主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
2749 行
106 KiB
2749 行
106 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RSG.Promises;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.service;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
using Canvas = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Canvas;
using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color;
using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect;
using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle;
using Transform = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Transform;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material {
class InputDecoratorConstants {
public static readonly TimeSpan _kTransitionDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200);
public static readonly Curve _kTransitionCurve = Curves.fastOutSlowIn;
class _InputBorderGap : ChangeNotifier, IEquatable<_InputBorderGap> {
float _start;
public float start {
get { return this._start; }
set {
if (value != this._start) {
this._start = value;
float _extent = 0.0f;
public float extent {
get { return this._extent; }
set {
if (value != this._extent) {
this._extent = value;
public bool Equals(_InputBorderGap other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) {
return true;
return this.start == other.start && this.extent == other._extent;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((_InputBorderGap) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
return (this._start.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ this._extent.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(_InputBorderGap left, _InputBorderGap right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(_InputBorderGap left, _InputBorderGap right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
class _InputBorderTween : Tween<InputBorder> {
public _InputBorderTween(InputBorder begin = null, InputBorder end = null) : base(begin: begin, end: end) {
public override InputBorder lerp(float t) {
return (InputBorder) ShapeBorder.lerp(this.begin, this.end, t);
class _InputBorderPainter : AbstractCustomPainter {
public _InputBorderPainter(
Listenable repaint,
Animation<float> borderAnimation = null,
_InputBorderTween border = null,
Animation<float> gapAnimation = null,
_InputBorderGap gap = null,
Color fillColor = null
) : base(repaint: repaint) {
this.borderAnimation = borderAnimation;
this.border = border;
this.gapAnimation = gapAnimation;
this.gap = gap;
this.fillColor = fillColor;
public readonly Animation<float> borderAnimation;
public readonly _InputBorderTween border;
public readonly Animation<float> gapAnimation;
public readonly _InputBorderGap gap;
public readonly Color fillColor;
public override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
InputBorder borderValue = this.border.evaluate(this.borderAnimation);
Rect canvasRect = Offset.zero & size;
if (this.fillColor.alpha > 0) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.color = this.fillColor;
paint.style = PaintingStyle.fill;
gapStart: this.gap.start,
gapExtent: this.gap.extent,
gapPercentage: this.gapAnimation.value
public override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter _oldPainter) {
_InputBorderPainter oldPainter = _oldPainter as _InputBorderPainter;
return this.borderAnimation != oldPainter.borderAnimation
|| this.gapAnimation != oldPainter.gapAnimation
|| this.border != oldPainter.border
|| this.gap != oldPainter.gap;
class _BorderContainer : StatefulWidget {
public _BorderContainer(
Key key = null,
InputBorder border = null,
_InputBorderGap gap = null,
Animation<float> gapAnimation = null,
Color fillColor = null,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(border != null);
D.assert(gap != null);
D.assert(fillColor != null);
this.border = border;
this.gap = gap;
this.gapAnimation = gapAnimation;
this.fillColor = fillColor;
this.child = child;
public readonly InputBorder border;
public readonly _InputBorderGap gap;
public readonly Animation<float> gapAnimation;
public readonly Color fillColor;
public readonly Widget child;
public override State createState() {
return new _BorderContainerState();
class _BorderContainerState : SingleTickerProviderStateMixin<_BorderContainer> {
AnimationController _controller;
Animation<float> _borderAnimation;
_InputBorderTween _border;
public override void initState() {
this._controller = new AnimationController(
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
vsync: this
this._borderAnimation = new CurvedAnimation(
parent: this._controller,
curve: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionCurve
this._border = new _InputBorderTween(
begin: this.widget.border,
end: this.widget.border
public override void dispose() {
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget _oldWidget) {
_BorderContainer oldWidget = _oldWidget as _BorderContainer;
if (this.widget.border != oldWidget.border) {
this._border = new _InputBorderTween(
begin: oldWidget.border,
end: this.widget.border
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new CustomPaint(
foregroundPainter: new _InputBorderPainter(
repaint: ListenableUtils.merge(new List<Listenable> {this._borderAnimation, this.widget.gap}),
borderAnimation: this._borderAnimation,
border: this._border,
gapAnimation: this.widget.gapAnimation,
gap: this.widget.gap,
fillColor: this.widget.fillColor
child: this.widget.child
class _Shaker : AnimatedWidget {
public _Shaker(
Key key = null,
Animation<float> animation = null,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key, listenable: animation) {
this.child = child;
public readonly Widget child;
public Animation<float> animation {
get { return (Animation<float>) this.listenable; }
public float translateX {
get {
const float shakeDelta = 4.0f;
float t = this.animation.value;
if (t <= 0.25f) {
return -t * shakeDelta;
else if (t < 0.75f) {
return (t - 0.5f) * shakeDelta;
else {
return (1.0f - t) * 4.0f * shakeDelta;
protected internal override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Transform(
transform: new Matrix4().translationValues(this.translateX, 0, 0),
child: this.child
class _HelperError : StatefulWidget {
public _HelperError(
Key key = null,
TextAlign? textAlign = null,
string helperText = null,
TextStyle helperStyle = null,
string errorText = null,
TextStyle errorStyle = null,
int? errorMaxLines = null
) : base(key: key) {
this.textAlign = textAlign;
this.helperText = helperText;
this.helperStyle = helperStyle;
this.errorText = errorText;
this.errorStyle = errorStyle;
this.errorMaxLines = errorMaxLines;
public readonly TextAlign? textAlign;
public readonly string helperText;
public readonly TextStyle helperStyle;
public readonly string errorText;
public readonly TextStyle errorStyle;
public readonly int? errorMaxLines;
public override State createState() {
return new _HelperErrorState();
class _HelperErrorState : SingleTickerProviderStateMixin<_HelperError> {
static readonly Widget empty = new SizedBox();
AnimationController _controller;
Widget _helper;
Widget _error;
public override void initState() {
this._controller = new AnimationController(
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
vsync: this
if (this.widget.errorText != null) {
this._error = this._buildError();
else if (this.widget.helperText != null) {
this._helper = this._buildHelper();
public override void dispose() {
void _handleChange() {
this.setState(() => { });
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget _old) {
_HelperError old = _old as _HelperError;
string newErrorText = this.widget.errorText;
string newHelperText = this.widget.helperText;
string oldErrorText = old.errorText;
string oldHelperText = old.helperText;
bool errorTextStateChanged = (newErrorText != null) != (oldErrorText != null);
bool helperTextStateChanged = newErrorText == null && (newHelperText != null) != (oldHelperText != null);
if (errorTextStateChanged || helperTextStateChanged) {
if (newErrorText != null) {
this._error = this._buildError();
else if (newHelperText != null) {
this._helper = this._buildHelper();
else {
Widget _buildHelper() {
D.assert(this.widget.helperText != null);
return new Opacity(
opacity: 1.0f - this._controller.value,
child: new Text(
style: this.widget.helperStyle,
textAlign: this.widget.textAlign,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis
Widget _buildError() {
D.assert(this.widget.errorText != null);
return new Opacity(
opacity: this._controller.value,
child: new FractionalTranslation(
translation: new OffsetTween(
begin: new Offset(0.0f, -0.25f),
end: new Offset(0.0f, 0.0f)
child: new Text(
style: this.widget.errorStyle,
textAlign: this.widget.textAlign,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
