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<img src="com.unity.perception/Documentation~/images/unity-wide.png" align="middle" width="3000"/>
The Perception package offers a variety of tools for generating synthetic datasets intended for training and validating machine learning models targetting perception-based tasks, such as object detection, semantic segmentation, and so on. This tutorial will guide you all the way from setting up Unity on your computer to generating a large-scale synthetic dataset for training an object-detection model.
While this process may sound complicated, you do not need to have any experience with Unity or C# in order to follow the earlier stages of this tutorial and generate large-scale datasets using our provided samples and components. The tutorial will be divided into three high-level phases based on the complexity of the tasks involved. During these phases, you will be gradually introduced to more advanced tools and workflows that the Perception package enables you to perform.
Phase 1 of the tutorial, named **Setup and Basic Simulation**, will cover tasks and skills such:
* Downloading Unity Editor and the Perception package
* Fundamental interactions with Unity Editor (importing sample assets into your Unity project, working with prefabs and scenes, adding components to objects and prefabs, etc.)
* Learning about essential components of the Perception package and creating a basic simulation containing these essential elements.