您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Unity.UIWidgets.core;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Stopwatch = Unity.UIWidgets.core.Stopwatch;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.async {
public static partial class _stream {
public delegate void _TimerCallback();
public abstract class Stream<T> {
public Stream() {
// const Stream._internal();
public static Stream<T> empty() => new _EmptyStream<T>();
// @Since("2.5")
public static Stream<T> value(T value) {
var result = new _AsyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
return result.stream;
// @Since("2.5")
public static Stream<T> error(object error, string stackTrace = null) {
// ArgumentError.checkNotNull(error, "error");
var result = new _AsyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
result._addError(error, stackTrace ?? AsyncError.defaultStackTrace(error));
return result.stream;
public static Stream<T> fromFuture(Future<T> future) {
// Use the controller's buffering to fill in the value even before
// the stream has a listener. For a single value, it's not worth it
// to wait for a listener before doing the `then` on the future.
_StreamController<T> controller =
new _SyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
future.then((value) => {
controller._add((T) value);
}, onError: (error) => {
controller._addError(error, null);
return FutureOr.nil;
return controller.stream;
public static Stream<T> fromFutures(IEnumerable<Future<T>> futures) {
_StreamController<T> controller =
new _SyncStreamController<T>(null, null, null, null);
int count = 0;
// Declare these as variables holding closures instead of as
// function declarations.
// This avoids creating a new closure from the functions for each future.
var onValue = new Action<object>((object value) => {
if (!controller.isClosed) {
controller._add((T) value);
if (--count == 0) controller._closeUnchecked();
var onError = new Func<Exception, FutureOr>((error) => {
if (!controller.isClosed) {
controller._addError(error, null);
if (--count == 0) controller._closeUnchecked();
return FutureOr.nil;
// The futures are already running, so start listening to them immediately
// (instead of waiting for the stream to be listened on).
// If we wait, we might not catch errors in the futures in time.
foreach (var future in futures) {
future.then(onValue, onError: onError);
// Use schedule microtask since controller is sync.
if (count == 0) async_.scheduleMicrotask(controller.close);
return controller.stream;
public static Stream<T> fromIterable(IEnumerable<T> elements) {
return new _GeneratedStreamImpl<T>(
() => (_PendingEvents<T>) new _IterablePendingEvents<T>(elements));
public static Stream<T> periodic(TimeSpan period,
Func<int, T> computation = null) {
Timer timer = default;
int computationCount = 0;
StreamController<T> controller = null;
// Counts the time that the Stream was running (and not paused).
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
Action sendEvent = () => {
T data = default;
if (computation != null) {
try {
data = computation(computationCount++);
catch (Exception e) {
controller.addError(e, e.StackTrace);
Action startPeriodicTimer = () => {
D.assert(timer == null);
timer = Timer.periodic(period, (object timer1) => {
return null;
// the original code new an abstract class
controller = StreamController<T>.create(
sync: true,
onListen: () => {
onPause: () => {
timer = null;
onResume: () => {
D.assert(timer == null);
TimeSpan elapsed = watch.elapsed;
timer = Timer.create(period - elapsed, () => {
timer = null;
onCancel: () => {
if (timer != null) timer.cancel();
timer = null;
return Future._nullFuture;
return controller.stream;
public static Stream<T> eventTransformed(
Stream<T> source, _async._SinkMapper<T, T> mapSink) {
return new _BoundSinkStream<T, T>(source, mapSink);
static Stream<U> castFrom<S, U>(Stream<S> source) =>
new CastStream<S, U>(source);
public virtual bool isBroadcast {
get { return false; }
