
Merge branch 'fix_wrong_label' of https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.perception into fix_wrong_label

Jon Hogins 4 年前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 82 次插入28 次删除
  1. 6
  2. 83
  3. 17
  4. 4


CameraLabeler methods OnBeginRendering() and OnEndRendering() have an added ScriptableRenderContext parameter.
Upgraded com.unity.simulation.capture package dependency to integrate new changes that prevent the API updater from looping infinitely when opening the project settings window on new URP projects.
### Deprecated
### Removed

Fixed a bug where uniform probabilities were not properly reset upon adding or removing options from a Categorical Parameter's list of options.
Fixed keypoints being reported in wrong locations on the first frame an object is visible.
Fixed keypoints being reported in wrong locations on the first frame an object is visible.
Fixed an out of range error if a keypoint template skeleton relies on a joint that is not available.
Fixed wrong labels on 2d bounding boxes when all labeled objects are deleted in a frame.


return lhs.r == rhs.r && lhs.g == rhs.g && lhs.b == rhs.b && lhs.a == rhs.a;
bool PixelOnScreen(int x, int y, (int x, int y) dimensions)
return x >= 0 && x < dimensions.x && y >= 0 && y < dimensions.y;
bool PixelsMatch(int x, int y, Color32 idColor, (int x, int y) dimensions, NativeArray<Color32> data)
var h = dimensions.y - y;
var pixelColor = data[h * dimensions.x + x];
return AreEqual(pixelColor, idColor);
static int s_PixelTolerance = 1;
// Determine the state of a keypoint. A keypoint is considered visible (state = 2) if it is on screen and not occluded
// by another object. The way that we determine if a point is occluded is by checking the pixel location of the keypoint
// against the instance segmentation mask for the frame. The instance segmentation mask provides the instance id of the
// visible object at a pixel location. Which means, if the keypoint does not match the visible pixel, then another
// object is in front of the keypoint occluding it from view. An important note here is that the keypoint is an infintely small
// point in space, which can lead to false negatives due to rounding issues if the keypoint is on the edge of an object or very
// close to the edge of the screen. Because of this we will test not only the keypoint pixel, but also the immediate surrounding
// pixels to determine if the pixel is really visible. This method returns 1 if the pixel is not visible but on screen, and 0
// if the pixel is off of the screen (taken the tolerance into account).
int DetermineKeypointState(Keypoint keypoint, Color32 instanceIdColor, (int x, int y) dimensions, NativeArray<Color32> data)
if (keypoint.state == 0) return 0;
var centerX = Mathf.RoundToInt(keypoint.x);
var centerY = Mathf.RoundToInt(keypoint.y);
var pixelOnScreen = false;
for (var y = centerY - s_PixelTolerance; y <= centerY + s_PixelTolerance; y++)
for (var x = centerX - s_PixelTolerance; x <= centerX + s_PixelTolerance; x++)
if (!PixelOnScreen(x, y, dimensions)) continue;
pixelOnScreen = true;
if (PixelsMatch(x, y, instanceIdColor, dimensions, data))
return 2;
return pixelOnScreen ? 1 : 0;
void OnInstanceSegmentationImageReadback(int frameCount, NativeArray<Color32> data, RenderTexture renderTexture)
if (!m_AsyncAnnotations.TryGetValue(frameCount, out var asyncAnnotation))

var width = renderTexture.width;
var dimensions = (renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height);

foreach (var keypoint in keypointSet.Value.keypoints)
// If the keypoint isn't mapped to a body part keep it at 0
if (keypoint.state == 0) continue;
keypoint.state = DetermineKeypointState(keypoint, idColor, dimensions, data);
if (keypoint.x < 0 || keypoint.x > width || keypoint.y < 0 || keypoint.y > renderTexture.height)
if (keypoint.state == 0)
keypoint.state = 0;
// Get the pixel color at the keypoints location
var height = renderTexture.height - (int)keypoint.y;
var pixel = data[height * width + (int)keypoint.x];
keypoint.state = AreEqual(pixel, idColor) ? 2 : 1;
shouldReport = true;

float GetCaptureHeight()
return perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.targetTexture != null ?
perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.targetTexture.height : Screen.height;
var targetTexture = perceptionCamera.attachedCamera.targetTexture;
return targetTexture != null ?
targetTexture.height : Screen.height;
// Converts a coordinate from world space into pixel space

cached.keypoints.instance_id = labeledEntity.instanceId;
cached.keypoints.label_id = labelEntry.id;
cached.keypoints.template_guid = activeTemplate.templateID.ToString();
cached.keypoints.template_guid = activeTemplate.templateID;
cached.keypoints.keypoints = new Keypoint[activeTemplate.keypoints.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < cached.keypoints.keypoints.Length; i++)

return "unset";
Keypoint GetKeypointForJoint(KeypointEntry entry, int joint)
if (joint < 0 || joint >= entry.keypoints.Length) return null;
return entry.keypoints[joint];
/// <inheritdoc/>
protected override void OnVisualize()

foreach (var bone in activeTemplate.skeleton)
var joint1 = entry.keypoints[bone.joint1];
var joint2 = entry.keypoints[bone.joint2];
var joint1 = GetKeypointForJoint(entry, bone.joint1);
var joint2 = GetKeypointForJoint(entry, bone.joint2);
if (joint1.state == 2 && joint2.state == 2)
if (joint1 != null && joint1.state == 2 && joint2 != null && joint2.state == 2)
VisualizationHelper.DrawLine(joint1.x, joint1.y, joint2.x, joint2.y, bone.color, 8, skeletonTexture);

KeypointJson TemplateToJson(KeypointTemplate input)
var json = new KeypointJson();
json.template_id = input.templateID.ToString();
json.template_id = input.templateID;
json.template_name = input.templateName;
json.key_points = new JointJson[input.keypoints.Length];
json.skeleton = new SkeletonJson[input.skeleton.Length];


static void SetupCubeJoints(GameObject cube, KeypointTemplate template)
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontLowerLeft", -0.495f, -0.495f, -0.495f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontUpperLeft", -0.495f, 0.495f, -0.495f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontUpperRight", 0.495f, 0.495f, -0.495f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontLowerRight", 0.495f, -0.495f, -0.495f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackLowerLeft", -0.495f, -0.495f, 0.495f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackUpperLeft", -0.495f, 0.495f, 0.495f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackUpperRight", 0.495f, 0.495f, 0.495f);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackLowerRight", 0.495f, -0.495f, 0.495f);
const float dim = 0.5f;
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontLowerLeft", -dim, -dim, -dim);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontUpperLeft", -dim, dim, -dim);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontUpperRight", dim, dim, -dim);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "FrontLowerRight", dim, -dim, -dim);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackLowerLeft", -dim, -dim, dim);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackUpperLeft", -dim, dim, dim);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackUpperRight", dim, dim, dim);
SetupCubeJoint(cube, template, "BackLowerRight", dim, -dim, dim);


"com.unity.collections": "0.9.0-preview.6",
"com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "1.1.2",
"com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "7.1.6",
"com.unity.simulation.capture": "0.0.10-preview.19",
"com.unity.simulation.capture": "0.0.10-preview.20",
"com.unity.simulation.client": "0.0.10-preview.10",
"com.unity.simulation.core": "0.0.10-preview.22"

"path": "Samples~/Human Pose Labeling and Randomization"