maxLines: this.widget.errorMaxLines
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (this._controller.isDismissed) {
this._error = null;
if (this.widget.helperText != null) {
return this._helper = this._buildHelper();
else {
this._helper = null;
return empty;
if (this._controller.isCompleted) {
this._helper = null;
if (this.widget.errorText != null) {
return this._error = this._buildError();
else {
this._error = null;
return empty;
if (this._helper == null && this.widget.errorText != null) {
return this._buildError();
if (this._error == null && this.widget.helperText != null) {
return this._buildHelper();
if (this.widget.errorText != null) {
return new Stack(
children: new List<Widget> {
new Opacity(
opacity: 1.0f - this._controller.value,
child: this._helper
if (this.widget.helperText != null) {
return new Stack(
children: new List<Widget> {
new Opacity(
opacity: this._controller.value,
child: this._error
return empty;
enum _DecorationSlot {
class _Decoration : IEquatable<_Decoration> {
public _Decoration(
EdgeInsets contentPadding,
bool isCollapsed,
float floatingLabelHeight,
float floatingLabelProgress,
InputBorder border = null,
_InputBorderGap borderGap = null,
Widget icon = null,
Widget input = null,
Widget label = null,
Widget hint = null,
Widget prefix = null,
Widget suffix = null,
Widget prefixIcon = null,
Widget suffixIcon = null,
Widget helperError = null,
Widget counter = null,
Widget container = null,
bool? alignLabelWithHint = null
) {
D.assert(contentPadding != null);
this.contentPadding = contentPadding;
this.isCollapsed = isCollapsed;
this.floatingLabelHeight = floatingLabelHeight;
this.floatingLabelProgress = floatingLabelProgress;
this.border = border;
this.borderGap = borderGap;
this.icon = icon;
this.input = input;
this.label = label;
this.hint = hint;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.prefixIcon = prefixIcon;
this.suffixIcon = suffixIcon;
this.helperError = helperError;
this.counter = counter;
this.container = container;
this.alignLabelWithHint = alignLabelWithHint;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly bool isCollapsed;
public readonly float floatingLabelHeight;
public readonly float floatingLabelProgress;
public readonly InputBorder border;
public readonly _InputBorderGap borderGap;
public readonly bool? alignLabelWithHint;
public readonly Widget icon;
public readonly Widget input;
public readonly Widget label;
public readonly Widget hint;
public readonly Widget prefix;
public readonly Widget suffix;
public readonly Widget prefixIcon;
public readonly Widget suffixIcon;
public readonly Widget helperError;
public readonly Widget counter;
public readonly Widget container;
public bool Equals(_Decoration other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) {
return true;
return Equals(this.contentPadding, other.contentPadding) && this.isCollapsed == other.isCollapsed &&
this.floatingLabelHeight.Equals(other.floatingLabelHeight) &&
this.floatingLabelProgress.Equals(other.floatingLabelProgress) &&
Equals(this.border, other.border) && Equals(this.borderGap, other.borderGap) &&
Equals(this.icon, other.icon) && Equals(this.input, other.input) &&
Equals(this.label, other.label) && Equals(this.hint, other.hint) &&
Equals(this.prefix, other.prefix) && Equals(this.suffix, other.suffix) &&
Equals(this.prefixIcon, other.prefixIcon) && Equals(this.suffixIcon, other.suffixIcon) &&
Equals(this.helperError, other.helperError) && Equals(this.counter, other.counter) &&
Equals(this.container, other.container) && Equals(this.alignLabelWithHint, other.alignLabelWithHint);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((_Decoration) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = (this.contentPadding != null ? this.contentPadding.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.isCollapsed.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.floatingLabelHeight.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.floatingLabelProgress.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.border != null ? this.border.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.borderGap != null ? this.borderGap.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.icon != null ? this.icon.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.input != null ? this.input.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.label != null ? this.label.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.hint != null ? this.hint.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.prefix != null ? this.prefix.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.suffix != null ? this.suffix.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.prefixIcon != null ? this.prefixIcon.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.suffixIcon != null ? this.suffixIcon.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.helperError != null ? this.helperError.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.counter != null ? this.counter.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (this.container != null ? this.container.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^
(this.alignLabelWithHint != null ? this.alignLabelWithHint.GetHashCode() : 0);
return hashCode;
public static bool operator ==(_Decoration left, _Decoration right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(_Decoration left, _Decoration right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
class _RenderDecorationLayout {
public _RenderDecorationLayout(
Dictionary<RenderBox, float> boxToBaseline = null,
float? inputBaseline = null,
float? outlineBaseline = null,
float? subtextBaseline = null,
float? containerHeight = null,
float? subtextHeight = null
) {
this.boxToBaseline = boxToBaseline;
this.inputBaseline = inputBaseline;
this.outlineBaseline = outlineBaseline;
this.subtextBaseline = subtextBaseline;
this.containerHeight = containerHeight;
this.subtextHeight = subtextHeight;
public readonly Dictionary<RenderBox, float> boxToBaseline;
public readonly float? inputBaseline;
public readonly float? outlineBaseline;
public readonly float? subtextBaseline;
public readonly float? containerHeight;
public readonly float? subtextHeight;
class _RenderDecoration : RenderBox {
public _RenderDecoration(
_Decoration decoration,
TextBaseline? textBaseline,
bool isFocused,
bool expands
) {
D.assert(decoration != null);
D.assert(textBaseline != null);
this._decoration = decoration;
this._textBaseline = textBaseline;
this._isFocused = isFocused;
this._expands = expands;
public const float subtextGap = 8.0f;
public readonly Dictionary<_DecorationSlot, RenderBox> slotToChild =
new Dictionary<_DecorationSlot, RenderBox>();
public readonly Dictionary<RenderBox, _DecorationSlot> childToSlot =
new Dictionary<RenderBox, _DecorationSlot>();
RenderBox _updateChild(RenderBox oldChild, RenderBox newChild, _DecorationSlot slot) {
if (oldChild != null) {
if (newChild != null) {
this.childToSlot[newChild] = slot;
this.slotToChild[slot] = newChild;
return newChild;
RenderBox _icon;
public RenderBox icon {
get { return this._icon; }
set { this._icon = this._updateChild(this._icon, value, _DecorationSlot.icon); }
RenderBox _input;
public RenderBox input {
get { return this._input; }
set { this._input = this._updateChild(this._input, value, _DecorationSlot.input); }
RenderBox _label;
public RenderBox label {
get { return this._label; }
set { this._label = this._updateChild(this._label, value, _DecorationSlot.label); }
RenderBox _hint;
public RenderBox hint {
get { return this._hint; }
set { this._hint = this._updateChild(this._hint, value, _DecorationSlot.hint); }
RenderBox _prefix;
public RenderBox prefix {
get { return this._prefix; }
set { this._prefix = this._updateChild(this._prefix, value, _DecorationSlot.prefix); }
RenderBox _suffix;
public RenderBox suffix {
get { return this._suffix; }
set { this._suffix = this._updateChild(this._suffix, value, _DecorationSlot.suffix); }
RenderBox _prefixIcon;
public RenderBox prefixIcon {
get { return this._prefixIcon; }
set { this._prefixIcon = this._updateChild(this._prefixIcon, value, _DecorationSlot.prefixIcon); }
RenderBox _suffixIcon;
public RenderBox suffixIcon {
get { return this._suffixIcon; }
set { this._suffixIcon = this._updateChild(this._suffixIcon, value, _DecorationSlot.suffixIcon); }
RenderBox _helperError;
public RenderBox helperError {
get { return this._helperError; }
set { this._helperError = this._updateChild(this._helperError, value, _DecorationSlot.helperError); }
RenderBox _counter;
public RenderBox counter {
get { return this._counter; }
set { this._counter = this._updateChild(this._counter, value, _DecorationSlot.counter); }
