#define ENABLED
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts ;
using System.Linq ;
using Unity.Entities ;
using UnityEditor.UIElements ;
namespace UnityEditor.Perception.GroundTruth
[CustomEditor(typeof(Labeling)), CanEditMultipleObjects ]
class LabelingEditor : Editor
class MyBinding : IBinding
public List < string > suggestedLabelsBasedOnName = new List < string > ( ) ;
public List < string > suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath = new List < string > ( ) ;
private Dictionary < int , int > m_CommonsIndexToLabelsIndex = new Dictionary < int , int > ( ) ;
private List < string > m_CommonLabels = new List < string > ( ) ; //labels that are common between all selected Labeling objects (for multi editing)
m_SerializedLabelsArray = serializedObject . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
var mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject ( serializedObject . targetObjects [ 0 ] ) ;
m_SerializedLabelsArray = mySerializedObject . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
m_Labeling = ( Labeling ) target ;
m_Labeling = mySerializedObject . targetObject as Labeling ;
m_OuterElement = m_Root . Q < BindableElement > ( "outer-container" ) ;
m_OuterElement . binding = new MyBinding ( this ) ;
m_OuterElement . bindingPath = "labels" ;
//m_OuterElement = m_Root.Q<BindableElement>("outer-container");
//m_OuterElement.binding = new MyBinding(this);
//m_OuterElement.bindingPath = "labels";
m_CurrentLabelsListView = m_Root . Q < ListView > ( "current-labels-listview" ) ;
m_SuggestLabelsListView_FromName = m_Root . Q < ListView > ( "suggested-labels-name-listview" ) ;
m_AddButton = m_Root . Q < Button > ( "add-label" ) ;
if ( serializedObject . targetObjects . Length > 1 )
var addedTitle = m_Root . Q < Label > ( "added-labels-title" ) ;
addedTitle . text = "Common Labels of Selected Items" ;
var suggestedOnNamePanel = m_Root . Q < VisualElement > ( "suggested-labels-from-name" ) ;
suggestedOnNamePanel . RemoveFromHierarchy ( ) ;
m_SerializedLabelsArray . InsertArrayElementAtIndex ( m_SerializedLabelsArray . arraySize ) ;
m_SerializedLabelsArray . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( m_SerializedLabelsArray . arraySize - 1 ) . stringValue =
"<New Label>" ;
serializedObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
m_CurrentLabelsListView . Refresh ( ) ;
var labelsUnion = CreateUnionOfAllLabels ( ) ;
string newLabel = FindNewLabelValue ( labelsUnion ) ;
foreach ( var targetObject in targets )
if ( targetObject is Labeling labeling )
var serializedLabelingObject2 = new SerializedObject ( labeling ) ;
var serializedLabelArray2 = serializedLabelingObject2 . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
serializedLabelArray2 . InsertArrayElementAtIndex ( serializedLabelArray2 . arraySize ) ;
serializedLabelArray2 . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( serializedLabelArray2 . arraySize - 1 ) . stringValue = newLabel ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
serializedObject . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
RefreshData ( ) ;
RefreshUi ( ) ;
SetupListViews ( ) ;
UpdateSuggestedLabelLists ( ) ;
HashSet < string > CreateUnionOfAllLabels ( )
HashSet < String > result = new HashSet < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var obj in targets )
if ( obj is Labeling labeling )
result . UnionWith ( labeling . labels ) ;
return result ;
string FindNewLabelValue ( HashSet < string > labels )
string baseLabel = "New Label" ;
string label = baseLabel ;
int count = 1 ;
while ( labels . Contains ( label ) )
label = baseLabel + "_" + count + + ;
return label ;
var mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject ( serializedObject . targetObjects [ 0 ] ) ;
m_Labeling = serializedObject . targetObject as Labeling ;
m_SerializedLabelsArray = mySerializedObject . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
RefreshCommonLabels ( ) ;
UpdateSuggestedLabelLists ( ) ;
SetupListViews ( ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnName . RemoveAll ( s = > m_Labeling . labels . Contains ( s ) ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath . RemoveAll ( s = > m_Labeling . labels . Contains ( s ) ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnName . RemoveAll ( s = > m_CommonLabels . Contains ( s ) ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath . RemoveAll ( s = > m_CommonLabels . Contains ( s ) ) ;
//based on name
string assetName = m_Labeling . gameObject . name ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnName . Add ( assetName ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnName . AddRange ( assetName . Split ( nameSeparators , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) . ToList ( ) ) ;
RemoveAddedLabelsFromSuggestedLists ( ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath . Clear ( ) ;
