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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.UIWidgets.async;
using Unity.UIWidgets.external;
using Unity.UIWidgets.external.simplejson;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler;
using Unity.UIWidgets.services;
using UnityEngine;
using SchedulerBinding = Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler.SchedulerBinding;
using SchedulerPhase = Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler.SchedulerPhase;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
public delegate Route RouteFactory(RouteSettings settings);
public delegate Route<T> RouteBuilder<T>(BuildContext context, RouteSettings settings);
public delegate List<Route> RouteListFactory(NavigatorState navigator, string initialRoute);
public delegate bool RoutePredicate(Route route);
public delegate bool PopPageCallback(Route route, object result);
public delegate Future<bool> WillPopCallback();
public enum RoutePopDisposition {
public enum _RouteLifecycle {
staging, // we will wait for transition delegate to decide what to do with this route.
add, // we"ll want to run install, didAdd, etc; a route created by onGenerateInitialRoutes or by the initial widget.pages
adding, // we"ll want to run install, didAdd, etc; a route created by onGenerateInitialRoutes or by the initial widget.pages
// routes that are ready for transition.
push, // we"ll want to run install, didPush, etc; a route added via push() and friends
pushReplace, // we"ll want to run install, didPush, etc; a route added via pushReplace() and friends
pushing, // we"re waiting for the future from didPush to complete
replace, // we"ll want to run install, didReplace, etc; a route added via replace() and friends
idle, // route is being harmless
// routes that are not present:
// routes that should be included in route announcement and should still listen to transition changes.
pop, // we"ll want to call didPop
remove, // we"ll want to run didReplace/didRemove etc
// routes should not be included in route announcement but should still listen to transition changes.
popping, // we"re waiting for the route to call finalizeRoute to switch to dispose
removing, // we are waiting for subsequent routes to be done animating, then will switch to dispose
// routes that are completely removed from the navigator and overlay.
dispose, // we will dispose the route momentarily
disposed, // we have disposed the route
public delegate bool _RouteEntryPredicate(_RouteEntry entry);
public abstract class Route {
public Route(RouteSettings settings = null) {
_settings = settings ?? new RouteSettings();
internal NavigatorState _navigator;
public NavigatorState navigator {
get { return _navigator; }
public RouteSettings settings {
get { return _settings; }
internal RouteSettings _settings;
public void _updateSettings(RouteSettings newSettings) {
D.assert(newSettings != null);
if (_settings != newSettings) {
_settings = newSettings;
public virtual List<OverlayEntry> overlayEntries {
get { return new List<OverlayEntry>(); }
protected internal virtual void install() {
protected internal virtual TickerFuture didPush() {
var future = TickerFuture.complete();
future.then(_ => { navigator?.focusScopeNode?.requestFocus(); });
return future;
protected internal virtual void didAdd() {
TickerFuture.complete().then(_ => { navigator.focusScopeNode.requestFocus(); });
public virtual Future<RoutePopDisposition> willPop() {
return Future.value(isFirst
? RoutePopDisposition.bubble
: RoutePopDisposition.pop).to<RoutePopDisposition>();
public virtual bool willHandlePopInternally {
get { return false; }
public virtual object currentResult {
get { return null; }
public virtual Future popped {
get { return _popCompleter.future; }
protected internal virtual bool didPop(object result) {
return true;
protected internal virtual void didComplete(object result ) {
_popCompleter.complete(FutureOr.value(result ?? currentResult));
internal readonly Completer _popCompleter = Completer.create();
protected internal virtual void didReplace(Route oldRoute) {
protected internal virtual void didPopNext(Route nextRoute) {
protected internal virtual void didChangeNext(Route nextRoute) {
protected internal virtual void didChangePrevious(Route previousRoute) {
protected internal virtual void changedInternalState() {
protected internal virtual void changedExternalState() {
public virtual void dispose() {
_navigator = null;
public bool isCurrent {
get {
if (_navigator == null)
return false;
_RouteEntry currentRouteEntry = null;
foreach (var historyEntry in _navigator._history) {
if ( _RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
currentRouteEntry = historyEntry;
if (currentRouteEntry == null)
return false;
return currentRouteEntry.route == this;
public bool isFirst {
get {
if (_navigator == null)
return false;
_RouteEntry currentRouteEntry = null;
foreach (var historyEntry in _navigator._history) {
if ( _RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
currentRouteEntry = historyEntry;
if (currentRouteEntry == null)
return false;
return currentRouteEntry.route == this;
public bool isActive {
get {
if (_navigator == null)
return false;
_RouteEntry routeEntry = null;
foreach (var historyEntry in _navigator._history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isRoutePredicate(this)(historyEntry)) {
routeEntry = historyEntry;
return routeEntry?.isPresent == true;
public class Route<T> : Route {
public Route(RouteSettings settings = null) {
_settings = settings ?? new RouteSettings();
public override object currentResult {
get { return default(T); }
public override Future popped {
get { return _popCompleter.future.to<T>(); }
protected internal virtual bool didPop(T result) {
return true;
protected internal void didComplete(T result ) {
if (default(T) == null) {
else {
public class RouteSettings {
public RouteSettings(
string name = null,
object arguments = null) {
this.name = name;
this.arguments = arguments;
RouteSettings copyWith(
string name = null,
object arguments = null) {
return new RouteSettings(
name ?? this.name,
arguments ?? this.arguments
public readonly string name;
public readonly object arguments;
public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}(\"{name}\", {arguments})";
public abstract class Page : RouteSettings {
public Page(
Key key = null,
string name = null,
object arguments = null
) : base(name: name, arguments: arguments) {
this.key = (LocalKey) key;
public LocalKey key;
public bool canUpdate(Page other) {
return other.GetType() == GetType() &&
other.key == key;
public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}(\"{name}\",{key},{arguments})";
public abstract class Page<T> : Page {
public Page(
Key key = null,
string name = null,
object arguments = null
) : base(name: name, arguments: arguments) {
this.key = (LocalKey) key;
public abstract Route<T> createRoute(BuildContext context);
public class CustomBuilderPage<T> : Page<T> {
public CustomBuilderPage(
LocalKey key,
RouteBuilder<T> routeBuilder,
string name = null,
object arguments = null
) : base(key: key, name: name, arguments: arguments) {
this.routeBuilder = routeBuilder;
public readonly RouteBuilder<T> routeBuilder;
public override Route<T> createRoute(BuildContext context) {
Route<T> route = routeBuilder(context, this);
D.assert(route.settings == this);
return route;
public class NavigatorObserver {
internal NavigatorState _navigator;
public NavigatorState navigator {
get { return _navigator; }
public virtual void didPush(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
public virtual void didPop(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
public virtual void didRemove(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
public virtual void didReplace(Route newRoute = null, Route oldRoute = null) {
public virtual void didStartUserGesture(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
public virtual void didStopUserGesture() {
public abstract class RouteTransitionRecord {
public Route route;
public bool isEntering;
public bool _debugWaitingForExitDecision = false;
public abstract void markForPush();
public abstract void markForAdd();
public abstract void markForPop(object result = null);
public abstract void markForComplete(object result = null);
public abstract void markForRemove();
public abstract class TransitionDelegate<T> {
public TransitionDelegate() {
public IEnumerable<RouteTransitionRecord> _transition(
List<RouteTransitionRecord> newPageRouteHistory = null,
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, RouteTransitionRecord> locationToExitingPageRoute = null,
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, List<RouteTransitionRecord>> pageRouteToPagelessRoutes = null
) {
IEnumerable<RouteTransitionRecord> results = resolve(
newPageRouteHistory: newPageRouteHistory,
locationToExitingPageRoute: locationToExitingPageRoute,
pageRouteToPagelessRoutes: pageRouteToPagelessRoutes
D.assert(() => {
List<RouteTransitionRecord> resultsToVerify = results.ToList();
HashSet<RouteTransitionRecord> exitingPageRoutes = new HashSet<RouteTransitionRecord>();
foreach(RouteTransitionRecord item in locationToExitingPageRoute.Values) {
foreach (RouteTransitionRecord exitingPageRoute in exitingPageRoutes) {
if (pageRouteToPagelessRoutes.ContainsKey(exitingPageRoute)) {
foreach (RouteTransitionRecord pagelessRoute in pageRouteToPagelessRoutes[exitingPageRoute]) {
int indexOfNextRouteInNewHistory = 0;
foreach (_RouteEntry routeEntry in resultsToVerify.Cast<_RouteEntry>()) {
D.assert(routeEntry != null);
D.assert(!routeEntry.isEntering && !routeEntry._debugWaitingForExitDecision);
if (
indexOfNextRouteInNewHistory >= newPageRouteHistory.Count ||
routeEntry != newPageRouteHistory[indexOfNextRouteInNewHistory]
) {
else {
indexOfNextRouteInNewHistory += 1;
indexOfNextRouteInNewHistory == newPageRouteHistory.Count &&
return true;
return results;
public abstract IEnumerable<RouteTransitionRecord> resolve(
List<RouteTransitionRecord> newPageRouteHistory = null,
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, RouteTransitionRecord> locationToExitingPageRoute = null,
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, List<RouteTransitionRecord>> pageRouteToPagelessRoutes = null
public class DefaultTransitionDelegate<T> : TransitionDelegate<T> {
public DefaultTransitionDelegate() : base() {
public override IEnumerable<RouteTransitionRecord> resolve(
List<RouteTransitionRecord> newPageRouteHistory = null,
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, RouteTransitionRecord> locationToExitingPageRoute = null,
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, List<RouteTransitionRecord>> pageRouteToPagelessRoutes = null) {
List<RouteTransitionRecord> results = new List<RouteTransitionRecord>();
void handleExitingRoute(RouteTransitionRecord location, bool isLast) {
RouteTransitionRecord exitingPageRoute = locationToExitingPageRoute[location];
if (exitingPageRoute == null)
bool hasPagelessRoute = pageRouteToPagelessRoutes.ContainsKey(exitingPageRoute);
bool isLastExitingPageRoute = isLast && !locationToExitingPageRoute.ContainsKey(exitingPageRoute);
if (isLastExitingPageRoute && !hasPagelessRoute) {
else {
if (hasPagelessRoute) {
List<RouteTransitionRecord> pagelessRoutes = pageRouteToPagelessRoutes[exitingPageRoute];
foreach (RouteTransitionRecord pagelessRoute in pagelessRoutes) {
if (isLastExitingPageRoute && pagelessRoute == pagelessRoutes.Last()) {
else {
// It is possible there is another exiting route above this exitingPageRoute.
handleExitingRoute(exitingPageRoute, isLast);
handleExitingRoute(null, newPageRouteHistory.isEmpty());
foreach (RouteTransitionRecord pageRoute in newPageRouteHistory) {
bool isLastIteration = newPageRouteHistory.Last() == pageRoute;
if (pageRoute.isEntering) {
if (!locationToExitingPageRoute.ContainsKey(pageRoute) && isLastIteration) {
else {
handleExitingRoute(pageRoute, isLastIteration);
return results;
public class Navigator : StatefulWidget {
public Navigator(
Key key = null,
List<Page<object>> pages = null,
PopPageCallback onPopPage = null,
string initialRoute = null,
RouteListFactory onGenerateInitialRoutes = null,
RouteFactory onGenerateRoute = null,
RouteFactory onUnknownRoute = null,
TransitionDelegate<object> transitionDelegate = null,
List<NavigatorObserver> observers = null) : base(key) {
this.pages = pages ?? new List<Page<object>>();
this.onPopPage = onPopPage;
this.initialRoute = initialRoute;
this.onGenerateInitialRoutes = onGenerateInitialRoutes ?? defaultGenerateInitialRoutes;
this.onGenerateRoute = onGenerateRoute;
this.onUnknownRoute = onUnknownRoute;
this.transitionDelegate = transitionDelegate ?? new DefaultTransitionDelegate<object>();
this.observers = observers ?? new List<NavigatorObserver>();
public readonly List<Page<object>> pages;
public readonly PopPageCallback onPopPage;
public readonly TransitionDelegate<object> transitionDelegate;
public readonly string initialRoute;
public readonly RouteListFactory onGenerateInitialRoutes;
public readonly RouteFactory onGenerateRoute;
public readonly RouteFactory onUnknownRoute;
public readonly List<NavigatorObserver> observers;
public static readonly string defaultRouteName = "/";
public static Future<T> pushNamed<T>(BuildContext context, string routeName, object arguments = null) {
return of(context).pushNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments);
public static Future pushNamed(BuildContext context, string routeName, object arguments = null) {
return of(context).pushNamed(routeName, arguments: arguments);
public static Future<T> pushReplacementNamed<T,TO>(BuildContext context, string routeName,
TO result = default , object arguments = null) {
return of(context).pushReplacementNamed<T,TO>(routeName, arguments: arguments,result: result);
public static Future pushReplacementNamed(BuildContext context, string routeName,
object result = default , object arguments = null) {
return of(context).pushReplacementNamed(routeName, arguments: arguments,result: result);
public static Future<T> popAndPushNamed<T,TO>(BuildContext context, string routeName,
TO result = default,
object arguments = null) {
return of(context).popAndPushNamed<T,TO>(routeName, result: result, arguments: arguments);
public static Future<T> pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T>(BuildContext context, string newRouteName,
RoutePredicate predicate, object arguments = null) {
return of(context).pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T>(newRouteName, predicate, arguments: arguments);
public static Future<T> push<T>(BuildContext context, Route route) {
return of(context).push<T>(route);
public static Future<T> pushReplacement<T,TO>(BuildContext context, Route<T> newRoute, TO result = default ) {
return of(context).pushReplacement<T,TO>(newRoute, result);
public static Future<T> pushAndRemoveUntil<T>(BuildContext context, Route<T> newRoute, RoutePredicate predicate) {
return of(context).pushAndRemoveUntil<T>(newRoute, predicate);
public static void replace<T>(BuildContext context, Route oldRoute = null, Route<T> newRoute = null) {
of(context).replace<T>(oldRoute: oldRoute, newRoute: newRoute);
public static void replaceRouteBelow<T>(BuildContext context, Route anchorRoute = null, Route<T> newRoute = null ) {
of(context).replaceRouteBelow<T>(anchorRoute: anchorRoute, newRoute: newRoute);
public static bool canPop(BuildContext context) {
NavigatorState navigator = of(context, nullOk: true);
return navigator != null && navigator.canPop();
public static Future<bool> maybePop<T>(BuildContext context, T result = default(T)) {
return of(context).maybePop<T>(result);
public static Future<bool> maybePop(BuildContext context, object result = null) {
return of(context).maybePop(result);
public static void pop<T>(BuildContext context, T result = default(T) ) {
public static void pop(BuildContext context, object result = null ) {
public static void popUntil(BuildContext context, RoutePredicate predicate) {
public static void removeRoute(BuildContext context, Route route) {
public static void removeRouteBelow(BuildContext context, Route anchorRoute) {
public static NavigatorState of(
BuildContext context,
bool rootNavigator = false,
bool nullOk = false
) {
NavigatorState navigator = rootNavigator
? context.findRootAncestorStateOfType<NavigatorState>()
: context.findAncestorStateOfType<NavigatorState>();
D.assert(() => {
if (navigator == null && !nullOk) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator.\n" +
"The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a " +
"widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget."
return true;
return navigator;
public static List<Route> defaultGenerateInitialRoutes(NavigatorState navigator, string initialRouteName) {
List<Route> result = new List<Route>();
if (initialRouteName.StartsWith("/") && initialRouteName.Length > 1) {
initialRouteName = initialRouteName.Substring(1); // strip leading "/"
D.assert(defaultRouteName == "/");
List<string> debugRouteNames = new List<string>();
D.assert(() => {
debugRouteNames = new List<string> {defaultRouteName};
return true;
result.Add(navigator._routeNamed(defaultRouteName, arguments: null, allowNull: true));
string[] routeParts = initialRouteName.Split('/');
if (initialRouteName.isNotEmpty()) {
string routeName = "";
foreach (string part in routeParts) {
routeName += $"/{part}";
D.assert(() => {
return true;
result.Add(navigator._routeNamed(routeName, arguments: null, allowNull: true));
if (result.Last() == null) {
D.assert(() => {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Could not navigate to initial route.\n" +
$"The requested route name was: {initialRouteName} \n " +
"There was no corresponding route in the app, and therefore the initial route specified will be " +
$"ignored and {defaultRouteName} will be used instead."
else if (initialRouteName != defaultRouteName) {
result.Add(navigator._routeNamed(initialRouteName, arguments: null, allowNull: true));
//result.RemoveWhere((Route<object> route) => route == null);
foreach (var resultRoute in result) {
if (resultRoute == null) {
if (result.isEmpty())
arguments: null));
return result;
public override State createState() {
return new NavigatorState();
public class _RouteEntry : RouteTransitionRecord {
public _RouteEntry(
Route route,
_RouteLifecycle initialState
) {
initialState == _RouteLifecycle.staging ||
initialState == _RouteLifecycle.add ||
initialState == _RouteLifecycle.push ||
initialState == _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace ||
initialState == _RouteLifecycle.replace
this.route = route;
currentState = initialState;
public Route route;
public _RouteLifecycle currentState;
public Route lastAnnouncedPreviousRoute; // last argument to Route.didChangePrevious
public Route lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute; // last argument to Route.didPopNext
public Route lastAnnouncedNextRoute; // last argument to Route.didChangeNext
public bool hasPage {
get { return route.settings is Page; }
public bool canUpdateFrom(Page page) {
if (currentState.GetHashCode() > _RouteLifecycle.idle.GetHashCode())
return false;
if (!hasPage)
return false;
Page routePage = route.settings as Page;
return page.canUpdate(routePage);
public void handleAdd(NavigatorState navigator) {
D.assert(currentState == _RouteLifecycle.add);
D.assert(navigator != null);
D.assert(route._navigator == null);
route._navigator = navigator;
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.adding;
public void handlePush(NavigatorState navigator, bool isNewFirst, Route previous = null,
Route previousPresent = null) {
D.assert(currentState == _RouteLifecycle.push || currentState == _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace ||
currentState == _RouteLifecycle.replace);
D.assert(navigator != null);
D.assert(route._navigator == null);
_RouteLifecycle previousState = currentState;
route._navigator = navigator;
if (currentState == _RouteLifecycle.push || currentState == _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace) {
TickerFuture routeFuture = route.didPush();
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.pushing;
routeFuture.whenCompleteOrCancel(() => {
if (currentState == _RouteLifecycle.pushing) {
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.idle;
D.assert(() => {
navigator._debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(() => {
navigator._debugLocked = false;
return true;
else {
D.assert(currentState == _RouteLifecycle.replace);
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.idle;
if (isNewFirst) {
if (previousState == _RouteLifecycle.replace || previousState == _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace) {
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in navigator.widget.observers)
observer.didReplace(newRoute: route, oldRoute: previous);
else {
D.assert(previousState == _RouteLifecycle.push);
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in navigator.widget.observers)
observer.didPush(route, previousPresent);
public void handleDidPopNext(Route poppedRoute) {
lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute = poppedRoute;
public void handlePop(NavigatorState navigator , Route previousPresent = null) {
D.assert(navigator != null);
D.assert(route._navigator == navigator);
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.popping;