RenderBox _container;
public RenderBox container {
get { return this._container; }
set { this._container = this._updateChild(this._container, value, _DecorationSlot.container); }
IEnumerable<RenderBox> _children {
get {
if (this.icon != null) {
yield return this.icon;
if (this.input != null) {
yield return this.input;
if (this.prefixIcon != null) {
yield return this.prefixIcon;
if (this.suffixIcon != null) {
yield return this.suffixIcon;
if (this.prefix != null) {
yield return this.prefix;
if (this.suffix != null) {
yield return this.suffix;
if (this.label != null) {
yield return this.label;
if (this.hint != null) {
yield return this.hint;
if (this.helperError != null) {
yield return this.helperError;
if (this.counter != null) {
yield return this.counter;
if (this.container != null) {
yield return this.container;
public _Decoration decoration {
get { return this._decoration; }
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (this._decoration == value) {
this._decoration = value;
_Decoration _decoration;
public TextBaseline? textBaseline {
get { return this._textBaseline; }
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (this._textBaseline == value) {
this._textBaseline = value;
TextBaseline? _textBaseline;
public bool isFocused {
get { return this._isFocused; }
set {
if (this._isFocused == value) {
this._isFocused = value;
bool _isFocused;
public bool expands {
get { return this._expands; }
set {
if (this._expands == value) {
this._expands = value;
bool _expands = false;
public override void attach(object owner) {
foreach (RenderBox child in this._children) {
public override void detach() {
foreach (RenderBox child in this._children) {
public override void redepthChildren() {
public override void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) {
this._children.Each((child) => { visitor(child); });
public override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() {
List<DiagnosticsNode> value = new List<DiagnosticsNode> { };
void add(RenderBox child, string name) {
if (child != null) {
value.Add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: name));
add(this.icon, "icon");
add(this.input, "input");
add(this.label, "label");
add(this.hint, "hint");
add(this.prefix, "prefix");
add(this.suffix, "suffix");
add(this.prefixIcon, "prefixIcon");
add(this.suffixIcon, "suffixIcon");
add(this.helperError, "helperError");
add(this.counter, "counter");
add(this.container, "container");
return value;
protected override bool sizedByParent {
get { return false; }
static float _minWidth(RenderBox box, float height) {
return box == null ? 0.0f : box.getMinIntrinsicWidth(height);
static float _maxWidth(RenderBox box, float height) {
return box == null ? 0.0f : box.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(height);
static float _minHeight(RenderBox box, float width) {
return box == null ? 0.0f : box.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width);
static Size _boxSize(RenderBox box) {
return box == null ? Size.zero : box.size;
static BoxParentData _boxParentData(RenderBox box) {
return (BoxParentData) box.parentData;
public EdgeInsets contentPadding {
get { return this.decoration.contentPadding; }
float _layoutLineBox(RenderBox box, BoxConstraints constraints) {
if (box == null) {
return 0.0f;
box.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: true);
float baseline = box.getDistanceToBaseline(this.textBaseline.Value).Value;
D.assert(baseline >= 0.0f);
return baseline;
_RenderDecorationLayout _layout(BoxConstraints layoutConstraints) {
Dictionary<RenderBox, float> boxToBaseline = new Dictionary<RenderBox, float>();
BoxConstraints boxConstraints = layoutConstraints.loosen();
if (this.prefix != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.prefix] = this._layoutLineBox(this.prefix, boxConstraints);
if (this.suffix != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.suffix] = this._layoutLineBox(this.suffix, boxConstraints);
if (this.icon != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.icon] = this._layoutLineBox(this.icon, boxConstraints);
if (this.prefixIcon != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.prefixIcon] = this._layoutLineBox(this.prefixIcon, boxConstraints);
if (this.suffixIcon != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.suffixIcon] = this._layoutLineBox(this.suffixIcon, boxConstraints);
float inputWidth = Math.Max(0.0f, this.constraints.maxWidth - (
+ this.contentPadding.left
+ _boxSize(this.prefixIcon).width
+ _boxSize(this.prefix).width
+ _boxSize(this.suffix).width
+ _boxSize(this.suffixIcon).width
+ this.contentPadding.right));
if (this.label != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.label] = this._layoutLineBox(this.label,
boxConstraints.copyWith(maxWidth: inputWidth)
if (this.hint != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.hint] = this._layoutLineBox(this.hint,
boxConstraints.copyWith(minWidth: inputWidth, maxWidth: inputWidth)
if (this.counter != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.counter] = this._layoutLineBox(this.counter, boxConstraints);
if (this.helperError != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.helperError] = this._layoutLineBox(this.helperError,
maxWidth: Math.Max(0.0f, boxConstraints.maxWidth
- _boxSize(this.icon).width
- _boxSize(this.counter).width
- this.contentPadding.horizontal
float labelHeight = this.label == null
? 0
: this.decoration.floatingLabelHeight;
float topHeight = this.decoration.border.isOutline
? Math.Max(labelHeight - boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.label, 0), 0)
: labelHeight;
float counterHeight = this.counter == null
? 0
: boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.counter, 0) + subtextGap;
bool helperErrorExists = this.helperError?.size != null
&& this.helperError.size.height > 0;
float helperErrorHeight = !helperErrorExists
? 0
: this.helperError.size.height + subtextGap;
float bottomHeight = Math.Max(
if (this.input != null) {
boxToBaseline[this.input] = this._layoutLineBox(this.input,
top: this.contentPadding.top + topHeight,
bottom: this.contentPadding.bottom + bottomHeight
minWidth: inputWidth,
maxWidth: inputWidth
// The field can be occupied by a hint or by the input itself
float hintHeight = this.hint == null ? 0 : this.hint.size.height;
float inputDirectHeight = this.input == null ? 0 : this.input.size.height;
float inputHeight = Math.Max(hintHeight, inputDirectHeight);
float inputInternalBaseline = Math.Max(
boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.input, 0.0f),
boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.hint, 0.0f)
// Calculate the amount that prefix/suffix affects height above and below
// the input.
float prefixHeight = this.prefix == null ? 0 : this.prefix.size.height;
float suffixHeight = this.suffix == null ? 0 : this.suffix.size.height;
float fixHeight = Math.Max(
boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.prefix, 0.0f),
boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.suffix, 0.0f)
float fixAboveInput = Math.Max(0, fixHeight - inputInternalBaseline);
float fixBelowBaseline = Math.Max(
prefixHeight - boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.prefix, 0.0f),
suffixHeight - boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.suffix, 0.0f)
float fixBelowInput = Math.Max(
fixBelowBaseline - (inputHeight - inputInternalBaseline)
// Calculate the height of the input text container.
float prefixIconHeight = this.prefixIcon == null ? 0 : this.prefixIcon.size.height;
float suffixIconHeight = this.suffixIcon == null ? 0 : this.suffixIcon.size.height;
float fixIconHeight = Math.Max(prefixIconHeight, suffixIconHeight);
float contentHeight = Math.Max(
+ this.contentPadding.top
+ fixAboveInput
+ inputHeight
+ fixBelowInput
+ this.contentPadding.bottom
float maxContainerHeight = boxConstraints.maxHeight - bottomHeight;
float containerHeight = this.expands
? maxContainerHeight
: Math.Min(contentHeight, maxContainerHeight);
// Always position the prefix/suffix in the same place (baseline).
float overflow = Math.Max(0, contentHeight - maxContainerHeight);
float baselineAdjustment = fixAboveInput - overflow;
// The baselines that will be used to draw the actual input text content.
float inputBaseline = this.contentPadding.top
+ topHeight
+ inputInternalBaseline
+ baselineAdjustment;
// The text in the input when an outline border is present is centered
// within the container less 2.0 dps at the top to account for the vertical
// space occupied by the floating label.
float outlineBaseline = inputInternalBaseline
+ baselineAdjustment / 2
+ (containerHeight - (2.0f + inputHeight)) / 2.0f;
// Find the positions of the text below the input when it exists.
float subtextCounterBaseline = 0;
float subtextHelperBaseline = 0;
float subtextCounterHeight = 0;
float subtextHelperHeight = 0;
if (this.counter != null) {
subtextCounterBaseline =
containerHeight + subtextGap + boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.counter, 0.0f);
subtextCounterHeight = this.counter.size.height + subtextGap;
if (helperErrorExists) {
subtextHelperBaseline =
containerHeight + subtextGap + boxToBaseline.getOrDefault(this.helperError, 0.0f);
subtextHelperHeight = helperErrorHeight;
float subtextBaseline = Math.Max(
float subtextHeight = Math.Max(
return new _RenderDecorationLayout(
boxToBaseline: boxToBaseline,
containerHeight: containerHeight,
inputBaseline: inputBaseline,
outlineBaseline: outlineBaseline,
subtextBaseline: subtextBaseline,
subtextHeight: subtextHeight
protected override float computeMinIntrinsicWidth(float height) {
return _minWidth(this.icon, height)
+ this.contentPadding.left
+ _minWidth(this.prefixIcon, height)
+ _minWidth(this.prefix, height)
+ Mathf.Max(_minWidth(this.input, height), _minWidth(this.hint, height))
+ _minWidth(this.suffix, height)
+ _minWidth(this.suffixIcon, height)
+ this.contentPadding.right;
protected override float computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(float height) {
return _maxWidth(this.icon, height)
+ this.contentPadding.left
+ _maxWidth(this.prefixIcon, height)
+ _maxWidth(this.prefix, height)
+ Mathf.Max(_maxWidth(this.input, height), _maxWidth(this.hint, height))
+ _maxWidth(this.suffix, height)
+ _maxWidth(this.suffixIcon, height)
+ this.contentPadding.right;
float _lineHeight(float width, List<RenderBox> boxes) {
float height = 0.0f;
foreach (RenderBox box in boxes) {
if (box == null) {
height = Mathf.Max(_minHeight(box, width), height);
return height;
protected override float computeMinIntrinsicHeight(float width) {
float subtextHeight = this._lineHeight(width, new List<RenderBox> {this.helperError, this.counter});
if (subtextHeight > 0.0f) {
subtextHeight += subtextGap;
return this.contentPadding.top
+ (this.label == null ? 0.0f : this.decoration.floatingLabelHeight)
+ this._lineHeight(width, new List<RenderBox> {this.prefix, this.input, this.suffix})
+ subtextHeight
+ this.contentPadding.bottom;
protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(float width) {
return this.computeMinIntrinsicHeight(width);
protected override float? computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) {
return _boxParentData(this.input).offset.dy + this.input.getDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline);
Matrix4 _labelTransform;
protected override void performLayout() {
this._labelTransform = null;
_RenderDecorationLayout layout = this._layout(this.constraints);
float overallWidth = this.constraints.maxWidth;
float? overallHeight = layout.containerHeight + layout.subtextHeight;
if (this.container != null) {
BoxConstraints containerConstraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(
height: layout.containerHeight,
width: overallWidth - _boxSize(this.icon).width
this.container.layout(containerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
float x = _boxSize(this.icon).width;
_boxParentData(this.container).offset = new Offset(x, 0.0f);
float height;
float centerLayout(RenderBox box, float x) {
_boxParentData(box).offset = new Offset(x, (height - box.size.height) / 2.0f);
return box.size.width;
float baseline;
float baselineLayout(RenderBox box, float x) {
_boxParentData(box).offset = new Offset(x, baseline - layout.boxToBaseline[box]);
return box.size.width;
float left = this.contentPadding.left;
float right = overallWidth - this.contentPadding.right;
height = layout.containerHeight ?? 0.0f;
baseline = (this.decoration.isCollapsed || !this.decoration.border.isOutline
? layout.inputBaseline
: layout.outlineBaseline) ?? 0.0f;
if (this.icon != null) {
float x = 0.0f;
centerLayout(this.icon, x);
float start = left + _boxSize(this.icon).width;
float end = right;
if (this.prefixIcon != null) {
start -= this.contentPadding.left;
start += centerLayout(this.prefixIcon, start);
if (this.label != null) {
if (this.decoration.alignLabelWithHint == true) {
baselineLayout(this.label, start);
else {
centerLayout(this.label, start);
if (this.prefix != null) {
start += baselineLayout(this.prefix, start);
if (this.input != null) {
baselineLayout(this.input, start);
if (this.hint != null) {
baselineLayout(this.hint, start);
if (this.suffixIcon != null) {
end += this.contentPadding.right;
end -= centerLayout(this.suffixIcon, end - this.suffixIcon.size.width);
if (this.suffix != null) {
end -= baselineLayout(this.suffix, end - this.suffix.size.width);
if (this.helperError != null || this.counter != null) {
height = layout.subtextHeight ?? 0.0f;
baseline = layout.subtextBaseline ?? 0.0f;
if (this.helperError != null) {
baselineLayout(this.helperError, left + _boxSize(this.icon).width);
if (this.counter != null) {
baselineLayout(this.counter, right - this.counter.size.width);
if (this.label != null) {
float labelX = _boxParentData(this.label).offset.dx;
this.decoration.borderGap.start = labelX - _boxSize(this.icon).width;
this.decoration.borderGap.extent = this.label.size.width * 0.75f;
else {
this.decoration.borderGap.start = 0.0f;
this.decoration.borderGap.extent = 0.0f;
this.size = this.constraints.constrain(new Size(overallWidth, overallHeight ?? 0.0f));
D.assert(this.size.width == this.constraints.constrainWidth(overallWidth));
D.assert(this.size.height == this.constraints.constrainHeight(overallHeight ?? 0.0f));
void _paintLabel(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
context.paintChild(this.label, offset);
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
void doPaint(RenderBox child) {
if (child != null) {
context.paintChild(child, _boxParentData(child).offset + offset);
if (this.label != null) {
Offset labelOffset = _boxParentData(this.label).offset;
float labelHeight = this.label.size.height;
float t = this.decoration.floatingLabelProgress;
bool isOutlineBorder = this.decoration.border != null && this.decoration.border.isOutline;
float floatingY = isOutlineBorder ? -labelHeight * 0.25f : this.contentPadding.top;
float scale = MathUtils.lerpFloat(1.0f, 0.75f, t);
float dx = labelOffset.dx;
float dy = MathUtils.lerpFloat(0.0f, floatingY - labelOffset.dy, t);
this._labelTransform = new Matrix4().identity();
this._labelTransform.translate(dx, labelOffset.dy + dy);
this._labelTransform.scale(scale, scale, 1);
context.pushTransform(this.needsCompositing, offset, this._labelTransform, this._paintLabel);
protected override bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) {
return true;
protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) {
D.assert(position != null);
foreach (RenderBox child in this._children) {
Offset offset = _boxParentData(child).offset;
bool isHit = result.addWithPaintOffset(
offset: offset,
position: position,
hitTest: (BoxHitTestResult resultIn, Offset transformed) => {
D.assert(transformed == position - offset);
return child.hitTest(resultIn, position: transformed);
if (isHit) {
return true;
return false;
public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) {
if (child == this.label && this._labelTransform != null) {
Offset labelOffset = _boxParentData(this.label).offset;
transform.translate(-labelOffset.dx, -labelOffset.dy);
base.applyPaintTransform(child, transform);
class _RenderDecorationElement : RenderObjectElement {
public _RenderDecorationElement(_Decorator widget) : base(widget) {
Dictionary<_DecorationSlot, Element> slotToChild = new Dictionary<_DecorationSlot, Element>();
Dictionary<Element, _DecorationSlot> childToSlot = new Dictionary<Element, _DecorationSlot>();
public new _Decorator widget {
get { return (_Decorator) base.widget; }
public new _RenderDecoration renderObject {
get { return (_RenderDecoration) base.renderObject; }
public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
this.slotToChild.Values.Each((child) => { visitor(child); });
protected override void forgetChild(Element child) {
_DecorationSlot slot = this.childToSlot[child];
void _mountChild(Widget widget, _DecorationSlot slot) {
Element oldChild = this.slotToChild.getOrDefault(slot);
Element newChild = this.updateChild(oldChild, widget, slot);
if (oldChild != null) {
if (newChild != null) {
this.slotToChild[slot] = newChild;
this.childToSlot[newChild] = slot;
public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) {
base.mount(parent, newSlot);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.icon, _DecorationSlot.icon);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.input, _DecorationSlot.input);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.label, _DecorationSlot.label);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.hint, _DecorationSlot.hint);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.prefix, _DecorationSlot.prefix);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.suffix, _DecorationSlot.suffix);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.prefixIcon, _DecorationSlot.prefixIcon);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.suffixIcon, _DecorationSlot.suffixIcon);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.helperError, _DecorationSlot.helperError);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.counter, _DecorationSlot.counter);
this._mountChild(this.widget.decoration.container, _DecorationSlot.container);
void _updateChild(Widget widget, _DecorationSlot slot) {
Element oldChild = this.slotToChild.getOrDefault(slot);
Element newChild = this.updateChild(oldChild, widget, slot);
if (oldChild != null) {
if (newChild != null) {
this.slotToChild[slot] = newChild;
this.childToSlot[newChild] = slot;
public override void update(Widget newWidget) {
D.assert(this.widget == newWidget);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.icon, _DecorationSlot.icon);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.input, _DecorationSlot.input);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.label, _DecorationSlot.label);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.hint, _DecorationSlot.hint);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.prefix, _DecorationSlot.prefix);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.suffix, _DecorationSlot.suffix);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.prefixIcon, _DecorationSlot.prefixIcon);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.suffixIcon, _DecorationSlot.suffixIcon);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.helperError, _DecorationSlot.helperError);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.counter, _DecorationSlot.counter);
this._updateChild(this.widget.decoration.container, _DecorationSlot.container);
void _updateRenderObject(RenderObject child, _DecorationSlot slot) {
switch (slot) {
case _DecorationSlot.icon:
this.renderObject.icon = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.input:
this.renderObject.input = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.label:
this.renderObject.label = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.hint:
this.renderObject.hint = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.prefix:
this.renderObject.prefix = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.suffix:
this.renderObject.suffix = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.prefixIcon:
this.renderObject.prefixIcon = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.suffixIcon:
this.renderObject.suffixIcon = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.helperError:
this.renderObject.helperError = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.counter:
this.renderObject.counter = (RenderBox) child;
case _DecorationSlot.container:
this.renderObject.container = (RenderBox) child;
protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slotValue) {
D.assert(child is RenderBox);
D.assert(slotValue is _DecorationSlot);
_DecorationSlot slot = (_DecorationSlot) slotValue;
this._updateRenderObject(child, slot);
D.assert(this.renderObject.childToSlot.ContainsKey((RenderBox) child));
protected override void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) {
D.assert(child is RenderBox);
D.assert(this.renderObject.childToSlot.ContainsKey((RenderBox) child));
var slot = this.renderObject.childToSlot[(RenderBox) child];
this._updateRenderObject(null, this.renderObject.childToSlot[(RenderBox) child]);
D.assert(!this.renderObject.childToSlot.ContainsKey((RenderBox) child));
protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slotValue) {
D.assert(false, () => "not reachable");
class _Decorator : RenderObjectWidget {
public _Decorator(
Key key = null,
_Decoration decoration = null,
TextBaseline? textBaseline = null,
bool isFocused = false,
bool? expands = null
) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(decoration != null);
D.assert(textBaseline != null);
D.assert(expands != null);
this.decoration = decoration;
this.textBaseline = textBaseline;
this.isFocused = isFocused;
this.expands = expands.Value;
public readonly _Decoration decoration;
public readonly TextBaseline? textBaseline;
public readonly bool isFocused;
public readonly bool expands;
public override Element createElement() {
return new _RenderDecorationElement(this);
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new _RenderDecoration(
decoration: this.decoration,
textBaseline: this.textBaseline,
isFocused: this.isFocused,
expands: this.expands
public override void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject _renderObject) {
_RenderDecoration renderObject = _renderObject as _RenderDecoration;
renderObject.decoration = this.decoration;
renderObject.textBaseline = this.textBaseline;
renderObject.isFocused = this.isFocused;
renderObject.expands = this.expands;
class _AffixText : StatelessWidget {
public _AffixText(
bool labelIsFloating = false,
string text = null,
TextStyle style = null,
Widget child = null
) {
this.labelIsFloating = labelIsFloating;
this.text = text;
this.style = style;
this.child = child;
public readonly bool labelIsFloating;
public readonly string text;
public readonly TextStyle style;
public readonly Widget child;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return DefaultTextStyle.merge(
style: this.style,
child: new AnimatedOpacity(
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
curve: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionCurve,
opacity: this.labelIsFloating ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
child: this.child ?? new Text(this.text, style: this.style)
public class InputDecorator : StatefulWidget {
public InputDecorator(
Key key = null,
InputDecoration decoration = null,
TextStyle baseStyle = null,
TextAlign? textAlign = null,
bool isFocused = false,
bool expands = false,
bool isEmpty = false,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key) {
this.decoration = decoration;
this.baseStyle = baseStyle;
this.textAlign = textAlign;
this.isFocused = isFocused;
this.expands = expands;
this.isEmpty = isEmpty;
this.child = child;
public readonly InputDecoration decoration;
public readonly TextStyle baseStyle;
public readonly TextAlign? textAlign;
public readonly bool isFocused;
public readonly bool expands;
public readonly bool isEmpty;
public readonly Widget child;
public bool _labelShouldWithdraw {
get { return !this.isEmpty || this.isFocused; }
public override State createState() {
return new _InputDecoratorState();
internal static RenderBox containerOf(BuildContext context) {
_RenderDecoration result =
(_RenderDecoration) context.ancestorRenderObjectOfType(new TypeMatcher<_RenderDecoration>());
return result?.container;
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<InputDecoration>("decoration", this.decoration));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("baseStyle", this.baseStyle, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("isFocused", this.isFocused));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("expands", this.expands));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("isEmpty", this.isEmpty));
class _InputDecoratorState : TickerProviderStateMixin<InputDecorator> {
AnimationController _floatingLabelController;
AnimationController _shakingLabelController;
_InputBorderGap _borderGap = new _InputBorderGap();
public override void initState() {
this._floatingLabelController = new AnimationController(
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
vsync: this,
value: (this.widget.decoration.hasFloatingPlaceholder == true && this.widget._labelShouldWithdraw)
? 1.0f
: 0.0f
this._shakingLabelController = new AnimationController(
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
vsync: this
public override void didChangeDependencies() {
this._effectiveDecoration = null;
public override void dispose() {
void _handleChange() {
this.setState(() => { });
InputDecoration _effectiveDecoration;
public InputDecoration decoration {
get {
this._effectiveDecoration = this._effectiveDecoration ?? this.widget.decoration.applyDefaults(
return this._effectiveDecoration;
TextAlign? textAlign {
get { return this.widget.textAlign; }
bool isFocused {
get { return this.widget.isFocused; }
bool isEmpty {
get { return this.widget.isEmpty; }
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget _old) {
InputDecorator old = _old as InputDecorator;
if (this.widget.decoration != old.decoration) {
this._effectiveDecoration = null;
if (this.widget._labelShouldWithdraw != old._labelShouldWithdraw &&
this.widget.decoration.hasFloatingPlaceholder == true) {
if (this.widget._labelShouldWithdraw) {
else {
string errorText = this.decoration.errorText;
string oldErrorText = old.decoration.errorText;
if (this._floatingLabelController.isCompleted && errorText != null && errorText != oldErrorText) {
Color _getActiveColor(ThemeData themeData) {
if (this.isFocused) {
switch (themeData.brightness) {
case Brightness.dark:
return themeData.accentColor;
case Brightness.light:
return themeData.primaryColor;
return themeData.hintColor;
Color _getFillColor(ThemeData themeData) {
if (this.decoration.filled != true) {
return Colors.transparent;
if (this.decoration.fillColor != null) {
return this.decoration.fillColor;
Color darkEnabled = new Color(0x1AFFFFFF);
Color darkDisabled = new Color(0x0DFFFFFF);
Color lightEnabled = new Color(0x0A000000);
Color lightDisabled = new Color(0x05000000);
switch (themeData.brightness) {
case Brightness.dark:
return this.decoration.enabled == true ? darkEnabled : darkDisabled;
case Brightness.light:
return this.decoration.enabled == true ? lightEnabled : lightDisabled;
return lightEnabled;
Color _getDefaultIconColor(ThemeData themeData) {
if (!this.decoration.enabled == true) {
return themeData.disabledColor;
switch (themeData.brightness) {
case Brightness.dark:
return Colors.white70;
case Brightness.light:
return Colors.black45;
return themeData.iconTheme.color;
bool _hasInlineLabel {
get { return !this.widget._labelShouldWithdraw && this.decoration.labelText != null; }
bool _shouldShowLabel {
get { return this._hasInlineLabel || this.decoration.hasFloatingPlaceholder == true; }
TextStyle _getInlineStyle(ThemeData themeData) {
return themeData.textTheme.subhead.merge(this.widget.baseStyle)
.copyWith(color: this.decoration.enabled == true ? themeData.hintColor : themeData.disabledColor);
TextStyle _getFloatingLabelStyle(ThemeData themeData) {
Color color = this.decoration.errorText != null
? this.decoration.errorStyle?.color ?? themeData.errorColor
: this._getActiveColor(themeData);
TextStyle style = themeData.textTheme.subhead.merge(this.widget.baseStyle);
return style
.copyWith(color: this.decoration.enabled == true ? color : themeData.disabledColor)
TextStyle _getHelperStyle(ThemeData themeData) {
