
updated GameObjectCache with random prefab selection api

sleal-unity 3 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 56 次插入14 次删除
  1. 32
  2. 38


/// <summary>
/// Returns the asset loaded from the provided index
/// Returns the unprocessed asset loaded from the provided index
public T LoadAsset(int index)
public T LoadRawAsset(int index)
return assetSourceLocation.LoadAsset<T>(index);

/// Returns all assets that can be loaded from this AssetSource
/// Returns all unprocessed assets that can be loaded from this AssetSource
public T[] LoadAllAssets()
public T[] LoadAllRawAssets()
array[i] = LoadAsset(i);
array[i] = LoadRawAsset(i);
/// Creates an instance of the asset loaded from the provided index
/// Creates an instance of the asset loaded from the provided index and preprocesses it using the archetype
/// assigned to this asset source
public T CreateInstance(int index)
public T CreateProcessedInstance(int index)
return CreateInstance(LoadAsset(index));
return CreateProcessedInstance(LoadRawAsset(index));
/// Instantiates and returns all assets that can be loaded from this asset source
/// Instantiates, preprocesses, and returns all assets that can be loaded from this asset source
public T[] CreateInstances()
public T[] CreateProcessedInstances()
array[i] = CreateInstance(i);
array[i] = CreateProcessedInstance(i);
return array;

/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a uniformly random sampled asset from this AssetSource
/// Instantiates and preprocesses a uniformly random sampled asset from this AssetSource
return CreateInstance(SampleAsset());
return CreateProcessedInstance(SampleAsset());
/// <summary>

T CreateInstance(T asset)
T CreateProcessedInstance(T asset)
var instance = Object.Instantiate(asset);
if (archetype != null)


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Profiling;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization.Samplers;
namespace UnityEngine.Perception.Randomization.Randomizers.Utilities

static ProfilerMarker s_ResetAllObjectsMarker = new ProfilerMarker("ResetAllObjects");
GameObject[] m_Prefabs;
UniformSampler m_Sampler = new UniformSampler();
Transform m_CacheParent;
Dictionary<int, int> m_InstanceIdToIndex;
List<CachedObjectData>[] m_InstantiatedObjects;

/// <param name="prefabs">The prefabs to cache</param>
public GameObjectOneWayCache(Transform parent, GameObject[] prefabs)
m_Prefabs = prefabs;
m_CacheParent = parent;
m_InstanceIdToIndex = new Dictionary<int, int>();
m_InstantiatedObjects = new List<CachedObjectData>[prefabs.Length];

foreach (var prefab in prefabs)
if (!IsPrefab(prefab))
prefab.transform.parent = parent;
var instanceId = prefab.GetInstanceID();
m_InstanceIdToIndex.Add(instanceId, index);
m_InstantiatedObjects[index] = new List<CachedObjectData>();

var newObject = Object.Instantiate(prefab, m_CacheParent);
m_InstantiatedObjects[index].Add(new CachedObjectData(newObject));
return newObject;

/// Retrieves an existing instance of the given prefab from the cache if available.
/// Otherwise, instantiate a new instance of the given prefab.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the prefab to instantiate</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
public GameObject GetOrInstantiate(int index)
var prefab = m_Prefabs[index];
return GetOrInstantiate(prefab);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves an existing instance of a random prefab from the cache if available.
/// Otherwise, instantiate a new instance of the random prefab.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public GameObject GetOrInstantiateRandomPrefab()
return GetOrInstantiate(m_Prefabs[(int)(m_Sampler.Sample() * m_Prefabs.Length)]);
/// <summary>
/// Return all active cache objects back to an inactive state
/// </summary>
public void ResetAllObjects()

static bool IsPrefab(GameObject obj)
return obj.scene.rootCount == 0;
struct CachedObjectData
