您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

419 行
15 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.service;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using UnityEngine;
using Canvas = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Canvas;
using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.painting {
public class TextPainter {
TextSpan _text;
TextAlign _textAlign;
TextDirection? _textDirection;
float _textScaleFactor;
Paragraph _layoutTemplate;
Paragraph _paragraph;
bool _needsLayout = true;
int? _maxLines;
string _ellipsis;
float _lastMinWidth;
float _lastMaxWidth;
public TextPainter(TextSpan text,
TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.left,
TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr,
float textScaleFactor = 1.0f,
int? maxLines = null,
string ellipsis = "") {
this._text = text;
this._textAlign = textAlign;
this._textDirection = textDirection;
this._textScaleFactor = textScaleFactor;
this._maxLines = maxLines;
this._ellipsis = ellipsis;
public float textScaleFactor {
get { return this._textScaleFactor; }
set {
if (this._textScaleFactor == value) {
this._textScaleFactor = value;
this._paragraph = null;
this._layoutTemplate = null;
this._needsLayout = true;
public string ellipsis {
get { return this._ellipsis; }
set {
if (this._ellipsis == value) {
this._ellipsis = value;
this._paragraph = null;
this._needsLayout = true;
public TextSpan text {
get { return this._text; }
set {
if (this.text.Equals(value)) {
if (!Equals(this._text == null ? null : this._text.style, value == null ? null : value.style)) {
this._layoutTemplate = null;
this._text = value;
this._paragraph = null;
this._needsLayout = true;
public Size size {
get {
return new Size(this.width, this.height);
public TextDirection? textDirection {
get { return this._textDirection; }
set {
if (this.textDirection == value) {
this._textDirection = value;
this._paragraph = null;
this._layoutTemplate = null;
this._needsLayout = true;
public TextAlign textAlign {
get { return this._textAlign; }
set {
if (this._textAlign == value) {
this._textAlign = value;
this._paragraph = null;
this._needsLayout = true;
public bool didExceedMaxLines {
get {
return this._paragraph.didExceedMaxLines;
public int? maxLines {
get { return this._maxLines; }
set {
if (this._maxLines == value) {
this._maxLines = value;
this._paragraph = null;
this._needsLayout = true;
public float minIntrinsicWidth {
get {
return this._applyFloatingPointHack(this._paragraph.minIntrinsicWidth);
public float maxIntrinsicWidth {
get {
return this._applyFloatingPointHack(this._paragraph.maxIntrinsicWidth);
public float height {
get {
return this._applyFloatingPointHack(this._paragraph.height);
public float width {
get {
return this._applyFloatingPointHack(this._paragraph.width);
public float computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) {
switch (baseline) {
case TextBaseline.alphabetic:
return this._paragraph.alphabeticBaseline;
case TextBaseline.ideographic:
return this._paragraph.ideographicBaseline;
return 0.0f;
public void layout(float minWidth = 0.0f, float maxWidth = float.PositiveInfinity) {
Debug.Assert(this.text != null,
"TextPainter.text must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.");
Debug.Assert(this.textDirection != null,
"TextPainter.textDirection must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter.");
if (!this._needsLayout && minWidth == this._lastMinWidth && maxWidth == this._lastMaxWidth) {
this._needsLayout = false;
if (this._paragraph == null) {
var builder = new ParagraphBuilder(this._createParagraphStyle());
this._text.build(builder, this.textScaleFactor);
this._paragraph = builder.build();
this._lastMinWidth = minWidth;
this._lastMaxWidth = maxWidth;
this._paragraph.layout(new ParagraphConstraints(maxWidth));
if (minWidth != maxWidth) {
var newWidth = MathUtils.clamp(this.maxIntrinsicWidth, minWidth, maxWidth);
if (newWidth != this.width) {
this._paragraph.layout(new ParagraphConstraints(newWidth));
public void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset) {
this._paragraph.paint(canvas, offset);
public Offset getOffsetForCaret(TextPosition position, Rect caretPrototype) {
var offset = position.offset;
if (offset > 0) {
var prevCodeUnit = this._text.codeUnitAt(offset);
if (prevCodeUnit == null) // out of upper bounds
var rectNextLine = this._paragraph.getNextLineStartRect();
if (rectNextLine != null) {
return new Offset(rectNextLine.start, rectNextLine.top);
switch (position.affinity) {
case TextAffinity.upstream:
return this._getOffsetFromUpstream(offset, caretPrototype) ??
this._getOffsetFromDownstream(offset, caretPrototype) ?? this._emptyOffset;
case TextAffinity.downstream:
return this._getOffsetFromDownstream(offset, caretPrototype) ??
this._getOffsetFromUpstream(offset, caretPrototype) ?? this._emptyOffset;
return null;
public Paragraph.LineRange getLineRange(int lineNumber) {
return this._paragraph.getLineRange(lineNumber);
public Paragraph.LineRange getLineRange(TextPosition textPosition) {
return this.getLineRange(this.getLineIndex(textPosition));
public List<TextBox> getBoxesForSelection(TextSelection selection) {
var results = this._paragraph.getRectsForRange(selection.start, selection.end);
return results;
public TextPosition getPositionForOffset(Offset offset) {
var result = this._paragraph.getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
return new TextPosition(result.position, result.affinity);
public TextRange getWordBoundary(TextPosition position) {
var range = this._paragraph.getWordBoundary(position.offset);
return new TextRange(range.start, range.end);
public TextPosition getPositionVerticalMove(TextPosition position, int move) {
var offset = this.getOffsetForCaret(position, Rect.zero);
var lineIndex = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(this._paragraph.getLine(position) + move, 0),
this._paragraph.getLineCount() - 1);
var targetLineStart = this._paragraph.getLineRange(lineIndex).start;
var newLineOffset = this.getOffsetForCaret(new TextPosition(targetLineStart), Rect.zero);
return this.getPositionForOffset(new Offset(offset.dx, newLineOffset.dy));
public int getLineIndex(TextPosition position) {
return this._paragraph.getLine(position);
public int getLineCount() {
return this._paragraph.getLineCount();
public TextPosition getWordRight(TextPosition position) {
var offset = position.offset;
while (true) {
var range = this._paragraph.getWordBoundary(offset);
if (range.end == range.start) {
if (!char.IsWhiteSpace((char) (this.text.codeUnitAt(range.start) ?? 0))) {
return new TextPosition(range.end);
offset = range.end;
return new TextPosition(offset, position.affinity);
public TextPosition getWordLeft(TextPosition position) {
var offset = Mathf.Max(position.offset - 1, 0);
while (true) {
var range = this._paragraph.getWordBoundary(offset);
if (!char.IsWhiteSpace((char) (this.text.codeUnitAt(range.start) ?? 0))) {
return new TextPosition(range.start);
offset = Mathf.Max(range.start - 1, 0);
if (offset == 0) {
return new TextPosition(offset, position.affinity);
ParagraphStyle _createParagraphStyle(TextDirection defaultTextDirection = TextDirection.ltr) {
if (this._text.style == null) {
return new ParagraphStyle(
textAlign: this.textAlign,
textDirection: this.textDirection ?? defaultTextDirection,
maxLines: this.maxLines,
ellipsis: this.ellipsis
return this._text.style.getParagraphStyle(this.textAlign, this.textDirection ?? defaultTextDirection,
this.ellipsis, this.maxLines, this.textScaleFactor);
public float preferredLineHeight {
get {
if (this._layoutTemplate == null) {
var builder = new ParagraphBuilder(this._createParagraphStyle(TextDirection.ltr)
); // direction doesn't matter, text is just a space
if (this.text != null && this.text.style != null) {
builder.pushStyle(this.text.style, this.textScaleFactor);
builder.addText(" ");
this._layoutTemplate = builder.build();
this._layoutTemplate.layout(new ParagraphConstraints(float.PositiveInfinity));
return this._layoutTemplate.height;
float _applyFloatingPointHack(float layoutValue) {
return Mathf.Ceil(layoutValue);
Offset _getOffsetFromUpstream(int offset, Rect caretPrototype) {
var prevCodeUnit = this._text.codeUnitAt(offset - 1);
if (prevCodeUnit == null) {
return null;
var prevRuneOffset = _isUtf16Surrogate((int) prevCodeUnit) ? offset - 2 : offset - 1;
var boxes = this._paragraph.getRectsForRange(prevRuneOffset, offset);
if (boxes.Count == 0) {
return null;
var box = boxes[0];
var caretEnd = box.end;
var dx = box.direction == TextDirection.rtl ? caretEnd : caretEnd - caretPrototype.width;
return new Offset(dx, box.top);
Offset _getOffsetFromDownstream(int offset, Rect caretPrototype) {
var nextCodeUnit = this._text.codeUnitAt(offset - 1);
if (nextCodeUnit == null) {
return null;
var nextRuneOffset = _isUtf16Surrogate((int) nextCodeUnit) ? offset + 2 : offset + 1;
var boxes = this._paragraph.getRectsForRange(offset, nextRuneOffset);
if (boxes.Count == 0) {
return null;
var box = boxes[0];
var caretStart = box.start;
var dx = box.direction == TextDirection.rtl ? caretStart - caretPrototype.width : caretStart;
return new Offset(dx, box.top);
Offset _emptyOffset {
get {
switch (this.textAlign) {
case TextAlign.left:
return Offset.zero;
case TextAlign.right:
return new Offset(this.width, 0.0f);
case TextAlign.center:
return new Offset(this.width / 2.0f, 0.0f);
case TextAlign.justify:
if (this.textDirection == TextDirection.rtl) {
return new Offset(this.width, 0.0f);
return Offset.zero;
return null;
static bool _isUtf16Surrogate(int value) {
return (value & 0xF800) == 0xD800;