主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
1904 行
74 KiB
1904 行
74 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.service;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color;
using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect;
using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle;
using Brightness = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Brightness;
using Transform = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Transform;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.cupertino {
class NavBarUtils {
public const float _kNavBarPersistentHeight = 44.0f;
public const float _kNavBarLargeTitleHeightExtension = 52.0f;
public const float _kNavBarShowLargeTitleThreshold = 10.0f;
public const float _kNavBarEdgePadding = 16.0f;
public const float _kNavBarBackButtonTapWidth = 50.0f;
public static readonly TimeSpan _kNavBarTitleFadeDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150);
public static readonly Color _kDefaultNavBarBorderColor = new Color(0x4C000000);
public static readonly Border _kDefaultNavBarBorder = new Border(
bottom: new BorderSide(
color: _kDefaultNavBarBorderColor,
width: 0.0f, // One physical pixel.
style: BorderStyle.solid
public static readonly _HeroTag _defaultHeroTag = new _HeroTag(null);
public static Widget _wrapWithBackground(
Border border = null,
Color backgroundColor = null,
Brightness? brightness = null,
Widget child = null,
bool updateSystemUiOverlay = true
) {
Widget result = child;
if (updateSystemUiOverlay) {
bool isDark = backgroundColor.computeLuminance() < 0.179;
Brightness newBrightness = brightness ?? (isDark ? Brightness.dark : Brightness.light);
SystemUiOverlayStyle overlayStyle;
switch (newBrightness) {
case Brightness.dark:
overlayStyle = SystemUiOverlayStyle.light;
case Brightness.light:
overlayStyle = SystemUiOverlayStyle.dark;
result = new AnnotatedRegion<SystemUiOverlayStyle>(
value: overlayStyle,
sized: true,
child: result
DecoratedBox childWithBackground = new DecoratedBox(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: border,
color: backgroundColor
child: result
if (backgroundColor.alpha == 0xFF) {
return childWithBackground;
return new ClipRect(
child: new BackdropFilter(
filter: ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 10.0f, sigmaY: 10.0f),
child: childWithBackground
public static Widget _wrapActiveColor(Color color, BuildContext context, Widget child) {
if (color == null) {
return child;
return new CupertinoTheme(
data: CupertinoTheme.of(context).copyWith(primaryColor: color),
child: child
public static bool _isTransitionable(BuildContext context) {
ModalRoute route = ModalRoute.of(context);
return route is PageRoute && !(route as PageRoute).fullscreenDialog;
public static HeroFlightShuttleBuilder _navBarHeroFlightShuttleBuilder = (
BuildContext flightContext,
Animation<float> animation,
HeroFlightDirection flightDirection,
BuildContext fromHeroContext,
BuildContext toHeroContext
) => {
D.assert(animation != null);
D.assert(fromHeroContext != null);
D.assert(toHeroContext != null);
D.assert(fromHeroContext.widget is Hero);
D.assert(toHeroContext.widget is Hero);
Hero fromHeroWidget = (Hero) fromHeroContext.widget;
Hero toHeroWidget = (Hero) toHeroContext.widget;
D.assert(fromHeroWidget.child is _TransitionableNavigationBar);
D.assert(toHeroWidget.child is _TransitionableNavigationBar);
_TransitionableNavigationBar fromNavBar = (_TransitionableNavigationBar) fromHeroWidget.child;
_TransitionableNavigationBar toNavBar = (_TransitionableNavigationBar) toHeroWidget.child;
D.assert(fromNavBar.componentsKeys != null);
D.assert(toNavBar.componentsKeys != null);
fromNavBar.componentsKeys.navBarBoxKey.currentContext.owner != null,
() => "The from nav bar to Hero must have been mounted in the previous frame"
toNavBar.componentsKeys.navBarBoxKey.currentContext.owner != null,
() => "The to nav bar to Hero must have been mounted in the previous frame"
switch (flightDirection) {
case HeroFlightDirection.push:
return new _NavigationBarTransition(
animation: animation,
bottomNavBar: fromNavBar,
topNavBar: toNavBar
case HeroFlightDirection.pop:
return new _NavigationBarTransition(
animation: animation,
bottomNavBar: toNavBar,
topNavBar: fromNavBar
return null;
public static CreateRectTween _linearTranslateWithLargestRectSizeTween = (Rect begin, Rect end) => {
Size largestSize = new Size(
Mathf.Max(begin.size.width, end.size.width),
Mathf.Max(begin.size.height, end.size.height)
return new RectTween(
begin: begin.topLeft & largestSize,
end: end.topLeft & largestSize
public static HeroPlaceholderBuilder _navBarHeroLaunchPadBuilder = (
BuildContext context,
Size heroSize,
Widget child
) => {
D.assert(child is _TransitionableNavigationBar);
return new Visibility(
maintainSize: true,
maintainAnimation: true,
maintainState: true,
visible: false,
child: child
class _HeroTag {
public _HeroTag(
NavigatorState navigator
) {
this.navigator = navigator;
public readonly NavigatorState navigator;
public override string ToString() {
return $"Default Hero tag for Cupertino navigation bars with navigator {navigator}";
public bool Equals(_HeroTag other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) {
return true;
return other is _HeroTag && navigator == other.navigator;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) {
return false;
return Equals((_HeroTag) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
return navigator.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(_HeroTag left, _HeroTag right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(_HeroTag left, _HeroTag right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public class CupertinoNavigationBar : ObstructingPreferredSizeWidget {
public CupertinoNavigationBar(
Key key = null,
Widget leading = null,
bool automaticallyImplyLeading = true,
bool automaticallyImplyMiddle = true,
string previousPageTitle = null,
Widget middle = null,
Widget trailing = null,
Border border = null,
Color backgroundColor = null,
Brightness? brightness = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
Color actionsForegroundColor = null,
bool transitionBetweenRoutes = true,
object heroTag = null
) : base(key: key) {
this.leading = leading;
this.automaticallyImplyLeading = automaticallyImplyLeading;
this.automaticallyImplyMiddle = automaticallyImplyMiddle;
this.previousPageTitle = previousPageTitle;
this.middle = middle;
this.trailing = trailing;
this.border = border ?? NavBarUtils._kDefaultNavBarBorder;
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
this.brightness = brightness;
this.padding = padding;
this.actionsForegroundColor = actionsForegroundColor;
this.transitionBetweenRoutes = transitionBetweenRoutes;
this.heroTag = heroTag ?? NavBarUtils._defaultHeroTag;
this.heroTag != null,
() => "heroTag cannot be null. Use transitionBetweenRoutes = false to " +
"disable Hero transition on this navigation bar."
