
Updates to perception documentation (#249)

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### KeypointLabeler
The keypoint labeler captures keypoints of a labeled gameobject. The typical use of this labeler is capturing human pose
estimation data. The labeler uses a [keypoint template](#KeypointTemplate) which defines the keypoints to capture for the
model and the skeletal connections between those keypoints. The positions of the keypoints are recorded in pixel coordinates
and saved to the captures json file.
The keypoint labeler captures keypoints of a labeled gameobject. The typical use of this labeler is capturing human pose estimation data. The labeler uses a [keypoint template](#KeypointTemplate) which defines the keypoints to capture for the model and the skeletal connections between those keypoints. The positions of the keypoints are recorded in pixel coordinates. Each keypoint has a state value: 0 - the keypoint either does not exist or is outside of the image's bounds, 1 - the keypoint exists and is inside of the image's bounds but cannot be seen because it is occluded by another object, and 2 - the keypoint exists and is visible.
keypoints {

index: <int> -- Index of keypoint in template
x: <float> -- X pixel coordinate of keypoint
y: <float> -- Y pixel coordinate of keypoint
state: <int> -- 0: keypoint does not exist, 1 keypoint exists
state: <int> -- 0: keypoint does not exist, 1: keypoint exists but is not visible, 2: keypoint exists and is visible
}, ...
