Steven Borkman
5 年前
共有 26 个文件被更改,包括 2174 次插入 和 509 次删除
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth; |
public class BoxToggleHandler : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public PerceptionCamera perceptionCamera; |
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() |
{ |
} |
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() |
{ |
} |
public void OnToggle(bool enabled) |
{ |
perceptionCamera.SetBoundsVisualizationEnabled(enabled); |
} |
} |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth; |
public class SegmentationToggleHandler : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public PerceptionCamera perceptionCamera; |
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() |
{ |
// TODO set up the default toggle state based on
// the perception cameras default values
} |
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() |
{ |
} |
public void OnToggled(bool enabled) |
{ |
perceptionCamera.SetEnableSegmentationVisualization(enabled); |
} |
} |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
public class TransparencySlider : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public PerceptionCamera camera; |
private Slider slider; |
private bool dontEcho = false; |
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() |
{ |
slider = GetComponent<Slider>(); |
dontEcho = true; |
slider.value = camera.GetVisualizeSegmentationTextureTransparency(); |
dontEcho = false; |
} |
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() |
{ |
} |
public void OnValueChanged(float updated) |
{ |
if (!dontEcho) camera.SetVisualizeSegmentationTextureTransparency(slider.value); |
} |
} |
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using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using Unity.Collections; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; |
using UnityEngine.Perception.GroundTruth; |
using UnityEngine.Rendering; |
using Unity.Entities; |
using Unity.Simulation; |
[RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))] |
public class BoundingBoxRenderer : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public GameObject light; |
public GameObject target; |
private PerceptionCamera perception; |
private void Awake() |
{ |
perception = GetComponent<PerceptionCamera>(); |
CaptureOptions.useAsyncReadbackIfSupported = false; |
} |
} |
#if false
private RenderTexture renderTexture = null; |
private Texture2D cpuTexture = null; |
private AnnotationDefinition bbDef; |
private RenderedObjectInfoGenerator renderedObjectInfoGenerator; |
private RenderTextureReader<uint> segmentationReader; |
private void Awake() |
{ |
var cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); |
var width = cam.pixelWidth; |
var height = cam.pixelHeight; |
renderTexture = new RenderTexture(new RenderTextureDescriptor(width, height, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, 8)); |
||| = "segmentation"; |
cpuTexture = new Texture2D(renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height, renderTexture.graphicsFormat, TextureCreationFlags.None); |
bbDef = SimulationManager.RegisterAnnotationDefinition( |
"Target bounding box", |
"The position of the target in the camera's local space", |
id: Guid.Parse("C0B4A22C-0420-4D9F-BAFC-954B8F7B35A7")); |
#if false
renderedObjectInfoGenerator = new RenderedObjectInfoGenerator(labelingConfiguration); |
World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.GetExistingSystem<GroundTruthLabelSetupSystem>().Activate(renderedObjectInfoGenerator); |
segmentationReader = new RenderTextureReader<uint>(segmentationTexture, cam, (frameCount, data, tex) => |
{ |
if (segmentationImageReceived != null) |
segmentationImageReceived(frameCount, data); |
m_RenderedObjectInfoGenerator.Compute(data, tex.width, boundingBoxOrigin, out var renderedObjectInfos, out var classCounts, Allocator.Temp); |
using (s_RenderedObjectInfosCalculatedEvent.Auto()) |
renderedObjectInfosCalculated?.Invoke(frameCount, renderedObjectInfos); |
if (produceObjectCountAnnotations) |
OnObjectCountsReceived(classCounts, LabelingConfiguration.LabelEntries, frameCount); |
if (produceBoundingBoxAnnotations) |
ProduceBoundingBoxesAnnotation(renderedObjectInfos, LabelingConfiguration.LabelEntries, frameCount); |
if (produceRenderedObjectInfoMetric) |
ProduceRenderedObjectInfoMetric(renderedObjectInfos, frameCount); |
}); |
} |
void Update() |
{ |
||| = renderTexture; |
cpuTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(, new Vector2(renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height)), 0, 0); |
||| = null; |
var data = cpuTexture.GetRawTextureData<uint>(); |
ImageReadCallback(Time.frameCount, data, renderTexture); |
Vector3 targetPos = transform.worldToLocalMatrix * target.transform.position; |
var sensorHandle = GetComponent<PerceptionCamera>().SensorHandle; |
var anno = sensorHandle.ReportAnnotationValues(bbDef, new[] { targetPos }); |
string jsonValues = string.Empty; |
MetricDefinition metricDef = SimulationManager.RegisterMetricDefinition() |
anno.ReportMetric(bbDef, jsonValues); |
// if (sensorHandle.ShouldCaptureThisFrame)
// {
// var anno = sensorHandle.ReportAnnotationValues(bbDef, new[] { targetPos });
// }
} |
void ProduceBoundingBoxesAnnotation(NativeArray<RenderedObjectInfo> renderedObjectInfos, List<LabelEntry> labelingConfigurations, int frameCount) |
{ |
RenderTextureReader<short>(); |
using (s_BoundingBoxCallback.Auto()) |
{ |
var findResult = FindAsyncCaptureInfo(frameCount); |
if (findResult.index == -1) |
return; |
var asyncCaptureInfo = findResult.asyncCaptureInfo; |
var boundingBoxAsyncAnnotation = asyncCaptureInfo.BoundingBoxAsyncMetric; |
if (!boundingBoxAsyncAnnotation.IsValid) |
return; |
if (m_BoundingBoxValues == null || m_BoundingBoxValues.Length != renderedObjectInfos.Length) |
m_BoundingBoxValues = new BoundingBoxValue[renderedObjectInfos.Length]; |
for (var i = 0; i < renderedObjectInfos.Length; i++) |
{ |
var objectInfo = renderedObjectInfos[i]; |
if (!TryGetLabelEntryFromInstanceId(objectInfo.instanceId, out var labelEntry)) |
continue; |
m_BoundingBoxValues[i] = new BoundingBoxValue |
{ |
label_id =, |
label_name = labelEntry.label, |
instance_id = objectInfo.instanceId, |
x = objectInfo.boundingBox.x, |
y = objectInfo.boundingBox.y, |
width = objectInfo.boundingBox.width, |
height = objectInfo.boundingBox.height, |
}; |
} |
boundingBoxAsyncAnnotation.ReportValues(m_BoundingBoxValues); |
} |
} |
void ImageReadCallback(int frameCount, NativeArray<uint> data, RenderTexture renderTexture) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Current frame: " + Time.frameCount + ", working frame: " + frameCount); |
// First thing lets check that we are the correct frame...
if (frameCount == Time.frameCount) |
{ |
Debug.Log("We are operating on the current frame"); |
} |
else |
{ |
Debug.Log("We are on a different frame"); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue