> com.unity.perception is in active development. Its features and API are subject to significant change as development progresses.
# Computer Vision
# Perception
The Computer Vision package provides a toolkit for generating large-scale datasets for machine learning training and validation in computer vision tasks. It is focused on a handful of camera-based use cases for now and will ultimately expand to other forms of sensors and machine learning tasks.
The Perception package provides a toolkit for generating large-scale datasets for perception-based machine learning training and validation. It is focused on a handful of camera-based use cases for now and will ultimately expand to other forms of sensors and machine learning tasks.
Get your local Computer Vision workspace up and running quickly. Recommended for users with prior Unity experience.
Get your local Perception workspace up and running quickly. Recommended for users with prior Unity experience.
Detailed instructions covering all the important steps from installing Unity Editor, to creating your first Computer Vision project, building a randomized Scene, and generating large-scale synthetic datasets by leveraging the power of [Unity Simulation](https://unity.com/products/unity-simulation). No prior Unity experience required.
Detailed instructions covering all the important steps from installing Unity Editor, to creating your first Perception project, building a randomized Scene, and generating large-scale synthetic datasets by leveraging the power of Unity Simulation. No prior Unity experience required.
## Documentation
In-depth documentation on inidividual components of the package.
The [Unity Simulation Smart Camera Example](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Unity-Simulation-Smart-Camera-Outdoor) illustrates how Unity Computer Vision can be used in a smart city or autonomous vehicle simulation. You can generate datasets locally or at scale in [Unity Simulation](https://unity.com/products/unity-simulation).
The [Unity Simulation Smart Camera Example](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Unity-Simulation-Smart-Camera-Outdoor) illustrates how Perception could be used in a smart city or autonomous vehicle simulation. You can generate datasets locally or at scale in [Unity Simulation](https://unity.com/products/unity-simulation).
## Local development
The repository includes two projects for local development in `TestProjects` folder, one set up for HDRP and the other for URP.
* [License](com.unity.perception/LICENSE.md)
## Citation
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If you find this package useful, consider citing it using: