import argparse |
import json |
import os |
import pathlib |
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple |
import sys |
import time |
import subprocess |
from pathlib import Path |
from typing import List, Tuple |
import PIL |
from PIL import ImageFont |
from PIL.Image import Image |
from PIL.ImageDraw import ImageDraw |
from pyrception_utils import PyrceptionDataset |
from pyquaternion import Quaternion |
from bbox import BBox3D |
from bbox3d_plot import add_single_bbox3d_on_image |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") |
# --------------------------------Custom component----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components |
root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
build_dir_slider = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_components/slider/build") |
build_dir_page_selector = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_components/pageselector/build") |
build_dir_go_to = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_components/goto/build") |
build_dir_item_selector = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_components/itemselector/build") |
build_dir_image_selector = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_components/imageselector/build") |
build_dir_json_viewer = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_components/jsonviewer/build") |
build_dir_item_selector_zoom = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_components/itemselectorzoom/build") |
_discrete_slider = components.declare_component( |
"discrete_slider", |
path=build_dir_slider |
) |
_page_selector = components.declare_component( |
"page_selector", |
path=build_dir_page_selector |
) |
_go_to = components.declare_component( |
"go_to", |
path=build_dir_go_to |
) |
_item_selector = components.declare_component( |
"item_selector", |
path=build_dir_item_selector |
) |
_image_selector = components.declare_component( |
"image_selector", |
path=build_dir_image_selector |
) |
_json_viewer = components.declare_component( |
"json_viewer", |
path=build_dir_json_viewer |
) |
_item_selector_zoom = components.declare_component( |
"item_selector_zoom", |
path=build_dir_item_selector_zoom |
) |
import visualization.visualizers as v |
def discrete_slider(greeting, name, key, default=0): |
return _discrete_slider(greeting=greeting, name=name, default=default, key=key) |
# import datasetinsights |
from pyrception_utils import PyrceptionDataset |
def page_selector(startAt, incrementAmt, key=0): |
return _page_selector(startAt=startAt, incrementAmt=incrementAmt, key=key, default=0) |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") #This needs to be the first streamlit command |
import helpers.custom_components_setup as cc |
def go_to(key=0): |
return _go_to(key=key, default=0) |
def item_selector(startAt, incrementAmt, datasetSize, key=0): |
return _item_selector(startAt=startAt, incrementAmt=incrementAmt, datasetSize=datasetSize, key=key, default=startAt) |
def image_selector(index, key=0): |
return _image_selector(index=index, key=key, default=index) |
def json_viewer(metadata, key=0): |
return _json_viewer(jsonMetadata=metadata, key=key, default=0) |
def item_selector_zoom(index, datasetSize, key=0): |
return _item_selector_zoom(index=index, datasetSize=datasetSize, key=key, default=index) |
# -------------------------------------END------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
:return: A list of dataset directories. |
:return: list of dataset directories |
datasets.append(item) |
date = os.path.getctime(os.path.join(path, item)) |
datasets.append((date, item)) |
datasets.sort(reverse=True) |
for idx, (date, item) in enumerate(datasets): |
datasets[idx] = (time.ctime(date)[4:], item) |
def frame_selector_ui(dataset: PyrceptionDataset) -> int: |
""" |
Frame selector streamlist widget to select which frame in the dataset to display |
:param dataset: the PyrceptionDataset |
:type PyrceptionDataset: |
:return: The image index |
:rtype: int |
""" |