!transitionBetweenRoutes || ReferenceEquals(this.heroTag, NavBarUtils._defaultHeroTag),
() => "Cannot specify a heroTag override if this navigation bar does not " +
"transition due to transitionBetweenRoutes = false."
public readonly Widget leading;
public readonly bool automaticallyImplyLeading;
public readonly bool automaticallyImplyMiddle;
public readonly string previousPageTitle;
public readonly Widget middle;
public readonly Widget trailing;
public readonly Brightness? brightness;
public readonly Color backgroundColor;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly Border border;
public readonly Color actionsForegroundColor;
public readonly bool transitionBetweenRoutes;
public readonly object heroTag;
public override bool shouldFullyObstruct(BuildContext context) {
Color backgroundColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(this.backgroundColor, context)
?? CupertinoTheme.of(context).barBackgroundColor;
return backgroundColor.alpha == 0xFF;
public override Size preferredSize {
get { return Size.fromHeight(NavBarUtils._kNavBarPersistentHeight); }
public override State createState() {
return new _CupertinoNavigationBarState();
class _CupertinoNavigationBarState : State<CupertinoNavigationBar> {
_NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys keys;
public override void initState() {
keys = new _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys();
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Color backgroundColor =
CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.backgroundColor, context) ?? CupertinoTheme.of(context).barBackgroundColor;
_NavigationBarStaticComponents components = new _NavigationBarStaticComponents(
keys: keys,
route: ModalRoute.of(context),
userLeading: widget.leading,
automaticallyImplyLeading: widget.automaticallyImplyLeading,
automaticallyImplyTitle: widget.automaticallyImplyMiddle,
previousPageTitle: widget.previousPageTitle,
userMiddle: widget.middle,
userTrailing: widget.trailing,
padding: widget.padding,
userLargeTitle: null,
large: false
Widget navBar = NavBarUtils._wrapWithBackground(
border: widget.border,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.textStyle,
child: new _PersistentNavigationBar(
components: components,
padding: widget.padding
Color actionsForegroundColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(
widget.actionsForegroundColor, // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
if (!widget.transitionBetweenRoutes || !NavBarUtils._isTransitionable(context)) {
return NavBarUtils._wrapActiveColor(actionsForegroundColor, context, navBar);
return NavBarUtils._wrapActiveColor(
new Builder(
builder: (BuildContext _context) => {
return new Hero(
tag: widget.heroTag as _HeroTag == NavBarUtils._defaultHeroTag
? new _HeroTag(Navigator.of(_context))
: widget.heroTag,
createRectTween: NavBarUtils._linearTranslateWithLargestRectSizeTween,
placeholderBuilder: NavBarUtils._navBarHeroLaunchPadBuilder,
flightShuttleBuilder: NavBarUtils._navBarHeroFlightShuttleBuilder,
transitionOnUserGestures: true,
child: new _TransitionableNavigationBar(
componentsKeys: keys,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
backButtonTextStyle: CupertinoTheme.of(_context).textTheme.navActionTextStyle,
titleTextStyle: CupertinoTheme.of(_context).textTheme.navTitleTextStyle,
largeTitleTextStyle: null,
border: widget.border,
hasUserMiddle: widget.middle != null,
largeExpanded: false,
child: navBar
public class CupertinoSliverNavigationBar : StatefulWidget {
public CupertinoSliverNavigationBar(
Key key = null,
Widget largeTitle = null,
Widget leading = null,
bool automaticallyImplyLeading = true,
bool automaticallyImplyTitle = true,
string previousPageTitle = null,
Widget middle = null,
Widget trailing = null,
Border border = null,
Color backgroundColor = null,
Brightness? brightness = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
Color actionsForegroundColor = null,
bool transitionBetweenRoutes = true,
object heroTag = null
) : base(key: key) {
automaticallyImplyTitle == true || largeTitle != null,
() => "No largeTitle has been provided but automaticallyImplyTitle is also " +
"false. Either provide a largeTitle or set automaticallyImplyTitle to " +
this.largeTitle = largeTitle;
this.leading = leading;
this.automaticallyImplyLeading = automaticallyImplyLeading;
this.automaticallyImplyTitle = automaticallyImplyTitle;
this.previousPageTitle = previousPageTitle;
this.middle = middle;
this.trailing = trailing;
this.border = border ?? NavBarUtils._kDefaultNavBarBorder;
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
this.brightness = brightness;
this.padding = padding;
this.actionsForegroundColor = actionsForegroundColor;
this.transitionBetweenRoutes = transitionBetweenRoutes;
this.heroTag = heroTag ?? NavBarUtils._defaultHeroTag;
public readonly Widget largeTitle;
public readonly Widget leading;
public readonly bool automaticallyImplyLeading;
public readonly bool automaticallyImplyTitle;
public readonly string previousPageTitle;
public readonly Widget middle;
public readonly Widget trailing;
public readonly Color backgroundColor;
public readonly Brightness? brightness;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly Border border;
public readonly Color actionsForegroundColor;
public readonly bool transitionBetweenRoutes;
public readonly object heroTag;
public bool opaque {
get { return backgroundColor.alpha == 0xFF; }
public override State createState() {
return new _CupertinoSliverNavigationBarState();
class _CupertinoSliverNavigationBarState : State<CupertinoSliverNavigationBar> {
_NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys keys;
public override void initState() {
keys = new _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys();
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Color actionsForegroundColor = CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.actionsForegroundColor, context) // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
?? CupertinoTheme.of(context).primaryColor;
_NavigationBarStaticComponents components = new _NavigationBarStaticComponents(
keys: keys,
route: ModalRoute.of(context),
userLeading: widget.leading,
automaticallyImplyLeading: widget.automaticallyImplyLeading,
automaticallyImplyTitle: widget.automaticallyImplyTitle,
previousPageTitle: widget.previousPageTitle,
userMiddle: widget.middle,
userTrailing: widget.trailing,
userLargeTitle: widget.largeTitle,
padding: widget.padding,
large: true
return NavBarUtils._wrapActiveColor(
new MediaQuery(
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1),
child: new SliverPersistentHeader(
pinned: true, // iOS navigation bars are always pinned.
