.
These are the names of the 10 grocery items that we will work with in this tutorial. Wonder where the actual objects are? They were imported into your project when you imported the tutorial files from the _**Package Manager**_, and are located in the folder `Assets/Samples/Perception/0.5.0-preview.1/Tutorial Files/Foreground Objects/Phase 1/Prefabs`.
Notice that each of the labels you entered automatically has a numerical ID assigned. These ids are required in order to use the generated data in machine learning models, which typically require numerical ids for classification of objects.

It is now time to spawn and randomize our foreground objects. We are getting close to generating our first set of synthetic data!
* **Action**: Add `ForegroundObjectPlacementRandomizer` to your list of Randomizers. Click _**Add Folder**_ and select `Assets/Samples/Perception/0.5.0-preview.1/Tutorial Files/Foreground Objects/Phase 1/Prefabs`.
* **Action**: Set these values for the above Randomizer: `Depth = 3, Separation Distance = 1.5, Placement Area = (5,5)`.
* **Action**: Set these values for the above Randomizer: `Depth = -3, Separation Distance = 1.5, Placement Area = (5,5)`.
This Randomizer uses the same algorithm as the one we used for backgrounds; however, it is defined in a separate C# class because you can only have **one of each type of Randomizer added to your Scenario**. Therefore, this is our way of differentiating between how background and foreground objects are treated.


Notice there is a `RequireComponent(typeof(Light))` line at the top. This line makes it so that you can only add the `MyLightRandomizerTag` component to an object that already has a `Light` component attached. This way, the Randomizers that query for this tag can be confident that the found objects have a `Light` component and can thus be Randomized.
* **Action**: Select `Directional Light` in the Scene's _**Hierarchy**_, and in the _**Inspector**_ tab, add a `Light Randomizer Tag` component.
* **Action**: Select `Directional Light` in the Scene's _**Hierarchy**_, and in the _**Inspector**_ tab, add a `My Light Randomizer Tag` component.
* **Action**: Run the simulation again and inspect how `Directional Light` now switches between different intensities. You can pause the simulation and then use the step button (to the right of the pause button) to move the simulation one frame forward and clearly see the varying light intensity
Let's now add more variation to our light by randomizing its color as well.

* **Action**: Change the Y rotation of `Directional Light (1)` to 60, as shown below:
<p align="center">
<img src="Images/light_rand_2.png" width="420"/>
<img src="Images/light_2.png" width="420"/>
This makes the two lights illuminate the scene from opposing sides, each having a 30-degree angle with the background and foreground planes.
This makes the two lights illuminate the scene from opposing angles, each having a 30-degree angle with the background and foreground planes. Note that the position of Directional Lights in Unity does not affect how they illuminate the scene, so you do not need to use the same position as the screenshot above.
* **Action**: Open `MyLightRandomizerTag.cs` and modify it to match the code below:

This component is already added to both our lights. We now need to set our desired minimum and maximum intensities, and this can be done through the _**Inspector**_ view.
* **Action**: Select `Directional Light` and from the _**Inspector** UI for the `MyLightRandomizerTag` component, set `Min Intensity` to 0.5 and `Max Intensity` to 3.
* **Action**: Select `Directional Light` and from the **Inspector** UI for the `MyLightRandomizerTag` component, set `Min Intensity` to 0.5 and `Max Intensity` to 3.
* **Action**: Repeat the above step for `Directional Light (1)` and set `Min Intensity` to 0 and `Max Intensity` to 0.4.
Note that with this change, we fully transfer the responsibility for the light's intensity range to `MyLightRandomizerTag.cs` and assume the intensity value coming from `My Light Randomizer` is always between 0 and 1. Therefore, we now need to change the range for the corresponding Parameter in `My Light Randomizer` to (0,1).