st.sidebar.markdown("# Image set") |
num_images = len(dataset) |
image_index = st.sidebar.slider("Image number", 0, num_images - 1) |
return image_index |
def draw_image_with_boxes( |
image: Image, |
classes: Dict, |
labels: List, |
boxes: List[List], |
colors: Dict, |
header: str, |
description: str, |
): |
""" |
Draws an image in streamlit with labels and bounding boxes. |
:param image: the PIL image |
:type PIL: |
:param classes: the class dictionary |
:type Dict: |
:param labels: list of integer object labels for the frame |
:type List: |
:param boxes: List of bounding boxes (as a List of coordinates) for the frame |
:type List[List]: |
:param colors: class colors |
:type Dict: |
:param header: Image header |
:type str: |
:param description: Image description |
:type str: |
""" |
image = image.copy() |
image_draw = ImageDraw(image) |
# draw bounding boxes |
path_to_font = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() |
font = ImageFont.truetype(f"{path_to_font}/NairiNormal-m509.ttf", 15) |
for label, box in zip(labels, boxes): |
label = label - 1 |
class_name = classes[label] |
image_draw.rectangle(box, outline=colors[class_name], width=2) |
image_draw.text( |
(box[0], box[1]), class_name, font=font, fill=colors[class_name] |
) |
# st.subheader(header) |
# st.markdown(description) |
# st.image(image, use_column_width=True) |
return image |
def draw_image_with_segmentation( |
image: Image, |
height: int, |
width: int, |
segmentation: Image, |
header: str, |
description: str, |
): |
""" |
Draws an image in streamlit with labels and bounding boxes. |
:param image: the PIL image |
:type PIL: |
:param height: height of the image |
:type int: |
:param width: width of the image |
:type int: |
:param segmentation: Segmentation Image |
:type PIL: |
:param header: Image header |
:type str: |
:param description: Image description |
:type str: |
""" |
# image_draw = ImageDraw(segmentation) |
rgba = np.array(segmentation.copy().convert("RGBA")) |
r, g, b, a = rgba.T |
black_areas = (r == 0) & (b == 0) & (g == 0) & (a == 255) |
other_areas = (r != 0) | (b != 0) | (g != 0) |
rgba[..., 0:4][black_areas.T] = (0, 0, 0, 0) |
rgba[..., -1][other_areas.T] = int(0.6 * 255) |
foreground = PIL.Image.fromarray(rgba) |
image = image.copy() |
image.paste(foreground, (0, 0), foreground) |
return image |
def draw_image_with_keypoints( |
image: Image, |
keypoints, |
dataset, |
): |
image = image.copy() |
image_draw = ImageDraw(image) |
radius = int(dataset.metadata.image_size[0] * 5/500) |
for i in range(len(keypoints)): |
keypoint = keypoints[i] |
if keypoint["state"] != 2: |
continue |
coordinates = (keypoint["x"]-radius, keypoint["y"]-radius, keypoint["x"]+radius, keypoint["y"]+radius) |
color = dataset.metadata.annotations[dataset.metadata.available_annotations['keypoints']]["spec"][0]["key_points"][i]["color"] |
image_draw.ellipse(coordinates, fill=(int(255*color["r"]), int(255*color["g"]), int(255*color["b"]), 255)) |
skeleton = dataset.metadata.annotations[dataset.metadata.available_annotations['keypoints']]["spec"][0]["skeleton"] |
for bone in skeleton: |
if keypoints[bone["joint1"]]["state"] != 2 or keypoints[bone["joint1"]]["state"] != 2: |
continue |
joint1 = (keypoints[bone["joint1"]]["x"], keypoints[bone["joint1"]]["y"]) |
joint2 = (keypoints[bone["joint2"]]["x"], keypoints[bone["joint2"]]["y"]) |
r = bone["color"]["r"] |
g = bone["color"]["g"] |
b = bone["color"]["b"] |
image_draw.line([joint1, joint2], fill=(int(255*r), int(255*g), int(255*b), 255), width=int(dataset.metadata.image_size[0] * 3/500)) |
return image |
def plot_bboxes3d(image, bboxes, projection, color, orthographic): |
""" Plot an image with 3D bounding boxes |
Currently this method should only be used for ground truth images, and |
doesn't support predictions. If a list of colors is not provided as an |
argument to this routine, the default color of green will be used. |
Args: |
image (PIL Image): a PIL image. |
bboxes (list): a list of BBox3D objects |
projection: The perspective projection of the camera which |