del: new _LargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate(
keys: keys,
components: components,
userMiddle: widget.middle,
backgroundColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.backgroundColor, context) ?? CupertinoTheme.of(context).barBackgroundColor,
brightness: widget.brightness,
border: widget.border,
padding: widget.padding,
actionsForegroundColor: actionsForegroundColor,
transitionBetweenRoutes: widget.transitionBetweenRoutes,
heroTag: widget.heroTag,
persistentHeight: NavBarUtils._kNavBarPersistentHeight + MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top,
alwaysShowMiddle: widget.middle != null
class _LargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate : SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate {
public _LargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate(
_NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys keys = null,
_NavigationBarStaticComponents components = null,
Widget userMiddle = null,
Color backgroundColor = null,
Brightness? brightness = null,
Border border = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
Color actionsForegroundColor = null,
bool transitionBetweenRoutes = false,
object heroTag = null,
float persistentHeight = 0.0f,
bool alwaysShowMiddle =false
) {
this.keys = keys;
this.components = components;
this.userMiddle = userMiddle;
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
this.border = border;
this.brightness = brightness;
this.padding = padding;
this.actionsForegroundColor = actionsForegroundColor;
this.transitionBetweenRoutes = transitionBetweenRoutes;
this.heroTag = heroTag;
this.persistentHeight = persistentHeight;
this.alwaysShowMiddle = alwaysShowMiddle;
public readonly _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys keys;
public readonly _NavigationBarStaticComponents components;
public readonly Widget userMiddle;
public readonly Color backgroundColor;
public readonly Border border;
public readonly Brightness? brightness;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly Color actionsForegroundColor;
public readonly bool transitionBetweenRoutes;
public readonly object heroTag;
public readonly float persistentHeight;
public readonly bool alwaysShowMiddle;
public override float? minExtent {
get { return persistentHeight; }
public override float? maxExtent {
get { return persistentHeight + NavBarUtils._kNavBarLargeTitleHeightExtension; }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context, float shrinkOffset, bool overlapsContent) {
bool showLargeTitle =
shrinkOffset < maxExtent - minExtent - NavBarUtils._kNavBarShowLargeTitleThreshold;
_PersistentNavigationBar persistentNavigationBar =
new _PersistentNavigationBar(
components: components,
padding: padding,
middleVisible: alwaysShowMiddle ? null : (bool?) !showLargeTitle
Widget navBar = NavBarUtils._wrapWithBackground(
border: border,
backgroundColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(backgroundColor, context),
brightness: brightness,
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.textStyle,
child: new Stack(
fit: StackFit.expand,
children: new List<Widget> {
new Positioned(
top: persistentHeight,
left: 0.0f,
right: 0.0f,
bottom: 0.0f,
child: new ClipRect(
child: new OverflowBox(
minHeight: 0.0f,
maxHeight: float.PositiveInfinity,
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart,
child: new Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
left: NavBarUtils._kNavBarEdgePadding,
bottom: 8.0f
child: new SafeArea(
top: false,
bottom: false,
child: new AnimatedOpacity(
opacity: showLargeTitle ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
duration: NavBarUtils._kNavBarTitleFadeDuration,
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme
maxLines: 1,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
child: components.largeTitle
new Positioned(
left: 0.0f,
right: 0.0f,
top: 0.0f,
child: persistentNavigationBar
if (!transitionBetweenRoutes || !NavBarUtils._isTransitionable(context)) {
return navBar;
return new Hero(
tag: heroTag as _HeroTag == NavBarUtils._defaultHeroTag
? new _HeroTag(Navigator.of(context))
: heroTag,
createRectTween: NavBarUtils._linearTranslateWithLargestRectSizeTween,
flightShuttleBuilder: NavBarUtils._navBarHeroFlightShuttleBuilder,
placeholderBuilder: NavBarUtils._navBarHeroLaunchPadBuilder,
transitionOnUserGestures: true,
child: new _TransitionableNavigationBar(
componentsKeys: keys,
backgroundColor: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(backgroundColor, context),
backButtonTextStyle: CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.navActionTextStyle,
titleTextStyle: CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.navTitleTextStyle,
largeTitleTextStyle: CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.navLargeTitleTextStyle,
border: border,
hasUserMiddle: userMiddle != null,
largeExpanded: showLargeTitle,
child: navBar
public override bool shouldRebuild(SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate _oldDelegate) {
_LargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate oldDelegate = _oldDelegate as _LargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate;
return components != oldDelegate.components
|| userMiddle != oldDelegate.userMiddle
|| backgroundColor != oldDelegate.backgroundColor
|| border != oldDelegate.border
|| padding != oldDelegate.padding
|| actionsForegroundColor != oldDelegate.actionsForegroundColor
|| transitionBetweenRoutes != oldDelegate.transitionBetweenRoutes
|| persistentHeight != oldDelegate.persistentHeight
|| alwaysShowMiddle != oldDelegate.alwaysShowMiddle
|| heroTag != oldDelegate.heroTag;
class _PersistentNavigationBar : StatelessWidget {
public _PersistentNavigationBar(
Key key = null,
_NavigationBarStaticComponents components = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
bool? middleVisible = null
) : base(key: key) {
this.components = components;
this.padding = padding;
this.middleVisible = middleVisible ?? true;
public readonly _NavigationBarStaticComponents components;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly bool middleVisible;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget middle = components.middle;
if (middle != null) {
middle = new DefaultTextStyle(
style: CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.navTitleTextStyle,
child: middle
middle = middleVisible == null
? middle
: new AnimatedOpacity(
opacity: middleVisible ? 1.0f : 0.0f,
duration: NavBarUtils._kNavBarTitleFadeDuration,
child: middle
Widget leading = components.leading;
Widget backChevron = components.backChevron;
Widget backLabel = components.backLabel;
if (leading == null && backChevron != null && backLabel != null) {
leading = CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton._assemble(
Widget paddedToolbar = new NavigationToolbar(
leading: leading,
middle: middle,
trailing: components.trailing,
centerMiddle: true,
middleSpacing: 6.0f
if (padding != null) {
paddedToolbar = new Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
top: padding.top,
bottom: padding.bottom
child: paddedToolbar
return new SizedBox(
height: NavBarUtils._kNavBarPersistentHeight + MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top,
child: new SafeArea(
bottom: false,
child: paddedToolbar
class _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys {
public _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys() {
navBarBoxKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "Navigation bar render box");
leadingKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "Leading");
backChevronKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "Back chevron");
backLabelKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "Back label");
middleKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "Middle");
trailingKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "Trailing");
largeTitleKey = GlobalKey.key(debugLabel: "Large title");
public readonly GlobalKey navBarBoxKey;
public readonly GlobalKey leadingKey;
public readonly GlobalKey backChevronKey;
public readonly GlobalKey backLabelKey;
public readonly GlobalKey middleKey;
public readonly GlobalKey trailingKey;
public readonly GlobalKey largeTitleKey;
class _NavigationBarStaticComponents {
public _NavigationBarStaticComponents(
bool automaticallyImplyLeading,
bool automaticallyImplyTitle,
bool large,
_NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys keys = null,
ModalRoute route = null,
Widget userLeading = null,
string previousPageTitle = null,
Widget userMiddle = null,
Widget userTrailing = null,
Widget userLargeTitle = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null
) {
leading = createLeading(
leadingKey: keys.leadingKey,
userLeading: userLeading,
route: route,
automaticallyImplyLeading: automaticallyImplyLeading,
padding: padding
backChevron = createBackChevron(
backChevronKey: keys.backChevronKey,
userLeading: userLeading,
route: route,
automaticallyImplyLeading: automaticallyImplyLeading
backLabel = createBackLabel(
backLabelKey: keys.backLabelKey,
userLeading: userLeading,
route: route,
previousPageTitle: previousPageTitle,
automaticallyImplyLeading: automaticallyImplyLeading
middle = createMiddle(
middleKey: keys.middleKey,
userMiddle: userMiddle,
userLargeTitle: userLargeTitle,
route: route,
automaticallyImplyTitle: automaticallyImplyTitle,
large: large
trailing = createTrailing(
trailingKey: keys.trailingKey,
userTrailing: userTrailing,
padding: padding
largeTitle = createLargeTitle(
largeTitleKey: keys.largeTitleKey,
userLargeTitle: userLargeTitle,
route: route,
automaticImplyTitle: automaticallyImplyTitle,
large: large
static Widget _derivedTitle(
bool automaticallyImplyTitle ,
ModalRoute currentRoute = null
) {
if (automaticallyImplyTitle &&
currentRoute is CupertinoPageRoute route &&
((CupertinoPageRoute)route).title != null) {
return new Text(route.title);
return null;
public readonly KeyedSubtree leading;
static KeyedSubtree createLeading(
bool automaticallyImplyLeading,
GlobalKey leadingKey = null,
Widget userLeading = null,
ModalRoute route = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null
) {
Widget leadingContent = null;
if (userLeading != null) {
leadingContent = userLeading;
else if (
automaticallyImplyLeading &&
route is PageRoute pageRoute &&
route.canPop &&
) {
leadingContent = new CupertinoButton(
child: new Text("Close"),
padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
onPressed: () => { route.navigator.maybePop<object>(); }
if (leadingContent == null) {
return null;
return new KeyedSubtree(
key: leadingKey,
child: new Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
left: padding?.left ?? NavBarUtils._kNavBarEdgePadding
child: IconTheme.merge(
data: new IconThemeData(
size: 32.0f
child: leadingContent
public readonly KeyedSubtree backChevron;
static KeyedSubtree createBackChevron(
bool automaticallyImplyLeading,
GlobalKey backChevronKey = null,
Widget userLeading = null,
ModalRoute route = null
) {
if (
userLeading != null ||
!automaticallyImplyLeading ||
route == null ||
!route.canPop ||
(route is PageRoute pageRoute && pageRoute.fullscreenDialog)
) {
return null;
return new KeyedSubtree(key: backChevronKey, child: new _BackChevron());
public readonly KeyedSubtree backLabel;
static KeyedSubtree createBackLabel(
bool automaticallyImplyLeading,
GlobalKey backLabelKey = null,
Widget userLeading = null,
ModalRoute route = null,
string previousPageTitle = null
) {
if (
userLeading != null ||
!automaticallyImplyLeading ||
route == null ||
!route.canPop ||
(route is PageRoute pageRoute && pageRoute.fullscreenDialog)
) {
return null;
return new KeyedSubtree(
key: backLabelKey,
child: new _BackLabel(
specifiedPreviousTitle: previousPageTitle,
route: route
public readonly KeyedSubtree middle;
static KeyedSubtree createMiddle(
bool large,
bool automaticallyImplyTitle,
GlobalKey middleKey = null,
Widget userMiddle = null,
Widget userLargeTitle = null,
ModalRoute route = null
) {
Widget middleContent = userMiddle;
if (large) {
middleContent = middleContent ?? userLargeTitle;
middleContent = middleContent ?? _derivedTitle(automaticallyImplyTitle: automaticallyImplyTitle, currentRoute: route);
if (middleContent == null) {
return null;
return new KeyedSubtree(
key: middleKey,
child: middleContent
public readonly KeyedSubtree trailing;
static KeyedSubtree createTrailing(
GlobalKey trailingKey = null,
Widget userTrailing = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null
) {
if (userTrailing == null) {
return null;
return new KeyedSubtree(
key: trailingKey,
child: new Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
right: padding?.right ?? NavBarUtils._kNavBarEdgePadding
child: IconTheme.merge(
data: new IconThemeData(
size: 32.0f
child: userTrailing
public readonly KeyedSubtree largeTitle;
static KeyedSubtree createLargeTitle(
bool large,
