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40 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.async;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
public abstract class OverlayRoute : Route {
public OverlayRoute(
RouteSettings settings = null
) : base(settings : settings) {
public override List<OverlayEntry> overlayEntries {
get { return _overlayEntries; }
public readonly List<OverlayEntry> _overlayEntries = new List<OverlayEntry>();
protected virtual bool finishedWhenPopped {
get { return true; }
public abstract IEnumerable<OverlayEntry> createOverlayEntries();
protected internal override void install(){
protected internal override bool didPop(object result) {
var returnValue = base.didPop(result);
if (finishedWhenPopped) {
return returnValue;
public override void dispose() {
public abstract class OverlayRoute<T> : OverlayRoute {
public OverlayRoute(
RouteSettings settings = null
) : base(settings : settings) {
protected internal new bool didPop(T result) {
var returnValue = base.didPop(result);
if (finishedWhenPopped) {
return returnValue;
public abstract class TransitionRoute : OverlayRoute {
public TransitionRoute(
RouteSettings settings = null
) : base(settings) {
public Future completed {
get { return _transitionCompleter.future; }
internal readonly Completer _transitionCompleter = Completer.create();
public virtual TimeSpan transitionDuration { get; }
public virtual TimeSpan reverseTransitionDuration {
get { return transitionDuration; }
public virtual bool opaque { get; }
protected override bool finishedWhenPopped {
get { return controller.status == AnimationStatus.dismissed; }
public virtual Animation<float> animation {
get { return _animation; }
internal Animation<float> _animation;
public AnimationController controller {
get { return _controller; }
internal AnimationController _controller;
public virtual Animation<float> secondaryAnimation {
get { return _secondaryAnimation; }
readonly ProxyAnimation _secondaryAnimation = new ProxyAnimation(Animations.kAlwaysDismissedAnimation);
public virtual AnimationController createAnimationController() {
() => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
TimeSpan duration = transitionDuration;
TimeSpan reverseDuration = reverseTransitionDuration;
D.assert(duration >= TimeSpan.Zero && duration != null);
return new AnimationController(
duration: duration,
reverseDuration: reverseDuration,
debugLabel: debugLabel,
vsync: navigator
public virtual Animation<float> createAnimation() {
() => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
D.assert(_controller != null);
return _controller.view;
object _result;
internal void _handleStatusChanged(AnimationStatus status) {
switch (status) {
case AnimationStatus.completed:
if (overlayEntries.isNotEmpty()) {
overlayEntries.first().opaque = opaque;
case AnimationStatus.forward:
case AnimationStatus.reverse:
if (overlayEntries.isNotEmpty()) {
overlayEntries.first().opaque = false;
case AnimationStatus.dismissed:
if (!isActive) {
protected internal override void install() {
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot install a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
_controller = createAnimationController();
D.assert(_controller != null, () => $"{GetType()}.createAnimationController() returned null.");
_animation = createAnimation();
D.assert(_animation != null, () => $"{GetType()}.createAnimation() returned null.");
protected internal override TickerFuture didPush() {
D.assert(_controller != null,
() => $"{GetType()}.didPush called before calling install() or after calling dispose().");
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
return _controller.forward();
protected internal override void didAdd() {
D.assert(_controller != null,
() => $"{GetType()}.didPush called before calling install() or after calling dispose().");
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
protected internal override void didReplace(Route oldRoute) {
D.assert(_controller != null,
() => $"{GetType()}.didReplace called before calling install() or after calling dispose().");
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
if (oldRoute is TransitionRoute) {
public void _didPushOrReplace() {
if (_animation.isCompleted && overlayEntries.isNotEmpty()) {
overlayEntries[0].opaque = opaque;
protected internal override bool didPop(object result) {
D.assert(_controller != null,
() => $"{GetType()}.didPop called before calling install() or after calling dispose().");
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
_result = result;
return base.didPop(result);
protected internal override void didPopNext(Route nextRoute) {
D.assert(_controller != null,
() => $"{GetType()}.didPopNext called before calling install() or after calling dispose().");
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
protected internal override void didChangeNext(Route nextRoute) {
D.assert(_controller != null,
() => $"{GetType()}.didChangeNext called before calling install() or after calling dispose().");
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot reuse a {GetType()} after disposing it.");
VoidCallback _trainHoppingListenerRemover;
void _updateSecondaryAnimation(Route nextRoute) {
VoidCallback previousTrainHoppingListenerRemover = _trainHoppingListenerRemover;
_trainHoppingListenerRemover = null;
if (nextRoute is TransitionRoute && canTransitionTo((TransitionRoute)nextRoute) &&
((TransitionRoute) nextRoute).canTransitionFrom((TransitionRoute)this)) {
Animation<float> current = _secondaryAnimation.parent;
if (current != null) {
Animation<float> currentTrain = current is TrainHoppingAnimation ? ((TrainHoppingAnimation)current).currentTrain : current;
Animation<float> nextTrain = ((TransitionRoute)nextRoute)._animation;
if (
currentTrain.value == nextTrain.value ||
nextTrain.status == AnimationStatus.completed ||
nextTrain.status == AnimationStatus.dismissed
) {
_setSecondaryAnimation(nextTrain, ((TransitionRoute)nextRoute).completed);
} else {
TrainHoppingAnimation newAnimation = null;
void _jumpOnAnimationEnd(AnimationStatus status) {
switch (status) {
case AnimationStatus.completed:
case AnimationStatus.dismissed:
_setSecondaryAnimation(nextTrain, ((TransitionRoute)nextRoute).completed);
if (_trainHoppingListenerRemover != null) {
_trainHoppingListenerRemover = null;
case AnimationStatus.forward:
case AnimationStatus.reverse:
_trainHoppingListenerRemover = ()=> {
newAnimation = new TrainHoppingAnimation(
onSwitchedTrain: ()=> {
D.assert(_secondaryAnimation.parent == newAnimation);
D.assert(newAnimation.currentTrain == ((TransitionRoute)nextRoute)._animation);
_setSecondaryAnimation(newAnimation.currentTrain, ((TransitionRoute)nextRoute).completed);
if (_trainHoppingListenerRemover != null) {
_trainHoppingListenerRemover = null;
_setSecondaryAnimation(newAnimation, ((TransitionRoute)nextRoute).completed);
} else {
_setSecondaryAnimation(((TransitionRoute)nextRoute)._animation, ((TransitionRoute)nextRoute).completed);
} else {
if (previousTrainHoppingListenerRemover != null) {
public void _setSecondaryAnimation(Animation<float> animation, Future disposed = null) {
_secondaryAnimation.parent = animation;
disposed?.then(( _) =>{
if (_secondaryAnimation.parent == animation) {
_secondaryAnimation.parent = Animations.kAlwaysDismissedAnimation;
if (animation is TrainHoppingAnimation) {
public virtual bool canTransitionTo(TransitionRoute nextRoute) {
return true;
public virtual bool canTransitionFrom(TransitionRoute previousRoute) {
return true;
public override void dispose() {
D.assert(!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted, () => $"Cannot dispose a {GetType()} twice.");
public string debugLabel {
get { return $"{GetType()}"; }
public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}(animation: {_controller}";
public class LocalHistoryEntry {
public LocalHistoryEntry(VoidCallback onRemove = null) {
this.onRemove = onRemove;
public readonly VoidCallback onRemove;
internal LocalHistoryRoute _owner;
public void remove() {
D.assert(_owner == null);
internal void _notifyRemoved() {