//based on name
if ( serializedObject . targetObjects . Length = = 1 )
string assetName = serializedObject . targetObject . name ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnName . Add ( assetName ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnName . AddRange ( assetName . Split ( nameSeparators , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) . ToList ( ) ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath . Clear ( ) ;
var prefabObject = PrefabUtility . GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource ( m_Labeling . gameObject ) ;
if ( prefabObject )
suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath . AddRange ( stringList ) ;
RemoveAddedLabelsFromSuggestedLists ( ) ;
foreach ( var targetObject in targets )
if ( targetObject = = target )
continue ; //we have already taken care of this one above
prefabObject = PrefabUtility . GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource ( ( ( Labeling ) targetObject ) . gameObject ) ;
if ( prefabObject )
string assetPath = AssetDatabase . GetAssetPath ( prefabObject ) ;
var stringList = assetPath . Split ( pathSeparators , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) . ToList ( ) ;
suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath = suggestedLabelsBasedOnPath . Intersect ( stringList ) . ToList ( ) ;
RemoveAddedLabelsFromSuggestedLists ( ) ;
public void RefreshData ( )
serializedObject . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
serializedObject . Update ( ) ;
var mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject ( serializedObject . targetObjects [ 0 ] ) ;
m_SerializedLabelsArray = mySerializedObject . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
//m_Labeling = serializedObject.targetObject as Labeling;
RefreshCommonLabels ( ) ;
SetupCurrentLabelsListView ( ) ;
public void RefreshUi ( )
m_CurrentLabelsListView . Refresh ( ) ;
SetupSuggestedLabelsListViews ( ) ;
void RefreshCommonLabels ( )
m_CommonLabels . Clear ( ) ;
m_CommonLabels . AddRange ( ( ( Labeling ) serializedObject . targetObjects [ 0 ] ) . labels ) ;
foreach ( var obj in serializedObject . targetObjects )
m_CommonLabels = m_CommonLabels . Intersect ( ( ( Labeling ) obj ) . labels ) . ToList ( ) ;
Debug . Log ( "-----------------------------" ) ;
Debug . Log ( "common labels count: " + m_CommonLabels . Count ) ;
m_CommonsIndexToLabelsIndex . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_Labeling . labels . Count ; i + + )
string label = m_Labeling . labels [ i ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < m_CommonLabels . Count ; j + + )
string label2 = m_CommonLabels [ j ] ;
if ( String . Equals ( label , label2 ) & & ! m_CommonsIndexToLabelsIndex . ContainsKey ( j ) )
m_CommonsIndexToLabelsIndex . Add ( j , i ) ;
Debug . Log ( "dict labels count: " + m_CommonsIndexToLabelsIndex . Count ) ;
// if (m_CommonLabels.Count > 0 && serializedObject.targetObjects.Length > 1)
// {
// foreach (var VARIABLE in m_CommonLabels)
// {
// Debug.Log(VARIABLE);
// }
// }
m_CurrentLabelsListView . itemsSource = m_CommonLabels ;
var mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject ( serializedObject . targetObjects [ 0 ] ) ;
new AddedLabelEditor ( this , m_CurrentLabelsListView , serializedObject , m_SerializedLabelsArray ) ;
new AddedLabelEditor ( this , m_CurrentLabelsListView , mySerializedObject , m_SerializedLabelsArray ) ;
void BindItem ( VisualElement e , int i )
addedLabel . m_LabelTextField . BindProperty ( m_SerializedLabelsArray . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( i ) ) ;
addedLabel . m_LabelTextField . BindProperty ( m_SerializedLabelsArray . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( m_CommonsIndexToLabelsIndex [ i ] ) ) ;
m_CurrentLabelsListView . makeItem = MakeItem ;
m_CurrentLabelsListView . itemHeight = itemHeight ;
m_CurrentLabelsListView . itemsSource = m_Labeling . labels ;
m_CurrentLabelsListView . itemsSource = m_CommonLabels ;
//m_CurrentLabelsListView.reorderable = true;
//m_CurrentLabelsListView.selectionType = SelectionType.Multiple;
void SetupSuggestedLabelsBasedOnFlatList ( ListView labelsListView , List < string > stringList )
var mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject ( serializedObject . targetObjects [ 0 ] ) ;
m_CurrentLabelsListView ,
m_SerializedLabelsArray , serializedObject ) ;
m_CurrentLabelsListView , m_SerializedLabelsArray , mySerializedObject ) ;
void BindItem ( VisualElement e , int i )
private string m_UxmlPath ;
private Button m_RemoveButton ;
private Button m_AddToConfigButton ;
public TextField m_LabelTextField ;
public int m_IndexInList ;
m_RemoveButton = this . Q < Button > ( "remove-button" ) ;
m_AddToConfigButton = this . Q < Button > ( "add-to-config-button" ) ;
m_LabelTextField . isDelayed = true ;
//The listview of added labels in the editor is only bound to the top target object, se we need to apply label modifications to other selected objects too