bool automaticImplyTitle,
GlobalKey largeTitleKey = null,
Widget userLargeTitle = null,
ModalRoute route = null
) {
if (!large) {
return null;
Widget largeTitleContent = userLargeTitle ?? _derivedTitle(
automaticallyImplyTitle: automaticImplyTitle,
currentRoute: route);
largeTitleContent != null,
() => "largeTitle was not provided and there was no title from the route."
return new KeyedSubtree(
key: largeTitleKey,
child: largeTitleContent
public class CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton : StatelessWidget {
public CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton(
Key key = null,
Color color = null,
string previousPageTitle = null,
VoidCallback onPressed = null
):base(key:key) {
_backChevron = null;
_backLabel = null;
this.color = color;
this.previousPageTitle = previousPageTitle;
this.onPressed = onPressed;
internal CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton(
Widget backChevron,
Widget backLabel,
Color color = null,
string previousPageTitle = null,
VoidCallback onPressed = null
) {
_backChevron = backChevron;
_backLabel = backLabel;
this.color = color;
this.previousPageTitle = previousPageTitle;
this.onPressed = onPressed;
public static CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton _assemble(
Widget _backChevron,
Widget _backLabel
) {
return new CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton(
backLabel : _backLabel
public readonly Color color;
public readonly string previousPageTitle;
public readonly Widget _backChevron;
public readonly Widget _backLabel;
public readonly VoidCallback onPressed;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
ModalRoute currentRoute = ModalRoute.of(context);
if (onPressed == null) {
currentRoute?.canPop == true,
() => "CupertinoNavigationBarBackButton should only be used in routes that can be popped"
TextStyle actionTextStyle = CupertinoTheme.of(context).textTheme.navActionTextStyle;
if (color != null) {
actionTextStyle = actionTextStyle.copyWith(color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(color, context));
return new CupertinoButton(
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: actionTextStyle,
child: new ConstrainedBox(
constraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: NavBarUtils._kNavBarBackButtonTapWidth),
child: new Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
children: new List<Widget> {
new Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 8.0f)),
_backChevron ?? new _BackChevron(),
new Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 6.0f)),
new Flexible(
child: _backLabel ?? new _BackLabel(
specifiedPreviousTitle: previousPageTitle,
route: currentRoute
padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
onPressed: () => {
if (onPressed != null) {
} else {
class _BackChevron : StatelessWidget {
public _BackChevron(Key key = null) : base(key: key) { }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
TextStyle textStyle = DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style;
Widget iconWidget = Text.rich(
new TextSpan(
text:new string(new[] {(char) CupertinoIcons.back.codePoint}),
style: new TextStyle(
inherit: false,
color: textStyle.color,
fontSize: 34.0f,
fontFamily: CupertinoIcons.back.fontFamily
//package: CupertinoIcons.back.fontPackage
var matrix = Matrix4.identity();
matrix.scale(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
switch (textDirection) {
case TextDirection.rtl:
iconWidget = new Transform(
transform: matrix,
alignment: Alignment.center,
transformHitTests: false,
child: iconWidget
) as Widget;
case TextDirection.ltr:
return iconWidget;
class _BackLabel : StatelessWidget {
public _BackLabel(
Key key = null,
string specifiedPreviousTitle = null,
ModalRoute route = null
) : base(key: key) {
this.specifiedPreviousTitle = specifiedPreviousTitle;
this.route = route;
public readonly string specifiedPreviousTitle;
public readonly ModalRoute route;
Widget _buildPreviousTitleWidget(BuildContext context, string previousTitle, Widget child) {
if (previousTitle == null) {
return new SizedBox(height: 0.0f, width: 0.0f);
Text textWidget = new Text(
maxLines: 1,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis
if (previousTitle.Length > 12) {
textWidget = new Text("Back");
return new Align(
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
widthFactor: 1.0f,
child: textWidget
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (specifiedPreviousTitle != null) {
return _buildPreviousTitleWidget(context, specifiedPreviousTitle, null);
else if (route is CupertinoPageRoute && !route.isFirst) {
CupertinoPageRoute cupertinoRoute = route as CupertinoPageRoute;
return new ValueListenableBuilder<string>(
valueListenable: cupertinoRoute.previousTitle,
builder: _buildPreviousTitleWidget
else {
return new SizedBox(height: 0.0f, width: 0.0f);
class _TransitionableNavigationBar : StatelessWidget {
public _TransitionableNavigationBar(
_NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys componentsKeys = null,
Color backgroundColor = null,
TextStyle backButtonTextStyle = null,
TextStyle titleTextStyle = null,
TextStyle largeTitleTextStyle = null,
Border border = null,
bool? hasUserMiddle = null,
bool? largeExpanded = null,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: componentsKeys.navBarBoxKey) {
D.assert(largeExpanded != null);
D.assert(!largeExpanded.Value || largeTitleTextStyle != null);
this.componentsKeys = componentsKeys;
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
this.backButtonTextStyle = backButtonTextStyle;
this.titleTextStyle = titleTextStyle;
this.largeTitleTextStyle = largeTitleTextStyle;
this.border = border;
this.hasUserMiddle = hasUserMiddle;
this.largeExpanded = largeExpanded;
this.child = child;
public readonly _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys componentsKeys;
public readonly Color backgroundColor;
public readonly TextStyle backButtonTextStyle;
public readonly TextStyle titleTextStyle;
public readonly TextStyle largeTitleTextStyle;
public readonly Border border;
public readonly bool? hasUserMiddle;
public readonly bool? largeExpanded;
public readonly Widget child;
public RenderBox renderBox {
get {
RenderBox box = componentsKeys.navBarBoxKey.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
() => "_TransitionableNavigationBar.renderBox should be called when building " +
"hero flight shuttles when the from and the to nav bar boxes are already " +
"laid out and painted."
return box;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
D.assert(() => {
bool? inHero = null;
context.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) => {
if (ancestor is ComponentElement) {
ancestor.widget.GetType() != typeof(_NavigationBarTransition),
() => "_TransitionableNavigationBar should never re-appear inside " +
"_NavigationBarTransition. Keyed _TransitionableNavigationBar should " +
"only serve as anchor points in routes rather than appearing inside " +
"Hero flights themselves."
if (ancestor.widget.GetType() == typeof(Hero)) {
inHero = true;
inHero = inHero ?? false;
return true;
inHero == true,
() => "_TransitionableNavigationBar should only be added as the immediate " +
"child of Hero widgets."
return true;
return child;
class _NavigationBarTransition : StatelessWidget {
public _NavigationBarTransition(
Animation<float> animation = null,
_TransitionableNavigationBar topNavBar = null,
_TransitionableNavigationBar bottomNavBar = null
) {
this.animation = animation;
this.topNavBar = topNavBar;
this.bottomNavBar = bottomNavBar;
heightTween = new FloatTween(
begin: bottomNavBar.renderBox.size.height,
end: topNavBar.renderBox.size.height
backgroundTween = new ColorTween(
begin: bottomNavBar.backgroundColor,
end: topNavBar.backgroundColor
borderTween = new BorderTween(
begin: bottomNavBar.border,
end: topNavBar.border
public readonly Animation<float> animation;
public readonly _TransitionableNavigationBar topNavBar;
public readonly _TransitionableNavigationBar bottomNavBar;
public readonly FloatTween heightTween;
public readonly ColorTween backgroundTween;
public readonly BorderTween borderTween;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_NavigationBarComponentsTransition componentsTransition = new _NavigationBarComponentsTransition(
animation: animation,
bottomNavBar: bottomNavBar,
topNavBar: topNavBar,
directionality: Directionality.of(context)
List<Widget> children = new List<Widget> {
new AnimatedBuilder(
animation: animation,
builder: (BuildContext _context, Widget child) => {
return NavBarUtils._wrapWithBackground(
updateSystemUiOverlay: false,
backgroundColor: backgroundTween.evaluate(animation),
border: borderTween.evaluate(animation),
child: new SizedBox(
height: heightTween.evaluate(animation),
width: float.PositiveInfinity
children.RemoveAll((Widget child) => child == null);
return new SizedBox(
height: Mathf.Max(heightTween.begin, heightTween.end) + MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top,
width: float.PositiveInfinity,
child: new Stack(
children: children
class _NavigationBarComponentsTransition {
public _NavigationBarComponentsTransition(
Animation<float> animation = null,
_TransitionableNavigationBar bottomNavBar = null,
_TransitionableNavigationBar topNavBar = null,
TextDirection? directionality = null
) {
this.animation = animation;
bottomComponents = bottomNavBar.componentsKeys;
topComponents = topNavBar.componentsKeys;
bottomNavBarBox = bottomNavBar.renderBox;
topNavBarBox = topNavBar.renderBox;
bottomBackButtonTextStyle = bottomNavBar.backButtonTextStyle;
topBackButtonTextStyle = topNavBar.backButtonTextStyle;
bottomTitleTextStyle = bottomNavBar.titleTextStyle;
topTitleTextStyle = topNavBar.titleTextStyle;
bottomLargeTitleTextStyle = bottomNavBar.largeTitleTextStyle;
topLargeTitleTextStyle = topNavBar.largeTitleTextStyle;
bottomHasUserMiddle = bottomNavBar.hasUserMiddle;
topHasUserMiddle = topNavBar.hasUserMiddle;
bottomLargeExpanded = bottomNavBar.largeExpanded;
topLargeExpanded = topNavBar.largeExpanded;
transitionBox =
forwardDirection = directionality == TextDirection.ltr ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
public static Animatable<float> fadeOut = new FloatTween(
begin: 1.0f,
end: 0.0f
public static Animatable<float> fadeIn = new FloatTween(
begin: 0.0f,
end: 1.0f
public readonly Animation<float> animation;
public readonly _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys bottomComponents;
public readonly _NavigationBarStaticComponentsKeys topComponents;
public readonly RenderBox bottomNavBarBox;
public readonly RenderBox topNavBarBox;
public readonly TextStyle bottomBackButtonTextStyle;
public readonly TextStyle topBackButtonTextStyle;
public readonly TextStyle bottomTitleTextStyle;
public readonly TextStyle topTitleTextStyle;
public readonly TextStyle bottomLargeTitleTextStyle;
public readonly TextStyle topLargeTitleTextStyle;
public readonly bool? bottomHasUserMiddle;
public readonly bool? topHasUserMiddle;
public readonly bool? bottomLargeExpanded;
public readonly bool? topLargeExpanded;
public readonly Rect transitionBox;
public readonly float forwardDirection;
public RelativeRect positionInTransitionBox(
GlobalKey key = null,
RenderBox from = null
) {
RenderBox componentBox = key.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
return RelativeRect.fromRect(
componentBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero, ancestor: from) & componentBox.size, transitionBox
public RelativeRectTween slideFromLeadingEdge(
GlobalKey fromKey = null,
RenderBox fromNavBarBox = null,
GlobalKey toKey = null,
RenderBox toNavBarBox = null
) {
RelativeRect fromRect = positionInTransitionBox(fromKey, from: fromNavBarBox);
RenderBox fromBox = fromKey.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
RenderBox toBox = toKey.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
Rect toRect =
ancestor: toNavBarBox
- fromBox.size.height / 2 + toBox.size.height / 2
) & fromBox.size; // Keep the from render object"s size.
if (forwardDirection < 0) {
toRect = toRect.translate(-fromBox.size.width + toBox.size.width, 0.0f);
return new RelativeRectTween(
begin: fromRect,
end: RelativeRect.fromRect(toRect, transitionBox)
public Animation<float> fadeInFrom(float t, Curve curve = null) {
return animation.drive(fadeIn.chain(
new CurveTween(curve: new Interval(t, 1.0f, curve: curve ?? Curves.easeIn))
public Animation<float> fadeOutBy(float t, Curve curve = null) {
return animation.drive(fadeOut.chain(
new CurveTween(curve: new Interval(0.0f, t, curve: curve ?? Curves.easeOut))
public Widget bottomLeading {
get {
KeyedSubtree bottomLeading = bottomComponents.leadingKey.currentWidget as KeyedSubtree;
if (bottomLeading == null) {
return null;
return Positioned.fromRelativeRect(
rect: positionInTransitionBox(bottomComponents.leadingKey, from: bottomNavBarBox),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(0.4f),
child: bottomLeading.child
public Widget bottomBackChevron {
get {
KeyedSubtree bottomBackChevron = bottomComponents.backChevronKey.currentWidget as KeyedSubtree;
if (bottomBackChevron == null) {
return null;
return Positioned.fromRelativeRect(
rect: positionInTransitionBox(bottomComponents.backChevronKey, from: bottomNavBarBox),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(0.6f),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: bottomBackButtonTextStyle,
child: bottomBackChevron.child
public Widget bottomBackLabel {
get {
KeyedSubtree bottomBackLabel = bottomComponents.backLabelKey.currentWidget as KeyedSubtree;
if (bottomBackLabel == null) {
return null;
RelativeRect from =
positionInTransitionBox(bottomComponents.backLabelKey, from: bottomNavBarBox);
RelativeRectTween positionTween = new RelativeRectTween(
begin: from,
end: from.shift(
new Offset(forwardDirection * (-bottomNavBarBox.size.width / 2.0f),
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(positionTween),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(0.2f),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: bottomBackButtonTextStyle,
child: bottomBackLabel.child
public Widget bottomMiddle {
get {
KeyedSubtree bottomMiddle = bottomComponents.middleKey.currentWidget as KeyedSubtree;
KeyedSubtree topBackLabel = topComponents.backLabelKey.currentWidget as KeyedSubtree;
KeyedSubtree topLeading = topComponents.leadingKey.currentWidget as KeyedSubtree;
if (bottomHasUserMiddle != true && bottomLargeExpanded == true) {
return null;
if (bottomMiddle != null && topBackLabel != null) {
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(slideFromLeadingEdge(
fromKey: bottomComponents.middleKey,
fromNavBarBox: bottomNavBarBox,
toKey: topComponents.backLabelKey,
toNavBarBox: topNavBarBox
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(bottomHasUserMiddle == true ? 0.4f : 0.7f),
child: new Align(
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
child: new DefaultTextStyleTransition(
style: animation.drive(new TextStyleTween(
begin: bottomTitleTextStyle,
end: topBackButtonTextStyle
child: bottomMiddle.child
if (bottomMiddle != null && topLeading != null) {
return Positioned.fromRelativeRect(
rect: positionInTransitionBox(bottomComponents.middleKey, from: bottomNavBarBox),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(bottomHasUserMiddle == true ? 0.4f : 0.7f),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: bottomTitleTextStyle,
child: bottomMiddle.child
return null;
public Widget bottomLargeTitle {
get {
KeyedSubtree bottomLargeTitle = (KeyedSubtree) bottomComponents.largeTitleKey.currentWidget;
KeyedSubtree topBackLabel = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.backLabelKey.currentWidget;
KeyedSubtree topLeading = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.leadingKey.currentWidget;
if (bottomLargeTitle == null || bottomLargeExpanded != true) {
return null;
if (bottomLargeTitle != null && topBackLabel != null) {
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(slideFromLeadingEdge(
fromKey: bottomComponents.largeTitleKey,
fromNavBarBox: bottomNavBarBox,
toKey: topComponents.backLabelKey,
toNavBarBox: topNavBarBox
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(0.6f),
child: new Align(
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
child: new DefaultTextStyleTransition(
style: animation.drive(new TextStyleTween(
begin: bottomLargeTitleTextStyle,
end: topBackButtonTextStyle
maxLines: 1,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
child: bottomLargeTitle.child
if (bottomLargeTitle != null && topLeading != null) {
RelativeRect from = positionInTransitionBox(bottomComponents.largeTitleKey, from: bottomNavBarBox);
RelativeRectTween positionTween = new RelativeRectTween(
begin: from,
end: from.shift(
new Offset(forwardDirection * bottomNavBarBox.size.width / 4.0f,
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(positionTween),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(0.4f),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: bottomLargeTitleTextStyle,
child: bottomLargeTitle.child
return null;
public Widget bottomTrailing {
get {
KeyedSubtree bottomTrailing = (KeyedSubtree) bottomComponents.trailingKey.currentWidget;
if (bottomTrailing == null) {
return null;
return Positioned.fromRelativeRect(
