主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
1626 行
70 KiB
1626 行
70 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color;
using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.cupertino {
static class CupertinoDatePickerUtils {
public const float _kItemExtent = 32.0f;
public const float _kPickerWidth = 320.0f;
public const float _kPickerHeight = 216.0f;
public const bool _kUseMagnifier = true;
public const float _kMagnification = 1.05f;
public const float _kDatePickerPadSize = 12.0f;
public const float _kSqueeze = 1.25f;
public static TextStyle _kDefaultPickerTextStyle = new TextStyle(
letterSpacing: -0.83f
public const float _kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding = 2f;
public const float _kTimerPickerLabelPadSize = 4.5f;
public const float _kTimerPickerLabelFontSize = 17.0f;
public const float _kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth = 106f;
public const float _kTimerPickerNumberLabelFontSize = 23f;
public static TextStyle _themeTextStyle(BuildContext context, bool isValid = true ) {
TextStyle style = CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.dateTimePickerTextStyle;
return isValid ? style : style.copyWith(color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(CupertinoColors.inactiveGray, context));
public static void _animateColumnControllerToItem(FixedExtentScrollController controller, int targetItem) {
curve: Curves.easeInOut,
duration: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)
public static List<string> CreateNumbers() {
//List<String>.generate(10, (int i) => '${9 - i}');
List<string> numbers = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
return numbers;
public delegate Widget listGenerateDelegate(int index);
public static List<Widget> listGenerate(int count, listGenerateDelegate func) {
var list = new List<Widget>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return list;
public class _DatePickerLayoutDelegate : MultiChildLayoutDelegate {
public _DatePickerLayoutDelegate(
List<float> columnWidths,
int textDirectionFactor
) {
this.columnWidths = columnWidths;
this.textDirectionFactor = textDirectionFactor;
public readonly List<float> columnWidths;
public readonly int textDirectionFactor;
public override void performLayout(Size size) {
float remainingWidth = size.width;
for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.Count; i++) {
remainingWidth -= columnWidths[i] + CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDatePickerPadSize * 2;
float currentHorizontalOffset = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.Count; i++) {
int index = textDirectionFactor == 1 ? i : columnWidths.Count - i - 1;
float childWidth = columnWidths[index] + CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDatePickerPadSize * 2;
if (index == 0 || index == columnWidths.Count - 1)
childWidth += remainingWidth / 2;
D.assert(() => {
if (childWidth < 0) {
throw new UIWidgetsError("Insufficient horizontal space to render the " +
"CupertinoDatePicker because the parent is too narrow at " +
$"{size.width}px.\n" +
$"An additional {-remainingWidth}px is needed to avoid " +
"overlapping columns.");
return true;
layoutChild(index, BoxConstraints.tight(new Size(Mathf.Max(0.0f, childWidth), size.height)));
positionChild(index, new Offset(currentHorizontalOffset, 0.0f));
currentHorizontalOffset += childWidth;
public override bool shouldRelayout(MultiChildLayoutDelegate oldDelegate) {
return columnWidths != ((_DatePickerLayoutDelegate) oldDelegate).columnWidths
|| textDirectionFactor != ((_DatePickerLayoutDelegate) oldDelegate).textDirectionFactor;
public enum CupertinoDatePickerMode {
enum _PickerColumnType {
public class CupertinoDatePicker : StatefulWidget {
public CupertinoDatePicker(
Key key = null,
CupertinoDatePickerMode mode = cupertino.CupertinoDatePickerMode.dateAndTime,
ValueChanged<DateTime> onDateTimeChanged = null,
DateTime? initialDateTime = null,
DateTime? minimumDate = null,
DateTime? maximumDate = null,
int minimumYear = 1,
int? maximumYear = null,
int minuteInterval = 1,
bool use24hFormat = false,
Color backgroundColor = null
) {
this.initialDateTime = initialDateTime ?? DateTime.Now;
D.assert(onDateTimeChanged != null);
minuteInterval > 0 && 60 % minuteInterval == 0,
() => "minute interval is not a positive integer factor of 60"
D.assert(this.initialDateTime != null);
mode != CupertinoDatePickerMode.dateAndTime || minimumDate == null ||
!(this.initialDateTime < minimumDate),
() => "initial date is before minimum date"
mode != CupertinoDatePickerMode.dateAndTime || maximumDate == null ||
!(this.initialDateTime > maximumDate),
() => "initial date is after maximum date"
mode != CupertinoDatePickerMode.date || (minimumYear >= 1 && this.initialDateTime.Year >= minimumYear),
() => "initial year is not greater than minimum year, or mininum year is not positive"
mode != CupertinoDatePickerMode.date || maximumYear == null || this.initialDateTime.Year <= maximumYear,
() => "initial year is not smaller than maximum year"
this.initialDateTime.Minute % minuteInterval == 0,
() => "initial minute is not divisible by minute interval"
this.onDateTimeChanged = onDateTimeChanged;
this.mode = mode;
this.minimumDate = minimumDate;
this.maximumDate = maximumDate;
this.minimumYear = minimumYear;
this.maximumYear = maximumYear;
this.minuteInterval = minuteInterval;
this.use24hFormat = use24hFormat;
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
public readonly CupertinoDatePickerMode mode;
public readonly DateTime initialDateTime;
public readonly DateTime? minimumDate;
public readonly DateTime? maximumDate;
public readonly int minimumYear;
public readonly int? maximumYear;
public readonly int minuteInterval;
public readonly bool use24hFormat;
public readonly ValueChanged<DateTime> onDateTimeChanged;
public readonly Color backgroundColor;
public override State createState() {
switch (mode) {
case CupertinoDatePickerMode.time:
case CupertinoDatePickerMode.dateAndTime:
return new _CupertinoDatePickerDateTimeState();
case CupertinoDatePickerMode.date:
return new _CupertinoDatePickerDateState();
return new _CupertinoDatePickerDateTimeState();
internal static float _getColumnWidth(
_PickerColumnType columnType,
CupertinoLocalizations localizations,
BuildContext context
) {
string longestText = "";
switch (columnType) {
case _PickerColumnType.date:
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
string date =
localizations.datePickerMediumDate(new DateTime(2018, i, 25));
if (longestText.Length < date.Length) {
longestText = date;
case _PickerColumnType.hour:
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
string hour = localizations.datePickerHour(i);
if (longestText.Length < hour.Length) {
longestText = hour;
case _PickerColumnType.minute:
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
string minute = localizations.datePickerMinute(i);
if (longestText.Length < minute.Length) {
longestText = minute;
case _PickerColumnType.dayPeriod:
longestText =
localizations.anteMeridiemAbbreviation.Length > localizations.postMeridiemAbbreviation.Length
? localizations.anteMeridiemAbbreviation
: localizations.postMeridiemAbbreviation;
case _PickerColumnType.dayOfMonth:
for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++) {
string dayOfMonth = localizations.datePickerDayOfMonth(i);
if (longestText.Length < dayOfMonth.Length) {
longestText = dayOfMonth;
case _PickerColumnType.month:
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
string month = localizations.datePickerMonth(i);
if (longestText.Length < month.Length) {
longestText = month;
case _PickerColumnType.year:
longestText = localizations.datePickerYear(2018);
D.assert(longestText != "", () => "column type is not appropriate");
TextPainter painter = new TextPainter(
text: new TextSpan(
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(context),
text: longestText
return painter.maxIntrinsicWidth;
delegate Widget _ColumnBuilder(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder);
class _CupertinoDatePickerDateTimeState : State<CupertinoDatePicker> {
public static float _kMaximumOffAxisFraction = 0.45f;
int textDirectionFactor;
public CupertinoLocalizations localizations;
public Alignment alignCenterLeft;
public Alignment alignCenterRight;
public DateTime initialDateTime;
public int previousHourIndex;
public FixedExtentScrollController amPmController;
int selectedDayFromInitial {
get {
switch (widget.mode) {
case CupertinoDatePickerMode.dateAndTime:
return dateController.hasClients ? dateController.selectedItem : 0;
case CupertinoDatePickerMode.time:
return 0;
case CupertinoDatePickerMode.date:
$"{GetType()} is only meant for dateAndTime mode or time mode"
return 0;
set { }
// The controller of the date column.
FixedExtentScrollController dateController;
int selectedHour {
get { return _selectedHour(selectedAmPm, _selectedHourIndex);}
int _selectedHourIndex {
get { return hourController.hasClients ? hourController.selectedItem % 24 : initialDateTime.Hour;
int _selectedHour(int selectedAmPm, int selectedHour) {
return _isHourRegionFlipped(selectedAmPm) ? (selectedHour + 12) % 24 : selectedHour;
FixedExtentScrollController hourController = null;
int selectedMinute {
get {
return minuteController.hasClients
? minuteController.selectedItem * widget.minuteInterval % 60
: initialDateTime.Minute;
FixedExtentScrollController minuteController;
int selectedAmPm;
bool isHourRegionFlipped {
get { return _isHourRegionFlipped(selectedAmPm);}
bool _isHourRegionFlipped(int selectedAmPm) => selectedAmPm != meridiemRegion;
int meridiemRegion;
FixedExtentScrollController meridiemController;
bool isDatePickerScrolling = false;
bool isHourPickerScrolling = false;
bool isMinutePickerScrolling = false;
bool isMeridiemPickerScrolling = false;
bool isScrolling {
get {
return isDatePickerScrolling
|| isHourPickerScrolling
|| isMinutePickerScrolling
|| isMeridiemPickerScrolling;
public static Dictionary<int, float> estimatedColumnWidths = new Dictionary<int, float>();
public override void initState() {
initialDateTime = widget.initialDateTime;
selectedAmPm = (int)(initialDateTime.Hour / 12);
meridiemRegion = selectedAmPm;
meridiemController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedAmPm);
hourController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: initialDateTime.Hour);
minuteController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: (int)(initialDateTime.Minute / widget.minuteInterval));
dateController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: 0);
void _handleSystemFontsChange () {
setState(()=> {
public override void dispose() {
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) {
oldWidget = (CupertinoDatePicker) oldWidget;
((CupertinoDatePicker) oldWidget).mode == widget.mode,()=>
$"The {GetType()}'s mode cannot change once it's built."
if (!widget.use24hFormat && ((CupertinoDatePicker) oldWidget).use24hFormat) {
meridiemController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedAmPm);
public override void didChangeDependencies() {
textDirectionFactor = Directionality.of(context) == TextDirection.ltr ? 1 : -1;
localizations = CupertinoLocalizations.of(context);
alignCenterLeft = textDirectionFactor == 1 ? Alignment.centerLeft : Alignment.centerRight;
alignCenterRight = textDirectionFactor == 1 ? Alignment.centerRight : Alignment.centerLeft;
float _getEstimatedColumnWidth(_PickerColumnType columnType) {
if (!estimatedColumnWidths.TryGetValue((int) columnType, out float _)) {
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) columnType] =
CupertinoDatePicker._getColumnWidth(columnType, localizations, context);
return estimatedColumnWidths[(int) columnType];
DateTime selectedDateTime {
get {
return new DateTime(
initialDateTime.Day + selectedDayFromInitial,
void _onSelectedItemChange(int index) {
DateTime selected = selectedDateTime;
bool isDateInvalid = widget.minimumDate?.CompareTo(selected) < 0
|| widget.maximumDate?.CompareTo(selected) > 0;
if (isDateInvalid)
Widget _buildMediumDatePicker(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder) {
return new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification)=> {
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
isDatePickerScrolling = true;
} else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
isDatePickerScrolling = false;
return false;
child: new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: dateController,
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
useMagnifier: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kUseMagnifier,
magnification: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kMagnification,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index)=> {
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) => {
var rangeStart = new DateTime(
rangeStart = rangeStart.AddDays(index);
var rangeEnd = rangeStart.AddDays(1);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
if (widget.minimumDate?.CompareTo(rangeEnd) > 0 )
return null;
if (widget.maximumDate?.CompareTo(rangeStart) < 0)
return null;
string dateText = rangeStart == new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day)
? localizations.todayLabel
: localizations.datePickerMediumDate(rangeStart);
return itemPositioningBuilder(
new Text(dateText, style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(context))
bool _isValidHour(int meridiemIndex, int hourIndex) {
DateTime rangeStart = new DateTime(
initialDateTime.Day + selectedDayFromInitial,
_selectedHour(meridiemIndex, hourIndex),
// The end value of the range is exclusive, i.e. [rangeStart, rangeEnd).
DateTime rangeEnd = rangeStart.Add(new TimeSpan(0,1,0,0));
return (widget.minimumDate?.CompareTo(rangeEnd) < 0 )
&& !(widget.maximumDate?.CompareTo(rangeStart) > 0);
Widget _buildHourPicker(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder) {
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>();
for (int index = 0; index < 24; index++) {
int hour = isHourRegionFlipped ? (index + 12) % 24 : index;
int displayHour = widget.use24hFormat ? hour : (hour + 11) % 12 + 1;
new Text(
//semanticsLabel: localizations.datePickerHourSemanticsLabel(displayHour),
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(context,
isValid: _isValidHour(selectedAmPm, index))
return new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) => {
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
isHourPickerScrolling = true;
} else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
isHourPickerScrolling = false;
return false;
child: new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: hourController,
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
useMagnifier: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kUseMagnifier,
magnification: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kMagnification,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) =>{
bool regionChanged = meridiemRegion != (int)(index / 12);
bool debugIsFlipped = isHourRegionFlipped;
if (regionChanged) {
meridiemRegion = (int)(index / 12);
selectedAmPm = 1 - selectedAmPm;
if (!widget.use24hFormat && regionChanged) {
duration: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300),
curve: Curves.easeOut
} else {
D.assert(debugIsFlipped == isHourRegionFlipped);
children: widgets,
looping: true
Widget _buildMinutePicker(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder) {
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>();
for (int index = 0; index < 24; index++) {
int minute = index * widget.minuteInterval;
DateTime date = new DateTime(
initialDateTime.Day + selectedDayFromInitial,
bool isInvalidMinute = (widget.minimumDate?.CompareTo(date) < 0 )
|| (widget.maximumDate?.CompareTo(date) > 0);
widgets.Add( itemPositioningBuilder(
new Text(
//semanticsLabel: localizations.datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabel(minute),
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(context, isValid: !isInvalidMinute)
return new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) =>{
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
isMinutePickerScrolling = true;
} else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
isMinutePickerScrolling = false;
return false; },
child: new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: minuteController,
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
useMagnifier: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kUseMagnifier,
magnification: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kMagnification,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: _onSelectedItemChange,
children: widgets,
looping: true)
Widget _buildAmPmPicker(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder) {
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>();
for(int index = 0; index < 2; index ++ ){
new Text(
index == 0
? localizations.anteMeridiemAbbreviation
: localizations.postMeridiemAbbreviation,
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(context, isValid: _isValidHour(index, _selectedHourIndex))
return new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) =>{
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
isMeridiemPickerScrolling = true;
} else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
isMeridiemPickerScrolling = false;
return false;
child: new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: meridiemController,
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
useMagnifier: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kUseMagnifier,
magnification: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kMagnification,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) =>{
selectedAmPm = index;
D.assert(selectedAmPm == 0 || selectedAmPm == 1);
children: widgets
void _pickerDidStopScrolling() {
setState(()=> { });
if (isScrolling)
DateTime selectedDate = selectedDateTime;
bool minCheck = widget.minimumDate?.CompareTo(selectedDate) < 0 ;
bool maxCheck = widget.maximumDate?.CompareTo(selectedDate) > 0 ;
if (minCheck || maxCheck) {
// We have minCheck === !maxCheck.
DateTime targetDate = (DateTime)(minCheck == true ? widget.minimumDate : widget.maximumDate) ;
_scrollToDate(targetDate, selectedDate);
void _scrollToDate(DateTime newDate, DateTime fromDate) {
D.assert(newDate != null);
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((TimeSpan _)=> {
if (fromDate.Year != newDate.Year || fromDate.Month != newDate.Month || fromDate.Day != newDate.Day) {
CupertinoDatePickerUtils._animateColumnControllerToItem(dateController, selectedDayFromInitial);
if (fromDate.Hour != newDate.Hour) {
bool needsMeridiemChange = !widget.use24hFormat
&& fromDate.Hour / 12 != newDate.Hour / 12;
// In AM/PM mode, the pickers should not scroll all the way to the other hour region.
if (needsMeridiemChange) {
CupertinoDatePickerUtils._animateColumnControllerToItem(meridiemController, 1 - meridiemController.selectedItem);
// Keep the target item index in the current 12-h region.
int newItem = ((int)(hourController.selectedItem / 12)) * 12
+ (hourController.selectedItem + newDate.Hour - fromDate.Hour) % 12;
CupertinoDatePickerUtils._animateColumnControllerToItem(hourController, newItem);
} else {
hourController.selectedItem + (int)newDate.Hour - (int)fromDate.Hour
if (fromDate.Minute != newDate.Minute) {
CupertinoDatePickerUtils._animateColumnControllerToItem(minuteController, newDate.Minute);
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
List<float> columnWidths = new List<float>(){
List<_ColumnBuilder> pickerBuilders = new List<_ColumnBuilder>(){
if (!widget.use24hFormat) {
if (localizations.datePickerDateTimeOrder == DatePickerDateTimeOrder.date_time_dayPeriod
|| localizations.datePickerDateTimeOrder == DatePickerDateTimeOrder.time_dayPeriod_date) {
} else {
pickerBuilders.Insert(0, _buildAmPmPicker);
columnWidths.Insert(0, _getEstimatedColumnWidth(_PickerColumnType.dayPeriod));
if (widget.mode == CupertinoDatePickerMode.dateAndTime) {
if (localizations.datePickerDateTimeOrder == DatePickerDateTimeOrder.time_dayPeriod_date
|| localizations.datePickerDateTimeOrder == DatePickerDateTimeOrder.dayPeriod_time_date) {
} else {
pickerBuilders.Insert(0, _buildMediumDatePicker);
columnWidths.Insert(0, _getEstimatedColumnWidth(_PickerColumnType.date));
List<Widget> pickers = new List<Widget>();
for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.Count; i++) {
float offAxisFraction = 0.0f;
if (i == 0)
offAxisFraction = -_kMaximumOffAxisFraction * textDirectionFactor;
else if (i >= 2 || columnWidths.Count == 2)
offAxisFraction = _kMaximumOffAxisFraction * textDirectionFactor;
EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.only(right:CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDatePickerPadSize);
if (i == columnWidths.Count - 1)
padding = padding.flipped;
if (textDirectionFactor == -1)
padding = padding.flipped;
float width = columnWidths[i];
new LayoutId(
id: i,
child: pickerBuilders[i](
(BuildContext context1, Widget child) =>{
return new Container(
alignment: i == columnWidths.Count - 1
? alignCenterLeft
: alignCenterRight,
padding: padding,
child: new Container(
alignment: i == columnWidths.Count - 1 ? alignCenterLeft : alignCenterRight,
width: i == 0 || i == columnWidths.Count - 1
? (float?) null : (float)(width + CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDatePickerPadSize),
child: child
return new MediaQuery(
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0f),
child: DefaultTextStyle.merge(
child: new CustomMultiChildLayout(
layoutDelegate: new _DatePickerLayoutDelegate(
columnWidths: columnWidths,
textDirectionFactor: textDirectionFactor
children: pickers
class _CupertinoDatePickerDateState : State<CupertinoDatePicker> {
int textDirectionFactor;
CupertinoLocalizations localizations;
Alignment alignCenterLeft;
Alignment alignCenterRight;
int selectedDay;
int selectedMonth;
int selectedYear;
FixedExtentScrollController dayController;
FixedExtentScrollController monthController;
FixedExtentScrollController yearController;
bool isDayPickerScrolling = false;
bool isMonthPickerScrolling = false;
bool isYearPickerScrolling = false;
bool isScrolling {
get { return isDayPickerScrolling || isMonthPickerScrolling || isYearPickerScrolling; }
Dictionary<int, float> estimatedColumnWidths = new Dictionary<int, float>();
public override void initState() {
selectedDay = widget.initialDateTime.Day;
selectedMonth = widget.initialDateTime.Month;
selectedYear = widget.initialDateTime.Year;
dayController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedDay - 1);
monthController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedMonth - 1);
yearController = new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedYear);
void _handleSystemFontsChange() {
setState(() => {
// System fonts change might cause the text layout width to change.
public override void dispose() {
public override void didChangeDependencies() {
textDirectionFactor = Directionality.of(context) == TextDirection.ltr ? 1 : -1;
localizations = CupertinoLocalizations.of(context);
alignCenterLeft = textDirectionFactor == 1 ? Alignment.centerLeft : Alignment.centerRight;
alignCenterRight = textDirectionFactor == 1 ? Alignment.centerRight : Alignment.centerLeft;
void _refreshEstimatedColumnWidths() {
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.dayOfMonth] =
CupertinoDatePicker._getColumnWidth(_PickerColumnType.dayOfMonth, localizations, context);
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.month] =
CupertinoDatePicker._getColumnWidth(_PickerColumnType.month, localizations, context);
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.year] =
CupertinoDatePicker._getColumnWidth(_PickerColumnType.year, localizations, context);
DateTime _lastDayInMonth(int year, int month) {
//new DateTime(year, month + 1, 0);
var date = new DateTime(year,month,1);
date = date.AddMonths(1);
date = date.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));
return date;
Widget _buildDayPicker(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder) {
int daysInCurrentMonth = _lastDayInMonth(selectedYear, selectedMonth).Day;
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>();
for (int index = 0; index < 31; index++) {
int day = index + 1;
new Text(
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(context, isValid: day <= daysInCurrentMonth)
return new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) => {
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
isDayPickerScrolling = true;
else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
isDayPickerScrolling = false;
return false;
child: new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: dayController,
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
useMagnifier: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kUseMagnifier,
magnification: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kMagnification,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) => {
selectedDay = index + 1;
if (_isCurrentDateValid)
widget.onDateTimeChanged(new DateTime(selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay));
children: widgets,
looping: true
Widget _buildMonthPicker(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder) {
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>();
for (int index = 0; index < 12; index++) {
int month = index + 1;
bool isInvalidMonth = (widget.minimumDate?.Year == selectedYear && widget.minimumDate?.Month > month)
|| (widget.maximumDate?.Year == selectedYear && widget.maximumDate?.Month < month);
new Text(
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(context, isValid: !isInvalidMonth)
return new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) => {
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
isMonthPickerScrolling = true;
else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
isMonthPickerScrolling = false;
return false;
child: new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: monthController,
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
useMagnifier: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kUseMagnifier,
magnification: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kMagnification,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) => {
selectedMonth = index + 1;
if (_isCurrentDateValid)
widget.onDateTimeChanged(new DateTime(selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay));
children: widgets,
looping: true
Widget _buildYearPicker(float offAxisFraction, TransitionBuilder itemPositioningBuilder) {
return new NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) => {
if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
isYearPickerScrolling = true;
else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
isYearPickerScrolling = false;
return false;
child: new CupertinoPicker (
scrollController: yearController,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
useMagnifier: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kUseMagnifier,
magnification: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kMagnification,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) => {
selectedYear = index;
if (_isCurrentDateValid)
widget.onDateTimeChanged(new DateTime(selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay));
itemBuilder: (BuildContext _context, int year) => {
if (year < widget.minimumYear)
return null;
if (widget.maximumYear != null && year > widget.maximumYear)
return null;
bool isValidYear = (widget.minimumDate == null || widget.minimumDate?.Year <= year)
&& (widget.maximumDate == null || widget.maximumDate?.Year >= year);
return itemPositioningBuilder(
new Text(
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._themeTextStyle(_context, isValid: isValidYear))
bool _isCurrentDateValid {
// The current date selection represents a range [minSelectedData, maxSelectDate].
get {
DateTime minSelectedDate = new DateTime(selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay);
DateTime maxSelectedDate = new DateTime(selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay);
maxSelectedDate = maxSelectedDate.AddDays(1);
bool minCheck = widget.minimumDate == null ? true : widget.minimumDate?.CompareTo(maxSelectedDate) < 0;
bool maxCheck = widget.maximumDate == null ? false : widget.maximumDate?.CompareTo(minSelectedDate) > 0;
return minCheck && !maxCheck && minSelectedDate.Day == selectedDay;
void _pickerDidStopScrolling() {
setState(() => { });
if (isScrolling) {
DateTime minSelectDate = new DateTime(selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay);
DateTime maxSelectDate = new DateTime(selectedYear, selectedMonth, selectedDay + 1);
bool minCheck = widget.minimumDate == null ? true : widget.minimumDate?.CompareTo(maxSelectDate) < 0 ;
bool maxCheck = widget.maximumDate == null ? false :widget.maximumDate?.CompareTo(minSelectDate) > 0;
if (!minCheck || maxCheck) {
DateTime targetDate = minCheck ? (DateTime) widget.maximumDate : (DateTime) widget.minimumDate;
if (minSelectDate.Day != selectedDay) {
DateTime lastDay = _lastDayInMonth(selectedYear, selectedMonth);
void _scrollToDate(DateTime newDate) {
D.assert(newDate != null);
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((TimeSpan timespan) => {
if (selectedYear != newDate.Year) {
CupertinoDatePickerUtils._animateColumnControllerToItem(yearController, newDate.Year);
if (selectedMonth != newDate.Month) {
CupertinoDatePickerUtils._animateColumnControllerToItem(monthController, newDate.Month - 1);
if (selectedDay != newDate.Day) {
CupertinoDatePickerUtils._animateColumnControllerToItem(dayController, newDate.Day - 1);
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
List<_ColumnBuilder> pickerBuilders = new List<_ColumnBuilder>();
List<float> columnWidths = new List<float>();
switch (localizations.datePickerDateOrder) {
case DatePickerDateOrder.mdy:
pickerBuilders = new List<_ColumnBuilder> {_buildMonthPicker, _buildDayPicker, _buildYearPicker};
columnWidths = new List<float> {
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.month],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.dayOfMonth],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.year]
case DatePickerDateOrder.dmy:
pickerBuilders = new List<_ColumnBuilder> {_buildDayPicker, _buildMonthPicker, _buildYearPicker};
columnWidths = new List<float> {
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.dayOfMonth],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.month],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.year]
case DatePickerDateOrder.ymd:
pickerBuilders = new List<_ColumnBuilder> {_buildYearPicker, _buildMonthPicker, _buildDayPicker};
columnWidths = new List<float> {
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.year],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.month],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.dayOfMonth]
case DatePickerDateOrder.ydm:
pickerBuilders = new List<_ColumnBuilder> {_buildYearPicker, _buildDayPicker, _buildMonthPicker};
columnWidths = new List<float> {
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.year],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.dayOfMonth],
estimatedColumnWidths[(int) _PickerColumnType.month]
D.assert(false, () => "date order is not specified");
List<Widget> pickers = new List<Widget>();
for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.Count; i++) {
int index = i;
float offAxisFraction = (index - 1) * 0.3f * textDirectionFactor;
EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.only(right: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDatePickerPadSize);
if (textDirectionFactor == -1)
padding = EdgeInsets.only(left: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDatePickerPadSize);
Widget transitionBuilder(BuildContext _context, Widget child) {
var columnWidth = columnWidths.Count == 0 ? 0 : columnWidths[index];
var result = new Container(
alignment: index == (columnWidths.Count - 1)
? alignCenterLeft
: alignCenterRight,
padding: index == 0 ? null : padding,
child: new Container(
alignment: index == 0 ? alignCenterLeft : alignCenterRight,
width: columnWidth + CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDatePickerPadSize,
child: child
return result;
TransitionBuilder builder = transitionBuilder;
Widget childWidget = pickerBuilders[index](
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemPositioningBuilder : builder
pickers.Add(new LayoutId(
id: index,
child: childWidget
return new MediaQuery(
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0f),
child: DefaultTextStyle.merge(
style: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kDefaultPickerTextStyle,
child: new CustomMultiChildLayout(
layoutDelegate: new _DatePickerLayoutDelegate(
columnWidths: columnWidths,
textDirectionFactor: textDirectionFactor
children: pickers
public enum CupertinoTimerPickerMode {
public class CupertinoTimerPicker : StatefulWidget {
public CupertinoTimerPicker(
Key key = null,
CupertinoTimerPickerMode mode = cupertino.CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hms,
TimeSpan? initialTimerDuration = null,
int minuteInterval = 1,
int secondInterval = 1,
AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
Color backgroundColor = null,
ValueChanged<TimeSpan> onTimerDurationChanged = null
):base(key : key) {
initialTimerDuration = initialTimerDuration ?? TimeSpan.Zero;
alignment = alignment ?? Alignment.center;
D.assert(onTimerDurationChanged != null);
D.assert(initialTimerDuration >= TimeSpan.Zero);
D.assert(initialTimerDuration < new TimeSpan(1,0,0,0));
D.assert(minuteInterval > 0 && 60 % minuteInterval == 0);
D.assert(secondInterval > 0 && 60 % secondInterval == 0);
D.assert(alignment != null);
this.mode = mode;
