var oldSimulationState = SimulationState;
SimulationState = CreateSimulationData();
// Provides accessors and invocation methods for members of SimulationState that would otherwise be in-accessible
// due to protection level - use only when testing protected logic is critical
class SimulationStateTestHelper
class SimulationStateTestHelper : GroundTruthTestBase
SimulationState m_State => DatasetCapture.SimulationState;
Dictionary<SensorHandle, SimulationState.SensorData> m_SensorsReference;
m_TestHelper = new SimulationStateTestHelper();
public void TearDown()
public IEnumerator TearDown()
yield return null;
Debug.Log("Simulation Reset and finished all async requests!");
Debug.Log("Teardown called!");
foreach (var o in m_ObjectsToDestroy)