Made scenario MonoBehaviour lifecycle functions protected instead of private to enable users to define overrides
Switched accessibility of scenario MonoBehaviour lifecycle functions (Awake, Start, Update) from private to protected to enable users to define their own overrides when deriving the Scenario class.
The GameObjectOneWayCache has been made public for users to cache GameObjects within their own custom Randomizers
The GameObjectOneWayCache has been made public for users to cache GameObjects within their own custom Randomizers.
### Deprecated
Fixed the math offsetting the iteration index of each Unity Simulation instance directly after they deserialize their app-params
Fixed the math offsetting the iteration index of each Unity Simulation instance directly after they deserialize their app-params.
The RandomizerTagManager now uses an OrderedSet data structure to register tags to preserve insertion order determinism in Unity Simulation
The RandomizerTagManager now uses an OrderedSet data structure to register tags to preserve insertion order determinism in Unity Simulation.
GameObjectOneWayCache now correctly registers and unregisters RandomizerTags on cached GameObjects
GameObjectOneWayCache now correctly registers and unregisters RandomizerTags on cached GameObjects.