`ScenarioBase`'s `Awake()`, `Start()`, and `Update()` functions are now private. If you previously used these, replace the usages with `OnAwake()`, `OnStart()`, and `OnUpdate()`.
The interface `IGroundTruthGenerator` now contains a new method named `ClearMaterialProperties` for disabling ground truth generation on a `Labeling` component or its associated `MaterialPropertyBlock`. Update your implementing classes to including this method.
### Known Issues
### Added
Improved UI for `KeypointTemplate` and added useful default colors for keypoint and skeleton definitions.
Added the ability to switch ground-truth labeling on or off for an object at runtime by enabling or disabling its `Labeling` component.
Added the ability to switch ground truth generation on or off for an object at runtime by enabling or disabling its `Labeling` component. A new method named `ClearMaterialProperties()` in `IGroundTruthGenerator` handles this functionality.