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in navigator.widget.observers)
observer.didPop(route, previousPresent);
public void handleRemoval(NavigatorState navigator, Route previousPresent = null) {
D.assert(navigator != null);
D.assert(route._navigator == navigator);
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.removing;
if (_reportRemovalToObserver) {
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in navigator.widget.observers)
observer.didRemove(route, previousPresent);
public bool doingPop = false;
public void didAdd(
NavigatorState navigator = null,
bool isNewFirst = false,
Route previous = null,
Route previousPresent = null) {
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.idle;
if (isNewFirst) {
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in navigator.widget.observers)
observer.didPush(route, previousPresent);
public void pop<T>(T result) {
doingPop = true;
if (route.didPop(result) && doingPop) {
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.pop;
doingPop = false;
bool _reportRemovalToObserver = true;
public void remove(bool isReplaced = false) {
!hasPage || _debugWaitingForExitDecision, () =>
"A page-based route cannot be completed using imperative api, provide a " +
"new list without the corresponding Page to Navigator.pages instead. "
if (currentState.GetHashCode() >= _RouteLifecycle.remove.GetHashCode())
_reportRemovalToObserver = !isReplaced;
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.remove;
public void complete<T>(T result, bool isReplaced = false) {
!hasPage || _debugWaitingForExitDecision, () =>
"A page-based route cannot be completed using imperative api, provide a " +
"new list without the corresponding Page to Navigator.pages instead. "
if (currentState.GetHashCode() >= _RouteLifecycle.remove.GetHashCode())
_reportRemovalToObserver = !isReplaced;
D.assert(route._popCompleter.isCompleted); // implies didComplete was called
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.remove;
public void finalize() {
D.assert(currentState.GetHashCode() < _RouteLifecycle.dispose.GetHashCode());
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.dispose;
public void dispose() {
D.assert(currentState.GetHashCode() < _RouteLifecycle.disposed.GetHashCode());
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.disposed;
bool willBePresent {
get {
return currentState.GetHashCode() <= _RouteLifecycle.idle.GetHashCode() &&
currentState.GetHashCode() >= _RouteLifecycle.add.GetHashCode();
public bool isPresent {
get {
return currentState.GetHashCode() <= _RouteLifecycle.remove.GetHashCode() &&
currentState.GetHashCode() >= _RouteLifecycle.add.GetHashCode();
public bool suitableForAnnouncement {
get {
return currentState.GetHashCode() <= _RouteLifecycle.removing.GetHashCode() &&
currentState.GetHashCode() >= _RouteLifecycle.push.GetHashCode();
bool suitableForTransitionAnimation {
get {
return currentState.GetHashCode() <= _RouteLifecycle.remove.GetHashCode() &&
currentState.GetHashCode() >= _RouteLifecycle.push.GetHashCode();
public bool shouldAnnounceChangeToNext(Route nextRoute) {
D.assert(nextRoute != lastAnnouncedNextRoute);
return !(
nextRoute == null &&
lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute != null &&
lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute == lastAnnouncedNextRoute
public readonly static _RouteEntryPredicate isPresentPredicate = (_RouteEntry entry) => entry.isPresent;
public readonly static _RouteEntryPredicate suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate =
(_RouteEntry entry) => entry.suitableForTransitionAnimation;
public readonly static _RouteEntryPredicate willBePresentPredicate = (_RouteEntry entry) => entry.willBePresent;
public static _RouteEntryPredicate isRoutePredicate(Route route) {
return (_RouteEntry entry) => entry.route == route;
public bool isEntering {
get { return currentState == _RouteLifecycle.staging; }
public override void markForPush() {
isEntering && !_debugWaitingForExitDecision, () =>
"This route cannot be marked for push. Either a decision has already been " +
"made or it does not require an explicit decision on how to transition in."
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.push;
public override void markForAdd() {
isEntering && !_debugWaitingForExitDecision, () =>
"This route cannot be marked for add. Either a decision has already been " +
"made or it does not require an explicit decision on how to transition in."
currentState = _RouteLifecycle.add;
public override void markForPop(object result = null) {
!isEntering && _debugWaitingForExitDecision, () =>
"This route cannot be marked for pop. Either a decision has already been " +
"made or it does not require an explicit decision on how to transition out."
_debugWaitingForExitDecision = false;
public override void markForComplete(object result = null) {
!isEntering && _debugWaitingForExitDecision, () =>
"This route cannot be marked for complete. Either a decision has already " +
"been made or it does not require an explicit decision on how to transition " +
_debugWaitingForExitDecision = false;
public override void markForRemove() {
!isEntering && _debugWaitingForExitDecision, () =>
"This route cannot be marked for remove. Either a decision has already " +
"been made or it does not require an explicit decision on how to transition " +
_debugWaitingForExitDecision = false;
public class NavigatorState : TickerProviderStateMixin<Navigator> {
public readonly GlobalKey<OverlayState> _overlayKey = GlobalKey<OverlayState>.key();
public List<_RouteEntry> _history = new List<_RouteEntry>();
public readonly FocusScopeNode focusScopeNode = new FocusScopeNode(debugLabel: "Navigator Scope");
public bool _debugLocked = false; // used to prevent re-entrant calls to push, pop, and friends
public override void initState() {
widget.pages.isEmpty() || widget.onPopPage != null, () =>
"The Navigator.onPopPage must be provided to use the Navigator.pages API"
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) {
D.assert(observer.navigator == null);
observer._navigator = this;
string initialRoute = widget.initialRoute;
if (widget.pages.isNotEmpty()) {
foreach (Page<object> page in widget.pages) {
new _RouteEntry(
initialState: _RouteLifecycle.add
else {
initialRoute = initialRoute ?? Navigator.defaultRouteName;
if (initialRoute != null) {
widget.initialRoute ?? Navigator.defaultRouteName
), (Route route) =>
new _RouteEntry(
initialState: _RouteLifecycle.add
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) {
oldWidget = (Navigator) oldWidget;
widget.pages.isEmpty() || widget.onPopPage != null, () =>
"The Navigator.onPopPage must be provided to use the Navigator.pages API"
if (!((Navigator)oldWidget).observers.equalsList(widget.observers)) {
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in ((Navigator)oldWidget).observers)
observer._navigator = null;
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers) {
D.assert(observer.navigator == null);
observer._navigator = this;
if (!((Navigator)oldWidget).pages.equalsList(widget.pages)) {
widget.pages.isNotEmpty(), () =>
"To use the Navigator.pages, there must be at least one page in the list."
foreach (_RouteEntry entry in _history)
void _debugCheckDuplicatedPageKeys() {
D.assert(() => {
List<Key> keyReservation = new List<Key>();
foreach (Page page in widget.pages) {
if (page.key != null) {
return true;
public override void dispose() {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers)
observer._navigator = null;
foreach (_RouteEntry entry in _history)
public OverlayState overlay {
get { return _overlayKey.currentState; }
public List<OverlayEntry> _allRouteOverlayEntries {
get {
List<OverlayEntry> overlayEntries = new List<OverlayEntry>();
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
return overlayEntries;
string _lastAnnouncedRouteName;
bool _debugUpdatingPage = false;
void _updatePages() {
D.assert(() => {
_debugUpdatingPage = true;
return true;
bool needsExplicitDecision = false;
int newPagesBottom = 0;
int oldEntriesBottom = 0;
int newPagesTop = widget.pages.Count - 1;
int oldEntriesTop = _history.Count - 1;
List<_RouteEntry> newHistory = new List<_RouteEntry>();
Dictionary<_RouteEntry, List<_RouteEntry>> pageRouteToPagelessRoutes =
new Dictionary<_RouteEntry, List<_RouteEntry>>();
_RouteEntry previousOldPageRouteEntry = null;
while (oldEntriesBottom <= oldEntriesTop) {
_RouteEntry oldEntry = _history[oldEntriesBottom];
D.assert(oldEntry != null && oldEntry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.disposed);
if (!oldEntry.hasPage) {
List<_RouteEntry> pagelessRoutes = pageRouteToPagelessRoutes.putIfAbsent(
() => new List<_RouteEntry>()
oldEntriesBottom += 1;
if (newPagesBottom > newPagesTop)
Page newPage = widget.pages[newPagesBottom];
if (!oldEntry.canUpdateFrom(newPage))
previousOldPageRouteEntry = oldEntry;
newPagesBottom += 1;
oldEntriesBottom += 1;
int pagelessRoutesToSkip = 0;
while ((oldEntriesBottom <= oldEntriesTop) && (newPagesBottom <= newPagesTop)) {
_RouteEntry oldEntry = _history[oldEntriesTop];
D.assert(oldEntry != null && oldEntry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.disposed);
if (!oldEntry.hasPage) {
// This route might need to be skipped if we can not find a page above.
pagelessRoutesToSkip += 1;
oldEntriesTop -= 1;
Page newPage = widget.pages[newPagesTop];
if (!oldEntry.canUpdateFrom(newPage))
pagelessRoutesToSkip = 0;
oldEntriesTop -= 1;
newPagesTop -= 1;
oldEntriesTop += pagelessRoutesToSkip;
int oldEntriesBottomToScan = oldEntriesBottom;
Dictionary<LocalKey, _RouteEntry> pageKeyToOldEntry = new Dictionary<LocalKey, _RouteEntry> { };
while (oldEntriesBottomToScan <= oldEntriesTop) {
_RouteEntry oldEntry = _history[oldEntriesBottomToScan];
oldEntriesBottomToScan += 1;
oldEntry != null &&
oldEntry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.disposed
if (!oldEntry.hasPage)
Page page = oldEntry.route.settings as Page;
if (page.key == null)
pageKeyToOldEntry[page.key] = oldEntry;
while (newPagesBottom <= newPagesTop) {
Page<object> nextPage = widget.pages[newPagesBottom];
newPagesBottom += 1;
if (
nextPage.key == null ||
!pageKeyToOldEntry.ContainsKey(nextPage.key) ||
) {
_RouteEntry newEntry = new _RouteEntry(
initialState: _RouteLifecycle.staging
needsExplicitDecision = true;
newEntry.route.settings == nextPage, () =>
"If a route is created from a page, its must have that page as its " +
else {
_RouteEntry matchingEntry = pageKeyToOldEntry[nextPage.key];
// Any remaining old routes that do not have a match will need to be removed.
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, RouteTransitionRecord> locationToExitingPageRoute =
new Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, RouteTransitionRecord>();
while (oldEntriesBottom <= oldEntriesTop) {
_RouteEntry potentialEntryToRemove = _history[oldEntriesBottom];
oldEntriesBottom += 1;
if (!potentialEntryToRemove.hasPage) {
D.assert(previousOldPageRouteEntry != null);
List<_RouteEntry> pagelessRoutes = pageRouteToPagelessRoutes
() => new List<_RouteEntry>()
D.assert(() => {
potentialEntryToRemove._debugWaitingForExitDecision =
return true;
Page potentialPageToRemove = potentialEntryToRemove.route.settings as Page;
if (
potentialPageToRemove.key == null ||
) {
locationToExitingPageRoute[previousOldPageRouteEntry] = potentialEntryToRemove;
D.assert(() => {
potentialEntryToRemove._debugWaitingForExitDecision = true;
return true;
previousOldPageRouteEntry = potentialEntryToRemove;
// We"ve scanned the whole list.
D.assert(oldEntriesBottom == oldEntriesTop + 1);
D.assert(newPagesBottom == newPagesTop + 1);
newPagesTop = widget.pages.Count - 1;
oldEntriesTop = _history.Count - 1;
D.assert(() => {
if (oldEntriesBottom <= oldEntriesTop)
return newPagesBottom <= newPagesTop &&
_history[oldEntriesBottom].hasPage &&
return newPagesBottom > newPagesTop;
while ((oldEntriesBottom <= oldEntriesTop) && (newPagesBottom <= newPagesTop)) {
_RouteEntry oldEntry = _history[oldEntriesBottom];
D.assert(oldEntry != null && oldEntry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.disposed);
if (!oldEntry.hasPage) {
D.assert(previousOldPageRouteEntry != null);
List<_RouteEntry> pagelessRoutes = pageRouteToPagelessRoutes
() => new List<_RouteEntry>()
previousOldPageRouteEntry = oldEntry;
Page newPage = widget.pages[newPagesBottom];
oldEntriesBottom += 1;
newPagesBottom += 1;
// Finally, uses transition delegate to make explicit decision if needed.
needsExplicitDecision = needsExplicitDecision || locationToExitingPageRoute.isNotEmpty();
IEnumerable<_RouteEntry> results = newHistory;
if (needsExplicitDecision) {
List<RouteTransitionRecord> newHistoryRecord = new List<RouteTransitionRecord>();
for (int i = 0; i < newHistoryRecord.Count; i++) {
newHistoryRecord[i] = newHistory[i];
Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, List<RouteTransitionRecord>> pageRouteToPagelessRoutesRecord
= new Dictionary<RouteTransitionRecord, List<RouteTransitionRecord>>();
foreach (var pageRoute in pageRouteToPagelessRoutes) {
List<RouteTransitionRecord> newRecord = new List<RouteTransitionRecord>();
for(int i = 0; i < pageRoute.Value.Count;i++){
results = widget.transitionDelegate._transition(
locationToExitingPageRoute: locationToExitingPageRoute,
pageRouteToPagelessRoutes: pageRouteToPagelessRoutesRecord
_history = new List<_RouteEntry>();
// Adds the leading pageless routes if there is any.
if (pageRouteToPagelessRoutes.ContainsKey(null)) {
foreach (_RouteEntry result in results) {
if (pageRouteToPagelessRoutes.ContainsKey(result)) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugUpdatingPage = false;
return true;
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
public void _flushHistoryUpdates(bool rearrangeOverlay = true) {
D.assert(_debugLocked && !_debugUpdatingPage);
int index = _history.Count - 1;
_RouteEntry next = null;
_RouteEntry entry = _history[index];
_RouteEntry previous = index > 0 ? _history[index - 1] : null;
bool canRemoveOrAdd = false; // Whether there is a fully opaque route on top to silently remove or add route underneath.