m_LabelTextField . RegisterValueChangedCallback < string > ( ( cEvent ) = >
List < string > m_CommonLabels = new List < string > ( ) ;
m_CommonLabels . Clear ( ) ;
var firstTarget = editor . targets [ 0 ] as Labeling ;
m_CommonLabels . AddRange ( firstTarget . labels ) ;
foreach ( var obj in editor . targets )
m_CommonLabels = m_CommonLabels . Intersect ( ( ( Labeling ) obj ) . labels ) . ToList ( ) ;
foreach ( var targetObject in editor . targets )
if ( targetObject ! = editor . targets [ 0 ] & & targetObject is Labeling labeling )
Dictionary < int , int > commonsIndexToLabelsIndex = new Dictionary < int , int > ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < labeling . labels . Count ; i + + )
string label = labeling . labels [ i ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < m_CommonLabels . Count ; j + + )
string label2 = m_CommonLabels [ j ] ;
if ( String . Equals ( label , label2 ) & & ! commonsIndexToLabelsIndex . ContainsKey ( j ) )
commonsIndexToLabelsIndex . Add ( j , i ) ;
var serializedLabelingObject2 = new SerializedObject ( labeling ) ;
var serializedLabelArray2 = serializedLabelingObject2 . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
serializedLabelArray2 . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( commonsIndexToLabelsIndex [ m_IndexInList ] ) . stringValue = cEvent . newValue ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
} ) ;
m_AddToConfigButton . clicked + = ( ) = >
AddToConfigWindow . ShowWindow ( m_LabelTextField . value ) ;
labelsArrayProperty . DeleteArrayElementAtIndex ( m_IndexInList ) ;
serializedLabelingObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
editor . UpdateSuggestedLabelLists ( ) ;
// labelsArrayProperty.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(m_IndexInList);
// serializedLabelingObject.ApplyModifiedProperties();
// editor.UpdateSuggestedLabelLists();
// editor.RefreshUi();
// listView.Refresh();
List < string > m_CommonLabels = new List < string > ( ) ;
m_CommonLabels . Clear ( ) ;
var firstTarget = editor . targets [ 0 ] as Labeling ;
m_CommonLabels . AddRange ( firstTarget . labels ) ;
foreach ( var obj in editor . targets )
m_CommonLabels = m_CommonLabels . Intersect ( ( ( Labeling ) obj ) . labels ) . ToList ( ) ;
foreach ( var targetObject in editor . targets )
if ( targetObject is Labeling labeling )
RemoveLabelFromLabelingSerObj ( labeling , m_CommonLabels ) ;
editor . serializedObject . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
editor . RemoveAddedLabelsFromSuggestedLists ( ) ;
editor . RefreshData ( ) ;
listView . Refresh ( ) ;
void RemoveLabelFromLabelingSerObj ( Labeling labeling , List < string > commonLabels )
Dictionary < int , int > commonsIndexToLabelsIndex = new Dictionary < int , int > ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < labeling . labels . Count ; i + + )
string label = labeling . labels [ i ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < commonLabels . Count ; j + + )
string label2 = commonLabels [ j ] ;
if ( String . Equals ( label , label2 ) & & ! commonsIndexToLabelsIndex . ContainsKey ( j ) )
commonsIndexToLabelsIndex . Add ( j , i ) ;
var serializedLabelingObject2 = new SerializedObject ( labeling ) ;
var serializedLabelArray2 = serializedLabelingObject2 . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
serializedLabelArray2 . DeleteArrayElementAtIndex ( commonsIndexToLabelsIndex [ m_IndexInList ] ) ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
class SuggestedLabelElement : VisualElement
m_AddButton . clicked + = ( ) = >
serializedLabelArray . InsertArrayElementAtIndex ( serializedLabelArray . arraySize ) ;
serializedLabelArray . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( serializedLabelArray . arraySize - 1 ) . stringValue = m_Label . text ;
serializedLabelingObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
foreach ( var targetObject in editor . serializedObject . targetObjects )
if ( targetObject is Labeling labeling )
//if (labeling.labels.Contains(m_Label.text))
// continue; //Do not allow duplicate labels in one asset. Duplicate labels have no use and cause other operations (especially mutlt asset editing) to get messed up
var serializedLabelingObject2 = new SerializedObject ( targetObject ) ;
var serializedLabelArray2 = serializedLabelingObject2 . FindProperty ( "labels" ) ;
serializedLabelArray2 . InsertArrayElementAtIndex ( serializedLabelArray2 . arraySize ) ;
serializedLabelArray2 . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( serializedLabelArray2 . arraySize - 1 ) . stringValue = m_Label . text ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
serializedLabelingObject2 . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
editor . serializedObject . SetIsDifferentCacheDirty ( ) ;
editor . RefreshData ( ) ;