You can turn labeling on and off on a GameObject by switching the enabled state of its `Labeling` component. For example:
This can be achieved through modifying the `labels` list of the `Labeling` component. The key is to call `RefreshLabeling` on the component after making any changes to the labels. Example:
Keep in mind that any new label added with this method should already be present in the `LabelConfig` attached to the `Labeler` that is supposed to label this object.
Labeling works on the GameObject level, so to achieve the scenarios described here, you will need to break down your main object into multiple GameObjects parented to the same root object, and add `Labeling` components to each of the inner objects, as shown below.
<summary><strong>Q:</strong> How can I have multiple sets of prefabs in a foreground placement Randomizer, and on every Iteration select one from each set?
This question is an example of more complex functionality that can be achieved by applying slight modifications to the provided sample Randomizers, or by creating completely custom ones using the powerful Parameters provided in the package.
Here, we have a variety of options toward achieving the described outcome. One simple method could be to add several more `GameObjectParameter` fields inside of the provided sample `ForegroundObjectPlacementRandomizer`. Each of these Parameters could hold one of our object lists. Then, on each iteration, we would fetch one prefab from each of the lists using the `Sample()` function of each Parameter.
The provided `ForegroundObjectPlacementRandomizer` uses Poisson Disk sampling to find randomly positioned points in the space denoted by the provided `Width` and `Height` values. The distance between the sampled points will be at equal to `Separation Distance`. The number of sampled points will be the maximum number of points in the given area that match these criteria.
Thus, to limit the number of spawned objects, you can simply introduce a hard limit in the `for` loop that iterates over the Poisson Disk samples, to break out of the loop if the limit is reached. For example:
This will guarantee an upper limit of 50 on the number of objects. To have exactly 50 objects, we need to make sure the `Separation Distance` is small enough for the given area, so that there is always at least 50 point samples found. Experiment with different values for the distance until you find one that produces the minimum number of points required.
There are a number of ways for procedurally placing objects while avoiding any overlap between them, and most of these methods can be rather complex and need to place objects in a sequence. All the modifications to the objects (like scale, rotation, etc.) would also need to happen before the next object is placed, so that the state of the world is fully known before each placement.
Here, we are going to introduce a rather simple modification in the sample foreground placement code provided with the package. In each Iteration, a random scale factor is chosen, and then a desirable separation distance is calculated based on this scale factor and the list of given prefabs. We scale the objects here to introduce additional randomization, and the fact that once we have placed the objects we can no longer scale them.
Even though we call them Randomizers, you can use a Randomizer to perform any task through-out the execution lifecycle of your Scenario. The power of the Randomizers comes from the lifecycle hooks that they have into the Iteration and the Scenario, making it easy to know and guarantee when and in which order in the life of your simulation each piece of code runs. These functions include:
* `OnEnable`
* `OnAwake`
The objects instantiated by the sample foreground Randomizer are all parented to an object named `Foreground Objects` at the root of the Scene Hierarchy. To modify the orientation of the objects, you can simply rotate this parent object at the beginning of the Scenario.
Alternatively, you could also place `Foreground Objects` inside another GameObject in the Scene using the `Transform.SetParent()` method, and then modifying the local position and and rotation of `Foreground Objects` in such a way that makes the objects appear on the surface of the parent GameObject.
If you only use the Samplers (and Parameters, which internally use Samplers) provided in the Perception package to generate random values throughout the Scenario's lifecycle and keep the `Random Seed` value unchanged, an identical sequence of random numbers will be generated every time the Scenario is run. This is because the Samplers obtain their seeds through continually mutating the provided global `Random Seed` in the Scenario.
Keep in mind that any change in the order of sampling or the number of samples obtained can lead to different outcomes. For example, if you change the order of Randomizers in the Scenario, the Samplers inside of these Randomizers will now execute in the new order, and thus, they will operate based on different seeds than before and generate different numbers. The same can happen if you add additional calls to a Sampler inside a Randomizer, causing the Samplers in later Randomizers to now use different seeds, since the global seed has been mutated more times than before.
The Perception Camera can be set to capture at specific frame intervals, rather than every frame. The `Frames Between Captures` value is set to 0 by default, which causes the camera to capture all frames; however, you can change this to 1 to capture every other frame, or larger numbers to allow more time between captures. You can also have the camera start capturing at a certain frame rather the first frame, by setting the `Start at Frame` value to a value other than 0. All of this timing happens within each Iteration of the Scenario, and gets reset when you advance to the next Iteration. Therefore, the combination of these properties and the Scenario's `Frames Per Iteration` property allows you to randomize the state of your Scene at the start of each Iteration, let things run for a number of frames, and then capture the Scene at the end of the Iteration.
Suppose we need to drop a few objects into the Scene, let them interact physically and settle after a number of frames, and then capture their final state once. Afterwards, we want to repeat this cycle by randomizing the initial positions of the objects, dropping them, and capturing the final state again. We will set the Scenario's `Frames Per Iteration` to 300, which should be sufficient for the objects to get close to a settled position (this depends on the value you use for `Simulation Delta Time` in Perception Camera and the physical properties of the engine and objects, and can be found through experimentation). We also set the `Start at Frame` value of the Perception Camera to 290, and the `Frames Between Captures` to a sufficiently large number (like 100), so that we only get one capture per Iteration of the Scenario. The results look like below:
Note how the bounding boxes only update after the objects are fairly settled. These are the points at which captures are happening.
## <aname="miscellaneous">Miscellaneous</a>
The effect you are observing here is motion blur, which is happens because the placement Randomizers used in the Perception tutorial cache their instantiated objects from one frame to the next, and move them to new locations on each frame instead of destroying them and creating new ones. This "motion" of the objects causes the motion blur effect to kick in.
A couple of important notes to keep in mind with post-processing revolve around randomness:
* Some effects need to be Randomized from frame to frame, e.g. Film Grain). The Film Grain effect provided by Unity is not sufficiently randomized for model training and can thus mislead your CV model in the training process.
A project's lighting configuration typically has the greatest influence over the final rendered output over any other simulation property. Unity has many lighting options, each of which is designed as a different trade-off between performance and realism/capability. The 3 most pertinent options that you will likely be interested in are:
* URP baked lighting: The Universal Render Pipeline offers the most performant lighting configurations by using an offline baking process to generate realistic bounce lighting within a static scene and then using simple shadow mapped dynamic lights in conjunctions with light probes to make dynamic (or randomized) objects "fit" into the baked scene. This option provides high performance, but lacks the visual fidelity needed for interior environments and is geared toward more outdoor-like settings. Also, depending on scene randomization complexity, light baking might not be the best option. Randomly generated scenes will often place objects and adjust lighting in ways that make the new scene incompatible with the original baked lighting configuration.