public interface LocalHistoryRoute {
void addLocalHistoryEntry(LocalHistoryEntry entry);
void removeLocalHistoryEntry(LocalHistoryEntry entry);
Route route { get; }
// todo make it to mixin
public abstract class LocalHistoryRouteTransitionRoute : TransitionRoute, LocalHistoryRoute {
List<LocalHistoryEntry> _localHistory;
protected LocalHistoryRouteTransitionRoute(RouteSettings settings = null) : base(settings: settings) {
public void addLocalHistoryEntry(LocalHistoryEntry entry) {
D.assert(entry._owner == null);
entry._owner = this;
_localHistory = _localHistory ?? new List<LocalHistoryEntry>();
var wasEmpty = _localHistory.isEmpty();
if (wasEmpty) {
public void removeLocalHistoryEntry(LocalHistoryEntry entry) {
D.assert(entry != null);
D.assert(entry._owner == this);
entry._owner = null;
if (_localHistory.isEmpty()) {
if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks) {
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((TimeSpan timestamp) =>{
} else {
public override Future<RoutePopDisposition> willPop() {
if (willHandlePopInternally) {
return Future.value(RoutePopDisposition.pop).to<RoutePopDisposition>();
return base.willPop();
protected internal override bool didPop(object result) {
if (_localHistory != null && _localHistory.isNotEmpty()) {
var entry = _localHistory.removeLast();
D.assert(entry._owner == this);
entry._owner = null;
if (_localHistory.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return base.didPop(result);
public override bool willHandlePopInternally {
get { return _localHistory != null && _localHistory.isNotEmpty(); }
public Route route {
get { return this; }
public class _ModalScopeStatus : InheritedWidget {
public _ModalScopeStatus(
Key key = null,
bool isCurrent = false,
bool canPop = false,
Route route = null,
Widget child = null)
: base(key: key, child: child) {
D.assert(route != null);
D.assert(child != null);
this.isCurrent = isCurrent;
this.canPop = canPop;
this.route = route;
public readonly bool isCurrent;
public readonly bool canPop;
public readonly Route route;
public override bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) {
return isCurrent != ((_ModalScopeStatus) oldWidget).isCurrent ||
canPop != ((_ModalScopeStatus) oldWidget).canPop ||
route != ((_ModalScopeStatus) oldWidget).route;
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder description) {
description.add(new FlagProperty("isCurrent", value: isCurrent, ifTrue: "active",
ifFalse: "inactive"));
description.add(new FlagProperty("canPop", value: canPop, ifTrue: "can pop"));
public class _ModalScope : StatefulWidget {
public _ModalScope(
Key key = null,
ModalRoute route = null)
: base(key) {
this.route = route;
public readonly ModalRoute route;
public override State createState() {
return new _ModalScopeState();
public class _ModalScope<T> : _ModalScope {
public _ModalScope(
Key key = null,
ModalRoute<T> route = null)
: base(key, route) {
this.route = route;
public new readonly ModalRoute<T> route;
public override State createState() {
return new _ModalScopeState<T>();
public class _ModalScopeState : State<_ModalScope> {
Widget _page;
Listenable _listenable;
public readonly FocusScopeNode focusScopeNode = new FocusScopeNode(debugLabel: $"{typeof(_ModalScopeState)} Focus Scope");
public override void initState() {
var animations = new List<Listenable>();
if (widget.route.animation != null) {
if (widget.route.secondaryAnimation != null) {
_listenable = ListenableUtils.merge(animations);
if (widget.route.isCurrent) {
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) {
D.assert(widget.route == ((_ModalScope) oldWidget).route);
if (widget.route.isCurrent) {
public override void didChangeDependencies() {
_page = null;
internal void _forceRebuildPage() {
setState(() => { _page = null; });
public override void dispose() {
bool _shouldIgnoreFocusRequest {
get {
return widget.route.animation?.status == AnimationStatus.reverse ||
(widget.route.navigator?.userGestureInProgress ?? false);
internal void _routeSetState(VoidCallback fn) {
if (widget.route.isCurrent && !_shouldIgnoreFocusRequest) {
