
Beginning of change from pyrception-utils -> datasetinsights

leopoldo-zugasti 4 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 77 次插入80 次删除
  1. 148
  2. 9


import streamlit as st
import SessionState
import visualization.visualizers as v
import PIL.Image as Image
import datasetinsights
from datasetinsights.datasets.unity_perception import AnnotationDefinitions, MetricDefinitions
from datasetinsights.datasets.unity_perception.captures import Captures
# import datasetinsights
from pyrception_utils import PyrceptionDataset
#from pyrception_utils import PyrceptionDataset
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") #This needs to be the first streamlit command
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # This needs to be the first streamlit command
import helpers.custom_components_setup as cc

datasets = []
for item in os.listdir(path):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, item)) and item != "Unity":
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, item)) and item != "Unity" and item != ".streamlit":
date = os.path.getctime(os.path.join(path, item))
datasets.append((date, item))

@st.cache(show_spinner=True, allow_output_mutation=True)
def load_perception_dataset(path: str) -> Tuple:
def load_perception_dataset(data_root: str) -> Tuple:
Loads the perception dataset in the cache and caches the random bounding box color scheme.
:param path: Dataset path

# --------------------------------CHANGE TO DATASETINSIGHTS LOADING---------------------------------------------
dataset = PyrceptionDataset(data_dir=path)
classes = dataset.classes
colors = {name: tuple(np.random.randint(128, 255, size=3)) for name in classes}
return colors, dataset
# dataset = PyrceptionDataset(data_dir=path)
# classes = dataset.classes
# colors = {name: tuple(np.random.randint(128, 255, size=3)) for name in classes}
# return colors, dataset
ann_def = AnnotationDefinitions(data_root)
metric_def = MetricDefinitions(data_root)
cap = Captures(data_root)
return ann_def, metric_def, cap
def preview_dataset(base_dataset_dir: str):

:type str:
session_state = SessionState.get(image='-1', start_at='0', num_cols='3', current_page='main', curr_dir=base_dataset_dir)
session_state = SessionState.get(image='-1', start_at='0', num_cols='3', current_page='main',
base_dataset_dir = session_state.curr_dir
st.sidebar.markdown("# Select Project")

if dataset_name is not None:
colors, dataset = load_perception_dataset(
ann_def, metric_def, cap = load_perception_dataset(
# change this to load from dataset insights the names of the available labelers
available_labelers = [a["name"] for a in dataset.metadata.annotations]
available_labelers = [a[1] for a in ann_def.table.iterrows()]
labelers = {}
if 'bounding box' in available_labelers:

labelers['keypoints'] = st.sidebar.checkbox("Key Points", key="kp")
if 'instance segmentation' in available_labelers and 'semantic segmentation' in available_labelers:
if st.sidebar.checkbox('Segmentation'):
selected_segmentation = st.sidebar.radio("Select the segmentation type:", ['Semantic Segmentation', 'Instance Segmentation'], index=0)
selected_segmentation = st.sidebar.radio("Select the segmentation type:",
['Semantic Segmentation', 'Instance Segmentation'],
if selected_segmentation == 'Semantic Segmentation':
labelers['semantic segmentation'] = True
elif selected_segmentation == 'Instance Segmentation':

index = int(session_state.image)
if index >= 0:
dataset_path = os.path.join(base_dataset_dir, dataset_name)
zoom(index, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers, dataset_path)
zoom(index, ann_def, metric_def, cap, base_dataset_dir, session_state, labelers, dataset_path)
grid_view(num_rows, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers)
grid_view(num_rows, ann_def, metric_def, cap, base_dataset_dir, session_state, labelers)
def get_image_with_labelers(index, ann_def, metric_def, cap, data_root, labelers_to_use):
def get_image_with_labelers(image_and_labelers, dataset, colors, labelers_to_use):
image = image_and_labelers['image']
filename = os.path.join(data_root, cap.loc[index, "filename"])
image = Image.open(filename)
semantic = image_and_labelers["semantic segmentation"]
semantic_segmentation_definition_id = -1
for idx, a in enumerate(ann_def):
if a["name"] == "semantic segmentation":
semantic_segmentation_definition_id = idx
seg_captures = cap.filter(def_id=semantic_segmentation_definition_id)
seg_filename = os.path.join(data_root, seg_captures.loc[index, "annotation.filename"])
seg = Image.open(seg_filename)
image, semantic
image, seg
instance = image_and_labelers['instance segmentation']
instance_segmentation_definition_id = -1
for idx, a in enumerate(ann_def):
if a["name"] == "semantic segmentation":
instance_segmentation_definition_id = idx
inst_captures = cap.filter(def_id=instance_segmentation_definition_id)
inst_filename = os.path.join(data_root, inst_captures.loc[index, "annotation.filename"])
inst = Image.open(inst_filename)
image, instance
image, inst
if 'bounding box' in labelers_to_use and labelers_to_use['bounding box']:

def folder_select(session_state):
'''if st.sidebar.button("< Back to main page"):
session_state.current_page = 'main'
curr_dir = session_state.curr_dir
curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/"
placeholder = st.empty()
prev = curr_dir
curr_dir = placeholder.text_input("Path to data", curr_dir)
if curr_dir != prev:
curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/"
session_state.curr_dir = curr_dir
if st.button("< parent folder"):
curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir).parent.absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/"
session_state.curr_dir = curr_dir
st.write("Contents of " + curr_dir)
folder_cols = st.beta_columns(3)
folders = [d for d in os.listdir(curr_dir) if os.path.isdir(curr_dir + d)]
for i, folder in enumerate(folders):
if folder_cols[i % 3].button(folder):
session_state.curr_dir = str(Path(curr_dir + folder).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/"
# session_state.curr_dir = str(Path(fileName).absolute()).replace("\\", "/") + "/"
# fileName = dialog.getExistingDirectory(
# self,
# "Select Directory",
# "",
# QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks
# )
#del app
output = subprocess.run([sys.executable, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "helpers/folder_explorer.py")], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
output = subprocess.run(
[sys.executable, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "helpers/folder_explorer.py")],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
stdout = str(os.path.abspath(str(output.stdout).split("\'")[1]))
if stdout[-2:] == "\r\n":
stdout = stdout[:-2]
elif stdout[-1:] == '\n':
stdout = stdout[:-1]
def grid_view(num_rows, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers):
def grid_view(num_rows, ann_def, metric_def, cap, data_root, session_state, labelers):
header = st.beta_columns([2 / 3, 1 / 3])
num_cols = header[1].slider(label="Image per row: ", min_value=1, max_value=5, step=1,

with header[0]:
start_at = cc.item_selector(int(session_state.start_at), num_cols * num_rows, len(dataset))
start_at = cc.item_selector(int(session_state.start_at), num_cols * num_rows, len(cap))
for i in range(start_at, min(start_at + (num_cols * num_rows), len(dataset))):
image = get_image_with_labelers(dataset[i], dataset, colors, labelers)
for i in range(start_at, min(start_at + (num_cols * num_rows), len(cap))):
image = get_image_with_labelers(i, ann_def, metric_def, cap, data_root, labelers)
container = cols[(i - (start_at % num_cols)) % num_cols].beta_container()
container.write("Capture #" + str(i))

def zoom(index, colors, dataset, session_state, labelers, dataset_path):
def zoom(index, ann_def, metric_def, cap, data_root, session_state, labelers, dataset_path):
header = st.beta_columns([0.2, 0.6, 0.2])
if header[0].button('< Back to Grid view'):

with header[1]:
new_index = cc.item_selector_zoom(index, len(dataset))
new_index = cc.item_selector_zoom(index, len(cap))
image = get_image_with_labelers(dataset[index], dataset, colors, labelers)
image = get_image_with_labelers(index, ann_def, metric_def, cap, data_root, labelers)
layout = st.beta_columns([0.7, 0.3])
layout[0].image(image, use_column_width=True)

if name.startswith("Dataset") and "." not in name[1:]:
captures_dir = directory[0]
# TODO Change 150 to whatever the number really is in the metadata
file_num = index // 150
postfix = ('000' + str(file_num))
postfix = postfix[len(postfix) - 3:]

if __name__ == "__main__":


image.paste(foreground, (0, 0), foreground)
return image
def find_metadata_annotation_index(dataset, name):
for idx, annotation in enumerate(dataset.metadata.annotations):
if annotation["name"] == name:
return idx
def draw_image_with_keypoints(
image: Image,

image = image.copy()
image_draw = ImageDraw(image)
radius = int(dataset.metadata.image_size[0] * 5/500)
for i in range(len(keypoints)):
keypoint = keypoints[i]

color = dataset.metadata.annotations[dataset.ann_to_index['keypoints']]["spec"][0]["key_points"][i]["color"]
color = dataset.metadata.annotations[find_metadata_annotation_index(dataset,"keypoints")]["spec"][0]["key_points"][i]["color"]
skeleton = dataset.metadata.annotations[dataset.ann_to_index['keypoints']]["spec"][0]["skeleton"]
skeleton = dataset.metadata.annotations[find_metadata_annotation_index(dataset,"keypoints")]["spec"][0]["skeleton"]
for bone in skeleton:
if keypoints[bone["joint1"]]["state"] != 2 or keypoints[bone["joint1"]]["state"] != 2:
