JS Fauteux
4 年前
共有 65 个文件被更改,包括 3641 次插入 和 167 次删除
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using System; |
using MLAPI; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace BossRoom |
{ |
public class ClientSpawnerVisualization : NetworkedBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
NetworkSpawnerState m_NetworkSpawnerState; |
// TODO: Integrate visuals (GOMPS-123)
[SerializeField] |
Animator m_Animator; |
public override void NetworkStart() |
{ |
if (!IsClient) |
{ |
enabled = false; |
return; |
} |
m_NetworkSpawnerState.Broken.OnValueChanged += BrokenStateChanged; |
m_NetworkSpawnerState.HitPoints.OnValueChanged += HitPointsChanged; |
} |
void BrokenStateChanged(bool previousValue, bool newValue) |
{ |
if (newValue) |
{ |
if (previousValue == false) |
{ |
// spawner is newly broken
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if (previousValue) |
{ |
// spawner is newly revived
} |
} |
} |
void HitPointsChanged(int previousValue, int newValue) |
{ |
if (previousValue > newValue && newValue > 0) |
{ |
// received a hit
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 65e25a152b731564ebb6096eb5e9f0ed |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using MLAPI.Spawning; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace BossRoom.Server |
{ |
public class ReviveAction : Action |
{ |
private bool m_ExecFired; |
private ServerCharacter m_TargetCharacter; |
public ReviveAction(ServerCharacter parent, ref ActionRequestData data, int level) : base(parent, ref data, level) |
{ |
} |
public override bool Start() |
{ |
if (m_Data.TargetIds == null || m_Data.TargetIds.Length == 0 || !SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.ContainsKey(m_Data.TargetIds[0])) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Failed to start ReviveAction. The target entity wasn't submitted or doesn't exist anymore"); |
return false; |
} |
var targetNeworkedObj = SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects[m_Data.TargetIds[0]]; |
m_TargetCharacter = targetNeworkedObj.GetComponent<ServerCharacter>(); |
m_Parent.NetState.ServerBroadcastAction(ref Data); |
return true; |
} |
public override bool Update() |
{ |
if (!m_ExecFired && Time.time - TimeStarted >= Description.ExecTime_s) |
{ |
m_ExecFired = true; |
if (m_TargetCharacter.NetState.NetworkLifeState.Value == LifeState.FAINTED) |
{ |
m_TargetCharacter.Revive(m_Parent, (int) m_Data.Amount); |
} |
else |
{ |
//cancel the action if the target is alive!
Cancel(); |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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using System.Collections; |
using UnityEngine; |
using MLAPI; |
namespace BossRoom.Server |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// Component responsible for spawning prefab clones in waves on the server.
/// </summary>
[RequireComponent(typeof(Collider))] |
public class ServerWaveSpawner : NetworkedBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
NetworkSpawnerState m_NetworkSpawnerState; |
// amount of hits it takes to break any spawner
const int k_MaxHealth = 3; |
// networked object that will be spawned in waves
[SerializeField] |
NetworkedObject m_NetworkedPrefab; |
// cache reference to our own transform
Transform m_Transform; |
// track wave index and reset once all waves are complete
int m_WaveIndex; |
// keep reference to our wave spawning coroutine
Coroutine m_WaveSpawning; |
// cache array of RaycastHit as it will be reused for player visibility
RaycastHit[] m_Hit; |
int m_PlayerLayerMask; |
// cache Collider array of OverlapSphere results for player proximity
Collider[] m_Colliders; |
[Tooltip("Select which layers will block visibility.")] |
[SerializeField] |
LayerMask m_BlockingMask; |
[Tooltip("Time between player distance & visibility scans, in seconds.")] |
[SerializeField] |
float m_PlayerProximityValidationTimestep; |
[Header("Wave parameters")] |
[Tooltip("Total number of waves.")] |
[SerializeField] |
int m_NumberOfWaves; |
[Tooltip("Number of spawns per wave.")] |
[SerializeField] |
int m_SpawnsPerWave; |
[Tooltip("Time between individual spawns, in seconds.")] |
[SerializeField] |
float m_TimeBetweenSpawns; |
[Tooltip("Time between waves, in seconds.")] |
[SerializeField] |
float m_TimeBetweenWaves; |
[Tooltip("Once last wave is spawned, the spawner waits this long to restart wave spawns, in seconds.")] |
[SerializeField] |
float m_RestartDelay; |
[Tooltip("A player must be withing this distance to commence first wave spawn.")] |
[SerializeField] |
float m_ProximityDistance; |
[Tooltip("After being broken, the spawner waits this long to restart wave spawns, in seconds.")] |
[SerializeField] |
float m_DormantCooldown; |
void Awake() |
{ |
m_Transform = transform; |
m_PlayerLayerMask = LayerMask.GetMask("PCs"); |
} |
public override void NetworkStart() |
{ |
base.NetworkStart(); |
if (!IsServer) |
{ |
enabled = false; |
return; |
} |
ReviveSpawner(); |
m_Hit = new RaycastHit[1]; |
m_Colliders = new Collider[8]; |
StartCoroutine(ValidatePlayersProximity(StartWaveSpawning)); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine for continually validating proximity to players and invoking an action when any is near.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="validationAction"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator ValidatePlayersProximity(System.Action validationAction) |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
if (m_NetworkSpawnerState.Broken.Value) |
{ |
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_DormantCooldown); |
ReviveSpawner(); |
} |
if (m_WaveSpawning == null) |
{ |
if (IsAnyPlayerNearbyAndVisible()) |
{ |
validationAction(); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// do nothing, a wave spawning routine is currently underway
} |
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_PlayerProximityValidationTimestep); |
} |
} |
void StartWaveSpawning() |
{ |
StopWaveSpawning(); |
m_WaveSpawning = StartCoroutine(SpawnWaves()); |
} |
void StopWaveSpawning() |
{ |
if (m_WaveSpawning != null) |
{ |
StopCoroutine(m_WaveSpawning); |
} |
m_WaveSpawning = null; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine for spawning prefabs clones in waves, waiting a duration before spawning a new wave.
