您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

298 行
10 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.InternalBridge;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
class TabStops {
int _tabWidth = int.MaxValue;
Font _font;
int _fontSize;
int _spaceAdvance;
const int kTabSpaceCount = 4;
List<int> _stops = new List<int>();
public void set(List<int> stops, int tabWidth) {
if (stops != null) {
this._tabWidth = tabWidth;
public void setFont(Font font, int size) {
if (this._font != font || this._fontSize != size) {
this._tabWidth = int.MaxValue;
this._font = font;
// Recompute the advance of space (' ') if font size changes
if (this._fontSize != size) {
this._fontSize = size;
this._font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(" ", this._fontSize);
this._font.getGlyphInfo(' ', out var glyphInfo, this._fontSize, UnityEngine.FontStyle.Normal);
this._spaceAdvance = glyphInfo.advance;
public float nextTab(float widthSoFar) {
for (int i = 0; i < this._stops.Count; i++) {
if (this._stops[i] > widthSoFar) {
return this._stops[i];
if (this._tabWidth == int.MaxValue) {
if (this._fontSize > 0) {
this._tabWidth = this._spaceAdvance * kTabSpaceCount;
if (this._tabWidth == 0) {
return widthSoFar;
return (Mathf.Floor(widthSoFar / this._tabWidth + 1) * this._tabWidth);
struct Candidate {
public int offset;
public int pre;
public float preBreak;
public float penalty;
public float postBreak;
public int preSpaceCount;
public int postSpaceCount;
class LineBreaker {
const float ScoreInfty = float.MaxValue;
const float ScoreDesperate = 1e10f;
public static LineBreaker instance {
get {
if(_instance == null)
_instance = new LineBreaker();
return _instance;
static LineBreaker _instance;
public static List<int> newLinePositions {
get {
if (_newLinePositions == null)
_newLinePositions = new List<int>();
return _newLinePositions;
static List<int> _newLinePositions;
TextBuff _textBuf;
List<float> _charWidths = new List<float>();
List<int> _breaks = new List<int>();
List<float> _widths = new List<float>();
WordBreaker _wordBreaker = new WordBreaker();
float _width = 0.0f;
float _preBreak;
float _lineWidth;
int _lastBreak;
int _bestBreak;
float _bestScore;
int _spaceCount;
TabStops _tabStops;
int mFirstTabIndex;
List<Candidate> _candidates = new List<Candidate>();
public int computeBreaks() {
int nCand = this._candidates.Count;
if (nCand > 0 && (nCand == 1 || this._lastBreak != nCand - 1)) {
var cand = this._candidates[this._candidates.Count - 1];
this._pushBreak(cand.offset, (cand.postBreak - this._preBreak));
return this._breaks.Count;
public List<int> getBreaks() {
return this._breaks;
public void resize(int size) {
if (this._charWidths.Count < size) {
NoAllocHelpersBridge<float>.ResizeList(this._charWidths, size);
public void setText(string text, int textOffset, int textLength) {
this._textBuf = new TextBuff(text, textOffset, textLength);
Candidate can = new Candidate {
offset = 0, postBreak = 0, preBreak = 0, postSpaceCount = 0, preSpaceCount = 0, pre = 0
this._lastBreak = 0;
this._bestBreak = 0;
this._bestScore = ScoreInfty;
this._preBreak = 0;
this.mFirstTabIndex = int.MaxValue;
this._spaceCount = 0;
public void setLineWidth(float lineWidth) {
this._lineWidth = lineWidth;
public void addStyleRun(TextStyle style, int start, int end) {
if (style != null) {
// Layout.measureText(this._width - this._preBreak, this._textBuf,
// start, end - start, style,
// this._charWidths, start, this._tabStops);
Layout.computeCharWidths(this._textBuf, start, end - start, style, this._charWidths, start);
int current = this._wordBreaker.current();
float postBreak = this._width;
int postSpaceCount = this._spaceCount;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
char c = this._textBuf.charAt(i);
if (c == '\t') {
this._width = this._preBreak + this._tabStops.nextTab(this._width - this._preBreak);
if (this.mFirstTabIndex == int.MaxValue) {
this.mFirstTabIndex = i;
else {
if (LayoutUtils.isWordSpace(c)) {
this._spaceCount += 1;
this._width += this._charWidths[i];
if (!LayoutUtils.isLineEndSpace(c)) {
postBreak = this._width;
postSpaceCount = this._spaceCount;
if (i + 1 == current) {
if (style != null || current == end || this._charWidths[current] > 0) {
this._addWordBreak(current, this._width, postBreak, this._spaceCount, postSpaceCount, 0);
current = this._wordBreaker.next();
public void finish() {
this._width = 0;
this._textBuf = default;
public List<float> getWidths() {
return this._widths;
public void setTabStops(TabStops tabStops) {
this._tabStops = tabStops;
void _addWordBreak(int offset, float preBreak, float postBreak, int preSpaceCount, int postSpaceCount,
float penalty) {
float width = this._candidates.last().preBreak;
if (postBreak - width > this._lineWidth) {
this._addCandidatesInsideWord(width, offset, postSpaceCount);
this._addCandidate(new Candidate {
offset = offset,
preBreak = preBreak,
postBreak = postBreak,
preSpaceCount = preSpaceCount,
postSpaceCount = postSpaceCount,
penalty = penalty
void _addCandidatesInsideWord(float width, int offset, int postSpaceCount) {
int i = this._candidates.last().offset;
width += this._charWidths[i++];
for (; i < offset; i++) {
float w = this._charWidths[i];
if (w > 0) {
this._addCandidate(new Candidate {
offset = i,
preBreak = width,
postBreak = width,
preSpaceCount = postSpaceCount,
postSpaceCount = postSpaceCount,
penalty = ScoreDesperate,
width += w;
void _addCandidate(Candidate cand) {
int candIndex = this._candidates.Count;
if (cand.postBreak - this._preBreak > this._lineWidth) {
if (this._bestBreak == this._lastBreak) {
this._bestBreak = candIndex;
while (this._lastBreak != candIndex && cand.postBreak - this._preBreak > this._lineWidth) {
for (int i = this._lastBreak + 1; i < candIndex; i++) {
float penalty = this._candidates[i].penalty;
if (penalty <= this._bestScore) {
this._bestBreak = i;
this._bestScore = penalty;
if (this._bestBreak == this._lastBreak) {
this._bestBreak = candIndex;
if (cand.penalty <= this._bestScore) {
this._bestBreak = candIndex;
this._bestScore = cand.penalty;
void _pushGreedyBreak() {
var bestCandidate = this._candidates[this._bestBreak];
this._pushBreak(bestCandidate.offset, (bestCandidate.postBreak - this._preBreak));
this._bestScore = ScoreInfty;
this._lastBreak = this._bestBreak;
this._preBreak = bestCandidate.preBreak;
void _pushBreak(int offset, float width) {