
feat: Update ServerCharacterMovement to new navigation system.

Luke Stampfli 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 41 次插入32 次删除
  1. 73


using System;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;

private NavMeshAgent m_NavMeshAgent;
private Rigidbody m_Rigidbody;
private NetworkCharacterState m_NetworkCharacterState;
private NavigationSystem m_NavigationSystem;
private NavMeshPath m_DesiredMovementPath;
private DynamicNavPath m_NavPath;
private MovementState m_MovementState;
private ServerCharacter m_CharLogic;

// On the server enable navMeshAgent and initialize
m_NavMeshAgent.enabled = true;
m_NetworkCharacterState.OnReceivedClientInput += OnReceivedClientInput;
m_DesiredMovementPath = new NavMeshPath();
m_NavPath = new DynamicNavPath(m_NavMeshAgent, m_NavigationSystem);
private void OnReceivedClientInput(Vector3 position )
private void OnReceivedClientInput(Vector3 position)
m_CharLogic.ClearActions(); //a fresh movement request trumps whatever we were doing before.

public void SetMovementTarget(Vector3 position)
m_MovementState = MovementState.PathFollowing;
// Recalculate navigation path only on target change.
m_NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath(position, m_DesiredMovementPath);
/// <summary>
/// Follow the given transform until it is reached.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="followTransform">The transform to follow</param>
public void FollowTransform(Transform followTransform)
m_MovementState = MovementState.PathFollowing;
/// <summary>

//Luke, is there anything else I should do to clear move state here?
m_MovementState = MovementState.Idle;

m_NetworkCharacterState = GetComponent<NetworkCharacterState>();
m_CharLogic = GetComponent<ServerCharacter>();
m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
m_NavigationSystem = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(NavigationSystem.NavigationSytemTag).GetComponent<NavigationSystem>();
private void FixedUpdate()

// Send new position values to the client
m_NetworkCharacterState.NetworkPosition.Value = transform.position;
m_NetworkCharacterState.NetworkRotationY.Value = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
m_NetworkCharacterState.NetworkMovementSpeed.Value = m_MovementState == MovementState.Idle ? 0 : m_MovementSpeed;
m_NetworkCharacterState.NetworkMovementSpeed.Value =
m_MovementState == MovementState.Idle ? 0 : m_MovementSpeed;
private void Movement()
private void OnValidate()
var corners = m_DesiredMovementPath.corners;
// If we don't have a movement path stop moving
if (corners.Length == 0)
if (gameObject.scene.rootCount > 1) // Hacky way for checking if this is a scene object or a prefab instance and not a prefab definition.
m_MovementState = MovementState.Idle;
$"NavigationSystem not found. Is there a NavigationSystem Behaviour in the Scene and does its GameObject have the {NavigationSystem.NavigationSytemTag} tag? {gameObject.scene.name}"
private void OnDestroy()
private void Movement()
// If there is less distance to move left in the path than our desired amount
if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(corners[corners.Length - 1] - transform.position) < (desiredMovementAmount * desiredMovementAmount))
var movementVector = m_NavPath.MoveAlongPath(desiredMovementAmount);
// If we didn't move stop moving.
if (movementVector == Vector3.zero)
// Set to destination and stop moving
transform.position = corners[corners.Length - 1];
// Get the direction to move along based on the calculated path.
var direction = corners.Length > 1
? (corners[1] - corners[0]).normalized
: throw new InvalidOperationException("Navigation path should have a start and end position");
var movementVector = direction * desiredMovementAmount;
//fixme--is this right? If I don't do this the Rigidbody is "left behind", and doesn't move with the GameObject.
//also see ClientCharacterMovement before deleting this comment.
// After moving adjust the position of the dynamic rigidbody.
m_NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath(corners[corners.Length - 1], m_DesiredMovementPath);