public virtual Stream<T> asBroadcastStream(
Action<StreamSubscription<T>> onListen = null,
Action<StreamSubscription<T>> onCancel = null) {
return new _AsBroadcastStream<T>(this, onListen, onCancel);
public abstract StreamSubscription<T> listen(
Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError = null, Action onDone = null, bool cancelOnError = false);
public Stream<T> where(Func<T, bool> test) {
return new _WhereStream<T>(this, test);
public Stream<S> map<S>(Func<T, S> convert) {
return new _MapStream<T, S>(this, convert);
public Stream<E> asyncMap<E>(Func<T, FutureOr> convert) {
_StreamControllerBase<E> controller = null;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
void onListen() {
var add = new Action<E>(controller.add);
D.assert(controller is _StreamController<E> ||
controller is _BroadcastStreamController<E>);
var addError = new Action<object, string>(controller._addError);
subscription = listen((T evt) => {
FutureOr newValue;
try {
newValue = convert(evt);
catch (Exception e) {
controller.addError(e, e.StackTrace);
if (newValue.f is Future<E> newFuture) {
// siyao: this if different from dart
.then(d => add((E) d), onError: (e) => {
addError(e, e.StackTrace);
return FutureOr.nil;
else {
// Siyao: This works as if this is csharpt
controller.add((E) newValue.v);
}, onError: addError, onDone: () => controller.close());
if (isBroadcast) {
controller = (_StreamControllerBase<E>) StreamController<E>.broadcast(
onListen: () => onListen(),
onCancel: () => { subscription.cancel(); },
sync: true);
else {
controller = (_StreamControllerBase<E>) StreamController<E>.create(
onListen: onListen,
onPause: () => { subscription.pause(); },
onResume: () => { subscription.resume(); },
onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(),
sync: true);
return controller.stream;
Stream<E> asyncExpand<E>(Func<T, Stream<E>> convert) {
_StreamControllerBase<E> controller = null;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
void onListen() {
D.assert(controller is _StreamController<E> ||
controller is _BroadcastStreamController<E>);
subscription = listen((T evt) => {
Stream<E> newStream;
try {
newStream = convert(evt);
catch (Exception e) {
controller.addError(e, e.StackTrace);
if (newStream != null) {
onError: controller._addError, // Avoid Zone error replacement.
onDone: () => controller.close());
if (isBroadcast) {
controller = (_StreamControllerBase<E>) StreamController<E>.broadcast(
onListen: () => onListen(),
onCancel: () => { subscription.cancel(); },
sync: true);
else {
controller = (_StreamControllerBase<E>) StreamController<E>.create(
onListen: () => onListen(),
onPause: () => { subscription.pause(); },
onResume: () => { subscription.resume(); },
onCancel: () => subscription.cancel(),
sync: true);
return controller.stream;
Stream<T> handleError(ZoneBinaryCallback onError, _stream._ErrorTest test = null) {
return new _HandleErrorStream<T>(this, onError, test);
Stream<S> expand<S>(_stream._Transformation<T, IEnumerable<S>> convert) {
return new _ExpandStream<T, S>(this, convert);
Future pipe(StreamConsumer<T> streamConsumer) {
return streamConsumer.addStream(this).then((_) => streamConsumer.close(), (_) => FutureOr.nil);
public Stream<S> transform<S>(StreamTransformer<T, S> streamTransformer) {
return streamTransformer.bind(this);
Future<T> reduce(Func<T, T, T> combine) {
_Future result = new _Future();
bool seenFirst = false;
T value = default;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T element) => {
if (seenFirst) {
_stream._runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (T newValue) => { value = newValue; },
onError: (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result)(e));
else {
value = element;
seenFirst = true;
onError: (e, s) => result._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
if (!seenFirst) {
try {
// Throw and recatch, instead of just doing
// _completeWithErrorCallback, e, theError, StackTrace.current),
// to ensure that the stackTrace is set on the error.
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
catch (Exception e) {
async_._completeWithErrorCallback(result, e);
else {
// TODO: need check
cancelOnError: true);
return result.to<T>();
Future<S> fold<S>(S initialValue, Func<S, T, S> combine) {
_Future result = new _Future();
S value = initialValue;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T element) => {
_stream._runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (S newValue) => { value = newValue; },
e => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result)(e));
onError: (e, s) => result._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { result._complete(FutureOr.value(value)); },
cancelOnError: true);
return result.to<S>();
Future<string> join(string separator = "") {
_Future result = new _Future();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
bool first = true;
subscription = listen(
(T element) => {
if (!first) {
first = false;
try {
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, result, e);
onError: (e, _) => result._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { result._complete(buffer.ToString()); },
cancelOnError: true);
return result.to<string>();
Future<bool> contains(object needle) {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T element) => {
_stream._runUserCode(() => (Equals(element, needle)), (bool isMatch) => {
if (isMatch) {
_stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true);
}, (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(e));
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { future._complete(false); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<bool>();
public Future forEach(Action<T> action) {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T element) => {
// TODO(floitsch): the type should be 'void' and inferred.
_stream._runUserCode<object>(() => {
return default;
}, (_) => { },
(e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(e));
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { future._complete(FutureOr.nil); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future;
Future<bool> every(Func<T, bool> test) {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T element) => {
_stream._runUserCode(() => test(element), (bool isMatch) => {
if (!isMatch) {
_stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false);
}, ex => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(ex));
onError: (ex, s) => future._completeError((Exception) ex),
onDone: () => { future._complete(true); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<bool>();
Future<bool> any(Func<T, bool> test) {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T element) => {
_stream._runUserCode(() => test(element), (bool isMatch) => {
if (isMatch) {
_stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true);
}, (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(e));
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { future._complete(false); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<bool>();
Future<int> length {
get {
_Future future = new _Future();
int count = 0;
(_) => { count++; },
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { future._complete(count); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<int>();
Future<bool> isEmpty {
get {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(_) => { _stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false); },
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { future._complete(true); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<bool>();
public virtual Stream<R> cast<R>() => Stream<T>.castFrom<T, R>(this);
public Future<List<T>> toList() {
List<T> result = new List<T>();
_Future future = new _Future();
(T data) => { result.Add(data); },
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { future._complete(FutureOr.value(result)); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<List<T>>();
public Future<HashSet<T>> toSet() {
HashSet<T> result = new HashSet<T>();
_Future future = new _Future();
(T data) => { result.Add(data); },
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => { future._complete(FutureOr.value(result)); },
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<HashSet<T>>();
Future<E> drain<E>(E futureValue) =>
listen(null, cancelOnError: true).asFuture<E>(futureValue);
public Stream<T> take(int count) {
return new _TakeStream<T>(this, count);
Stream<T> takeWhile(Func<T, bool> test) {
return new _TakeWhileStream<T>(this, d => test(d));
Stream<T> skip(int count) {
return new _SkipStream<T>(this, count);
Stream<T> skipWhile(Func<T, bool> test) {
return new _SkipWhileStream<T>(this, d => test(d));
public Stream<T> distinct(Func<T, T, bool> equals) {
return new _DistinctStream<T>(this, (d1, d2) => equals(d1, d2));
Future<T> first {
get {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T value) => { _stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value); },
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
try {
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
catch (Exception e) {
async_._completeWithErrorCallback(future, e);
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<T>();
Future<T> last {
get {
_Future future = new _Future();
T result = default;
bool foundResult = false;
(T value) => {
foundResult = true;
result = value;
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
if (foundResult) {
try {
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
catch (Exception e) {
async_._completeWithErrorCallback(future, e);
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<T>();
Future<T> single {
get {
_Future future = new _Future();
T result = default;
bool foundResult = false;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T value) => {
if (foundResult) {
// This is the second element we get.