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_page = _page ?? new RepaintBoundary(
key: widget.route._subtreeKey, // immutable
child: new Builder(
builder: (BuildContext _context) => widget.route.buildPage(
return new _ModalScopeStatus(
route: widget.route,
isCurrent: widget.route.isCurrent,
canPop: widget.route.canPop,
child: new Offstage(
offstage: widget.route.offstage,
child: new PageStorage(
bucket: widget.route._storageBucket,
child: new FocusScope(
node: focusScopeNode,
child: new RepaintBoundary(
child: new AnimatedBuilder(
animation: _listenable, // immutable
builder: (BuildContext _context, Widget child) =>
new AnimatedBuilder(
animation: widget.route.navigator?.userGestureInProgressNotifier ?? new ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
builder: (BuildContext context1, Widget child1) =>{
bool ignoreEvents = _shouldIgnoreFocusRequest;
focusScopeNode.canRequestFocus = !ignoreEvents;
return new IgnorePointer(
ignoring: ignoreEvents,
child: child1
child: child
child: _page = _page ?? new RepaintBoundary(
key: widget.route._subtreeKey, // immutable
child: new Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context2) =>{
return widget.route.buildPage(
public class _ModalScopeState<T> : _ModalScopeState {
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) {
D.assert(widget.route == ((_ModalScope<T>) oldWidget).route);
if (widget.route.isCurrent) {
public abstract class ModalRoute : LocalHistoryRouteTransitionRoute {
protected ModalRoute(
RouteSettings settings = null,
ImageFilter filter = null
) : base(settings) {
_filter = filter;
public ImageFilter _filter;
public static Color _kTransparent = new Color(0x00000000);
public static ModalRoute of(BuildContext context) {
_ModalScopeStatus widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ModalScopeStatus>();
return widget?.route as ModalRoute;
protected virtual void setState(VoidCallback fn) {
if (_scopeKey.currentState != null) {
else {
public static RoutePredicate withName(string name) {
return (Route route) => !route.willHandlePopInternally
&& route is ModalRoute
&& route.settings.name == name;
public abstract Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation<float> animation,
Animation<float> secondaryAnimation);
public virtual Widget buildTransitions(
BuildContext context,
Animation<float> animation,
Animation<float> secondaryAnimation,
Widget child
) {
return child;
public readonly FocusScopeNode focusScopeNode = new FocusScopeNode();
protected internal override void install() {
_animationProxy = new ProxyAnimation(base.animation);
_secondaryAnimationProxy = new ProxyAnimation(base.secondaryAnimation);
protected internal override TickerFuture didPush() {
if (_scopeKey.currentState != null) {
return base.didPush();
protected internal override void didAdd() {
if (_scopeKey.currentState != null) {
public virtual bool barrierDismissible { get; }
public virtual bool semanticsDismissible {
get { return true; }
public virtual Color barrierColor { get; }
public virtual string barrierLabel { get; }
public virtual Curve barrierCurve {
get { return Curves.ease;}
public virtual bool maintainState { get; }
public virtual bool offstage {
get { return _offstage; }
set {
if (_offstage == value) {
setState(() => { _offstage = value; });
_animationProxy.parent = _offstage ? Animations.kAlwaysCompleteAnimation : base.animation;
_secondaryAnimationProxy.parent =
_offstage ? Animations.kAlwaysDismissedAnimation : base.secondaryAnimation;
bool _offstage = false;
public BuildContext subtreeContext {
get { return _subtreeKey.currentContext; }
public override Animation<float> animation {
get { return _animationProxy; }
ProxyAnimation _animationProxy;
public override Animation<float> secondaryAnimation {
get { return _secondaryAnimationProxy; }
ProxyAnimation _secondaryAnimationProxy;
public readonly List<WillPopCallback> _willPopCallbacks = new List<WillPopCallback>();
public override Future<RoutePopDisposition> willPop() {
_ModalScopeState scope = _scopeKey.currentState as _ModalScopeState ;
