var verticies = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh.vertices; |
var head = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Head); |
//Currently stage left and stage right
//Currently stage left and stage right for the eyes
var leftEye = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightEye); |
var rightEye = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftEye); |
} |
else |
{ |
// getting the angle direction from the start point of the eyes and the distance between the left and right eyes
eyeDistance = Vector3.Distance(leftEye.position, rightEye.position); |
directionLeft = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-45, -leftEye.right) * -leftEye.up; |
directionRight = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-45, rightEye.right) * -rightEye.up; |
rayRightEye.origin = rightEye.position; |
rayRightEye.direction = directionRight * eyeDistance; |
// Find the center of the face
// Find the center of the face by taking where the left and right eye rays drawn at 45 degrees intersect to find
// the average point of the nose
for (var i = 0f; i < distanceCheck; i += 0.01f) |
{ |
var pointR = rayRightEye.GetPoint(i); |
rayEarLeft.origin = earCenter; |
rayEarLeft.direction = Vector3.left * distanceCheck; |
// Find both the left and right ear from the ear center
// Find both the left and right ear from the ear center in the right and left directions
for (int v = 0; v < verticies.Length; v++) |
{ |
for (var c = eyeDistance / 2; c < distanceCheck; c += 0.001f) |
var pointVert = verticies[v]; |
var def = 0.09f; |
var offsetR = pointVert - pointEarRight; |
// Need to fix the left offset because of negative numbers
// TODO: Need to fix the left offset because of negative numbers
var offsetL = pointVert - pointEarLeft; |
var lenR = offsetR.sqrMagnitude; |
var lenL = offsetL.sqrMagnitude; |