Route poppedRoute = null; // The route that should trigger didPopNext on the top active route.
bool seenTopActiveRoute = false; // Whether we"ve seen the route that would get didPopNext.
List<_RouteEntry> toBeDisposed = new List<_RouteEntry>();
while (index >= 0) {
switch (entry.currentState) {
case _RouteLifecycle.add:
navigator: this
D.assert(entry.currentState == _RouteLifecycle.adding);
case _RouteLifecycle.adding:
if (canRemoveOrAdd || next == null) {
navigator: this,
previous: previous?.route,
previousPresent: _getRouteBefore(index - 1, _RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate)?.route,
isNewFirst: next == null
D.assert(entry.currentState == _RouteLifecycle.idle);
case _RouteLifecycle.push:
case _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace:
case _RouteLifecycle.replace:
navigator: this,
previous: previous?.route,
previousPresent: _getRouteBefore(index - 1, _RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate)?.route,
isNewFirst: next == null
D.assert(entry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.push);
D.assert(entry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace);
D.assert(entry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.replace);
if (entry.currentState == _RouteLifecycle.idle) {
case _RouteLifecycle.pushing: // Will exit this state when animation completes.
if (!seenTopActiveRoute && poppedRoute != null)
seenTopActiveRoute = true;
case _RouteLifecycle.idle:
if (!seenTopActiveRoute && poppedRoute != null)
seenTopActiveRoute = true;
canRemoveOrAdd = true;
case _RouteLifecycle.pop:
if (!seenTopActiveRoute) {
if (poppedRoute != null)
poppedRoute = entry.route;
navigator: this,
previousPresent: _getRouteBefore(index, _RouteEntry.willBePresentPredicate)?.route
D.assert(entry.currentState == _RouteLifecycle.popping);
canRemoveOrAdd = true;
case _RouteLifecycle.popping:
// Will exit this state when animation completes.
case _RouteLifecycle.remove:
if (!seenTopActiveRoute) {
if (poppedRoute != null)
poppedRoute = null;
navigator: this,
previousPresent: _getRouteBefore(index, _RouteEntry.willBePresentPredicate)?.route
D.assert(entry.currentState == _RouteLifecycle.removing);
case _RouteLifecycle.removing:
if (!canRemoveOrAdd && next != null) {
// We aren"t allowed to remove this route yet.
entry.currentState = _RouteLifecycle.dispose;
case _RouteLifecycle.dispose:
// Delay disposal until didChangeNext/didChangePrevious have been sent.
entry = next;
case _RouteLifecycle.disposed:
case _RouteLifecycle.staging:
index -= 1;
next = entry;
entry = previous;
previous = index > 0 ? _history[index - 1] : null;
_RouteEntry lastEntry = null;//_history.lastWhere(_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate, orElse: () => null);
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
lastEntry = historyEntry;
string routeName = lastEntry?.route?.settings?.name;
if (routeName != _lastAnnouncedRouteName) {
//RouteNotificationMessages.maybeNotifyRouteChange(routeName, _lastAnnouncedRouteName);
_lastAnnouncedRouteName = routeName;
// Lastly, removes the overlay entries of all marked entries and disposes
// them.
foreach (_RouteEntry routeEntry in toBeDisposed) {
foreach (OverlayEntry overlayEntry in routeEntry.route.overlayEntries) {
if (rearrangeOverlay)
void _flushRouteAnnouncement() {
int index = _history.Count - 1;
while (index >= 0) {
_RouteEntry entry = _history[index];
if (!entry.suitableForAnnouncement) {
index -= 1;
_RouteEntry next = _getRouteAfter(index + 1, _RouteEntry.suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate);
if (next?.route != entry.lastAnnouncedNextRoute) {
if (entry.shouldAnnounceChangeToNext(next?.route)) {
entry.lastAnnouncedNextRoute = next?.route;
_RouteEntry previous = _getRouteBefore(index - 1, _RouteEntry.suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate);
if (previous?.route != entry.lastAnnouncedPreviousRoute) {
entry.lastAnnouncedPreviousRoute = previous?.route;
index -= 1;
_RouteEntry _getRouteBefore(int index, _RouteEntryPredicate predicate) {
index = _getIndexBefore(index, predicate);
return index >= 0 ? _history[index] : null;
int _getIndexBefore(int index, _RouteEntryPredicate predicate) {
while (index >= 0 && !predicate(_history[index])) {
index -= 1;
return index;
_RouteEntry _getRouteAfter(int index, _RouteEntryPredicate predicate) {
while (index < _history.Count && !predicate(_history[index])) {
index += 1;
return index < _history.Count ? _history[index] : null;
public Route _routeNamed(string name, object arguments, bool allowNull = false) {
D.assert(name != null);
if (allowNull && widget.onGenerateRoute == null)
return null;
D.assert(() => {
if (widget.onGenerateRoute == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Navigator.onGenerateRoute was null, but the route named " + $"{name} was referenced.\n" +
"To use the Navigator API with named routes (pushNamed, pushReplacementNamed, or " +
"pushNamedAndRemoveUntil), the Navigator must be provided with an " +
"onGenerateRoute handler.\n" +
"The Navigator was:\n" +
$" {this}"
return true;
RouteSettings settings = new RouteSettings(
name: name,
arguments: arguments
Route route = widget.onGenerateRoute(settings) as Route;
if (route == null && !allowNull) {
D.assert(() => {
if (widget.onUnknownRoute == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
new List<DiagnosticsNode>() {
new ErrorSummary($"Navigator.onGenerateRoute returned null when requested to build route \"{name}\"."),
new ErrorDescription(
"The onGenerateRoute callback must never return null, unless an onUnknownRoute "+
"callback is provided as well."
new DiagnosticsProperty<NavigatorState>("The Navigator was", this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
return true;
route = widget.onUnknownRoute(settings) as Route;
D.assert(() => {
if (route == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
new List<DiagnosticsNode>() {
new ErrorSummary($"Navigator.onUnknownRoute returned null when requested to build route \"{name}\"."),
new ErrorDescription("The onUnknownRoute callback must never return null."),
new DiagnosticsProperty<NavigatorState>("The Navigator was", this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
return true;
D.assert(route != null || allowNull);
return route;
public Route _routeNamed<T>(string name, object arguments, bool allowNull = false) {
D.assert(name != null);
if (allowNull && widget.onGenerateRoute == null)
return null;
D.assert(() => {
if (widget.onGenerateRoute == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Navigator.onGenerateRoute was null, but the route named " + $"{name} was referenced.\n" +
"To use the Navigator API with named routes (pushNamed, pushReplacementNamed, or " +
"pushNamedAndRemoveUntil), the Navigator must be provided with an " +
"onGenerateRoute handler.\n" +
"The Navigator was:\n" +
$" {this}"
return true;
RouteSettings settings = new RouteSettings(
name: name,
arguments: arguments
Route route = widget.onGenerateRoute(settings);
if (route == null && !allowNull) {
D.assert(() => {
if (widget.onUnknownRoute == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Navigator.onGenerateRoute returned null when requested to build route " + $"{name}." +
"The onGenerateRoute callback must never return null, unless an onUnknownRoute " +
"callback is provided as well." +
new DiagnosticsProperty<NavigatorState>("The Navigator was", this,
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty)
return true;
route = widget.onUnknownRoute(settings);
D.assert(() => {
if (route == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"Navigator.onUnknownRoute returned null when requested to build route " + $"{name}." +
"The onUnknownRoute callback must never return null." +
new DiagnosticsProperty<NavigatorState>("The Navigator was", this,
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty)
return true;
D.assert(route != null || allowNull);
return route;
public Future<T> pushNamed<T>(
string routeName,
object arguments = null
) {
return push<T>(_routeNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments));
public Future pushNamed(
string routeName,
object arguments = null
) {
return push(_routeNamed(routeName, arguments: arguments));
public Future<T> pushReplacementNamed<T, TO>(
string routeName,
TO result = default,
object arguments = null
) {
return pushReplacement<T, TO>(_routeNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments), result: result);
public Future pushReplacementNamed(
string routeName,
object result = default,
object arguments = null
) {
return pushReplacement(_routeNamed(routeName, arguments: arguments), result: result);
public Future<T> popAndPushNamed<T, TO>(
string routeName,
TO result = default,
object arguments = null
) {
return pushNamed<T>(routeName, arguments: arguments);
public Future<T> pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T>(
string newRouteName,
RoutePredicate predicate,
object arguments = null
) {
return pushAndRemoveUntil<T>(_routeNamed<T>(newRouteName, arguments: arguments), predicate);
public Future push(Route route) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(route != null);
D.assert(route._navigator == null);
_history.Add(new _RouteEntry(route, initialState: _RouteLifecycle.push));
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
return route.popped;
public Future<T> push<T>(Route route) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(route != null);
D.assert(route._navigator == null);
_history.Add(new _RouteEntry(route, initialState: _RouteLifecycle.push));
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
return route.popped.to<T>();
void _afterNavigation(Route route) {
if (!foundation_.kReleaseMode) {
Dictionary<string, object> routeJsonable = new Dictionary<string, object>();
if (route != null) {
routeJsonable = new Dictionary<string, object>();
string description;
if (route is TransitionRoute ){
description = ((TransitionRoute)route).debugLabel;
else {
description = $"{route}";
routeJsonable["description"] = description;
RouteSettings settings = route.settings;
Dictionary<string, object> settingsJsonable = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{"name", settings.name}
if (settings.arguments != null) {
settingsJsonable["arguments"] = JsonUtility.ToJson(settings.arguments);
routeJsonable["settings"] = settingsJsonable;
developer.developer_.postEvent("Flutter.Navigation", new Hashtable{
{"route", routeJsonable}
public Future<T> pushReplacement<T, TO>(Route newRoute, TO result) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(newRoute != null);
D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null);
bool anyEntry = false;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
anyEntry = true;
D.assert(anyEntry,()=> "Navigator has no active routes to replace.");
_RouteEntry lastEntry = null;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
lastEntry = historyEntry;
lastEntry.complete(result, isReplaced: true);
_history.Add(new _RouteEntry(newRoute, initialState: _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace));
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
return newRoute.popped.to<T>();
public Future pushReplacement(Route newRoute, object result) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(newRoute != null);
D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null);
bool anyEntry = false;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
anyEntry = true;
D.assert(anyEntry,()=> "Navigator has no active routes to replace.");
_RouteEntry lastEntry = null;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
lastEntry = historyEntry;
lastEntry.complete(result, isReplaced: true);
_history.Add(new _RouteEntry(newRoute, initialState: _RouteLifecycle.pushReplace));
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
return newRoute.popped.to<object>();
public Future<T> pushAndRemoveUntil<T>(Route newRoute, RoutePredicate predicate) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(newRoute != null);
D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null);
D.assert(predicate != null);
int index = _history.Count - 1;
_history.Add(new _RouteEntry(newRoute, initialState: _RouteLifecycle.push));
while (index >= 0) {
_RouteEntry entry = _history[index];
if (entry.isPresent && !predicate(entry.route))
index -= 1;
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
return newRoute.popped.to<T>();
public void replace<T>(Route oldRoute, Route<T> newRoute) {
D.assert(oldRoute != null);
D.assert(newRoute != null);
if (oldRoute == newRoute)
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(oldRoute._navigator == this);
D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null);
int index = -1;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isRoutePredicate(oldRoute)(historyEntry)) {
index = _history.IndexOf(historyEntry);
D.assert(index >= 0, () => "This Navigator does not contain the specified oldRoute.");
() => "The specified oldRoute has already been removed from the Navigator.");
bool wasCurrent = oldRoute.isCurrent;
