Assert.AreEqual(sensor.framesBetweenCaptures, framesBetween); |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator ReportCapture_ReportsProperJson() |
RgbSensor CreateMocRgbCapture() |
{ |
var position = new float3(.2f, 1.1f, .3f); |
var rotation = new Quaternion(.3f, .2f, .1f, .5f); |
var sensor = new RgbSensor |
return new RgbSensor |
{ |
position = position, |
rotation = rotation.eulerAngles, |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator ReportCaptureAsync_TimesOut() |
{ |
var collector = new CollectEndpoint(); |
DatasetCapture.SetEndpoint(collector); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.automaticShutdown = false; |
SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount = 5; |
var sensorHandle = RegisterSensor("camera", "", "", 0, CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled, 1, 0); |
var f = sensorHandle.ReportSensorAsync(); |
for (var i = 0; i <= SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount; i++) yield return null; |
DatasetCapture.Instance.ResetSimulation(); |
var dcWatcher = new DatasetCapture.WaitUntilComplete(); |
yield return dcWatcher; |
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, new Regex("A frame has timed out and is being removed.*")); |
SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount = 6000; |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator ReportCaptureAsync_DoesNotTimeOut() |
{ |
var collector = new CollectEndpoint(); |
DatasetCapture.SetEndpoint(collector); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.automaticShutdown = false; |
SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount = 5; |
var sensorHandle = RegisterSensor("camera", "", "", 0, CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled, 1, 0); |
var f = sensorHandle.ReportSensorAsync(); |
yield return null; |
yield return null; |
f.Report(CreateMocRgbCapture()); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.ResetSimulation(); |
var dcWatcher = new DatasetCapture.WaitUntilComplete(); |
yield return dcWatcher; |
Assert.AreEqual(1, collector.currentRun.frames.Count); |
SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount = 6000; |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator ReportCapture_ReportsProperJson() |
{ |
var sensor = CreateMocRgbCapture(); |
sensorHandle.ReportSensor(sensor); |
var collector = new CollectEndpoint(); |
Assert.AreEqual(20, tAnn.entries[1].b); |
} |
[Test] |
public void ReportAnnotationFile_WhenCaptureNotExpected_Throws() |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator ReportAnnotationFile_WhenCaptureNotExpected_Throws() |
DatasetCapture.Instance.automaticShutdown = false; |
DatasetCapture.Instance.ResetSimulation(); |
var dcWatcher = new DatasetCapture.WaitUntilComplete(); |
yield return dcWatcher; |
DatasetCapture.Instance.automaticShutdown = false; |
var def = new TestDef(); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.RegisterAnnotationDefinition(def); |
var ann = new TestAnnotation() |
}; |
var sensorHandle = RegisterSensor("camera", "", "", 100, CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled, 1, 0); |
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => sensorHandle.ReportAnnotation(def, ann)); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.ResetSimulation(); |
} |
[Test] |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator AnnotationAsyncIsValid_ReturnsProperValue() |
public IEnumerator AnnotationAsyncInvalid_TimesOut() |
DatasetCapture.Instance.automaticShutdown = false; |
SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount = 100; |
var def = new TestDef(); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.RegisterAnnotationDefinition(def); |
var sensorHandle = RegisterSensor("camera", "", "", 0, CaptureTriggerMode.Scheduled, 1, 0); |
var asyncAnnotation = sensorHandle.ReportAnnotationAsync(def); |
Assert.IsTrue(asyncAnnotation.IsValid()); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.ResetSimulation(); |
var dcWatcher = new DatasetCapture.WaitUntilComplete(); |
yield return dcWatcher; |
LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, new Regex("A frame has timed out and is being removed.*")); |
Assert.IsFalse(asyncAnnotation.IsValid()); |
} |
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator AnnotationAsyncIsValid_ReturnsProperValue() |
{ |
var collector = new CollectEndpoint(); |
DatasetCapture.SetEndpoint(collector); |
LogAssert.ignoreFailingMessages = true; //we aren't worried about "Simulation ended with pending..."
SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount = 10; |
LogAssert.ignoreFailingMessages = true; //we are not worried about timing out
var def = new TestDef(); |
DatasetCapture.Instance.RegisterAnnotationDefinition(def); |
yield return dcWatcher; |
Assert.IsFalse(asyncAnnotation.IsValid()); |
SimulationState.TimeOutFrameCount = 6000; |
} |
[UnityTest] |