this.initialTimerDuration = initialTimerDuration ?? TimeSpan.Zero;
this.minuteInterval = minuteInterval;
this.secondInterval = secondInterval;
this.alignment = alignment;
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
this.onTimerDurationChanged = onTimerDurationChanged;
public readonly CupertinoTimerPickerMode mode;
public readonly TimeSpan initialTimerDuration;
public readonly int minuteInterval;
public readonly int secondInterval;
public readonly ValueChanged<TimeSpan> onTimerDurationChanged;
public readonly AlignmentGeometry alignment;
public readonly Color backgroundColor;
public override State createState() {
return new _CupertinoTimerPickerState();
class _CupertinoTimerPickerState : State<CupertinoTimerPicker> {
CupertinoLocalizations localizations;
TextDirection textDirection;
int textDirectionFactor {
get {
switch (textDirection) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
return 1;
case TextDirection.rtl:
return -1;
return 1;
Alignment alignCenterLeft;
Alignment alignCenterRight;
int selectedHour;
int selectedMinute;
int selectedSecond;
int lastSelectedHour;
int lastSelectedMinute;
int lastSelectedSecond;
public readonly TextPainter textPainter = new TextPainter();
public readonly List<string> numbers = CupertinoDatePickerUtils.CreateNumbers();
float numberLabelWidth;
float numberLabelHeight;
float numberLabelBaseline;
public override void initState() {
selectedMinute = (int) widget.initialTimerDuration.TotalMinutes % 60;
if (widget.mode != CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms) {
selectedHour = (int) widget.initialTimerDuration.TotalHours;
if (widget.mode != CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm) {
selectedSecond = (int) widget.initialTimerDuration.TotalSeconds % 60;
void _handleSystemFontsChange() {
setState(() =>{
public override void dispose() {
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) {
oldWidget = (CupertinoTimerPicker) oldWidget;
((CupertinoTimerPicker) oldWidget).mode == widget.mode,()=>
"The CupertinoTimerPicker's mode cannot change once it's built"
public override void didChangeDependencies() {
textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
localizations = CupertinoLocalizations.of(context);
void _measureLabelMetrics() {
textPainter.textDirection = textDirection;
TextStyle textStyle = _textStyleFrom(context);
float maxWidth = float.NegativeInfinity;
string widestNumber = "";
foreach (string input in numbers) {
textPainter.text = new TextSpan(
text: input,
style: textStyle
if (textPainter.maxIntrinsicWidth > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = textPainter.maxIntrinsicWidth;
widestNumber = input;
textPainter.text = new TextSpan(
text: $"{widestNumber}{widestNumber}",
style: textStyle
numberLabelWidth = textPainter.maxIntrinsicWidth;
numberLabelHeight = textPainter.height;
numberLabelBaseline = textPainter.computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline.alphabetic);
Widget _buildLabel(string text, EdgeInsetsDirectional pickerPadding) {
EdgeInsetsDirectional padding = EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(
start: numberLabelWidth
+ CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerLabelPadSize
+ pickerPadding.start
return new IgnorePointer(
child: new Container(
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart.resolve(textDirection),
padding: padding.resolve(textDirection),
child: new SizedBox(
height: numberLabelHeight,
child: new Baseline(
baseline: numberLabelBaseline,
baselineType: TextBaseline.alphabetic,
child: new Text(
style: new TextStyle(
fontSize: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerLabelFontSize,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600
maxLines: 1,
softWrap: false
Widget _buildPickerNumberLabel(string text, EdgeInsetsDirectional padding) {
return new Container(
width: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth + padding.horizontal,
padding: padding.resolve(textDirection),
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart.resolve(textDirection),
child: new Container(
width: numberLabelWidth,
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd.resolve(textDirection),
child: new Text(text, softWrap: false, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.visible)
Widget _buildHourPicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) {
return new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedHour),
offAxisFraction: -0.5f * textDirectionFactor,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index)=> {
setState(() =>{
selectedHour = index;
new TimeSpan(
hours: selectedHour,
minutes: selectedMinute,
seconds: selectedSecond == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour));
children: CupertinoDatePickerUtils.listGenerate(24, (int index) => {
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1
? localizations.timerPickerHour(index) + localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(index)
: localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(index) + localizations.timerPickerHour(index);
return _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerHour(index), additionalPadding);
Widget _buildHourColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) {
return new Stack(
children: new List<Widget>{
new NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollEndNotification notification)=> {
setState(()=> { lastSelectedHour = selectedHour; });
return false;
child: _buildHourPicker(additionalPadding)
localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(lastSelectedHour == 0 ? selectedHour : lastSelectedHour),
Widget _buildMinutePicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) {
float offAxisFraction = 0f;
switch (widget.mode) {
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm:
offAxisFraction = 0.5f * textDirectionFactor;
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hms:
offAxisFraction = 0.0f;
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms:
offAxisFraction = -0.5f * textDirectionFactor;
return new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController(
initialItem: (int)selectedMinute / widget.minuteInterval
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
looping: true,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) => {
setState(() =>{
selectedMinute = index * widget.minuteInterval;
new TimeSpan(
hours: selectedHour == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour,
minutes: selectedMinute,
seconds: selectedSecond == 0 ? 0 : selectedSecond ));
children: CupertinoDatePickerUtils.listGenerate((int)(60 / widget.minuteInterval), (int index) => {
int minute = index * widget.minuteInterval;
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1
? localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute) + localizations.timerPickerMinuteLabel(minute)
: localizations.timerPickerMinuteLabel(minute) + localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute);
return _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute), additionalPadding);
Widget _buildMinuteColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) {
return new Stack(
children: new List<Widget>{
new NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollEndNotification notification)=> {
setState(() => { lastSelectedMinute = selectedMinute; });
return false;
child: _buildMinutePicker(additionalPadding)
localizations.timerPickerMinuteLabel(lastSelectedMinute == 0 ? selectedMinute : lastSelectedMinute),
Widget _buildSecondPicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) {
float offAxisFraction = 0.5f * textDirectionFactor;
return new CupertinoPicker(
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController(
initialItem: (int) selectedSecond / widget.secondInterval
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction,
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze,
looping: true,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index)=> {
setState(() => {
selectedSecond = index * widget.secondInterval;
new TimeSpan(
hours: selectedHour == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour,
minutes: selectedMinute,
seconds: selectedSecond));
children: CupertinoDatePickerUtils.listGenerate((int) (60 / widget.secondInterval), (int index)=> {
int second = index * widget.secondInterval;
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1
? localizations.timerPickerSecond(second) + localizations.timerPickerSecondLabel(second)
: localizations.timerPickerSecondLabel(second) + localizations.timerPickerSecond(second);
return _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerSecond(second), additionalPadding);
Widget _buildSecondColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) {
return new Stack(
children: new List<Widget>{
new NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollEndNotification notification)=> {
setState(() => { lastSelectedSecond = selectedSecond; });
return false;
child: _buildSecondPicker(additionalPadding)
localizations.timerPickerSecondLabel(lastSelectedSecond == 0 ? selectedSecond : lastSelectedSecond),
TextStyle _textStyleFrom(BuildContext context) {
return CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme
new TextStyle(
fontSize: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerNumberLabelFontSize
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
List<Widget> columns = new List<Widget>();
float paddingValue = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerWidth - 2 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth - 2 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding;
float totalWidth = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerWidth;
D.assert(paddingValue >= 0);
switch (widget.mode) {
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm:
// Pad the widget to make it as wide as `_kPickerWidth`.
columns = new List<Widget>{
_buildHourColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)),
_buildMinuteColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: paddingValue / 2)),
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms:
// Pad the widget to make it as wide as `_kPickerWidth`.
columns = new List<Widget>{
_buildMinuteColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)),
_buildSecondColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: paddingValue / 2)),
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hms:
float _paddingValue = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding * 2;
totalWidth = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth * 3 + 4 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding + _paddingValue;
columns = new List<Widget>{
_buildHourColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: _paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)),
_buildMinuteColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)),
_buildSecondColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: _paddingValue / 2)),
CupertinoThemeData themeData = CupertinoTheme.of(context);
return new MediaQuery(
// The native iOS picker's text scaling is fixed, so we will also fix it
// as well in our picker.
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0f),
child: new CupertinoTheme(
data: themeData.copyWith(
textTheme: themeData.textTheme.copyWith(
pickerTextStyle: _textStyleFrom(context)
child: new Align(
alignment: widget.alignment,
child: new Container(
color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.backgroundColor, context),
width: totalWidth,
height: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerHeight,
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: _textStyleFrom(context),
child: new Row(
columns.Select((Widget child) => {
var result = new Expanded(child: child);
return (Widget) result;