_history.Insert(index + 1, new _RouteEntry(newRoute, initialState: _RouteLifecycle.replace));
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
if (wasCurrent)
public void replaceRouteBelow<T>(Route anchorRoute, Route<T> newRoute) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(anchorRoute != null);
D.assert(anchorRoute._navigator == this);
D.assert(newRoute != null);
D.assert(newRoute._navigator == null);
int anchorIndex = -1;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isRoutePredicate(anchorRoute)(historyEntry)) {
anchorIndex = _history.IndexOf(historyEntry);
D.assert(anchorIndex >= 0, () => "This Navigator does not contain the specified anchorRoute.");
() => "The specified anchorRoute has already been removed from the Navigator.");
int index = anchorIndex - 1;
while (index >= 0) {
if (_history[index].isPresent)
index -= 1;
D.assert(index >= 0, () => "There are no routes below the specified anchorRoute.");
_history.Insert(index + 1, new _RouteEntry(newRoute, initialState: _RouteLifecycle.replace));
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
public bool canPop() {
IEnumerable<_RouteEntry> iterator = new List<_RouteEntry>();
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
if (!iterator.GetEnumerator().MoveNext())
return false; // we have no active routes, so we can"t pop
return true; // the first route can handle pops itself, so we can pop
if (!iterator.GetEnumerator().MoveNext())
return false; // there"s only one route, so we can"t pop
return true; // there"s at least two routes, so we can pop
public Future<bool> maybePop<T>(T result = default(T)) {
_RouteEntry lastEntry = null;
foreach (_RouteEntry routeEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(routeEntry)) {
lastEntry = routeEntry;
D.assert(lastEntry.route._navigator == this);
// this is asynchronous // await
return lastEntry.route.willPop().then_(disposition => {
if (lastEntry == null) {
return false;
if (!mounted)
return true; // forget about this pop, we were disposed in the meantime
_RouteEntry newLastEntry = null;
foreach (_RouteEntry history in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(history)) {
newLastEntry = history;
if (lastEntry != newLastEntry)
return true; // forget about this pop, something happened to our history in the meantime
switch (disposition) {
case RoutePopDisposition.bubble:
return false;
case RoutePopDisposition.pop:
return true;
case RoutePopDisposition.doNotPop:
return true;
return false;
public void pop<T>(T result = default) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
_RouteEntry entry = null;
foreach (_RouteEntry route in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(route)) {
entry = route;
if (entry.hasPage) {
if (widget.onPopPage(entry.route, result))
entry.currentState = _RouteLifecycle.pop;
else {
if (entry.currentState == _RouteLifecycle.pop) {
_flushHistoryUpdates(rearrangeOverlay: false);
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
public void popUntil(RoutePredicate predicate) {
_RouteEntry routeEntry = null;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(historyEntry)) {
routeEntry = historyEntry;
while (!predicate(routeEntry.route)) {
public void removeRoute(Route route) {
D.assert(route != null);
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(route._navigator == this);
bool wasCurrent = route.isCurrent;
_RouteEntry entry = null;
foreach (_RouteEntry routeEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isRoutePredicate(route)(routeEntry)) {
entry = routeEntry;
D.assert(entry != null);
_flushHistoryUpdates(rearrangeOverlay: false);
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
if (wasCurrent) {
_RouteEntry lastEntry = null;
foreach (_RouteEntry routeEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isPresentPredicate(routeEntry)) {
lastEntry = routeEntry;
public void removeRouteBelow(Route anchorRoute) {
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
D.assert(anchorRoute != null);
D.assert(anchorRoute._navigator == this);
int anchorIndex = -1;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isRoutePredicate(anchorRoute)(historyEntry)) {
anchorIndex = _history.IndexOf(historyEntry);
D.assert(anchorIndex >= 0, () => "This Navigator does not contain the specified anchorRoute.");
() => "The specified anchorRoute has already been removed from the Navigator.");
int index = anchorIndex - 1;
while (index >= 0) {
if (_history[index].isPresent)
index -= 1;
D.assert(index >= 0, () => "There are no routes below the specified anchorRoute.");
_flushHistoryUpdates(rearrangeOverlay: false);
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = false;
return true;
public void finalizeRoute(Route route) {
bool wasDebugLocked = false;
D.assert(() => {
wasDebugLocked = _debugLocked;
_debugLocked = true;
return true;
List<_RouteEntry> routeEntries = new List<_RouteEntry>();
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isRoutePredicate(route)(historyEntry)) {
D.assert(routeEntries.Count == 1);
_RouteEntry entry = null;
foreach (var historyEntry in _history) {
if (_RouteEntry.isRoutePredicate(route)(historyEntry)) {
entry = historyEntry;
if (entry.doingPop) {
entry.currentState = _RouteLifecycle.pop;
_flushHistoryUpdates(rearrangeOverlay: false);
D.assert(entry.currentState != _RouteLifecycle.pop);
_flushHistoryUpdates(rearrangeOverlay: false);
D.assert(() => {
_debugLocked = wasDebugLocked;
return true;
public int _userGesturesInProgress {
get { return _userGesturesInProgressCount; }
set {
_userGesturesInProgressCount = value;
userGestureInProgressNotifier.value = _userGesturesInProgress > 0;
int _userGesturesInProgressCount = 0;
public bool userGestureInProgress {
get { return userGestureInProgressNotifier.value; }
public ValueNotifier<bool> userGestureInProgressNotifier = new ValueNotifier<bool>(false);
public void didStartUserGesture() {
_userGesturesInProgress += 1;
if (_userGesturesInProgress == 1) {
int routeIndex = _getIndexBefore(
_history.Count - 1,
Route route = _history[routeIndex].route;
Route previousRoute = null;
if (!route.willHandlePopInternally && routeIndex > 0) {
previousRoute = (Route) _getRouteBefore(
routeIndex - 1,
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers)
observer.didStartUserGesture(route, previousRoute);
public void didStopUserGesture() {
D.assert(_userGesturesInProgress > 0);
_userGesturesInProgress -= 1;
if (_userGesturesInProgress == 0) {
foreach (NavigatorObserver observer in widget.observers)
public readonly HashSet<int> _activePointers = new HashSet<int>();
void _handlePointerDown(PointerDownEvent evt) {
void _handlePointerUpOrCancel(PointerEvent evt) {
void _cancelActivePointers() {
// TODO(abarth): This mechanism is far from perfect. See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/4770
if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.idle) {
RenderAbsorbPointer absorber =
setState(() => {
if(absorber != null)
absorber.absorbing = true;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Listener(
onPointerDown: _handlePointerDown,
onPointerUp: _handlePointerUpOrCancel,
onPointerCancel: _handlePointerUpOrCancel,
child: new AbsorbPointer(
absorbing: false, // it"s mutated directly by _cancelActivePointers above
child: new FocusScope(
node: focusScopeNode,
autofocus: true,
child: new Overlay(
key: _overlayKey,
initialEntries: overlay == null
? _allRouteOverlayEntries.ToList()
: new List<OverlayEntry>())