try {
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.tooMany()");
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, future, e);
foundResult = true;
result = value;
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
if (foundResult) {
try {
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
catch (Exception e) {
async_._completeWithErrorCallback(future, e);
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<T>();
Future<T> firstWhere(Func<T, bool> test, Func<T> orElse = null) {
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T value) => {
_stream._runUserCode(() => test(value), (bool isMatch) => {
if (isMatch) {
_stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value);
}, (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(e));
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
if (orElse != null) {
_stream._runUserCode(orElse, v => future._complete(FutureOr.value(v)), future._completeError);
try {
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
catch (Exception e) {
async_._completeWithErrorCallback(future, e);
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<T>();
Future<T> lastWhere(Func<T, bool> test, Func<T> orElse = null) {
_Future future = new _Future();
T result = default;
bool foundResult = false;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T value) => {
_stream._runUserCode(() => true == test(value), (bool isMatch) => {
if (isMatch) {
foundResult = true;
result = value;
}, (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(e));
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
if (foundResult) {
if (orElse != null) {
_stream._runUserCode(orElse, v => future._complete(FutureOr.value(v)), future._completeError);
try {
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
catch (Exception e) {
async_._completeWithErrorCallback(future, e);
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<T>();
Future<T> singleWhere(Func<T, bool> test, Func<T> orElse = null) {
_Future future = new _Future();
T result = default;
bool foundResult = false;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
subscription = listen(
(T value) => {
_stream._runUserCode(() => true == test(value), (bool isMatch) => {
if (isMatch) {
if (foundResult) {
try {
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.tooMany()");
catch (Exception e) {
_stream._cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, future, e);
foundResult = true;
result = value;
}, (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(e));
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
if (foundResult) {
try {
if (orElse != null) {
_stream._runUserCode(orElse, v => future._complete(FutureOr.value(v)),
throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
catch (Exception e) {
async_._completeWithErrorCallback(future, e);
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<T>();
Future<T> elementAt(int index) {
// ArgumentError.checkNotNull(index, "index");
// RangeError.checkNotNegative(index, "index");
_Future future = new _Future();
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
int elementIndex = 0;
subscription = listen(
(T value) => {
if (index == elementIndex) {
_stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value);
elementIndex += 1;
onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception) e),
onDone: () => {
new Exception($"exception {index} null, {elementIndex}")
// new RangeError.index(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex)
cancelOnError: true);
return future.to<T>();
public Stream<T> timeout(TimeSpan timeLimit, Action<EventSink<T>> onTimeout) {
_StreamControllerBase<T> controller = null;
// The following variables are set on listen.
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = null;
Timer timer = null;
Zone zone = null;
_stream._TimerCallback timeout = null;
Action<T> onData = (T evt) => {
timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, () => {
return default;
// It might close the stream and cancel timer, so create recuring Timer
// before calling into add();
// issue: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/37565
Action<object, string> onError = (object error, string stack) => {
D.assert(controller is _StreamController<T> ||
controller is _BroadcastStreamController<T>);
Exception e = error as Exception;
controller._addError(e, e.StackTrace); // Avoid Zone error replacement.
timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, () => {
return default;
Action onDone = () => {
Action onListen = () => {
// This is the onListen callback for of controller.
// It runs in the same zone that the subscription was created in.
// Use that zone for creating timers and running the onTimeout
// callback.
zone = Zone.current;
if (onTimeout == null) {
timeout = () => {
new TimeoutException("No stream event", timeLimit), null);
else {
// TODO(floitsch): the return type should be 'void', and the type
// should be inferred.
var registeredOnTimeout =
zone.registerUnaryCallback((o) => {
onTimeout((EventSink<T>) o);
return default;
var wrapper = new _ControllerEventSinkWrapper<T>(null);
timeout = () => {
wrapper._sink = controller; // Only valid during call.
zone.runUnaryGuarded(registeredOnTimeout, wrapper);
wrapper._sink = null;
subscription = listen(onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone);
timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, () => {
return default;
Future onCancel() {
Future result = subscription.cancel();
subscription = null;
return result;
controller = isBroadcast
? (_StreamControllerBase<T>) new _SyncBroadcastStreamController<T>(() => onListen(), () => onCancel())
: new _SyncStreamController<T>(() => onListen(), () => {
// Don't null the timer, onCancel may call cancel again.