captured the ground truth. |
colors (list): a color list for boxes. Defaults to none. If |
colors = None, it will default to coloring all boxes green. |
Returns: |
PIL image: a PIL image with bounding boxes drawn on it. |
""" |
np_image = np.array(image) |
img_height, img_width, _ = np_image.shape |
for i, box in enumerate(bboxes): |
add_single_bbox3d_on_image(np_image, box, projection, color, orthographic=orthographic) |
return PIL.Image.fromarray(np_image) |
def read_bounding_box_3d(bounding_boxes_metadata): |
bboxes = [] |
for b in bounding_boxes_metadata: |
label_id = b['label_id'] |
translation = (b["translation"]["x"],b["translation"]["y"],b["translation"]["z"]) |
size = (b["size"]["x"], b["size"]["y"], b["size"]["z"]) |
rotation = b["rotation"] |
rotation = Quaternion( |
x=rotation["x"], y=rotation["y"], z=rotation["z"], w=rotation["w"] |
) |
#if label_mappings and label_id not in label_mappings: |
# continue |
box = BBox3D( |
translation=translation, |
size=size, |
label=label_id, |
sample_token=0, |
score=1, |
rotation=rotation, |
) |
bboxes.append(box) |
return bboxes |
def draw_image_with_box_3d(image, sensor, values, colors): |
if 'camera_intrinsic' in sensor: |
projection = np.array(sensor["camera_intrinsic"]) |
else: |
projection = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]) |
boxes = read_bounding_box_3d(values) |
img_with_boxes = plot_bboxes3d(image, boxes, projection, None, orthographic=(sensor["projection"] == "orthographic")) |
return img_with_boxes |
@st.cache(show_spinner=True, allow_output_mutation=True) |
def load_perception_dataset(path: str) -> Tuple: |
""" |
:return: A tuple with the colors and PyrceptionDataset object as (colors, dataset) |
:rtype: Tuple |
""" |
# --------------------------------CHANGE TO DATASETINSIGHTS LOADING--------------------------------------------- |
dataset = PyrceptionDataset(data_dir=path) |
classes = dataset.classes |
colors = {name: tuple(np.random.randint(128, 255, size=3)) for name in classes} |
:param base_dataset_dir: The directory that contains the perceptions datasets. |
:type str: |
""" |
# st.markdown("# Synthetic Dataset Preview\n ## Unity Technologies ") |
dataset_name = st.sidebar.selectbox( |
"Please select a dataset...", list_datasets(base_dataset_dir) |
) |
if dataset_name is not None: |
colors, dataset = load_perception_dataset( |
os.path.join(base_dataset_dir, dataset_name) |
session_state = SessionState.get(image='-1', start_at='0', num_cols='3', current_page='main', curr_dir=base_dataset_dir) |
base_dataset_dir = session_state.curr_dir |
st.sidebar.markdown("# Select Project") |
if st.sidebar.button("Change dataset folder"): |
folder_select(session_state) |
if session_state.current_page == 'main': |
st.sidebar.markdown("# Dataset Selection") |
datasets = list_datasets(base_dataset_dir) |
datasets_names = [ctime + " " + item for ctime, item in datasets] |
dataset_name = st.sidebar.selectbox( |
"Please select a dataset...", datasets_names |
for ctime, item in datasets: |
if dataset_name.startswith(ctime): |
dataset_name = item |
break |
available_labelers = [a["name"] for a in dataset.metadata.annotations] |
labelers = {} |
if 'bounding box' in available_labelers: |
labelers['bounding box'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Bounding Boxes 2D", key="bb2d") |
if 'bounding box 3D' in available_labelers: |
labelers['bounding box 3D'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Bounding Boxes 3D", key="bb2d") |
if 'keypoints' in available_labelers: |
labelers['keypoints'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Key Points", key="kp") |
if 'instance segmentation' in available_labelers and 'semantic segmentation' in available_labelers: |
if st.sidebar.checkbox('Segmentation'): |
selected_segmentation = st.sidebar.radio("Select the segmentation type:", ['Semantic Segmentation', 'Instance Segmentation'], index=0) |
if selected_segmentation == 'Semantic Segmentation': |
labelers['semantic segmentation'] = True |