D.assert(scope != null);
Future InvokePopCallbacks(int index) {
if (index == _willPopCallbacks.Count) {
return base.willPop();
var callback = _willPopCallbacks[index];
return callback.Invoke().then(v => {
if (!(bool) v) {
return Future.value(RoutePopDisposition.doNotPop);
return InvokePopCallbacks(index + 1);
return InvokePopCallbacks(0).to<RoutePopDisposition>();
public void addScopedWillPopCallback(WillPopCallback callback) {
D.assert(_scopeKey.currentState != null,
() => "Tried to add a willPop callback to a route that is not currently in the tree.");
public void removeScopedWillPopCallback(WillPopCallback callback) {
D.assert(_scopeKey.currentState != null,
() => "Tried to remove a willPop callback from a route that is not currently in the tree.");
public bool hasScopedWillPopCallback {
get { return _willPopCallbacks.isNotEmpty(); }
protected internal override void didChangePrevious(Route previousRoute) {
protected internal override void changedInternalState() {
setState(() => { });
protected internal override void changedExternalState() {
if (_scopeKey.currentState != null)
public bool canPop {
get { return !isFirst || willHandlePopInternally; }
public readonly GlobalKey<_ModalScopeState> _scopeKey = new LabeledGlobalKey<_ModalScopeState>();
internal readonly GlobalKey _subtreeKey = GlobalKey.key();
internal readonly PageStorageBucket _storageBucket = new PageStorageBucket();
OverlayEntry _modalBarrier;
Widget _buildModalBarrier(BuildContext context) {
Widget barrier;
if (barrierColor != null && !offstage) {
// changedInternalState is called if these update
D.assert(barrierColor != _kTransparent);
Animation<Color> color =
animation.drive(new ColorTween(
begin: _kTransparent,
end: barrierColor // changedInternalState is called if this updates
).chain(new CurveTween(curve: barrierCurve)));
barrier = new AnimatedModalBarrier(
color: color,
dismissible: barrierDismissible
else {
barrier = new ModalBarrier(
dismissible: barrierDismissible
if (_filter != null) {
barrier = new BackdropFilter(
filter: _filter,
child: barrier
return new IgnorePointer(
ignoring: animation.status == AnimationStatus.reverse ||
animation.status == AnimationStatus.dismissed,
child: barrier
public Widget _modalScopeCache;
public virtual Widget _buildModalScope(BuildContext context) {
return _modalScopeCache = _modalScopeCache ?? new _ModalScope(key: _scopeKey, route: this);
public override IEnumerable<OverlayEntry> createOverlayEntries() {
_modalBarrier = new OverlayEntry(builder: _buildModalBarrier);
var content = new OverlayEntry(
builder: _buildModalScope, maintainState: maintainState
return new List<OverlayEntry> {_modalBarrier, content};
public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}({settings}, animation: {_animation})";
public abstract class ModalRoute<T> : ModalRoute {
public ModalRoute(
RouteSettings settings = null,
ImageFilter filter = null
) : base(settings) {
_filter = filter;
public static ModalRoute<T> of<T>(BuildContext context) {
_ModalScopeStatus widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ModalScopeStatus>();
return widget?.route as ModalRoute<T>;
public override Widget _buildModalScope(BuildContext context) {
return _modalScopeCache = _modalScopeCache ?? new _ModalScope<T>(key: _scopeKey, route: this);
public abstract class PopupRoute : ModalRoute {
public PopupRoute(
RouteSettings settings = null,
ImageFilter filter = null
) : base(settings: settings,filter:filter) {
public override bool opaque {
get { return false; }
public override bool maintainState {
get { return true; }
public abstract class PopupRoute<T> : ModalRoute<T> {
public PopupRoute(
RouteSettings settings = null,
ImageFilter filter = null
) : base(settings: settings,filter:filter) {
public override bool opaque {
get { return false; }
public override bool maintainState {
get { return true; }
public class RouteObserve<R> : NavigatorObserver where R : Route {
readonly Dictionary<R, HashSet<RouteAware>> _listeners = new Dictionary<R, HashSet<RouteAware>>();