Color color = this.decoration.enabled == true ? themeData.hintColor : Colors.transparent;
return themeData.textTheme.caption.copyWith(color: color).merge(this.decoration.helperStyle);
TextStyle _getErrorStyle(ThemeData themeData) {
Color color = this.decoration.enabled == true ? themeData.errorColor : Colors.transparent;
return themeData.textTheme.caption.copyWith(color: color).merge(this.decoration.errorStyle);
InputBorder _getDefaultBorder(ThemeData themeData) {
if (this.decoration.border?.borderSide == BorderSide.none) {
return this.decoration.border;
Color borderColor;
if (this.decoration.enabled == true) {
borderColor = this.decoration.errorText == null
? this._getActiveColor(themeData)
: themeData.errorColor;
else {
borderColor = (this.decoration.filled == true && this.decoration.border?.isOutline != true)
? Colors.transparent
: themeData.disabledColor;
float borderWeight;
if (this.decoration.isCollapsed || this.decoration?.border == InputBorder.none ||
!this.decoration.enabled == true) {
borderWeight = 0.0f;
else {
borderWeight = this.isFocused ? 2.0f : 1.0f;
InputBorder border = this.decoration.border ?? new UnderlineInputBorder();
return border.copyWith(borderSide: new BorderSide(color: borderColor, width: borderWeight));
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context);
TextStyle inlineStyle = this._getInlineStyle(themeData);
TextBaseline? textBaseline = inlineStyle.textBaseline;
TextStyle hintStyle = inlineStyle.merge(this.decoration.hintStyle);
Widget hint = this.decoration.hintText == null
? null
: new AnimatedOpacity(
opacity: (this.isEmpty && !this._hasInlineLabel) ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
curve: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionCurve,
child: new Text(this.decoration.hintText,
style: hintStyle,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
textAlign: this.textAlign,
maxLines: this.decoration.hintMaxLines
bool isError = this.decoration.errorText != null;
InputBorder border;
if (!this.decoration.enabled == true) {
border = isError ? this.decoration.errorBorder : this.decoration.disabledBorder;
else if (this.isFocused) {
border = isError ? this.decoration.focusedErrorBorder : this.decoration.focusedBorder;
else {
border = isError ? this.decoration.errorBorder : this.decoration.enabledBorder;
border = border ?? this._getDefaultBorder(themeData);
Widget container = new _BorderContainer(
border: border,
gap: this._borderGap,
gapAnimation: this._floatingLabelController.view,
fillColor: this._getFillColor(themeData)
TextStyle inlineLabelStyle = inlineStyle.merge(this.decoration.labelStyle);
Widget label = this.decoration.labelText == null
? null
: new _Shaker(
animation: this._shakingLabelController.view,
child: new AnimatedOpacity(
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
curve: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionCurve,
opacity: this._shouldShowLabel ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
child: new AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
duration: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionDuration,
curve: InputDecoratorConstants._kTransitionCurve,
style: this.widget._labelShouldWithdraw
? this._getFloatingLabelStyle(themeData)
: inlineLabelStyle,
child: new Text(this.decoration.labelText,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
textAlign: this.textAlign
Widget prefix = this.decoration.prefix == null && this.decoration.prefixText == null
? null
: new _AffixText(
labelIsFloating: this.widget._labelShouldWithdraw,
text: this.decoration.prefixText,
style: this.decoration.prefixStyle ?? hintStyle,
child: this.decoration.prefix
Widget suffix = this.decoration.suffix == null && this.decoration.suffixText == null
? null
: new _AffixText(
labelIsFloating: this.widget._labelShouldWithdraw,
text: this.decoration.suffixText,
style: this.decoration.suffixStyle ?? hintStyle,
child: this.decoration.suffix
Color activeColor = this._getActiveColor(themeData);
bool decorationIsDense = this.decoration.isDense == true;
float iconSize = decorationIsDense ? 18.0f : 24.0f;
Color iconColor = this.isFocused ? activeColor : this._getDefaultIconColor(themeData);
Widget icon = this.decoration.icon == null
? null
: new Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 16.0f),
child: IconTheme.merge(
data: new IconThemeData(
color: iconColor,
size: iconSize
child: this.decoration.icon
Widget prefixIcon = this.decoration.prefixIcon == null
? null
: new Center(
widthFactor: 1.0f,
heightFactor: 1.0f,
child: new ConstrainedBox(
constraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: 48.0f, minHeight: 48.0f),
child: IconTheme.merge(
data: new IconThemeData(
color: iconColor,
size: iconSize
child: this.decoration.prefixIcon
Widget suffixIcon = this.decoration.suffixIcon == null
? null
: new Center(
widthFactor: 1.0f,
heightFactor: 1.0f,
child: new ConstrainedBox(
constraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: 48.0f, minHeight: 48.0f),
child: IconTheme.merge(
data: new IconThemeData(
color: iconColor,
size: iconSize
child: this.decoration.suffixIcon
Widget helperError = new _HelperError(
textAlign: this.textAlign,
helperText: this.decoration.helperText,
helperStyle: this._getHelperStyle(themeData),
errorText: this.decoration.errorText,
errorStyle: this._getErrorStyle(themeData),
errorMaxLines: this.decoration.errorMaxLines
Widget counter = null;
if (this.decoration.counter != null) {
counter = this.decoration.counter;
else if (this.decoration.counterText != null && this.decoration.counterText != "") {
counter = new Text(this.decoration.counterText,
style: this._getHelperStyle(themeData).merge(this.decoration.counterStyle),
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis
EdgeInsets decorationContentPadding = this.decoration.contentPadding;
EdgeInsets contentPadding;
float? floatingLabelHeight;
if (this.decoration.isCollapsed) {
floatingLabelHeight = 0.0f;
contentPadding = decorationContentPadding ?? EdgeInsets.zero;
else if (!border.isOutline) {
floatingLabelHeight =
(4.0f + 0.75f * inlineLabelStyle.fontSize) * MediaQuery.textScaleFactorOf(context);
if (this.decoration.filled == true) {
contentPadding = decorationContentPadding ?? (decorationIsDense
? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12.0f, 8.0f, 12.0f, 8.0f)
: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12.0f, 12.0f, 12.0f, 12.0f));
else {
contentPadding = decorationContentPadding ?? (decorationIsDense
? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0.0f, 8.0f, 0.0f, 8.0f)
: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0.0f, 12.0f, 0.0f, 12.0f));
else {
floatingLabelHeight = 0.0f;
contentPadding = decorationContentPadding ?? (decorationIsDense
? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12.0f, 20.0f, 12.0f, 12.0f)
: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12.0f, 24.0f, 12.0f, 16.0f));
return new _Decorator(
decoration: new _Decoration(
contentPadding: contentPadding,
isCollapsed: this.decoration.isCollapsed,
floatingLabelHeight: floatingLabelHeight ?? 0.0f,
floatingLabelProgress: this._floatingLabelController.value,
border: border,
borderGap: this._borderGap,
icon: icon,
input: this.widget.child,
label: label,
alignLabelWithHint: this.decoration.alignLabelWithHint,
hint: hint,
prefix: prefix,
suffix: suffix,
prefixIcon: prefixIcon,
suffixIcon: suffixIcon,
helperError: helperError,
counter: counter,
container: container
textBaseline: textBaseline,
isFocused: this.isFocused,
expands: this.widget.expands
public class InputDecoration {
public InputDecoration(
Widget icon = null,
string labelText = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
string helperText = null,
TextStyle helperStyle = null,
string hintText = null,
TextStyle hintStyle = null,
int? hintMaxLines = null,
string errorText = null,
TextStyle errorStyle = null,
int? errorMaxLines = null,
bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder = true,
bool? isDense = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
Widget prefixIcon = null,
Widget prefix = null,
string prefixText = null,
TextStyle prefixStyle = null,
Widget suffixIcon = null,
Widget suffix = null,
string suffixText = null,
TextStyle suffixStyle = null,
Widget counter = null,
string counterText = null,
TextStyle counterStyle = null,
bool? filled = null,
Color fillColor = null,
InputBorder errorBorder = null,
InputBorder focusedBorder = null,
InputBorder focusedErrorBorder = null,
InputBorder disabledBorder = null,
InputBorder enabledBorder = null,
InputBorder border = null,
bool? enabled = true,
bool? alignLabelWithHint = null
) {
D.assert(enabled != null);
D.assert(!(prefix != null && prefixText != null),
() => "Declaring both prefix and prefixText is not supported");
D.assert(!(suffix != null && suffixText != null),
() => "Declaring both suffix and suffixText is not supported");
this.isCollapsed = false;
this.icon = icon;
this.labelText = labelText;
this.labelStyle = labelStyle;
this.helperText = helperText;
this.helperStyle = helperStyle;
this.hintText = hintText;
this.hintStyle = hintStyle;
this.hintMaxLines = hintMaxLines;
this.errorText = errorText;
this.errorStyle = errorStyle;
this.errorMaxLines = errorMaxLines;
this.hasFloatingPlaceholder = hasFloatingPlaceholder;
this.isDense = isDense;
this.contentPadding = contentPadding;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.prefixText = prefixText;
this.prefixIcon = prefixIcon;
this.prefixStyle = prefixStyle;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.suffixText = suffixText;
this.suffixIcon = suffixIcon;
this.suffixStyle = suffixStyle;
this.counter = counter;
this.counterText = counterText;
this.counterStyle = counterStyle;
this.filled = filled;
this.fillColor = fillColor;
this.errorBorder = errorBorder;
this.focusedBorder = focusedBorder;
this.focusedErrorBorder = focusedErrorBorder;
this.disabledBorder = disabledBorder;
this.enabledBorder = enabledBorder;
this.border = border;
this.enabled = enabled;
this.alignLabelWithHint = alignLabelWithHint;
public static InputDecoration collapsed(
string hintText = null,
bool hasFloatingPlaceholder = true,
TextStyle hintStyle = null,
bool filled = false,
Color fillColor = null,
InputBorder border = null,
bool enabled = true
) {
border = border ?? InputBorder.none;
InputDecoration decoration = new InputDecoration(
icon: null,
labelText: null,
labelStyle: null,
helperText: null,
helperStyle: null,
hintMaxLines: null,
errorText: null,
errorStyle: null,
errorMaxLines: null,
isDense: false,
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.zero,
prefixIcon: null,
prefix: null,
prefixText: null,
prefixStyle: null,
suffix: null,
suffixIcon: null,
suffixText: null,
suffixStyle: null,
counter: null,
counterText: null,
counterStyle: null,
errorBorder: null,
focusedBorder: null,
focusedErrorBorder: null,
disabledBorder: null,
enabledBorder: null,
hintText: hintText,
hasFloatingPlaceholder: hasFloatingPlaceholder,
hintStyle: hintStyle,
filled: filled,
fillColor: fillColor,
border: border,
enabled: enabled,
alignLabelWithHint: false
decoration.isCollapsed = true;
return decoration;
public readonly Widget icon;
public readonly string labelText;
public readonly TextStyle labelStyle;
public readonly string helperText;
public readonly TextStyle helperStyle;
public readonly string hintText;
public readonly TextStyle hintStyle;
public readonly int? hintMaxLines;
public readonly string errorText;
public readonly TextStyle errorStyle;
public readonly int? errorMaxLines;
public readonly bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder;
public readonly bool? isDense;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public bool isCollapsed;
public readonly Widget prefixIcon;
public readonly Widget prefix;
public readonly string prefixText;
public readonly TextStyle prefixStyle;
public readonly Widget suffixIcon;
public readonly Widget suffix;
public readonly string suffixText;
public readonly TextStyle suffixStyle;
public readonly Widget counter;
public readonly string counterText;
public readonly TextStyle counterStyle;
public readonly bool? filled;
public readonly Color fillColor;
public readonly InputBorder errorBorder;
public readonly InputBorder focusedBorder;
public readonly InputBorder focusedErrorBorder;
public readonly InputBorder disabledBorder;
public readonly InputBorder enabledBorder;
public readonly InputBorder border;
public readonly bool? enabled;
public readonly bool? alignLabelWithHint;
public InputDecoration copyWith(
Widget icon = null,
string labelText = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
string helperText = null,
TextStyle helperStyle = null,
string hintText = null,
TextStyle hintStyle = null,
int? hintMaxLines = null,
string errorText = null,
TextStyle errorStyle = null,
int? errorMaxLines = null,
bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder = null,
bool? isDense = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
Widget prefixIcon = null,
Widget prefix = null,
string prefixText = null,
TextStyle prefixStyle = null,
Widget suffixIcon = null,
Widget suffix = null,
string suffixText = null,
TextStyle suffixStyle = null,
Widget counter = null,
string counterText = null,
TextStyle counterStyle = null,
bool? filled = null,
Color fillColor = null,
InputBorder errorBorder = null,
InputBorder focusedBorder = null,
InputBorder focusedErrorBorder = null,
InputBorder disabledBorder = null,
InputBorder enabledBorder = null,
InputBorder border = null,
bool? enabled = null,
bool? alignLabelWithHint = null
) {
return new InputDecoration(
icon: icon ?? this.icon,
labelText: labelText ?? this.labelText,
labelStyle: labelStyle ?? this.labelStyle,
helperText: helperText ?? this.helperText,
helperStyle: helperStyle ?? this.helperStyle,
hintText: hintText ?? this.hintText,
hintStyle: hintStyle ?? this.hintStyle,
hintMaxLines: hintMaxLines ?? this.hintMaxLines,
errorText: errorText ?? this.errorText,
errorStyle: errorStyle ?? this.errorStyle,
errorMaxLines: errorMaxLines ?? this.errorMaxLines,
hasFloatingPlaceholder: hasFloatingPlaceholder ?? this.hasFloatingPlaceholder,
isDense: isDense ?? this.isDense,
contentPadding: contentPadding ?? this.contentPadding,
prefixIcon: prefixIcon ?? this.prefixIcon,
prefix: prefix ?? this.prefix,
prefixText: prefixText ?? this.prefixText,
prefixStyle: prefixStyle ?? this.prefixStyle,
suffixIcon: suffixIcon ?? this.suffixIcon,
suffix: suffix ?? this.suffix,
suffixText: suffixText ?? this.suffixText,
suffixStyle: suffixStyle ?? this.suffixStyle,
counter: counter ?? this.counter,
counterText: counterText ?? this.counterText,
counterStyle: counterStyle ?? this.counterStyle,
filled: filled ?? this.filled,
fillColor: fillColor ?? this.fillColor,
errorBorder: errorBorder ?? this.errorBorder,
focusedBorder: focusedBorder ?? this.focusedBorder,
focusedErrorBorder: focusedErrorBorder ?? this.focusedErrorBorder,
disabledBorder: disabledBorder ?? this.disabledBorder,
enabledBorder: enabledBorder ?? this.enabledBorder,
border: border ?? this.border,
enabled: enabled ?? this.enabled,
alignLabelWithHint: alignLabelWithHint ?? this.alignLabelWithHint
public InputDecoration applyDefaults(InputDecorationTheme theme) {
return this.copyWith(
labelStyle: this.labelStyle ?? theme.labelStyle,
helperStyle: this.helperStyle ?? theme.helperStyle,
hintStyle: this.hintStyle ?? theme.hintStyle,
errorStyle: this.errorStyle ?? theme.errorStyle,
errorMaxLines: this.errorMaxLines ?? theme.errorMaxLines,
hasFloatingPlaceholder: this.hasFloatingPlaceholder ?? theme.hasFloatingPlaceholder,
isDense: this.isDense ?? theme.isDense,
contentPadding: this.contentPadding ?? theme.contentPadding,
prefixStyle: this.prefixStyle ?? theme.prefixStyle,
suffixStyle: this.suffixStyle ?? theme.suffixStyle,
counterStyle: this.counterStyle ?? theme.counterStyle,
filled: this.filled ?? theme.filled,
fillColor: this.fillColor ?? theme.fillColor,
errorBorder: this.errorBorder ?? theme.errorBorder,
focusedBorder: this.focusedBorder ?? theme.focusedBorder,
focusedErrorBorder: this.focusedErrorBorder ?? theme.focusedErrorBorder,
disabledBorder: this.disabledBorder ?? theme.disabledBorder,
enabledBorder: this.enabledBorder ?? theme.enabledBorder,
border: this.border ?? theme.border,
alignLabelWithHint: this.alignLabelWithHint ?? theme.alignLabelWithHint
public static bool operator ==(InputDecoration left, InputDecoration right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(InputDecoration left, InputDecoration right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public bool Equals(InputDecoration other) {
return Equals(other.icon, this.icon)
&& Equals(other.labelText, this.labelText)
&& Equals(other.labelStyle, this.labelStyle)
&& Equals(other.helperText, this.helperText)
&& Equals(other.helperStyle, this.helperStyle)
&& Equals(other.hintText, this.hintText)
&& Equals(other.hintStyle, this.hintStyle)
&& Equals(other.hintMaxLines, this.hintMaxLines)
&& Equals(other.errorText, this.errorText)
&& Equals(other.errorStyle, this.errorStyle)
&& Equals(other.errorMaxLines, this.errorMaxLines)
&& Equals(other.hasFloatingPlaceholder, this.hasFloatingPlaceholder)
&& Equals(other.isDense, this.isDense)
&& Equals(other.contentPadding, this.contentPadding)
&& Equals(other.isCollapsed, this.isCollapsed)
&& Equals(other.prefixIcon, this.prefixIcon)
&& Equals(other.prefix, this.prefix)
&& Equals(other.prefixText, this.prefixText)
&& Equals(other.prefixStyle, this.prefixStyle)
&& Equals(other.suffixIcon, this.suffixIcon)
&& Equals(other.suffix, this.suffix)
&& Equals(other.suffixText, this.suffixText)
&& Equals(other.suffixStyle, this.suffixStyle)
&& Equals(other.counter, this.counter)
&& Equals(other.counterText, this.counterText)
&& Equals(other.counterStyle, this.counterStyle)
&& Equals(other.filled, this.filled)
&& Equals(other.fillColor, this.fillColor)
&& Equals(other.errorBorder, this.errorBorder)
&& Equals(other.focusedBorder, this.focusedBorder)
&& Equals(other.focusedErrorBorder, this.focusedErrorBorder)
&& Equals(other.disabledBorder, this.disabledBorder)
&& Equals(other.enabledBorder, this.enabledBorder)
&& Equals(other.border, this.border)
&& Equals(other.enabled, this.enabled)
&& Equals(other.alignLabelWithHint, this.alignLabelWithHint);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((InputDecoration) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = this.icon.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.labelText.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.labelStyle.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.helperText.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.helperStyle.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.hintText.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.hintStyle.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.hintMaxLines.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.errorText.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.errorStyle.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.errorMaxLines.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.hasFloatingPlaceholder.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.isDense.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.contentPadding.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.isCollapsed.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.filled.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.fillColor.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.border.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.enabled.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.prefixIcon.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.prefix.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.prefixText.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.prefixStyle.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.suffixIcon.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.suffix.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.suffixText.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.suffixStyle.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.counter.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.counterText.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.counterStyle.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.filled.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.fillColor.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.errorBorder.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.focusedBorder.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.focusedErrorBorder.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.disabledBorder.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.enabledBorder.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.border.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.enabled.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.alignLabelWithHint.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public override string ToString() {