elif selected_segmentation == 'Instance Segmentation': |
labelers['instance segmentation'] = True |
elif 'semantic segmentation' in available_labelers: |
labelers['semantic segmentation'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Semantic Segmentation", key="ss") |
elif 'instance segmentation' in available_labelers: |
labelers['instance segmentation'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Instance Segmentation", key="is") |
if dataset_name is not None: |
colors, dataset = load_perception_dataset( |
os.path.join(base_dataset_dir, dataset_name) |
) |
session_state = SessionState.get(image='-1', start_at='0', num_cols='3') |
index = int(session_state.image) |
if index >= 0: |
dataset_path = os.path.join(base_dataset_dir, dataset_name) |
zoom(index, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers, dataset_path) |
else: |
num_rows = 5 |
grid_view(num_rows, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers) |
st.sidebar.markdown("# Labeler Visualization") |
# change this to load from dataset insights the names of the available labelers |
available_labelers = [a["name"] for a in dataset.metadata.annotations] |
labelers = {} |
if 'bounding box' in available_labelers: |
labelers['bounding box'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Bounding Boxes 2D", key="bb2d") |
if 'bounding box 3D' in available_labelers: |
labelers['bounding box 3D'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Bounding Boxes 3D", key="bb2d") |
if 'keypoints' in available_labelers: |
labelers['keypoints'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Key Points", key="kp") |
if 'instance segmentation' in available_labelers and 'semantic segmentation' in available_labelers: |
if st.sidebar.checkbox('Segmentation'): |
selected_segmentation = st.sidebar.radio("Select the segmentation type:", ['Semantic Segmentation', 'Instance Segmentation'], index=0) |
if selected_segmentation == 'Semantic Segmentation': |
labelers['semantic segmentation'] = True |
elif selected_segmentation == 'Instance Segmentation': |
labelers['instance segmentation'] = True |
elif 'semantic segmentation' in available_labelers: |
labelers['semantic segmentation'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Semantic Segmentation", key="ss") |
elif 'instance segmentation' in available_labelers: |
labelers['instance segmentation'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Instance Segmentation", key="is") |
st.sidebar.markdown("# Filter") |
st.sidebar.write("Coming soon") |
st.sidebar.markdown("# Highlight") |
st.sidebar.write("Coming soon") |
index = int(session_state.image) |
if index >= 0: |
dataset_path = os.path.join(base_dataset_dir, dataset_name) |
zoom(index, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers, dataset_path) |
else: |
num_rows = 5 |
grid_view(num_rows, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers) |
classes = dataset.classes |
image = draw_image_with_segmentation( |
image, dataset.metadata.image_size[0], dataset.metadata.image_size[1], semantic, |
"Semantic Segmentation Preview", "" |
image = v.draw_image_with_segmentation( |
image, semantic |
image = draw_image_with_segmentation( |
image, dataset.metadata.image_size[0], dataset.metadata.image_size[1], instance, |
"Semantic Segmentation Preview", "" |
image = v.draw_image_with_segmentation( |
image, instance |
) |
if 'bounding box' in labelers_to_use and labelers_to_use['bounding box']: |
image = draw_image_with_boxes( |
image, classes, labels, boxes, colors, "Bounding Boxes Preview", "" |
classes = dataset.classes |
image = v.draw_image_with_boxes( |
image, classes, labels, boxes, colors |
image = draw_image_with_keypoints( |
image = v.draw_image_with_keypoints( |
image = draw_image_with_box_3d(image, sensor, values, colors) |
image = v.draw_image_with_box_3d(image, sensor, values, colors) |
def folder_select(session_state): |
'''if st.sidebar.button("< Back to main page"): |
session_state.current_page = 'main' |
st.experimental_rerun() |
else: |
curr_dir = session_state.curr_dir |
print(curr_dir) |
curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/" |
placeholder = st.empty() |
prev = curr_dir |
curr_dir = placeholder.text_input("Path to data", curr_dir) |
if curr_dir != prev: |
curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/" |
session_state.curr_dir = curr_dir |
st.experimental_rerun() |
if st.button("< parent folder"): |
curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir).parent.absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/" |
session_state.curr_dir = curr_dir |
st.experimental_rerun() |
st.write("Contents of " + curr_dir) |
folder_cols = st.beta_columns(3) |
folders = [d for d in os.listdir(curr_dir) if os.path.isdir(curr_dir + d)] |
for i, folder in enumerate(folders): |
if folder_cols[i % 3].button(folder): |
session_state.curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir + folder).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/" |
st.experimental_rerun() |
''' |
# session_state.curr_dir = str(Path(fileName).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/" |
# fileName = dialog.getExistingDirectory( |
# self, |
# "Select Directory", |
# "", |
# QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks |
# ) |
#app.quit() |
#del app |
output = subprocess.run([sys.executable, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "helpers/folder_explorer.py")], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) |
session_state.curr_dir = str(os.path.abspath(str(output.stdout).split("\'")[1])[:-4]).replace("\\", "/") + "/" |
st.experimental_rerun() |
def grid_view(num_rows, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers): |
header = st.beta_columns([2 / 3, 1 / 3]) |
st.experimental_rerun() |
with header[0]: |
start_at = item_selector(int(session_state.start_at), num_cols * num_rows, len(dataset)) |
start_at = cc.item_selector(int(session_state.start_at), num_cols * num_rows, len(dataset)) |
session_state.start_at = start_at |
cols = st.beta_columns(num_cols) |
st.experimental_rerun() |
with header[1]: |
new_index = item_selector_zoom(index, len(dataset)) |
new_index = cc.item_selector_zoom(index, len(dataset)) |
if not new_index == index: |
session_state.image = new_index |
st.experimental_rerun() |
captures_dir = None |
for directory in os.walk(dataset_path): |
if "Dataset" in directory[0] and "." not in directory[0][1:]: |
name = str(directory[0]).replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1] |
if name.startswith("Dataset") and "." not in name[1:]: |
captures_dir = directory[0] |
break |
path_to_captures = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(captures_dir), "captures_" + postfix + ".json") |
with layout[1]: |
json_file = json.load(open(path_to_captures, "r")) |
json_viewer(json.dumps(json_file["captures"][index])) |
cc.json_viewer(json.dumps(json_file["captures"][index])) |
def preview_app(args): |
:param args: Arguments for the app, such as dataset |
:type args: Namespace |
""" |
dataset_dir = args.data |
if dataset_dir is not None: |
st.sidebar.title("Pyrception Dataset Preview") |
preview_dataset(dataset_dir) |
if args.data is not None: |
preview_dataset(args.data) |
raise ValueError("Please specify the path to the main dataset directory!") |
ValueError("Please use a valid path") |
st.write(os.getcwd()) |
# remove the default zoom in button for images |
# st.markdown('<script type="application/javascript"> function resizeIFrameToFitContent( iFrameme ) { iFrame.width = ' |
# 'iFrame.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth;iFrame.height = ' |
# 'iFrame.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;} window.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', ' |
# 'function(e) { var iFrame = document.getElementById( \'iFrame1\' ); resizeIFrameToFitContent( iFrame ' |
# '); var iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe"); for( var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) { ' |
# 'resizeIFrameToFitContent( iframes[i] );} } ); </script>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |