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487 行
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using System;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
static class MaterialProps {
static readonly int _srcBlend = Shader.PropertyToID("_SrcBlend");
static readonly int _dstBlend = Shader.PropertyToID("_DstBlend");
static readonly int _stencilComp = Shader.PropertyToID("_StencilComp");
public static void set(Material mat, BlendMode op) {
if (op == BlendMode.srcOver) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
else if (op == BlendMode.srcIn) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.DstAlpha);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
else if (op == BlendMode.srcOut) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusDstAlpha);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
else if (op == BlendMode.srcATop) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.DstAlpha);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
else if (op == BlendMode.dstOver) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusDstAlpha);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
else if (op == BlendMode.dstIn) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha);
else if (op == BlendMode.dstOut) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
else if (op == BlendMode.dstATop) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusDstAlpha);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha);
else if (op == BlendMode.plus) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
else if (op == BlendMode.src) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
else if (op == BlendMode.dst) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
else if (op == BlendMode.xor) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusDstAlpha);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
else if (op == BlendMode.clear) {
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
else {
Debug.LogWarning("Not supported BlendMode: " + op + ". Defaults to srcOver");
mat.SetInt(_srcBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
mat.SetInt(_dstBlend, (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
public static void set(Material mat, CompareFunction op) {
mat.SetFloat(_stencilComp, (int) op);
class MaterialByBlendMode {
public MaterialByBlendMode(Shader shader) {
this._shader = shader;
readonly Shader _shader;
readonly Material[] _materials = new Material[30];
public Material getMaterial(BlendMode op) {
var key = (int) op;
var mat = this._materials[key];
if (mat) {
return mat;
mat = new Material(this._shader) {hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave};
MaterialProps.set(mat, op);
this._materials[key] = mat;
return mat;
class MaterialByStencilComp {
public MaterialByStencilComp(Shader shader) {
this._shader = shader;
readonly Shader _shader;
readonly Material[] _materials = new Material[2];
public Material getMaterial(bool ignoreClip) {
var key = ignoreClip ? 1 : 0;
var mat = this._materials[key];
if (mat) {
return mat;
mat = new Material(this._shader) {hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave};
MaterialProps.set(mat, ignoreClip ? CompareFunction.Always : CompareFunction.Equal);
this._materials[key] = mat;
return mat;
class MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp {
public MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp(Shader shader) {
this._shader = shader;
readonly Shader _shader;
readonly Material[] _materials = new Material[30 * 2];
public Material getMaterial(BlendMode blend, bool ignoreClip) {
var key = (int) blend * 2 + (ignoreClip ? 1 : 0);
var mat = this._materials[key];
if (mat) {
return mat;
mat = new Material(this._shader) {hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave};
MaterialProps.set(mat, blend);
MaterialProps.set(mat, ignoreClip ? CompareFunction.Always : CompareFunction.Equal);
this._materials[key] = mat;
return mat;
static class CanvasShader {
static readonly MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp _convexFillMat;
static readonly MaterialByStencilComp _fill0Mat;
static readonly MaterialByBlendMode _fill1Mat;
static readonly MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp _stroke0Mat;
static readonly Material _stroke1Mat;
static readonly MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp _texMat;
static readonly Material _stencilMat;
static readonly Material _filterMat;
static CanvasShader() {
var convexFillShader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_convexFill");
if (convexFillShader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_convexFill not found");
var fill0Shader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_fill0");
if (fill0Shader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_fill0 not found");
var fill1Shader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_fill1");
if (fill1Shader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_fill1 not found");
var stroke0Shader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_stroke0");
if (stroke0Shader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_stroke0 not found");
var stroke1Shader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_stroke1");
if (stroke1Shader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_stroke1 not found");
var texShader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_tex");
if (texShader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_tex not found");
var stencilShader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_stencil");
if (stencilShader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_stencil not found");
var filterShader = Shader.Find("UIWidgets/canvas_filter");
if (filterShader == null) {
throw new Exception("UIWidgets/canvas_filter not found");
_convexFillMat = new MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp(convexFillShader);
_fill0Mat = new MaterialByStencilComp(fill0Shader);
_fill1Mat = new MaterialByBlendMode(fill1Shader);
_stroke0Mat = new MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp(stroke0Shader);
_stroke1Mat = new Material(stroke1Shader) {hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave};
_texMat = new MaterialByBlendModeStencilComp(texShader);
_stencilMat = new Material(stencilShader) {hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave};
_filterMat = new Material(filterShader) {hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave};
static Vector4 _colorToVector4(Color c) {
return new Vector4(
c.red / 255f,
c.green / 255f,
c.blue / 255f,
c.alpha / 255f
static Matrix3 _getShaderMatBase(PictureFlusher.State state, Matrix3 meshMatrix) {
if (state.matrix == meshMatrix) {
return Matrix3.I();
if (meshMatrix == null) {
return state.invMatrix;
return Matrix3.concat(state.invMatrix, meshMatrix);
static void _getShaderPassAndProps(
PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint, MeshMesh mesh, float alpha,
out int pass, out MaterialPropertyBlock props) {
Vector4 viewport = layer.viewport;
props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
props.SetVector("_viewport", viewport);
props.SetFloat("_alpha", alpha);
switch (paint.shader) {
case null:
pass = 0;
props.SetVector("_color", _colorToVector4(paint.color));
case _LinearGradient linear:
pass = 1;
props.SetMatrix("_shaderMat", linear.getGradientMat(
_getShaderMatBase(layer.currentState, mesh.matrix)).toMatrix4x4());
props.SetTexture("_shaderTex", linear.gradientTex.texture);
props.SetVector("_leftColor", _colorToVector4(linear.leftColor));
props.SetVector("_rightColor", _colorToVector4(linear.rightColor));
props.SetInt("_tileMode", (int) linear.tileMode);
case _RadialGradient radial:
pass = 2;
props.SetMatrix("_shaderMat", radial.getGradientMat(
_getShaderMatBase(layer.currentState, mesh.matrix)).toMatrix4x4());
props.SetTexture("_shaderTex", radial.gradientTex.texture);
props.SetVector("_leftColor", _colorToVector4(radial.leftColor));
props.SetVector("_rightColor", _colorToVector4(radial.rightColor));
props.SetInt("_tileMode", (int) radial.tileMode);
case _SweepGradient sweep:
pass = 3;
props.SetMatrix("_shaderMat", sweep.getGradientMat(
_getShaderMatBase(layer.currentState, mesh.matrix)).toMatrix4x4());
props.SetTexture("_shaderTex", sweep.gradientTex.texture);
props.SetVector("_leftColor", _colorToVector4(sweep.leftColor));
props.SetVector("_rightColor", _colorToVector4(sweep.rightColor));
props.SetInt("_tileMode", (int) sweep.tileMode);
props.SetFloat("_bias", sweep.bias);
props.SetFloat("_scale", sweep.scale);
case ImageShader image:
pass = 4;
props.SetMatrix("_shaderMat", image.getShaderMat(
_getShaderMatBase(layer.currentState, mesh.matrix)).toMatrix4x4());
props.SetTexture("_shaderTex", image.image.texture);
props.SetInt("_tileMode", (int) image.tileMode);
throw new Exception("Unknown paint.shader: " + paint.shader);
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw convexFill(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
MeshMesh mesh) {
var mat = _convexFillMat.getMaterial(paint.blendMode, layer.ignoreClip);
_getShaderPassAndProps(layer, paint, mesh, 1.0f, out var pass, out var props);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw fill0(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, MeshMesh mesh) {
Vector4 viewport = layer.viewport;
var mat = _fill0Mat.getMaterial(layer.ignoreClip);
var pass = 0;
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
props.SetVector("_viewport", viewport);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw fill1(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
MeshMesh mesh) {
var mat = _fill1Mat.getMaterial(paint.blendMode);
_getShaderPassAndProps(layer, paint, mesh, 1.0f, out var pass, out var props);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh.boundsMesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw stroke0(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
float alpha, MeshMesh mesh) {
var mat = _stroke0Mat.getMaterial(paint.blendMode, layer.ignoreClip);
_getShaderPassAndProps(layer, paint, mesh, alpha, out var pass, out var props);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw stroke1(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, MeshMesh mesh) {
Vector4 viewport = layer.viewport;
var mat = _stroke1Mat;
var pass = 0;
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
props.SetVector("_viewport", viewport);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw stencilClear(
PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, MeshMesh mesh) {
Vector4 viewport = layer.viewport;
var mat = _stencilMat;
var pass = 0;
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
props.SetVector("_viewport", viewport);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw stencil0(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, MeshMesh mesh) {
Vector4 viewport = layer.viewport;
var mat = _stencilMat;
var pass = 1;
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
props.SetVector("_viewport", viewport);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw stencil1(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, MeshMesh mesh) {
Vector4 viewport = layer.viewport;
var mat = _stencilMat;
var pass = 2;
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
props.SetVector("_viewport", viewport);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw tex(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
MeshMesh mesh, Image image) {
var mat = _texMat.getMaterial(paint.blendMode, layer.ignoreClip);
_getShaderPassAndProps(layer, paint, mesh, 1.0f, out var pass, out var props);
image.texture.filterMode = paint.filterMode;
props.SetTexture("_tex", image.texture);
props.SetInt("_texMode", image.texture is RenderTexture ? 1 : 0); // pre alpha if RT else post alpha
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
image = image, // keep a reference to avoid GC.
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw texRT(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
MeshMesh mesh, PictureFlusher.RenderLayer renderLayer) {
var mat = _texMat.getMaterial(paint.blendMode, layer.ignoreClip);
_getShaderPassAndProps(layer, paint, mesh, 1.0f, out var pass, out var props);
props.SetInt("_texMode", 1); // pre alpha
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
layer = renderLayer,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw texAlpha(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
MeshMesh mesh, Texture tex) {
return texAlpha(layer, paint, mesh, null, tex);
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw texAlpha(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
TextBlobMesh textMesh, Texture tex) {
return texAlpha(layer, paint, null, textMesh, tex);
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw texAlpha(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, Paint paint,
MeshMesh mesh, TextBlobMesh textMesh, Texture tex) {
var mat = _texMat.getMaterial(paint.blendMode, layer.ignoreClip);
_getShaderPassAndProps(layer, paint, mesh, 1.0f, out var pass, out var props);
tex.filterMode = paint.filterMode;
props.SetTexture("_tex", tex);
props.SetInt("_texMode", 2); // alpha only
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
textMesh = textMesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
public static PictureFlusher.CmdDraw maskFilter(PictureFlusher.RenderLayer layer, MeshMesh mesh,
PictureFlusher.RenderLayer renderLayer, float radius, Vector2 imgInc, float[] kernel) {
Vector4 viewport = layer.viewport;
var mat = _filterMat;
var pass = 0;
var props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
props.SetVector("_viewport", viewport);
props.SetFloat("_mf_radius", radius);
props.SetVector("_mf_imgInc", imgInc);
props.SetFloatArray("_mf_kernel", kernel);
return new PictureFlusher.CmdDraw {
mesh = mesh,
pass = pass,
material = mat,
properties = props,
layer = renderLayer,