rect: positionInTransitionBox(bottomComponents.trailingKey, from: bottomNavBarBox),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeOutBy(0.6f),
child: bottomTrailing.child
public Widget topLeading {
get {
KeyedSubtree topLeading = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.leadingKey.currentWidget;
if (topLeading == null) {
return null;
return Positioned.fromRelativeRect(
rect: positionInTransitionBox(topComponents.leadingKey, from: topNavBarBox),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeInFrom(0.6f),
child: topLeading.child
public Widget topBackChevron {
get {
KeyedSubtree topBackChevron = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.backChevronKey.currentWidget;
KeyedSubtree bottomBackChevron = (KeyedSubtree) bottomComponents.backChevronKey.currentWidget;
if (topBackChevron == null) {
return null;
RelativeRect to = positionInTransitionBox(topComponents.backChevronKey, from: topNavBarBox);
RelativeRect from = to;
if (bottomBackChevron == null) {
RenderBox topBackChevronBox =
(RenderBox) topComponents.backChevronKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
from = to.shift(
new Offset(forwardDirection * topBackChevronBox.size.width * 2.0f,
RelativeRectTween positionTween = new RelativeRectTween(
begin: from,
end: to
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(positionTween),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeInFrom(bottomBackChevron == null ? 0.7f : 0.4f),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: topBackButtonTextStyle,
child: topBackChevron.child
public Widget topBackLabel {
get {
KeyedSubtree bottomMiddle = (KeyedSubtree) bottomComponents.middleKey.currentWidget;
KeyedSubtree bottomLargeTitle = (KeyedSubtree) bottomComponents.largeTitleKey.currentWidget;
KeyedSubtree topBackLabel = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.backLabelKey.currentWidget;
if (topBackLabel == null) {
return null;
RenderAnimatedOpacity topBackLabelOpacity =
(RenderAnimatedOpacity) topComponents.backLabelKey.currentContext?.findAncestorRenderObjectOfType<RenderAnimatedOpacity>();
Animation<float> midClickOpacity = null;
if (topBackLabelOpacity != null && topBackLabelOpacity.opacity.value < 1.0f) {
midClickOpacity = animation.drive(new FloatTween(
begin: 0.0f,
end: topBackLabelOpacity.opacity.value
if (bottomLargeTitle != null &&
topBackLabel != null && bottomLargeExpanded.Value) {
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(slideFromLeadingEdge(
fromKey: bottomComponents.largeTitleKey,
fromNavBarBox: bottomNavBarBox,
toKey: topComponents.backLabelKey,
toNavBarBox: topNavBarBox
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: midClickOpacity ?? fadeInFrom(0.4f),
child: new DefaultTextStyleTransition(
style: animation.drive(new TextStyleTween(
begin: bottomLargeTitleTextStyle,
end: topBackButtonTextStyle
maxLines: 1,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
child: topBackLabel.child
if (bottomMiddle != null && topBackLabel != null) {
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(slideFromLeadingEdge(
fromKey: bottomComponents.middleKey,
fromNavBarBox: bottomNavBarBox,
toKey: topComponents.backLabelKey,
toNavBarBox: topNavBarBox
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: midClickOpacity ?? fadeInFrom(0.3f),
child: new DefaultTextStyleTransition(
style: animation.drive(new TextStyleTween(
begin: bottomTitleTextStyle,
end: topBackButtonTextStyle
child: topBackLabel.child
return null;
public Widget topMiddle {
get {
KeyedSubtree topMiddle = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.middleKey.currentWidget;
if (topMiddle == null) {
return null;
if (topHasUserMiddle != true && topLargeExpanded == true) {
return null;
RelativeRect to = positionInTransitionBox(topComponents.middleKey, from: topNavBarBox);
RelativeRectTween positionTween = new RelativeRectTween(
begin: to.shift(
new Offset(forwardDirection * topNavBarBox.size.width / 2.0f,
end: to
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(positionTween),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeInFrom(0.25f),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: topTitleTextStyle,
child: topMiddle.child
public Widget topTrailing {
get {
KeyedSubtree topTrailing = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.trailingKey.currentWidget;
if (topTrailing == null) {
return null;
return Positioned.fromRelativeRect(
rect: positionInTransitionBox(topComponents.trailingKey, from: topNavBarBox),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeInFrom(0.4f),
child: topTrailing.child
public Widget topLargeTitle {
get {
KeyedSubtree topLargeTitle = (KeyedSubtree) topComponents.largeTitleKey.currentWidget;
if (topLargeTitle == null || topLargeExpanded != true) {
return null;
RelativeRect to = positionInTransitionBox(topComponents.largeTitleKey, from: topNavBarBox);
RelativeRectTween positionTween = new RelativeRectTween(
begin: to.shift(
new Offset(forwardDirection * topNavBarBox.size.width,
end: to
return new PositionedTransition(
rect: animation.drive(positionTween),
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: fadeInFrom(0.3f),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: topLargeTitleTextStyle,
maxLines: 1,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
child: topLargeTitle.child