}, () => {
timer = zone.createTimer(timeLimit, () => {
return default;
}, onCancel);
return controller.stream;
public abstract class StreamSubscription<T> {
public abstract Future cancel();
public abstract void onData(Action<T> handleData);
public abstract void onError(Action<object, string> action);
public abstract void onDone(Action handleDone);
public abstract void pause(Future resumeSignal = null);
public abstract void resume();
public virtual bool isPaused { get; }
public abstract Future<E> asFuture<E>(E futureValue);
public abstract class EventSink<T> : Sink<T> {
// public abstract void add(T evt);
public abstract void addError(object error, string stackTrace);
// void close();
// /** [Stream] wrapper that only exposes the [Stream] interface. */
public class StreamView<T> : Stream<T> {
readonly Stream<T> _stream;
public StreamView(Stream<T> stream) : base() {
_stream = stream;
public override bool isBroadcast {
get { return _stream.isBroadcast; }
public override Stream<T> asBroadcastStream(Action<StreamSubscription<T>> onListen = null,
Action<StreamSubscription<T>> onCancel = null)
_stream.asBroadcastStream(onListen: onListen, onCancel: onCancel);
public override StreamSubscription<T> listen(Action<T> onData, Action<object, string> onError = null,
Action onDone = null, bool cancelOnError = false) {
return _stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
public interface StreamConsumer<S> {
Future addStream(Stream<S> stream);
Future close();
public abstract class StreamSink<S> : EventSink<S>, StreamConsumer<S> {
// Future close();
public virtual Future done { get; }
public virtual Future addStream(Stream<S> stream) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
// public Future closeConsumer() {
// throw new System.NotImplementedException();
// }
public abstract class StreamTransformer<S, T> {
// c# does not support change constructor
public static StreamTransformer<U, V> create<U, V>(_async._SubscriptionTransformer<U, V> onListen)
return new _StreamSubscriptionTransformer<U, V>(onListen);
public static StreamTransformer<S, T> fromHandlers(
_stream._TransformDataHandler<S, T> handleData = null,
_stream._TransformErrorHandler<T> handleError = null,
_stream._TransformDoneHandler<T> handleDone = null) {
return new _StreamHandlerTransformer<S, T>(handleData, handleError, handleDone);
// @Since("2.1")
public static StreamTransformer<S, T> fromBind(Func<Stream<S>, Stream<T>> bind) {
return new _StreamBindTransformer<S, T>(bind);
public static StreamTransformer<TS, TT> castFrom<SS, ST, TS, TT>(
StreamTransformer<SS, ST> source) {
return new CastStreamTransformer<SS, ST, TS, TT>(source);
public abstract Stream<T> bind(Stream<S> stream);
public abstract StreamTransformer<RS, RT> cast<RS, RT>();
public abstract class StreamTransformerBase<S, T> : StreamTransformer<S, T> {
public StreamTransformerBase() {
public override StreamTransformer<RS, RT> cast<RS, RT>() =>
StreamTransformer<RS, RT>.castFrom<S, T, RS, RT>(this);
public abstract class StreamIterator<T> {
/** Create a [StreamIterator] on [stream]. */
public static StreamIterator<T> Create(Stream<T> stream)
// TODO(lrn): use redirecting factory constructor when type
// arguments are supported.
new _StreamIterator<T>(stream);
public abstract Future<bool> moveNext();
T current { get; }
public abstract Future cancel();
internal class _ControllerEventSinkWrapper<T> : EventSink<T> {
internal EventSink<T> _sink;
internal _ControllerEventSinkWrapper(EventSink<T> _sink) {
this._sink = _sink;
public override void add(T data) {
public override void addError(object error, string stackTrace) {
_sink.addError(error, stackTrace);
public override Future close() {
return Future._nullFuture;