List<string> description = new List<string> { };
if (this.icon != null) {
description.Add($"icon: ${this.icon}");
if (this.labelText != null) {
description.Add($"labelText: ${this.labelText}");
if (this.helperText != null) {
description.Add($"helperText: ${this.helperText}");
if (this.hintMaxLines != null) {
description.Add($"hintMaxLines: ${this.hintMaxLines}");
if (this.hintText != null) {
description.Add($"hintText: ${this.hintText}");
if (this.errorText != null) {
description.Add($"errorText: ${this.errorText}");
if (this.errorStyle != null) {
description.Add($"errorStyle: ${this.errorStyle}");
if (this.errorMaxLines != null) {
description.Add($"errorMaxLines: ${this.errorMaxLines}");
if (this.hasFloatingPlaceholder == false) {
description.Add($"hasFloatingPlaceholder: false");
if (this.isDense ?? false) {
description.Add($"isDense: ${this.isDense}");
if (this.contentPadding != null) {
description.Add($"contentPadding: ${this.contentPadding}");
if (this.isCollapsed) {
description.Add($"isCollapsed: ${this.isCollapsed}");
if (this.prefixIcon != null) {
description.Add($"prefixIcon: ${this.prefixIcon}");
if (this.prefix != null) {
description.Add($"prefix: ${this.prefix}");
if (this.prefixText != null) {
description.Add($"prefixText: ${this.prefixText}");
if (this.prefixStyle != null) {
description.Add($"prefixStyle: ${this.prefixStyle}");
if (this.suffixIcon != null) {
description.Add($"suffixIcon: ${this.suffixIcon}");
if (this.suffix != null) {
description.Add($"suffix: ${this.suffix}");
if (this.suffixText != null) {
description.Add($"suffixText: ${this.suffixText}");
if (this.suffixStyle != null) {
description.Add($"suffixStyle: ${this.suffixStyle}");
if (this.counter != null) {
description.Add($"counter: ${this.counter}");
if (this.counterText != null) {
description.Add($"counterText: ${this.counterText}");
if (this.counterStyle != null) {
description.Add($"counterStyle: ${this.counterStyle}");
if (this.filled == true) {
description.Add($"filled: true");
if (this.fillColor != null) {
description.Add($"fillColor: ${this.fillColor}");
if (this.errorBorder != null) {
description.Add($"errorBorder: ${this.errorBorder}");
if (this.focusedBorder != null) {
description.Add($"focusedBorder: ${this.focusedBorder}");
if (this.focusedErrorBorder != null) {
description.Add($"focusedErrorBorder: ${this.focusedErrorBorder}");
if (this.disabledBorder != null) {
description.Add($"disabledBorder: ${this.disabledBorder}");
if (this.enabledBorder != null) {
description.Add($"enabledBorder: ${this.enabledBorder}");
if (this.border != null) {
description.Add($"border: ${this.border}");
if (this.enabled != true) {
description.Add("enabled: false");
if (this.alignLabelWithHint != null) {
description.Add($"alignLabelWithHint: {this.alignLabelWithHint}");
return $"InputDecoration(${string.Join(", ", description)})";
public class InputDecorationTheme : Diagnosticable {
public InputDecorationTheme(
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
TextStyle helperStyle = null,
TextStyle hintStyle = null,
TextStyle errorStyle = null,
int? errorMaxLines = null,
bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder = true,
bool? isDense = false,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
bool? isCollapsed = false,
TextStyle prefixStyle = null,
TextStyle suffixStyle = null,
TextStyle counterStyle = null,
bool? filled = false,
Color fillColor = null,
InputBorder errorBorder = null,
InputBorder focusedBorder = null,
InputBorder focusedErrorBorder = null,
InputBorder disabledBorder = null,
InputBorder enabledBorder = null,
InputBorder border = null,
bool alignLabelWithHint = false
) {
D.assert(isDense != null);
D.assert(isCollapsed != null);
D.assert(filled != null);
this.labelStyle = labelStyle;
this.helperStyle = helperStyle;
this.hintStyle = hintStyle;
this.errorStyle = errorStyle;
this.errorMaxLines = errorMaxLines;
this.hasFloatingPlaceholder = hasFloatingPlaceholder;
this.isDense = isDense;
this.contentPadding = contentPadding;
this.isCollapsed = isCollapsed;
this.prefixStyle = prefixStyle;
this.suffixStyle = suffixStyle;
this.counterStyle = counterStyle;
this.filled = filled;
this.fillColor = fillColor;
this.errorBorder = errorBorder;
this.focusedBorder = focusedBorder;
this.focusedErrorBorder = focusedErrorBorder;
this.disabledBorder = disabledBorder;
this.enabledBorder = enabledBorder;
this.border = border;
this.alignLabelWithHint = alignLabelWithHint;
public readonly TextStyle labelStyle;
public readonly TextStyle helperStyle;
public readonly TextStyle hintStyle;
public readonly TextStyle errorStyle;
public readonly int? errorMaxLines;
public readonly bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder;
public readonly bool? isDense;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly bool? isCollapsed;
public readonly TextStyle prefixStyle;
public readonly TextStyle suffixStyle;
public readonly TextStyle counterStyle;
public readonly bool? filled;
public readonly Color fillColor;
public readonly InputBorder errorBorder;
public readonly InputBorder focusedBorder;
public readonly InputBorder focusedErrorBorder;
public readonly InputBorder disabledBorder;
public readonly InputBorder enabledBorder;
public readonly InputBorder border;
public readonly bool alignLabelWithHint;
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
InputDecorationTheme defaultTheme = new InputDecorationTheme();
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("labelStyle", this.labelStyle,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.labelStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("helperStyle", this.helperStyle,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.helperStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("hintStyle", this.hintStyle,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.hintStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("errorStyle", this.errorStyle,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.errorStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<int?>("errorMaxLines", this.errorMaxLines,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.errorMaxLines));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool?>("hasFloatingPlaceholder", this.hasFloatingPlaceholder,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.hasFloatingPlaceholder));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool?>("isDense", this.isDense, defaultValue: defaultTheme.isDense));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("contentPadding", this.contentPadding,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.contentPadding));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool?>("isCollapsed", this.isCollapsed,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.isCollapsed));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("prefixStyle", this.prefixStyle,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.prefixStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("suffixStyle", this.suffixStyle,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.suffixStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("counterStyle", this.counterStyle,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.counterStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool?>("filled", this.filled, defaultValue: defaultTheme.filled));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Color>("fillColor", this.fillColor,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.fillColor));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<InputBorder>("errorBorder", this.errorBorder,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.errorBorder));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<InputBorder>("focusedBorder", this.focusedBorder,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.focusedErrorBorder));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<InputBorder>("focusedErrorBorder", this.focusedErrorBorder,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.focusedErrorBorder));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<InputBorder>("disabledBorder", this.disabledBorder,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.disabledBorder));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<InputBorder>("enabledBorder", this.enabledBorder,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.enabledBorder));
new DiagnosticsProperty<InputBorder>("border", this.border, defaultValue: defaultTheme.border));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("alignLabelWithHint", this.alignLabelWithHint,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.alignLabelWithHint));