/// Once all waves are completed, it waits a restart time before termination.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator SpawnWaves() |
{ |
m_WaveIndex = 0; |
while (m_WaveIndex < m_NumberOfWaves) |
{ |
yield return SpawnWave(); |
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_TimeBetweenWaves); |
} |
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_RestartDelay); |
m_WaveSpawning = null; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine that spawns a wave of prefab clones, with some time between spawns.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator SpawnWave() |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < m_SpawnsPerWave; i++) |
{ |
SpawnPrefab(); |
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_TimeBetweenSpawns); |
} |
m_WaveIndex++; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Spawn a NetworkedObject prefab clone.
/// </summary>
void SpawnPrefab() |
{ |
if (m_NetworkedPrefab == null) |
{ |
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("m_NetworkedPrefab"); |
} |
// spawn clone right in front of spawner
var spawnPosition = m_Transform.position + m_Transform.forward; |
var clone = Instantiate(m_NetworkedPrefab, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity); |
if (!clone.IsSpawned) |
{ |
clone.Spawn(); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether any player is within range & visible through RaycastNonAlloc check.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> True if visible and within range, else false. </returns>
bool IsAnyPlayerNearbyAndVisible() |
{ |
var spawnerPosition = m_Transform.position; |
var ray = new Ray(); |
int hits = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(spawnerPosition, |
m_ProximityDistance, m_Colliders, m_PlayerLayerMask); |
if (hits == 0) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
// iterate through players and only return true if a player is in range
// and is not occluded by a blocking collider.
foreach (var playerCollider in m_Colliders) |
{ |
var playerPosition = playerCollider.transform.position; |
var direction = playerPosition - spawnerPosition; |
ray.origin = spawnerPosition; |
ray.direction = direction; |
var hit = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(ray, m_Hit, |
Mathf.Min(direction.magnitude, m_ProximityDistance),m_BlockingMask); |
if (hit == 0) |
{ |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
void ReviveSpawner() |
{ |
m_NetworkSpawnerState.HitPoints.Value = k_MaxHealth; |
m_NetworkSpawnerState.Broken.Value = false; |
} |
// TODO: David will create interface hookup for receiving hits on non-NPC/PC objects (GOMPS-ID TBD)
void ReceiveHP(ServerCharacter inflicter, int HP) |
{ |
if (!IsServer) |
{ |
return; |
} |
m_NetworkSpawnerState.HitPoints.Value += HP; |
if (m_NetworkSpawnerState.HitPoints.Value <= 0) |
{ |
m_NetworkSpawnerState.Broken.Value = true; |
StopWaveSpawning(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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using MLAPI; |
using MLAPI.NetworkedVar; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace BossRoom |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// Contains all NetworkedVars of a spawner.
/// This component is present on both client and server objects.
