public static Dictionary<HumanBone, bool> AvatarRequiredBones(GameObject selection) |
{ |
var result = new Dictionary<HumanBone, bool>(); |
selection = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(selection); |
var selectionInstance = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(selection); |
if (selectionInstance != null) |
selection = selectionInstance; |
var animator = selection.GetComponentInChildren<Animator>(); |
var bone = new HumanBone(); |
return new GameObject("Failed"); |
} |
selection = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(selection); |
var selectionInstance = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(selection); |
if (selectionInstance != null) |
selection = selectionInstance; |
var animator = selection.GetComponentInChildren<Animator>(); |
var skinnedMeshRenderer = selection.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); |
var rayEarLeft = new Ray(); |
var rayEarRight = new Ray(); |
var foundRightEar = false; |
var foundLeftEar = false; |
if(leftEye == null || rightEye == null) |
{ |
Debug.LogWarning("Eye positions are null, unable to position nose joint!"); |
rayRightEye.origin = rightEye.position; |
rayRightEye.direction = directionRight * eyeDistance; |
// Find the center of the face
var point = Convert.ToSingle(i); |
var pointR = rayRightEye.GetPoint(point); |
var pointL = rayLeftEye.GetPoint(point); |
var pointR = rayRightEye.GetPoint(i); |
var pointL = rayLeftEye.GetPoint(i); |
var distanceX = Math.Abs(pointR.x - pointL.x); |
var distanceY = Math.Abs(pointR.y - pointL.y); |
rayNoseBack.origin = faceCenter; |
rayNoseBack.direction = Vector3.back * distanceCheck; |
// Find the ear center which can be used to go left and right to find the edge of the mesh for the ear
for (var i = 0f; i < distanceCheck; i += 0.01f) |
{ |
var pointH = rayHead.GetPoint(i); |
if (distanceZ < 0.01) |
if (distanceZ < 0.01f) |
var points = new List<Vector3>(); |
// Find the position of the nose
for (int v = 0; v < verticies.Length; v++) |
{ |
for (var c = eyeDistance / 2; c < distanceCheck; c += 0.001f) |
var distHeadZ = Math.Abs(pointNoseRay.z - pointVert.z); |
var distHeadX = Math.Abs(pointNoseRay.x - pointVert.x); |
var def = 0.003f; |
var offset = pointVert - pointNoseRay; |
var len = offset.sqrMagnitude; |
if (distHeadZ < 0.0001 && distHeadX < 0.001) |
if(len < def * def || len < def) |
else if(nosePos == Vector3.zero) |
{ |
if (distHeadZ < 0.001 && distHeadX < 0.001) |
{ |
nosePos = pointNoseRay; |
} |
} |
// Find both the left and right ear from the ear center
for (int v = 0; v < verticies.Length; v++) |
{ |
for (var c = eyeDistance / 2; c < distanceCheck; c += 0.001f) |
var pointVert = verticies[v]; |
var distEarRightY = Math.Abs(pointEarRight.y - pointVert.y); |
var distEarRightX = Math.Abs(pointEarRight.x - pointVert.x); |
var distEarLeftY = Math.Abs(pointEarLeft.y - pointVert.y); |
var distEarLeftX = Math.Abs(pointEarLeft.x - pointVert.x); |
var def = 0.09f; |
var offsetR = pointVert - pointEarRight; |
// Need to fix the left offset because of negative numbers
var offsetL = pointVert - pointEarLeft; |
var lenR = offsetR.sqrMagnitude; |
var lenL = offsetL.sqrMagnitude; |
if (distEarRightY < 0.001 && distEarRightX < 0.0001) |
if (lenR < def * def || lenR < def) |
foundRightEar = true; |
if (distEarLeftY < 0.001 && distEarLeftX < 0.0001) |
if (lenL < def * def || lenL < def) |
foundLeftEar = true; |
} |
if (!foundRightEar) |
{ |
if (distEarRightY < 0.01 && distEarRightX < 0.001) |
{ |
earRightPos = pointEarRight; |
} |
} |
if (!foundLeftEar) |
{ |
if (distEarLeftY < 0.001 && distEarLeftX < 0.001) |
{ |
earLeftPos = pointEarLeft; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
var model = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(selection, "Assets/" + selection.name + ".prefab"); |
var model = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(selection, filePath); |
private static Transform FindBodyPart(string name, Transform root) |
static Transform FindBodyPart(string name, Transform root) |
{ |
var children = new List<Transform>(); |
root.GetComponentsInChildren(children); |
if (child.name == name) |
if (child.name == name || child.name.Contains("head")) |
return child; |
} |
/// remove the template from the template data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameObject">target cgameobject from the joint</param>
private static void AddJointLabel(GameObject gameObject) |
static void AddJointLabel(GameObject gameObject) |
{ |
var jointLabel = gameObject.AddComponent<JointLabel>(); |
var data = new JointLabel.TemplateData(); |