public void subscribe(RouteAware routeAware, R route) {
D.assert(routeAware != null);
D.assert(route != null);
HashSet<RouteAware> subscribers = _listeners.putIfAbsent(route, () => new HashSet<RouteAware>());
if (subscribers.Add(routeAware)) {
public void unsubscribe(RouteAware routeAware) {
D.assert(routeAware != null);
foreach (R route in _listeners.Keys) {
HashSet<RouteAware> subscribers = _listeners[route];
public override void didPop(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
if (route is R && previousRoute is R) {
var previousSubscribers = _listeners.getOrDefault((R) previousRoute);
if (previousSubscribers != null) {
foreach (RouteAware routeAware in previousSubscribers) {
var subscribers =_listeners.getOrDefault((R) route);
if (subscribers != null) {
foreach (RouteAware routeAware in subscribers) {
public override void didPush(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
if (route is R && previousRoute is R) {
var previousSubscribers = _listeners.getOrDefault((R) previousRoute);
if (previousSubscribers != null) {
foreach (RouteAware routeAware in previousSubscribers) {
public interface RouteAware {
void didPopNext();
void didPush();
void didPop();
void didPushNext();
class _DialogRoute : PopupRoute {
internal _DialogRoute(
RoutePageBuilder pageBuilder = null,
bool barrierDismissible = true,
string barrierLabel = null,
Color barrierColor = null,
TimeSpan? transitionDuration = null,
RouteTransitionsBuilder transitionBuilder = null,
RouteSettings settings = null
) : base(settings: settings) {
_pageBuilder = pageBuilder;
_barrierLabel = barrierLabel;
_barrierDismissible = barrierDismissible;
_barrierColor = barrierColor ?? new Color(0x80000000);
_transitionDuration = transitionDuration ?? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200);
_transitionBuilder = transitionBuilder;
readonly RoutePageBuilder _pageBuilder;
public override bool barrierDismissible {
get { return _barrierDismissible; }
public readonly bool _barrierDismissible;
public override string barrierLabel {
get { return _barrierLabel;}
public readonly string _barrierLabel;
public override Color barrierColor {
get { return _barrierColor; }
public readonly Color _barrierColor;
public override TimeSpan transitionDuration {
get { return _transitionDuration; }
public readonly TimeSpan _transitionDuration;
readonly RouteTransitionsBuilder _transitionBuilder;
public override Widget buildPage(
BuildContext context,
Animation<float> animation,
Animation<float> secondaryAnimation) {
return _pageBuilder(context, animation, secondaryAnimation);
public override Widget buildTransitions(
BuildContext context,
Animation<float> animation,
Animation<float> secondaryAnimation,
Widget child) {
if (_transitionBuilder == null) {
return new FadeTransition(
opacity: new CurvedAnimation(
parent: animation,
curve: Curves.linear
child: child);
return _transitionBuilder(context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child);
public static class DialogUtils {
public static Future<T> showGeneralDialog<T>(
BuildContext context = null,
RoutePageBuilder pageBuilder = null,
bool? barrierDismissible = null,
string barrierLabel = null,
Color barrierColor = null,
TimeSpan? transitionDuration = null,
RouteTransitionsBuilder transitionBuilder = null,
bool useRootNavigator = true,
RouteSettings routeSettings = null
) {
//D.assert(!barrierDismissible || barrierLabel != null);
D.assert(pageBuilder != null);
return Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).push(
new _DialogRoute(
pageBuilder: pageBuilder,
barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible ?? false,
barrierLabel: barrierLabel,
barrierColor: barrierColor,
transitionDuration: transitionDuration,
transitionBuilder: transitionBuilder,
settings: routeSettings) as Route
public delegate Widget RoutePageBuilder(BuildContext context, Animation<float> animation,
Animation<float> secondaryAnimation);
public delegate Widget RouteTransitionsBuilder(BuildContext context, Animation<float> animation,
Animation<float> secondaryAnimation, Widget child);