/// </summary>
public class NetworkSpawnerState : NetworkedBehaviour |
{ |
public NetworkedVarInt HitPoints { get; } = new NetworkedVarInt(); |
public NetworkedVarBool Broken { get; } = new NetworkedVarBool(); |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 4cfeccaf46c46e1458c3f7351d6753b3 |
MonoImporter: |
externalObjects: {} |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
# TODOs (trimmed down version of tasks listed at: https://github.cds.internal.unity3d.com/unity/com.unity.template-starter-kit) |
##### Fill in your project template's package information |
Update the following required fields in `Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/package.json`: |
- `name`: Project template's package name, it should follow this naming convention: `com.unity.template.[your-template-name]` |
(Example: `com.unity.template.3d`) |
- `displayName`: Package user friendly display name. (Example: `"First person shooter"`). <br>__Note:__ Use a display name that will help users understand what your project template is intended for. |
- `version`: Package version `X.Y.Z`, your project **must** adhere to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). |
- `unity`: Minimum Unity Version your project template is compatible with. (Example: `2018.3`) |
- `description`: This is the description for your template which will be displayed to the user to let them know what this template is for. This description shouldn't include anything version-specific and should stay pretty consistent across template versions. |
- `dependencies`: Specify the dependencies the template requires. If you add a package to your project, you should also add it here. We try to keep this list as lean as possible to avoid conflicts as much as possible. |
##### Update **README.md** |
The README.md file should contain all pertinent information for template developers, such as: |
* Prerequisites |
* External tools or development libraries |
* Required installed Software |
The Readme file at the root of the project should be the same as the one found in the template package folder. |
##### Prepare your documentation |
Rename and update **Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/Documentation~/your-package-name.md** documentation file. |
Use this documentation template to create preliminary, high-level documentation for the _development_ of your template's package. This document is meant to introduce other developers to the features and sample files included in your project template. |
Your template's documentation will be made available online and in the editor during publishing to guide our users. |
##### Update the changelog |
**Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/CHANGELOG.md**. |
Every new feature or bug fix should have a trace in this file. For more details on the chosen changelog format, see [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). |
Changelogs will be made available online to inform users about the changes they can expect when downloading a project template. As a consequence, the changelog content should be customer friendly and present clear, meaningful information. |
#### Complete the rest of the steps in the link regarding Legal & Testing |
packageName: com.unity.template.xxx |
name: NEW NAME |
description: translationMap |
icon: file://images/icon.png |
previewImage: file://images/preview.png |
category: Core |
buildPlatform: Windows |
renderPipeline: BuiltIn |
termsOfService: file://docs/terms-and-conditions.txt |
#extraFields: # (Optional) - A list of extra metadata that can be developer-defined as key/value pairs where value is always a string. |
# - name: ageGate |
# value: "12+" |
translationMap: |
description: |
en-US: "With this template, blablabla" |
zh-CN: "使用此模板,..." |
target_editor: |
version: 2019.4 |
test_editors: |
- version: 2019.4 |
#- version: 2020.1 |
#- version: 2020.2 |
#- version: trunk |
test_platforms: |
- name: win |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/win10:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
- name: mac |
type: Unity::VM::osx |
image: package-ci/mac:stable |
flavor: m1.mac |
#- name: ubuntu |
# type: Unity::VM |
# image: package-ci/ubuntu:stable |
# flavor: b1.large |
# Use if Linux instance with GPU required |
#- name: centos |
# type: Unity::VM::GPU |
# image: package-ci/centos:stable |
# flavor: b1.large |
--- |
prepack: |
name: Pre-Pack - Primed Artifacts |
agent: |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/win10:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
commands: |
- pip install unity-downloader-cli --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple --upgrade |
- unity-downloader-cli -u {{target_editor.version}} -c editor -w |
- .\.Editor\Unity.exe -batchmode -quit |
artifacts: |
primed: |
paths: |
- "Library/Artifacts/**" |
- "Library/ArtifactDB" |
- "Library/SourceAssetDB" |
pack: |
name: Pack |
agent: |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/ubuntu:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
commands: |
- npm install upm-ci-utils@stable -g --registry https://artifactory.prd.cds.internal.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-npm |
- upm-ci template pack |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#prepack |
artifacts: |
packages: |
paths: |
- "upm-ci~/**/*" |
{% for editor in test_editors %} |
{% for platform in test_platforms %} |
test_{{ platform.name }}_{{ editor.version }}: |
name : Test {{ editor.version }} on {{ platform.name }} |
agent: |
type: {{ platform.type }} |
image: {{ platform.image }} |
flavor: {{ platform.flavor}} |
commands: |
- npm install upm-ci-utils@stable -g --registry https://artifactory.prd.cds.internal.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-npm |
- {% if platform.name == "centos" %}DISPLAY=:0 {% endif %}upm-ci template test -u {{ editor.version }} |
artifacts: |
logs: |
paths: |
- "upm-ci~/test-results/**/*" |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#pack |
{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |
test_trigger: |
name: Tests Trigger |
triggers: |
branches: |
only: |
- "master" |
- "dev" |
- "/staging-.*/" |
pull_requests: |
- targets: |
only: |
- "/.*/" |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#pack |
{% for editor in test_editors %} |
{% for platform in test_platforms %} |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#test_{{platform.name}}_{{editor.version}} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |
publish: |
name: Publish to Internal Registry |
agent: |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/win10:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
commands: |
- npm install upm-ci-utils@stable -g --registry https://artifactory.prd.cds.internal.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-npm |
- upm-ci template publish |
triggers: |
tags: |
only: |